
664 lines
17 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

#pragma once
#ifndef EVENTS_H
#define EVENTS_H
#include <QString>
#include <QMap>
#include <QSet>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QPointer>
#include "orderedjson.h"
using OrderedJson = poryjson::Json;
class Project;
class Map;
class EventFrame;
class ObjectFrame;
class CloneObjectFrame;
class WarpFrame;
class DraggablePixmapItem;
class Event;
class ObjectEvent;
class CloneObjectEvent;
class WarpEvent;
class CoordEvent;
class TriggerEvent;
class WeatherTriggerEvent;
class BgEvent;
class SignEvent;
class HiddenItemEvent;
class SecretBaseEvent;
class HealLocationEvent;
class EventVisitor {
virtual void nothing() { }
virtual void visitObject(ObjectEvent *) = 0;
virtual void visitTrigger(TriggerEvent *) = 0;
virtual void visitSign(SignEvent *) = 0;
struct EventGraphics
QImage spritesheet;
int spriteWidth;
int spriteHeight;
bool inanimate;
/// Event base class -- purely virtual
class Event {
virtual ~Event();
// disable copy constructor
Event(const Event &other) = delete;
// disable assignment operator
Event& operator=(const Event &other) = delete;
Event() {
this->spriteWidth = 16;
this->spriteHeight = 16;
this->usingSprite = false;
// public enums & static methods
enum class Type {
Object, CloneObject,
Trigger, WeatherTrigger,
Sign, HiddenItem, SecretBase,
enum class Group {
2022-09-29 18:18:46 +01:00
// all event groups except warps have IDs that start at 1
static int getIndexOffset(Event::Group group) {
return (group == Event::Group::Warp) ? 0 : 1;
static Event::Group typeToGroup(Event::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Event::Type::Object:
case Event::Type::CloneObject:
return Event::Group::Object;
case Event::Type::Warp:
return Event::Group::Warp;
case Event::Type::Trigger:
case Event::Type::WeatherTrigger:
return Event::Group::Coord;
case Event::Type::Sign:
case Event::Type::HiddenItem:
case Event::Type::SecretBase:
return Event::Group::Bg;
case Event::Type::HealLocation:
return Event::Group::Heal;
return Event::Group::None;
2023-12-05 07:01:44 +00:00
static QMap<Event::Group, const QPixmap*> icons;
// standard public methods
virtual Event *duplicate() = 0;
void setMap(Map *newMap) { this->map = newMap; }
Map *getMap() const { return this->map; }
void modify();
virtual void accept(EventVisitor *) { }
void setX(int newX) { this->x = newX; }
void setY(int newY) { this->y = newY; }
void setZ(int newZ) { this->elevation = newZ; }
void setElevation(int newElevation) { this->elevation = newElevation; }
int getX() const { return this->x; }
int getY() const { return this->y; }
int getZ() const { return this->elevation; }
int getElevation() const { return this->elevation; }
int getPixelX() const { return (this->x * 16) - qMax(0, (this->spriteWidth - 16) / 2); }
int getPixelY() const { return (this->y * 16) - qMax(0, this->spriteHeight - 16); }
virtual EventFrame *getEventFrame();
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() = 0;
void destroyEventFrame();
Event::Group getEventGroup() const { return this->eventGroup; }
Event::Type getEventType() const { return this->eventType; }
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) = 0;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) = 0;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project);
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() = 0;
void readCustomValues(QJsonObject values);
void addCustomValuesTo(OrderedJson::object *obj);
const QMap<QString, QJsonValue> getCustomValues() { return this->customValues; }
void setCustomValues(const QMap<QString, QJsonValue> newCustomValues) { this->customValues = newCustomValues; }
2023-12-05 07:01:44 +00:00
virtual void loadPixmap(Project *project);
void setPixmap(QPixmap newPixmap) { this->pixmap = newPixmap; }
QPixmap getPixmap() { return this->pixmap; }
2022-09-29 18:18:46 +01:00
void setPixmapItem(DraggablePixmapItem *item);
DraggablePixmapItem *getPixmapItem() { return this->pixmapItem; }
void setUsingSprite(bool newUsingSprite) { this->usingSprite = newUsingSprite; }
bool getUsingSprite() const { return this->usingSprite; }
void setSpriteWidth(int newSpriteWidth) { this->spriteWidth = newSpriteWidth; }
int getspriteWidth() const { return this->spriteWidth; }
void setSpriteHeight(int newSpriteHeight) { this->spriteHeight = newSpriteHeight; }
int getspriteHeight() const { return this->spriteHeight; }
int getEventIndex();
static QString eventGroupToString(Event::Group group);
static QString eventTypeToString(Event::Type type);
static Event::Type eventTypeFromString(QString type);
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static void setIcons();
// protected attributes
Map *map = nullptr;
Type eventType = Event::Type::None;
Group eventGroup = Event::Group::None;
// could be private?
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int elevation = 0;
int spriteWidth = 16;
int spriteHeight = 16;
bool usingSprite = false;
QMap<QString, QJsonValue> customValues;
QPixmap pixmap;
DraggablePixmapItem *pixmapItem = nullptr;
QPointer<EventFrame> eventFrame;
/// Object Event
class ObjectEvent : public Event {
ObjectEvent() : Event() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Object;
this->eventType = Event::Type::Object;
virtual ~ObjectEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual void accept(EventVisitor *visitor) override { visitor->visitObject(this); }
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
virtual void loadPixmap(Project *project) override;
void setGfx(QString newGfx) { this->gfx = newGfx; }
QString getGfx() { return this->gfx; }
void setMovement(QString newMovement) { this->movement = newMovement; }
QString getMovement() { return this->movement; }
void setRadiusX(int newRadiusX) { this->radiusX = newRadiusX; }
int getRadiusX() { return this->radiusX; }
void setRadiusY(int newRadiusY) { this->radiusY = newRadiusY; }
int getRadiusY() { return this->radiusY; }
void setTrainerType(QString newTrainerType) { this->trainerType = newTrainerType; }
QString getTrainerType() { return this->trainerType; }
void setSightRadiusBerryTreeID(QString newValue) { this->sightRadiusBerryTreeID = newValue; }
QString getSightRadiusBerryTreeID() { return this->sightRadiusBerryTreeID; }
void setScript(QString newScript) { this->script = newScript; }
QString getScript() { return this->script; }
void setFlag(QString newFlag) { this->flag = newFlag; }
QString getFlag() { return this->flag; }
void setFrameFromMovement(QString movement);
void setPixmapFromSpritesheet(EventGraphics * gfx);
QString gfx;
QString movement;
int radiusX = 0;
int radiusY = 0;
QString trainerType;
2022-09-29 18:18:46 +01:00
QString sightRadiusBerryTreeID;
QString script;
QString flag;
int frame = 0;
bool hFlip = false;
bool vFlip = false;
/// Clone Object Event
class CloneObjectEvent : public ObjectEvent {
CloneObjectEvent() : ObjectEvent() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Object;
this->eventType = Event::Type::CloneObject;
virtual ~CloneObjectEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
virtual void loadPixmap(Project *project) override;
void setTargetMap(QString newTargetMap) { this->targetMap = newTargetMap; }
QString getTargetMap() { return this->targetMap; }
void setTargetID(int newTargetID) { this->targetID = newTargetID; }
int getTargetID() { return this->targetID; }
QString targetMap;
int targetID = 0;
/// Warp Event
class WarpEvent : public Event {
WarpEvent() : Event() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Warp;
this->eventType = Event::Type::Warp;
virtual ~WarpEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setDestinationMap(QString newDestinationMap) { this->destinationMap = newDestinationMap; }
QString getDestinationMap() { return this->destinationMap; }
void setDestinationWarpID(QString newDestinationWarpID) { this->destinationWarpID = newDestinationWarpID; }
QString getDestinationWarpID() { return this->destinationWarpID; }
2023-11-07 17:35:31 +00:00
void setWarningEnabled(bool enabled);
QString destinationMap;
QString destinationWarpID;
/// Coord Event
class CoordEvent : public Event {
CoordEvent() : Event() {}
virtual ~CoordEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override = 0;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override = 0;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override = 0;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override = 0;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override = 0;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override = 0;
/// Trigger Event
class TriggerEvent : public CoordEvent {
TriggerEvent() : CoordEvent() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Coord;
this->eventType = Event::Type::Trigger;
virtual ~TriggerEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual void accept(EventVisitor *visitor) override { visitor->visitTrigger(this); }
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setScriptVar(QString newScriptVar) { this->scriptVar = newScriptVar; }
QString getScriptVar() { return this->scriptVar; }
void setScriptVarValue(QString newScriptVarValue) { this->scriptVarValue = newScriptVarValue; }
QString getScriptVarValue() { return this->scriptVarValue; }
void setScriptLabel(QString newScriptLabel) { this->scriptLabel = newScriptLabel; }
QString getScriptLabel() { return this->scriptLabel; }
QString scriptVar;
QString scriptVarValue;
QString scriptLabel;
/// Weather Trigger Event
class WeatherTriggerEvent : public CoordEvent {
WeatherTriggerEvent() : CoordEvent() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Coord;
this->eventType = Event::Type::WeatherTrigger;
virtual ~WeatherTriggerEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setWeather(QString newWeather) { this->weather = newWeather; }
QString getWeather() { return this->weather; }
QString weather;
/// BG Event
class BGEvent : public Event {
BGEvent() : Event() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Bg;
virtual ~BGEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override = 0;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override = 0;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override = 0;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override = 0;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override = 0;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override = 0;
/// Sign Event
class SignEvent : public BGEvent {
SignEvent() : BGEvent() {
this->eventType = Event::Type::Sign;
virtual ~SignEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual void accept(EventVisitor *visitor) override { visitor->visitSign(this); }
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setFacingDirection(QString newFacingDirection) { this->facingDirection = newFacingDirection; }
QString getFacingDirection() { return this->facingDirection; }
void setScriptLabel(QString newScriptLabel) { this->scriptLabel = newScriptLabel; }
QString getScriptLabel() { return this->scriptLabel; }
QString facingDirection;
QString scriptLabel;
/// Hidden Item Event
class HiddenItemEvent : public BGEvent {
HiddenItemEvent() : BGEvent() {
this->eventType = Event::Type::HiddenItem;
virtual ~HiddenItemEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setItem(QString newItem) { this->item = newItem; }
QString getItem() { return this->item; }
void setFlag(QString newFlag) { this->flag = newFlag; }
QString getFlag() { return this->flag; }
void setQuantity(int newQuantity) { this->quantity = newQuantity; }
int getQuantity() { return this->quantity; }
void setUnderfoot(bool newUnderfoot) { this->underfoot = newUnderfoot; }
bool getUnderfoot() { return this->underfoot; }
QString item;
QString flag;
// optional
int quantity = 0;
bool underfoot = false;
/// Secret Base Event
class SecretBaseEvent : public BGEvent {
SecretBaseEvent() : BGEvent() {
this->eventType = Event::Type::SecretBase;
virtual ~SecretBaseEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override;
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject json, Project *project) override;
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override;
void setBaseID(QString newBaseID) { this->baseID = newBaseID; }
QString getBaseID() { return this->baseID; }
QString baseID;
/// Heal Location Event
class HealLocationEvent : public Event {
HealLocationEvent() : Event() {
this->eventGroup = Event::Group::Heal;
this->eventType = Event::Type::HealLocation;
virtual ~HealLocationEvent() {}
virtual Event *duplicate() override { return nullptr; }
virtual EventFrame *createEventFrame() override;
virtual OrderedJson::object buildEventJson(Project *project) override;
virtual bool loadFromJson(QJsonObject, Project *) override { return false; }
virtual void setDefaultValues(Project *project) override;
virtual QSet<QString> getExpectedFields() override { return QSet<QString>(); }
void setIndex(int newIndex) { this->index = newIndex; }
int getIndex() { return this->index; }
void setLocationName(QString newLocationName) { this->locationName = newLocationName; }
QString getLocationName() { return this->locationName; }
void setIdName(QString newIdName) { this->idName = newIdName; }
QString getIdName() { return this->idName; }
void setRespawnMap(QString newRespawnMap) { this->respawnMap = newRespawnMap; }
QString getRespawnMap() { return this->respawnMap; }
2022-09-09 22:41:50 +01:00
void setRespawnNPC(uint8_t newRespawnNPC) { this->respawnNPC = newRespawnNPC; }
uint8_t getRespawnNPC() { return this->respawnNPC; }
int index = -1;
QString locationName;
QString idName;
QString respawnMap;
2022-09-09 22:41:50 +01:00
uint8_t respawnNPC = 0;
/// Keeps track of scripts
class ScriptTracker : public EventVisitor {
virtual void visitObject(ObjectEvent *object) override { this->scripts << object->getScript(); };
virtual void visitTrigger(TriggerEvent *trigger) override { this->scripts << trigger->getScriptLabel(); };
virtual void visitSign(SignEvent *sign) override { this->scripts << sign->getScriptLabel(); };
QStringList getScripts() { return this->scripts; }
QStringList scripts;
#endif // EVENTS_H