add layout view to region map editor

This commit is contained in:
garak 2019-01-04 23:04:14 -05:00
parent 7cffe07579
commit a9098cfd7a
14 changed files with 597 additions and 336 deletions

View file

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
<property name="currentIndex">
<property name="tabsClosable">
@ -2778,7 +2778,7 @@
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QGraphicsView" name="graphicsView_City_Map_Metatiles">
<widget class="QGraphicsView" name="graphicsView_City_Map_Tiles">
<property name="enabled">
@ -2847,10 +2847,10 @@
<widget class="QScrollArea" name="scrollArea_RM_BkgImg">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
@ -2867,8 +2867,8 @@
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_18">
@ -2972,10 +2972,10 @@
<widget class="QScrollArea" name="scrollArea_RM_Layout">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
@ -2992,8 +2992,8 @@
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_19">
@ -3357,20 +3357,20 @@
<widget class="QWidget" name="page_RM_Layout_Options">
<widget class="QFrame" name="frame_10">
<widget class="QFrame" name="frame_RM_Options">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
@ -3381,93 +3381,107 @@
<property name="frameShadow">
<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_3">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_16">
<property name="text">
<string>Connected Map</string>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_RM_Connected_Map">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;The section of the region map which the map is grouped under. This also determines the name of the map that is display when the player enters it.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_18">
<property name="text">
<item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_Weather_2">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;The default weather for this map.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_19">
<property name="text">
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_Type_2">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;The map type is a general attribute, which is used for many different things. For example. it determines whether biking or running is allowed.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<item row="3" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_20">
<property name="text">
<string>Show Location Name</string>
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_ShowLocation_2">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Whether or not to display the location name when the player enters the map.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="text">
<item row="4" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_21">
<property name="text">
<string>Battle scene</string>
<item row="4" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_BattleScene_2">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Determines the type of battle scene graphics to use.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_RM_Options_save">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="text">
<string>Set Values</string>
<widget class="QWidget" name="">
<property name="geometry">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_22">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_RM_MapSection">
<property name="text">
<string>Map Section</string>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_RM_ConnectedMap">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;The section of the region map which the map is grouped under. This also determines the name of the map that is display when the player enters it.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_RM_MapName">
<property name="text">
<string>Map Name</string>
<item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit_RM_MapName"/>
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_RM_CityMap">
<property name="text">
<string>City Map</string>
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBox_RM_CityMap">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;The map type is a general attribute, which is used for many different things. For example. it determines whether biking or running is allowed.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="editable">
<widget class="QWidget" name="">
<property name="geometry">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_RM_Options_xy">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_RM_Options_x">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_RM_Options_x"/>
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_RM_Options_y">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="spinBox_RM_Options_y"/>

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "project.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "tilemaptileselector.h"
//#include "block.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <QString>
@ -13,48 +12,28 @@
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsView>
// if editing map bins, will need to remake the graphics when editing
// are the scenes set in the editor / project / mainwindow files?
* - display the region map background image
* - edit the region_map_layout.h layout
* - edit city maps metatile layout and JUST save the mapname_num.bin
* - edit
* who edits pokenav_city_maps 1 and 2?
* users can: - add the incbins probably themselves
* - add
* - edit region map background image
* Editor:
* - void displayCityMapMetatileSelector
* - void displayRegionMapTileSelector
* - void selectRegionMapTile(QString mapname)
* - QGraphicsScene *scene_city_map_metatiles
* - TilemapTileSelector *city_map_metatile_selector_item
* - Tileset *city_map_squares (or tileset_city_map?)
* - Tileset *tileset_region_map
* MainWindow:
* Project:
// rename this struct
// rename this struct?
struct CityMapPosition
//QString filename; // eg. dewford_0
//QString filename; // eg. dewford_0 ?
QString tilemap;// eg. "dewford_0"
int x;
int y;
struct RegionMapEntry
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
QString name;// mapsection
// class that holds data for each square in this project
// struct?
// TODO: change char / uint8_t to unsigned
@ -62,17 +41,14 @@ class RegionMapSquare
// are positions layout positions? (yes) so out of bounds are all (-1, -1) <-- how it's used in code
// (GetRegionMapLocationPosition)
// or image positions
int x = -1;// x position, 0-indexed from top left
int y = -1;// y position, 0-indexed from top left
uint8_t tile_img_id;// tilemap ids for the background image
bool has_map = false;// whether this square is linked to a map or is empty
QString map_name;// name of the map associated with this square (if has_map is true): eg. "MAUVILLE_CITY"
// ^ use project mapsec to names table
bool has_city_map;// whether there is a city map on this grid
//QList<struct CityMapPosition> city_maps;
QString map_name;// name of the map associated with this square (if has_map is true): eg. "MAUVILLE_CITY" (TODO: REMOVE)
QString mapsec;
uint8_t secid;
bool has_city_map = false;// whether there is a city map on this grid
QString city_map_name;// filename of the city_map tilemap
//bool is_flyable;//? needed ?
friend class RegionMap;// not necessary if instance? what
@ -87,17 +63,13 @@ class RegionMap : public QObject
RegionMap() = default;
~RegionMap() {
delete mapname_abbr;
delete layout_map_names;
//delete background_image_tiles;
//delete map_squares;
//delete background_image_selector_item;
~RegionMap() {};
static QMap<QString, QList<struct CityMapPosition>> ruby_city_maps_;
static QString mapSecToMapConstant(QString);
Project *project;
//RegionMapSquare *map_squares = nullptr;// array of RegionMapSquares
QList<RegionMapSquare> map_squares;
@ -107,16 +79,16 @@ public:
QString region_map_bin_path;// = QString::null;
QString city_map_header_path;//dafuq is this?
QString region_map_layout_path;
QString region_map_entries_path;
QString region_map_layout_bin_path;
QString region_map_city_map_tiles_path;
//QMap<QString, somthing> something;// name of map : info about city map, position in layoit, etc.
//QMap<QString, TilemapTile*> regionMapLayoutTng; // mapName : tilemaptileselector
// maybe position data to select correct square when changing map on side but only if map is a valid
//QList<uint8_t> *background_image_tiles;// the visible ones anyways // using list because replace
//TilemapTileSelector *background_image_selector_item;// ?
QMap<QString, QString> *mapname_abbr;// layout shortcuts mapname:region_map_layout defines (both ways)
// make this a QHash?? <-- no because something
QStringList *layout_map_names;
// uint8_t border_tile;
QByteArray mapBinData;
QMap<QString, QString> sMapNames;// {"{/sMapName_/}LittlerootTown" : "LITTLEROOT{NAME_END} TOWN"}
//QList<QPair<QString, struct RegionMapEntry>> mapSecToMapEntry;
QMap<QString, struct RegionMapEntry> mapSecToMapEntry;// TODO: add to this on creation of new map
bool hasUnsavedChanges();
@ -125,7 +97,7 @@ public:
// parseutil.cpp ?
void readBkgImgBin();
void readCityMaps();// more complicated
void readLayout(QMap<QString, QString>*);
void readLayout();
QString newAbbr(QString);// makes a *unique* 5 character abbreviation from mapname to add to mapname_abbr
@ -140,6 +112,7 @@ public:
void save();
void saveBkgImgBin();
void saveLayout();
void saveOptions(int, QString, QString, int, int);
void saveCityMaps();
void update();// update the view in case something is broken?
@ -150,12 +123,13 @@ public:
int height();
QSize imgSize();
unsigned getTileId(int, int);
int getMapSquareIndex(int, int);
// implement these here?
void undo();
void redo();
void test(QMap<QString, QString>*);// remove when done testing obvi
void test();// remove when done testing obvi
// TODO: move read / write functions to private (and others)
@ -166,6 +140,8 @@ private:
int img_height_;
int img_index_(int, int);// returns index int at x,y args (x + y * width_ * 2) // 2 because
int layout_index_(int, int);
void fillMapSquaresFromLayout();
QString fix_case(QString);// CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORE to CamelCase

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "collisionpixmapitem.h"
#include "mappixmapitem.h"
#include "regionmappixmapitem.h"
#include "regionmaplayoutpixmapitem.h"
#include "regionmapeditor.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "movablerect.h"
@ -79,31 +80,42 @@ public:
void updateCustomMapHeaderValues(QTableWidget *);
Tileset *getCurrentMapPrimaryTileset();
// TODO: move these to appropriate place
RegionMap *region_map;
void loadRegionMapData();
QGraphicsScene *scene_region_map_image = nullptr;
QGraphicsScene *scene_region_map_layout = nullptr;//?
QGraphicsScene *scene_region_map_layout = nullptr;
QGraphicsScene *scene_region_map_tiles = nullptr;
QGraphicsScene *scene_city_map_tiles = nullptr;
TilemapTileSelector *mapsquare_selector_item = nullptr;
TilemapTileSelector *city_map_selector_item = nullptr;
RegionMapPixmapItem *region_map_item = nullptr;
RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem *region_map_layout_item = nullptr;
void displayRegionMap();
void displayRegionMapImage();
void displayRegionMapLayout();
void displayRegionMapLayoutOptions();
void updateRegionMapLayoutOptions(int);
void displayRegionMapTileSelector();
void displayCityMapTileSelector();
// selectedTileChanged, hoveredTileChanged, hoveredTileCleared
void onRegionMapTileSelectorSelectedTileChanged();
void onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileChanged(unsigned);
void onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileCleared();
void onRegionMapLayoutSelectedTileChanged(int);
void onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileChanged(int);
void onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileCleared();
private slots:
void onHoveredRegionMapTileChanged(int, int);
void onHoveredRegionMapTileCleared();
void mouseEvent_region_map(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *, RegionMapPixmapItem *);
QString regionMapTabStatusbarMessage;// TODO: make this name not terrible
QString rmStatusbarMessage;
DraggablePixmapItem *addMapEvent(Event *event);

View file

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ private slots:
void on_tabWidget_Region_Map_currentChanged(int);
void on_tabWidget_currentChanged(int index);
void on_pushButton_RM_Options_save_clicked();
void on_actionUndo_triggered();

View file

@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ public:
Map* loadMap(QString);
Map* getMap(QString);
// other options include: InGameName, PopUpName, ????
QMap<QString, QString> *mapSecToMapHoverName;// {"MAPSEC_LITTLEROOT_TOWN" : "LITTLEROOT{NAME_END} TOWN"}
QMap<QString, Tileset*> *tileset_cache = nullptr;
Tileset* loadTileset(QString, Tileset *tileset = nullptr);
Tileset* getTileset(QString, bool forceLoad = false);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include "tilemaptileselector.h"
//#include "regionmappixmapitem.h"
#include "regionmapeditor.h"
class RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem : public SelectablePixmapItem {
RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem(RegionMap *rmap, TilemapTileSelector *ts) : SelectablePixmapItem(8, 8, 1, 1) {
this->region_map = rmap;
this->tile_selector = ts;
RegionMap *region_map;// inherited from RegionMapPixmapItem?
TilemapTileSelector *tile_selector;
int selectedTile;// index in map_squares
void draw();
void select(int, int);
void setDefaultSelection();
void updateSelectedTile();
// can I implement these if they are virtual?
void mouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *, RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem *);
void hoveredTileChanged(int);
void hoveredTileCleared();
void selectedTileChanged(int);
void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*);
void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*);
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class TilemapTileSelector: public SelectablePixmapItem {
TilemapTileSelector(QPixmap pixmap): SelectablePixmapItem(8, 8, 1, 1) {
this->pixmap = pixmap;
this->numTilesWide = 16;
this->numTilesWide = pixmap.width() / 8;
this->selectedTile = 0x00;

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ SOURCES += src/core/block.cpp \
src/ui/collisionpixmapitem.cpp \
src/ui/connectionpixmapitem.cpp \
src/ui/currentselectedmetatilespixmapitem.cpp \
src/ui/regionmaplayoutpixmapitem.cpp \
src/ui/cursortilerect.cpp \
src/ui/customattributestable.cpp \
src/ui/eventpropertiesframe.cpp \
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ HEADERS += include/core/block.h \
include/ui/collisionpixmapitem.h \
include/ui/connectionpixmapitem.h \
include/ui/currentselectedmetatilespixmapitem.h \
include/ui/regionmaplayoutpixmapitem.h \
include/ui/cursortilerect.h \
include/ui/customattributestable.h \
include/ui/eventpropertiesframe.h \

View file

@ -83,8 +83,10 @@ QMap<QString, QList<struct CityMapPosition>> RegionMap::ruby_city_maps_ = QMap<Q
// TODO: add version arg to this from Editor Setings
void RegionMap::init(Project *pro) {
QString path = pro->root;
this->project = pro;
// TODO: in the future, allow these to be adjustable (and save values)
// possibly use a config file?
@ -99,20 +101,24 @@ void RegionMap::init(Project *pro) {
region_map_bin_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/region_map_map.bin";
region_map_png_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/region_map.png";
region_map_layout_path = path + "/src/data/region_map_layout.h";
region_map_entries_path = path + "/src/data/region_map/region_map_entries.h";
region_map_layout_bin_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/region_map_section_layout.bin";
region_map_city_map_tiles_path = path + "/graphics/pokenav/zoom_tiles.png";// TODO: rename png to map_squares in pokeemerald
// as of now, this needs to be called first because it initializes all the
// RegionMapSquare s in the list
// `RegionMapSquare`s in the list
// TODO: if the tileId is not valid for the provided image, make sure it does not crash
void RegionMap::readBkgImgBin() {
QFile binFile(region_map_bin_path);
@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ void RegionMap::readBkgImgBin() {
QByteArray mapBinData = binFile.readAll();
// the two is because lines are skipped for some reason
// the two multiplier is because lines are skipped for some reason
// (maybe that is because there could be multiple layers?)
// background image is also 32x20
for (int m = 0; m < img_height_; m++) {
@ -148,113 +154,123 @@ void RegionMap::saveBkgImgBin() {
// done
void RegionMap::readLayout(QMap<QString, QString> *qmap) {
QFile file(region_map_layout_path);
// TODO: reorganize this into project? the i/o stuff. use regionMapSections
void RegionMap::readLayout() {
QFile file(region_map_entries_path);
if (! return;
QMap<QString, QString> * abbr = new QMap<QString, QString>;
QString line;
// TODO: put these in Project, and keep in order
//QMap<QString, QString> sMapNames;// {"sMapName_LittlerootTown" : "LITTLEROOT{NAME_END} TOWN"}
//QList<> mapSecToMapEntry;// {"MAPSEC_LITTLEROOT_TOWN" : }
QString line, text;
QStringList *captured = new QStringList;
// new map ffor mapSecToMapHoverName
QMap<QString, QString> *qmap = new QMap<QString, QString>;
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
line = in.readLine();
if (line.startsWith("#define")) {
QStringList split = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"));
abbr->insert(split[2].replace("MAPSEC_",""), split[1]);
} else {
text += line.remove(" ");
if (line.startsWith("static const u8")) {
QRegularExpression reBefore("sMapName_(.*)\\[");
QRegularExpression reAfter("_\\(\"(.*)\"");
QString const_name = reBefore.match(line).captured(1);
QString full_name = reAfter.match(line).captured(1);
sMapNames.insert(const_name, full_name);
} else if (line.contains("MAPSEC")) {
QRegularExpression reBefore("\\[(.*)\\]");
QRegularExpression reAfter("{(.*)}");
QStringList entry = reAfter.match(line).captured(1).remove(" ").split(",");
QString mapsec = reBefore.match(line).captured(1);
QString insertion = entry[4].remove("sMapName_");
qmap->insert(mapsec, sMapNames[insertion]);
// can make this a map, the order doesn't really matter
mapSecToMapEntry[mapsec] =
// x y width height name
{entry[0].toInt(), entry[1].toInt(), entry[2].toInt(), entry[3].toInt(), insertion}
// ^ when loading this info to city maps, loop over mapSecToMapEntry and
// add x and y map sqyare when width or height >1
// indexOf because mapsecs is just a qstringlist
//text += line.remove(" ");
QRegularExpression re("{(.*?)}");
*captured = re.match(text).captured(1).split(",");
// replace abbreviations with names
for (int i = 0; i < captured->length(); i++) {
QString value = (*captured)[i];
if (value.startsWith("R(")) {// routes are different
captured->replace(i, QString("ROUTE_%1").arg(value.mid(2,3)));
} else {
captured->replace(i, abbr->key(value));
project->mapSecToMapHoverName = qmap;
QFile binFile(region_map_layout_bin_path);
if (! return;
QByteArray mapBinData = binFile.readAll();
// TODO: improve this?
for (int m = 0, i = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
for (int m = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < layout_width_; n++) {
i = img_index_(n,m);
QString secname = (*captured)[layout_index_(n,m)];
if (secname != "NOTHING") map_squares[i].has_map = true;
map_squares[i].map_name = qmap->value(mapSecToMapConstant(secname));
int i = img_index_(n,m);
map_squares[i].secid = static_cast<uint8_t>(,m)));
QString secname = (*(project->regionMapSections))[static_cast<uint8_t>(,m)))];
//qDebug() << i << map_squares[i].secid << secname;
if (secname != "MAPSEC_NONE") map_squares[i].has_map = true;
map_squares[i].mapsec = secname;
map_squares[i].map_name = sMapNames.value(mapSecToMapEntry.value(secname).name);//[mapSecToMapEntry[secname].name];
map_squares[i].x = n;
map_squares[i].y = m;
mapname_abbr = abbr;
layout_map_names = captured;
// does it matter that it doesn't save in order?
// do i need to use a QList<Pair> ??
/// saves:
// region_map_entries_path
// region_map_layout_bin_path (layout as tilemap instead of how it is in ruby)
// done
// TODO: consider keeping QMaps in order
void RegionMap::saveLayout() {
QString layout_text = "";
QString mapsec = "MAPSEC_";
QString define = "#define ";
QString array_start = "static const u8 sRegionMapLayout[] =\n{";
QString array_close = "\n};\n";
QString tab = " ";
QString entries_text;
QString layout_text;
for (QString key : mapname_abbr->keys()) {
layout_text += define + mapname_abbr->value(key) + tab + mapsec + key + "\n";
entries_text += "#ifndef GUARD_DATA_REGION_MAP_REGION_MAP_ENTRIES_H\n";
entries_text += "#define GUARD_DATA_REGION_MAP_REGION_MAP_ENTRIES_H\n\n";
// note: this doesn't necessarily keep order because it is a QMap
for (auto it : this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->keys()) {
entries_text += "static const u8 sMapName_" + fix_case(it) + "[] = _(\"" + this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->value(it) + "\");\n";
layout_text += "\n" + array_start;// + + array_close;//oops
entries_text += "\nconst struct RegionMapLocation gRegionMapEntries[] = {\n";
//qDebug() << *layout_map_names;
int cnt = 0;
for (QString s : *layout_map_names) {
if (!(cnt % layout_width_)) {
layout_text += "\n" + tab;
if (s.startsWith("ROUTE_")) {
layout_text += QString("R(%1)").arg(s.replace("ROUTE_","")) + ", ";
} else {
layout_text += mapname_abbr->value(s) + ", ";
for (auto sec : mapSecToMapEntry.keys()) {
struct RegionMapEntry entry = mapSecToMapEntry.value(sec);
entries_text += " [" + sec + "] = {" + QString::number(entry.x) + ", " + QString::number(entry.y) + ", "
+ QString::number(entry.width) + ", " + QString::number(entry.height) + ", sMapName_" + fix_case(sec) + "},\n";//
entries_text += "};\n\n#endif // GUARD_DATA_REGION_MAP_REGION_MAP_ENTRIES_H\n";
layout_text += array_close;
project->saveTextFile(region_map_entries_path, entries_text);
QFile file(region_map_layout_path);
if (! return;
QByteArray data;
for (int m = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < layout_width_; n++) {
int i = img_index_(n,m);
QFile bfile(region_map_layout_bin_path);
if (! return;
// beyond broken
void RegionMap::readCityMaps() {
//for (int m = 0; m < layout_height_; m++) {
// QString tester;
// for (int n = 0; n < layout_width_; n++) {
// tester += (QString::number(img_index_(n,m)).rightJustified(3, '.') + " ");
// }
// qDebug() << tester;
//for (auto map : map_squares) {
for (int map = 0; map < map_squares.size(); map++) {
if (map_squares[map].has_map) {
if (ruby_city_maps_.contains(map_squares[map].map_name)) {
map_squares[map].has_city_map = true;
//map_squares[map].has_city_map = true;
//map_squares[map].city_map_name = ruby_city_maps_.value(map_squares[map].map_name)[0].tilemap;
QList<struct CityMapPosition> city_maps = ruby_city_maps_.value(map_squares[map].map_name);
for (auto city_map : city_maps) {
@ -262,6 +278,7 @@ void RegionMap::readCityMaps() {
if (city_map.x == map_squares[map].x
&& city_map.y == map_squares[map].y)
map_squares[map].has_city_map = true;
map_squares[map].city_map_name = city_map.tilemap;
@ -269,27 +286,6 @@ void RegionMap::readCityMaps() {
QString RegionMap::newAbbr(QString mapname) {
QString abbr;
QStringList words = mapname.split("_");
if (words.length() == 1) {
abbr = (words[0] + "_____X").left(6);
} else {
abbr = (words.front() + "___X").left(4) + "_" + words.back().at(0);
// to guarantee unique abbreviations (up to 14)
QString extra_chars = "23456789BCDEF";
int count = 0;
while ((*mapname_abbr).values().contains(abbr)) {
return abbr;
// layout coords to image index
int RegionMap::img_index_(int x, int y) {
return ((x + 1) + (y + 2) * img_width_);
@ -300,10 +296,7 @@ int RegionMap::layout_index_(int x, int y) {
return (x + y * layout_width_);
// img coords to layout index?
// img coords to img index?
void RegionMap::test(QMap<QString, QString>* qmap) {
void RegionMap::test() {
bool debug_rmap = false;
@ -316,17 +309,11 @@ void RegionMap::test(QMap<QString, QString>* qmap) {
<< square.has_city_map
<< square.city_map_name
//if (qmap->contains(mapSecToMapConstant(square.map_name)))
// extras += qmap->value(mapSecToMapConstant(square.map_name)) + " ";
// extras += "nothing ";
QPixmap png(region_map_png_path);
qDebug() << "png num 8x8 tiles" << QString("0x%1").arg((png.width()/8) * (png.height() / 8), 2, 16, QChar('0'));
int RegionMap::width() {
@ -346,26 +333,57 @@ QSize RegionMap::imgSize() {
unsigned RegionMap::getTileId(int x, int y) {
return map_squares[x + y * img_width_].tile_img_id;
//qDebug() << x << y;
//return 0;
// sidenote: opening the map from MAPSEC_x will not always be right
// there needs to be a mapsections to mapname QMap
// otherwie, look for the first map with right substring
// mapConstantsToMapNames [MAP_ROUTE106] = "Route106"
// eg. SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> MAP_SOUTHERN_ISLAND -> SouthernIsland(n) -> SouthernIsland_Exterior
// MT_CHIMNEY -> MAP_MT_CHIMNEY -> MtChimney(y)
// ROUTE_101 -> MAP_ROUTE101 -> Route101(y)
// (or synchronize these for consistency in the repos :: underscore / no underscore)
// TODO: change debugs to logs
void RegionMap::save() {
qDebug() << "saving region map image tilemap at" << region_map_bin_path << "\n"
;//<< "saving region map layout at" << region_map_layout_path << "\n";
<< "saving region map layout at" << region_map_layout_path << "\n"
// save Options (temp)
void RegionMap::saveOptions(int index, QString sec, QString name, int x, int y) {
// TODO:req need to reindex in city_maps if changing x and y
// TODO: save [sec] sMapName_ properly
// so instead of taking index, maybe go by img_index_(x,y)
this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->insert(sec, name);
this->map_squares[index].mapsec = sec;
this->map_squares[index].map_name = name;// TODO: display in editor with this map & remove this field
this->map_squares[index].x = x;
this->map_squares[index].y = y;
// from x, y of image
// TODO: make sure this returns a valid index
int RegionMap::getMapSquareIndex(int x, int y) {
int index = (x + y * img_width_);
return index < map_squares.length() - 1 ? index : 0;
// For turning a MAPSEC_NAME into a unique identifier sMapName-style variable.
QString RegionMap::fix_case(QString caps) {
bool big = true;
QString camel;
for (auto ch : caps.remove(QRegularExpression("({.*})")).remove("MAPSEC")) {
if (ch == '_' || ch == ' ') {
big = true;
if (big) {
camel += ch.toUpper();
big = false;
else camel += ch.toLower();
return camel;
@ -397,6 +415,5 @@ void RegionMap::save() {

View file

@ -453,6 +453,17 @@ bool Editor::setMap(QString map_name) {
if (region_map) {
for (auto square : region_map->map_squares) {
if (square.mapsec == map->location) {
int img_x = square.x + 1;
int img_y = square.y + 2;
this->region_map_layout_item->select(img_x, img_y);
return true;
@ -602,6 +613,7 @@ void Editor::displayMap() {
<<<<<<< abc873464dc736dcfdda4a20df61516f45478844
@ -610,6 +622,8 @@ void Editor::displayMap() {
>>>>>>> add layout view to region map editor
if (map_item) {
@ -621,6 +635,14 @@ void Editor::displayMap() {
void Editor::displayRegionMap() {
void Editor::displayMetatileSelector() {
if (metatile_selector_item && metatile_selector_item->scene()) {
@ -1273,7 +1295,8 @@ void Editor::deleteEvent(Event *event) {
void Editor::loadRegionMapData() {
// TODO: get this to display on a decent scale
@ -1297,8 +1320,29 @@ void Editor::displayRegionMapTileSelector() {
this->mapsquare_selector_item->pixelHeight + 2);
void Editor::displayCityMapTileSelector() {
// city_map_selector_item
this->city_map_selector_item = new TilemapTileSelector(QPixmap(this->region_map->region_map_city_map_tiles_path));
this->scene_city_map_tiles = new QGraphicsScene;
/*connect(this->city_map_selector_item, &TilemapTileSelector::selectedTileChanged,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorSelectedTileChanged);// TODO: remove this?
connect(this->city_map_selector_item, &TilemapTileSelector::hoveredTileChanged,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileChanged);
connect(this->city_map_selector_item, &TilemapTileSelector::hoveredTileCleared,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileCleared);*/
this->ui->graphicsView_City_Map_Tiles->setFixedSize(this->city_map_selector_item->pixelWidth + 2,
this->city_map_selector_item->pixelHeight + 2);
// TODO: change the signal slot to new syntax
void Editor::displayRegionMap() {
// TODO: add scalability?
void Editor::displayRegionMapImage() {
this->region_map_item = new RegionMapPixmapItem(this->region_map, this->mapsquare_selector_item);
connect(region_map_item, SIGNAL(mouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*, RegionMapPixmapItem*)),
@ -1313,10 +1357,51 @@ void Editor::displayRegionMap() {
//this->scene_region_map_image->scale(2, 2);
//this->ui->graphicsView_Region_Map_BkgImg->scale(2.0, 2.0);
void Editor::displayRegionMapLayout() {
this->region_map_layout_item = new RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem(this->region_map, this->mapsquare_selector_item);
connect(this->region_map_layout_item, &RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::selectedTileChanged,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapLayoutSelectedTileChanged);// TODO: remove this?
connect(this->region_map_layout_item, &RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::hoveredTileChanged,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileChanged);
connect(this->region_map_layout_item, &RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::hoveredTileCleared,
this, &Editor::onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileCleared);
this->scene_region_map_layout = new QGraphicsScene;
void Editor::displayRegionMapLayoutOptions() {
// TODO: change these values to variables
void Editor::updateRegionMapLayoutOptions(int index) {
void Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorSelectedTileChanged() {
@ -1330,18 +1415,62 @@ void Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileChanged(unsigned tileId) {
void Editor::onRegionMapTileSelectorHoveredTileCleared() {
QString message = QString("Selected Tile: 0x") + QString("%1").arg(this->mapsquare_selector_item->selectedTile, 4, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper();
//QString message = QString("Selected Tile: 0x") + QString("%1").arg(this->region_map_layout_item->selectedTile, 4, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper();
void Editor::onRegionMapLayoutSelectedTileChanged(int index) {
QString message = QString();
if (this->region_map->map_squares[index].has_map) {
message = QString("Map: %1").arg(this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->value(
void Editor::onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileChanged(int index) {
// TODO: change to x, y coords not index
QString message = QString();
int x = this->region_map->map_squares[index].x;
int y = this->region_map->map_squares[index].y;
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
message = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x).arg(y);
if (this->region_map->map_squares[index].has_map) {
message += QString("Map: %1").arg(this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->value(
void Editor::onRegionMapLayoutHoveredTileCleared() {
int index = this->region_map_layout_item->selectedTile;
QString message = QString();
int x = this->region_map->map_squares[index].x;
int y = this->region_map->map_squares[index].y;
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
message = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x).arg(y);
if (this->region_map->map_squares[index].has_map) {
message += QString("Map: %1").arg(this->project->mapSecToMapHoverName->value(
void Editor::onHoveredRegionMapTileChanged(int x, int y) {
regionMapTabStatusbarMessage = QString("x: %1, y: %2 Tile: 0x").arg(x).arg(y) + QString("%1").arg(this->region_map->getTileId(x, y), 4, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper();
rmStatusbarMessage = QString("x: %1, y: %2 Tile: 0x").arg(x).arg(y) + QString("%1").arg(this->region_map->getTileId(x, y), 4, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper();
void Editor::onHoveredRegionMapTileCleared() {

View file

@ -1986,6 +1986,19 @@ void MainWindow::on_horizontalSlider_MetatileZoom_valueChanged(int value) {
ui->graphicsView_Metatiles->setFixedSize(size.width() + 2, size.height() + 2);
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_RM_Options_save_clicked() {
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) {

View file

@ -1512,6 +1512,7 @@ void Project::readRegionMapSections() {
QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/region_map_sections.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAPSEC_");
readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, regionMapSections);
regionMapSections->removeAll("MAPSEC_SUBTRACT_KANTO");// TODO: fix this (in repos?)
void Project::readItemNames() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#include "regionmaplayoutpixmapitem.h"
// TODO: make this connected (by duplicating scene rect maybe?) to background image tab
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::draw() {
if (!region_map) return;
QImage image(region_map->width() * 8, region_map->height() * 8, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
QPainter painter(&image);
for (int i = 0; i < region_map->map_squares.size(); i++) {
QImage bottom_img = this->tile_selector->tileImg(region_map->map_squares[i].tile_img_id);
QImage top_img(8, 8, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
if (region_map->map_squares[i].has_map) {
} else {
int x = i % region_map->width();
int y = i / region_map->width();
QPoint pos = QPoint(x * 8, y * 8);
painter.drawImage(pos, bottom_img);;
painter.drawImage(pos, top_img);
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::setDefaultSelection() {
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::select(int x, int y) {
int index = this->region_map->getMapSquareIndex(x, y);
SelectablePixmapItem::select(x, y, 0, 0);
this->selectedTile = index;
emit selectedTileChanged(index);
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
QPoint pos = this->getCellPos(event->pos());
int index = this->region_map->getMapSquareIndex(pos.x(), pos.y());
if (this->region_map->map_squares[index].x >= 0
&& this->region_map->map_squares[index].y >= 0) {
emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
emit hoveredTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) {
QPoint pos = this->getCellPos(event->pos());
int tileId = this->region_map->getMapSquareIndex(pos.x(), pos.y());
emit this->hoveredTileChanged(tileId);
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event) {
emit this->hoveredTileCleared();
void RegionMapLayoutPixmapItem::updateSelectedTile() {
QPoint origin = this->getSelectionStart();
this->selectedTile = this->region_map->getMapSquareIndex(origin.x(), origin.y());

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ void TilemapTileSelector::draw() {
this->pixelWidth = width_;
size_t height_ = this->pixmap.height();
this->pixelHeight = height_;
size_t ntiles_ = (width_/8) * (height_/8);// length_
size_t ntiles_ = (width_/8) * (height_/8);
this->numTilesWide = width_ / 8;
this->numTiles = ntiles_;
@ -16,97 +16,63 @@ void TilemapTileSelector::draw() {
void TilemapTileSelector::select(unsigned tileId) {
QPoint coords = this->getTileIdCoords(tileId);
SelectablePixmapItem::select(coords.x(), coords.y(), 0, 0);
this->selectedTile = tileId;
emit selectedTileChanged(tileId);
void TilemapTileSelector::updateSelectedTile() {
QPoint origin = this->getSelectionStart();
this->selectedTile = this->getTileId(origin.x(), origin.y());
unsigned TilemapTileSelector::getSelectedTile() {
return this->selectedTile;
unsigned TilemapTileSelector::getTileId(int x, int y) {
int index = y * this->numTilesWide + x;
return index < this->numTiles ? index : this->numTiles % index;
void TilemapTileSelector::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
void TilemapTileSelector::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
emit hoveredTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
void TilemapTileSelector::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile);
void TilemapTileSelector::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) {
QPoint pos = this->getCellPos(event->pos());
unsigned tileId = this->getTileId(pos.x(), pos.y());
emit this->hoveredTileChanged(tileId);
void TilemapTileSelector::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event) {
emit this->hoveredTileCleared();
QPoint TilemapTileSelector::getTileIdCoords(unsigned tileId) {
int index = tileId < this->numTiles ? tileId : this->numTiles % tileId;// TODO: change this?
return QPoint(index % this->numTilesWide, index / this->numTilesWide);// ? is this right?
int index = tileId < this->numTiles ? tileId : this->numTiles % tileId;
return QPoint(index % this->numTilesWide, index / this->numTilesWide);
QImage TilemapTileSelector::tileImg(unsigned tileId) {
QPoint pos = getTileIdCoords(tileId);
return pixmap.copy(pos.x() * 8, pos.y() * 8, 8, 8).toImage();