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Raw Normal View History

#include "regionmapeditor.h"
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QImage>
// TODO: add logging / config stuff
// IN: ROUTE_101 ... OUT: MAP_ROUTE101
// eg. SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> MAP_SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> SouthernIsland(n) -> SouthernIsland_Exterior
// MT_CHIMNEY -> MAP_MT_CHIMNEY -> MtChimney(y)
// ROUTE_101 -> MAP_ROUTE101 -> Route101(y)
// TODO: move this maybe? would I be able to call it from this file if it was in map.cpp?
QString RegionMap::mapSecToMapConstant(QString mapSectionName) {
QString mapConstantName = "MAP_";
QString sectionNameTemp = mapSectionName.replace("ROUTE_","ROUTE");
mapConstantName += sectionNameTemp;
return mapConstantName;
// TODO: verify these are in the correct order
// also TODO: read this from the project somehow
QMap<QString, QList<struct CityMapPosition>> RegionMap::ruby_city_maps_ = QMap<QString, QList<struct CityMapPosition>>({
{"LavaridgeTown", {
{"lavaridge_0.bin", 5, 3},
{"FallarborTown", {
{"fallarbor_0.bin", 3, 0},
{"FortreeCity", {
{"fortree_0.bin", 12, 0},
{"SlateportCity", {
{"slateport_0.bin", 8, 10},
{"slateport_1.bin", 8, 11},
{"RustboroCity", {
{"rustboro_0.bin", 0, 5},
{"rustboro_1.bin", 0, 6},
{"PacifidlogTown", {
{"pacifidlog_0.bin", 17, 10},
{"MauvilleCity", {
{"mauville_0.bin", 8, 6},
{"mauville_1.bin", 9, 6},
{"OldaleTown", {
{"oldale_0.bin", 4, 9},
{"LilycoveCity", {
{"lilycove_0.bin", 18, 3},
{"lilycove_1.bin", 19, 3},
{"LittlerootTown", {
{"littleroot_0.bin", 4, 11},
{"DewfordTown", {
{"dewford_0.bin", 2, 14},
{"SootopolisCity", {
{"sootopolis_0.bin", 21, 7},
{"EverGrandeCity", {
{"ever_grande_0.bin", 27, 8},
{"ever_grande_1.bin", 27, 9},
{"VerdanturfTown", {
{"verdanturf_0.bin", 4, 6},
{"MossdeepCity", {
{"mossdeep_0.bin", 24, 5},
{"mossdeep_1.bin", 25, 5},
{"PetalburgCity", {
{"petalburg_0.bin", 1, 9},
void RegionMap::init(Project *pro) {
QString path = pro->root;
// TODO: in the future, allow these to be adjustable (and save values)
// possibly use a config file?
layout_width_ = 28;
layout_height_ = 15;
img_width_ = layout_width_ + 4;
img_height_ = layout_height_ + 5;
//city_map_squares_path = QString();
temp_path = path;// delete this
region_map_bin_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/region_map_map.bin";
region_map_png_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/region_map.png";
region_map_layout_path = path + "/src/data/region_map_layout.h";
// as of now, this needs to be called first because it initializes all the
// RegionMapSquare s in the list
// TODO: if the tileId is not valid for the provided image, make sure it does not crash
void RegionMap::readBkgImgBin() {
QFile binFile(region_map_bin_path);
if (!binFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return;
QByteArray mapBinData = binFile.readAll();
// the two is because lines are skipped for some reason
// (maybe that is because there could be multiple layers?)
// background image is also 32x20
for (int m = 0; m < img_height_; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < img_width_; n++) {
RegionMapSquare square;// =
square.tile_img_id = mapBinData.at(n + m * img_width_ * 2);
void RegionMap::saveBkgImgBin() {
QByteArray data(4096,0);// use a constant here? maybe read the original size?
for (int m = 0; m < img_height_; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < img_width_; n++) {
data[n + m * img_width_ * 2] = map_squares[n + m * img_width_].tile_img_id;
QFile file(region_map_bin_path);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return;
// done
void RegionMap::readLayout(QMap<QString, QString> *qmap) {
QFile file(region_map_layout_path);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return;
QMap<QString, QString> * abbr = new QMap<QString, QString>;
QString line, text;
QStringList *captured = new QStringList;
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
line = in.readLine();
if (line.startsWith("#define")) {
QStringList split = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"));
abbr->insert(split[2].replace("MAPSEC_",""), split[1]);
} else {
text += line.remove(" ");
QRegularExpression re("{(.*?)}");
*captured = re.match(text).captured(1).split(",");
// replace abbreviations with names
for (int i = 0; i < captured->length(); i++) {
QString value = (*captured)[i];
if (value.startsWith("R(")) {// routes are different
captured->replace(i, QString("ROUTE_%1").arg(value.mid(2,3)));
} else {
captured->replace(i, abbr->key(value));
// TODO: improve this?
for (int m = 0, i = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < layout_width_; n++) {
i = img_index_(n,m);
QString secname = (*captured)[layout_index_(n,m)];
if (secname != "NOTHING") map_squares[i].has_map = true;
map_squares[i].map_name = qmap->value(mapSecToMapConstant(secname));
map_squares[i].x = n;
map_squares[i].y = m;
mapname_abbr = abbr;
layout_map_names = captured;
// does it matter that it doesn't save in order?
// do i need to use a QList<Pair> ??
void RegionMap::saveLayout() {
QString layout_text = "";
QString mapsec = "MAPSEC_";
QString define = "#define ";
QString array_start = "static const u8 sRegionMapLayout[] =\n{";
QString array_close = "\n};\n";
QString tab = " ";
for (QString key : mapname_abbr->keys()) {
layout_text += define + mapname_abbr->value(key) + tab + mapsec + key + "\n";
layout_text += "\n" + array_start;// + + array_close;//oops
//qDebug() << *layout_map_names;
int cnt = 0;
for (QString s : *layout_map_names) {
if (!(cnt % layout_width_)) {
layout_text += "\n" + tab;
if (s.startsWith("ROUTE_")) {
layout_text += QString("R(%1)").arg(s.replace("ROUTE_","")) + ", ";
} else {
layout_text += mapname_abbr->value(s) + ", ";
layout_text += array_close;
QFile file(region_map_layout_path);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return;
void RegionMap::readCityMaps() {
//for (int m = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
// QString tester;
// for (int n = 0; n < layout_width_; n++) {
// tester += (QString::number(img_index_(n,m)).rightJustified(3, '.') + " ");
// }
// qDebug() << tester;
//for (auto map : map_squares) {
for (int map = 0; map < map_squares.size(); map++) {
if (map_squares[map].has_map) {
if (ruby_city_maps_.contains(map_squares[map].map_name)) {
map_squares[map].has_city_map = true;
//map_squares[map].city_map_name = ruby_city_maps_.value(map_squares[map].map_name)[0].tilemap;
QList<struct CityMapPosition> city_maps = ruby_city_maps_.value(map_squares[map].map_name);
for (auto city_map : city_maps) {
if (city_map.x == map_squares[map].x
&& city_map.y == map_squares[map].y)
map_squares[map].city_map_name = city_map.tilemap;
QString RegionMap::newAbbr(QString mapname) {
QString abbr;
QStringList words = mapname.split("_");
if (words.length() == 1) {
abbr = (words[0] + "_____X").left(6);
} else {
abbr = (words.front() + "___X").left(4) + "_" + words.back().at(0);
// to guarantee unique abbreviations (up to 14)
QString extra_chars = "23456789BCDEF";
int count = 0;
while ((*mapname_abbr).values().contains(abbr)) {
return abbr;
// layout coords to image index
int RegionMap::img_index_(int x, int y) {
return ((x + 1) + (y + 2) * img_width_);
// layout coords to layout index
int RegionMap::layout_index_(int x, int y) {
return (x + y * layout_width_);
// img coords to layout index?
// img coords to img index?
void RegionMap::test(QMap<QString, QString>* qmap) {
bool debug_rmap = false;
if (debug_rmap) {
for (auto square : map_squares) {
qDebug() << "(" << square.x << "," << square.y << ")"
<< square.tile_img_id
<< square.has_map
<< square.map_name
<< square.has_city_map
<< square.city_map_name
//if (qmap->contains(mapSecToMapConstant(square.map_name)))
// extras += qmap->value(mapSecToMapConstant(square.map_name)) + " ";
// extras += "nothing ";
QPixmap png(region_map_png_path);
qDebug() << "png num 8x8 tiles" << QString("0x%1").arg((png.width()/8) * (png.height() / 8), 2, 16, QChar('0'));
int RegionMap::width() {
return this->img_width_;
int RegionMap::height() {
return this->img_height_;
// TODO: remove +2 and put elsewhere
QSize RegionMap::imgSize() {
return QSize(img_width_ * 8 + 2, img_height_ * 8 + 2);
// TODO: rename to getTileIdAt()?
unsigned RegionMap::getTileId(int x, int y) {
return map_squares[x + y * img_width_].tile_img_id;
//qDebug() << x << y;
//return 0;
// sidenote: opening the map from MAPSEC_x will not always be right
// there needs to be a mapsections to mapname QMap
// otherwie, look for the first map with right substring
// mapConstantsToMapNames [MAP_ROUTE106] = "Route106"
// eg. SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> MAP_SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> SouthernIsland(n) -> SouthernIsland_Exterior
// MT_CHIMNEY -> MAP_MT_CHIMNEY -> MtChimney(y)
// ROUTE_101 -> MAP_ROUTE101 -> Route101(y)
// (or synchronize these for consistency in the repos :: underscore / no underscore)
// TODO: change debugs to logs
void RegionMap::save() {
qDebug() << "saving region map image tilemap at" << region_map_bin_path << "\n"
;//<< "saving region map layout at" << region_map_layout_path << "\n";