Implement more map api functions
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 295 additions and 66 deletions
@ -41,6 +41,23 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE QJSValue getBlock(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void setBlock(int x, int y, int tile, int collision, int elevation);
Q_INVOKABLE void setBlocksFromSelection(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE int getMetatileId(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void setMetatileId(int x, int y, int metatileId);
Q_INVOKABLE int getCollision(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void setCollision(int x, int y, int collision);
Q_INVOKABLE int getElevation(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void setElevation(int x, int y, int elevation);
Q_INVOKABLE void bucketFill(int x, int y, int metatileId);
Q_INVOKABLE void bucketFillFromSelection(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void magicFill(int x, int y, int metatileId);
Q_INVOKABLE void magicFillFromSelection(int x, int y);
Q_INVOKABLE void shift(int xDelta, int yDelta);
Q_INVOKABLE QJSValue getDimensions();
Q_INVOKABLE int getWidth();
Q_INVOKABLE int getHeight();
Q_INVOKABLE void setDimensions(int width, int height);
Q_INVOKABLE void setWidth(int width);
Q_INVOKABLE void setHeight(int height);
public slots:
void scaleMapView(int);
@ -210,6 +227,7 @@ private:
QString getDefaultMap();
void setRecentMap(QString map_name);
QStandardItem* createMapItem(QString mapName, int groupNum, int inGroupNum);
static bool mapDimensionsValid(int width, int height);
void drawMapListIcons(QAbstractItemModel *model);
void updateMapList();
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class Scripting
Scripting(MainWindow *mainWindow);
static QJSValue fromBlock(Block block);
static QJSValue dimensions(int width, int height);
static void init(MainWindow *mainWindow);
static void cb_MetatileChanged(int x, int y, Block prevBlock, Block newBlock);
@ -38,14 +38,31 @@ public:
virtual void paint(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
virtual void floodFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
virtual void magicFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
void _floodFill(int x, int y);
void _floodFillSmartPath(int initialX, int initialY);
void magicFill(int x, int y, uint16_t metatileId, bool fromScriptCall = false);
void magicFill(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCall = false);
void magicFill(
int initialX,
int initialY,
QPoint selectionDimensions,
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles,
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions,
bool fromScriptCall = false);
void floodFill(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCall = false);
void floodFill(int x, int y, uint16_t metatileId, bool fromScriptCall = false);
void floodFill(int initialX,
int initialY,
QPoint selectionDimensions,
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles,
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions,
bool fromScriptCall = false);
void floodFillSmartPath(int initialX, int initialY);
virtual void pick(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
virtual void select(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
virtual void shift(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
void shift(int xDelta, int yDelta);
virtual void draw(bool ignoreCache = false);
void updateMetatileSelection(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
void paintNormal(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCallback = false);
void paintNormal(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCall = false);
void paintSmartPath(int x, int y);
@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ void MainWindow::on_pushButton_ChangeDimensions_clicked()
int realWidth = widthSpinBox->value() + 15;
int realHeight = heightSpinBox->value() + 14;
int numMetatiles = realWidth * realHeight;
if (numMetatiles <= 0x2800) {
if (MainWindow::mapDimensionsValid(widthSpinBox->value(), heightSpinBox->value())) {
} else {
QString errorText = QString("Error: The specified width and height are too large.\n"
@ -2330,6 +2330,17 @@ void MainWindow::on_pushButton_ChangeDimensions_clicked()
bool MainWindow::mapDimensionsValid(int width, int height) {
// Ensure width and height are an acceptable size.
// The maximum number of metatiles in a map is the following:
// max = (width + 15) * (height + 14)
// This limit can be found in fieldmap.c in pokeruby/pokeemerald.
int realWidth = width + 15;
int realHeight = height + 14;
int numMetatiles = realWidth * realHeight;
return numMetatiles <= 0x2800;
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_smartPaths_stateChanged(int selected)
bool enabled = selected == Qt::Checked;
@ -2566,3 +2577,140 @@ void MainWindow::setBlocksFromSelection(int x, int y) {
int MainWindow::getMetatileId(int x, int y) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return 0;
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
return 0;
return block->tile;
void MainWindow::setMetatileId(int x, int y, int metatileId) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
this->editor->map->setBlock(x, y, Block(metatileId, block->collision, block->elevation));
int MainWindow::getCollision(int x, int y) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return 0;
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
return 0;
return block->collision;
void MainWindow::setCollision(int x, int y, int collision) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
this->editor->map->setBlock(x, y, Block(block->tile, collision, block->elevation));
int MainWindow::getElevation(int x, int y) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return 0;
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
return 0;
return block->elevation;
void MainWindow::setElevation(int x, int y, int elevation) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
Block *block = this->editor->map->getBlock(x, y);
if (!block) {
this->editor->map->setBlock(x, y, Block(block->tile, block->collision, elevation));
void MainWindow::bucketFill(int x, int y, int metatileId) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
this->editor->map_item->floodFill(x, y, metatileId, true);
void MainWindow::bucketFillFromSelection(int x, int y) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
this->editor->map_item->floodFill(x, y, true);
void MainWindow::magicFill(int x, int y, int metatileId) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
this->editor->map_item->magicFill(x, y, metatileId, true);
void MainWindow::magicFillFromSelection(int x, int y) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
this->editor->map_item->magicFill(x, y, true);
void MainWindow::shift(int xDelta, int yDelta) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
this->editor->map_item->shift(xDelta, yDelta);
QJSValue MainWindow::getDimensions() {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return QJSValue();
return Scripting::dimensions(this->editor->map->getWidth(), this->editor->map->getHeight());
int MainWindow::getWidth() {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return 0;
return this->editor->map->getWidth();
int MainWindow::getHeight() {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
return 0;
return this->editor->map->getHeight();
void MainWindow::setDimensions(int width, int height) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
if (!MainWindow::mapDimensionsValid(width, height))
this->editor->map->setDimensions(width, height);
void MainWindow::setWidth(int width) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
if (!MainWindow::mapDimensionsValid(width, this->editor->map->getHeight()))
this->editor->map->setDimensions(width, this->editor->map->getHeight());
void MainWindow::setHeight(int height) {
if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map)
if (!MainWindow::mapDimensionsValid(this->editor->map->getWidth(), height))
this->editor->map->setDimensions(this->editor->map->getWidth(), height);
@ -73,3 +73,10 @@ QJSValue Scripting::fromBlock(Block block) {
obj.setProperty("rawValue", block.rawValue());
return obj;
QJSValue Scripting::dimensions(int width, int height) {
QJSValue obj = instance->engine->newObject();
obj.setProperty("width", width);
obj.setProperty("height", height);
return obj;
@ -42,24 +42,7 @@ void MapPixmapItem::shift(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
if (x != selection_origin.x() || y != selection_origin.y()) {
int xDelta = x - selection_origin.x();
int yDelta = y - selection_origin.y();
Blockdata *backupBlockdata = map->layout->blockdata->copy();
for (int i = 0; i < map->getWidth(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map->getHeight(); j++) {
int destX = i + xDelta;
int destY = j + yDelta;
if (destX < 0)
do { destX += map->getWidth(); } while (destX < 0);
if (destY < 0)
do { destY += map->getHeight(); } while (destY < 0);
destX %= map->getWidth();
destY %= map->getHeight();
int blockIndex = j * map->getWidth() + i;
Block srcBlock = backupBlockdata->blocks->at(blockIndex);
map->setBlock(destX, destY, srcBlock);
delete backupBlockdata;
this->shift(xDelta, yDelta);
selection_origin = QPoint(x, y);
@ -69,12 +52,33 @@ void MapPixmapItem::shift(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
void MapPixmapItem::paintNormal(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCallback) {
void MapPixmapItem::shift(int xDelta, int yDelta) {
Blockdata *backupBlockdata = map->layout->blockdata->copy();
for (int i = 0; i < map->getWidth(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map->getHeight(); j++) {
int destX = i + xDelta;
int destY = j + yDelta;
if (destX < 0)
do { destX += map->getWidth(); } while (destX < 0);
if (destY < 0)
do { destY += map->getHeight(); } while (destY < 0);
destX %= map->getWidth();
destY %= map->getHeight();
int blockIndex = j * map->getWidth() + i;
Block srcBlock = backupBlockdata->blocks->at(blockIndex);
map->setBlock(destX, destY, srcBlock);
delete backupBlockdata;
void MapPixmapItem::paintNormal(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCall) {
QPoint selectionDimensions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectionDimensions();
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedMetatiles();
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedCollisions();
int initialX = fromScriptCallback ? x : this->paint_tile_initial_x;
int initialY = fromScriptCallback ? y : this->paint_tile_initial_y;
int initialX = fromScriptCall ? x : this->paint_tile_initial_x;
int initialY = fromScriptCall ? y : this->paint_tile_initial_y;
// Snap the selected position to the top-left of the block boundary.
// This allows painting via dragging the mouse to tile the painted region.
@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ void MapPixmapItem::paintNormal(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCallback) {
block->collision = selectedCollisions->at(index).first;
block->elevation = selectedCollisions->at(index).second;
map->setBlock(actualX, actualY, *block, !fromScriptCallback);
map->setBlock(actualX, actualY, *block, !fromScriptCall);
@ -271,9 +275,9 @@ void MapPixmapItem::floodFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
if (selectedMetatiles->count() > 1 || (block && block->tile != tile)) {
bool smartPathsEnabled = event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier;
if ((this->settings->smartPathsEnabled || smartPathsEnabled) && selectionDimensions.x() == 3 && selectionDimensions.y() == 3)
this->_floodFillSmartPath(x, y);
this->floodFillSmartPath(x, y);
this->_floodFill(x, y);
this->floodFill(x, y);
@ -289,46 +293,80 @@ void MapPixmapItem::magicFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
QPointF pos = event->pos();
int initialX = static_cast<int>(pos.x()) / 16;
int initialY = static_cast<int>(pos.y()) / 16;
Block *block = map->getBlock(initialX, initialY);
if (block) {
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedMetatiles();
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedCollisions();
bool setCollisions = selectedCollisions && selectedCollisions->length() == selectedMetatiles->length();
QPoint selectionDimensions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectionDimensions();
uint16_t tile = block->tile;
for (int y = 0; y < map->getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < map->getWidth(); x++) {
block = map->getBlock(x, y);
if (block && block->tile == tile) {
int xDiff = x - initialX;
int yDiff = y - initialY;
int i = xDiff % selectionDimensions.x();
int j = yDiff % selectionDimensions.y();
if (i < 0) i = selectionDimensions.x() + i;
if (j < 0) j = selectionDimensions.y() + j;
int index = j * selectionDimensions.x() + i;
block->tile = selectedMetatiles->at(index);
if (setCollisions) {
block->collision = selectedCollisions->at(index).first;
block->elevation = selectedCollisions->at(index).second;
map->setBlock(x, y, *block);
this->magicFill(initialX, initialY);
void MapPixmapItem::_floodFill(int initialX, int initialY) {
void MapPixmapItem::magicFill(int x, int y, uint16_t metatileId, bool fromScriptCall) {
QPoint selectionDimensions(1, 1);
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = new QList<uint16_t>({ metatileId });
this->magicFill(x, y, selectionDimensions, selectedMetatiles, nullptr, fromScriptCall);
void MapPixmapItem::magicFill(int x, int y, bool fromScriptCall) {
QPoint selectionDimensions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectionDimensions();
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedMetatiles();
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedCollisions();
this->magicFill(x, y, selectionDimensions, selectedMetatiles, selectedCollisions, fromScriptCall);
void MapPixmapItem::magicFill(
int initialX,
int initialY,
QPoint selectionDimensions,
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles,
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions,
bool fromScriptCall) {
Block *block = map->getBlock(initialX, initialY);
if (block) {
bool setCollisions = selectedCollisions && selectedCollisions->length() == selectedMetatiles->length();
uint16_t tile = block->tile;
for (int y = 0; y < map->getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < map->getWidth(); x++) {
block = map->getBlock(x, y);
if (block && block->tile == tile) {
int xDiff = x - initialX;
int yDiff = y - initialY;
int i = xDiff % selectionDimensions.x();
int j = yDiff % selectionDimensions.y();
if (i < 0) i = selectionDimensions.x() + i;
if (j < 0) j = selectionDimensions.y() + j;
int index = j * selectionDimensions.x() + i;
block->tile = selectedMetatiles->at(index);
if (setCollisions) {
block->collision = selectedCollisions->at(index).first;
block->elevation = selectedCollisions->at(index).second;
map->setBlock(x, y, *block, !fromScriptCall);
void MapPixmapItem::floodFill(int initialX, int initialY, bool fromScriptCall) {
QPoint selectionDimensions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectionDimensions();
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedMetatiles();
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedCollisions();
this->floodFill(initialX, initialY, selectionDimensions, selectedMetatiles, selectedCollisions, fromScriptCall);
void MapPixmapItem::floodFill(int initialX, int initialY, uint16_t metatileId, bool fromScriptCall) {
QPoint selectionDimensions(1, 1);
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = new QList<uint16_t>({ metatileId });
this->floodFill(initialX, initialY, selectionDimensions, selectedMetatiles, nullptr, fromScriptCall);
void MapPixmapItem::floodFill(
int initialX,
int initialY,
QPoint selectionDimensions,
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles,
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions,
bool fromScriptCall) {
bool setCollisions = selectedCollisions && selectedCollisions->length() == selectedMetatiles->length();
int numMetatiles = map->getWidth() * map->getHeight();
@ -364,7 +402,7 @@ void MapPixmapItem::_floodFill(int initialX, int initialY) {
block->collision = selectedCollisions->at(index).first;
block->elevation = selectedCollisions->at(index).second;
map->setBlock(x, y, *block);
map->setBlock(x, y, *block, !fromScriptCall);
if (!visited[x + 1 + y * map->getWidth()] && (block = map->getBlock(x + 1, y)) && block->tile == old_tile) {
todo.append(QPoint(x + 1, y));
@ -387,7 +425,7 @@ void MapPixmapItem::_floodFill(int initialX, int initialY) {
delete[] visited;
void MapPixmapItem::_floodFillSmartPath(int initialX, int initialY) {
void MapPixmapItem::floodFillSmartPath(int initialX, int initialY) {
QPoint selectionDimensions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectionDimensions();
QList<uint16_t> *selectedMetatiles = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedMetatiles();
QList<QPair<uint16_t, uint16_t>> *selectedCollisions = this->metatileSelector->getSelectedCollisions();
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ const grassTiles = [0x8, 0x9, 0x10, 0x11];
// Porymap callback when a block is painted.
export function on_block_changed(x, y, prevBlock, newBlock) {
try {
if (grassTiles.indexOf(newBlock.tile) != -1) {
const i = randInt(0, grassTiles.length);
map.setBlock(x, y, grassTiles[i], newBlock.collision, newBlock.elevation);
map.setBlocksFromSelection(1, 1)
// if (grassTiles.indexOf(newBlock.tile) != -1) {
// const i = randInt(0, grassTiles.length);
// map.setBlock(x, y, grassTiles[i], newBlock.collision, newBlock.elevation);
// }
console.log("ran", map.getWidth(), map.getHeight());
} catch(err) {
Reference in a new issue