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Editing Wild Encounters


porymap provides a tab for editing the wild pokemon encounter JSON data. +Navigate to the “Wild Pokemon” tab in porymap’s main window.


If you open the tab and there are no wild encounters for the current map, you +will see an empty screen (pictured below). Adding wild pokemon data is as +simple as adding new encounter groups.

+Empty Encounter Tab +

Empty Encounter Tab


Otherwise, you should see something similar to this:

+Populated Encounter Tab +

Populated Encounter Tab


The tab for each field is active or disabled based on the encounter data for a +given map. If a tab is disabled, you can activate it, and therefore activate +a new encounter field for the map. To activate a field, right-click on the +tab name for the field you want to add.

+Activate Encounter Field +

Activate Encounter Field


Editing the wild encounters is otherwise pretty straightforward. You can +adjust the minimum and maximum levels, the encounter rate, and species with the +ui.


Adding New Encounter Groups


An encounter group is just another set of wild encounters that are available +for a single map. In the vanilla games, only Altering Cave uses multiple +encounter groups, but there are several reasons you might want them.


In order to create a new encounter group, click the green (+) button next to +the Group drop-down. It will bring up this menu:

+New Encounter Group Window +

New Encounter Group Window


You can give your new encounter group a name (this must be uniqe, which is +enforced), and you can choose which fields to activate for the group. Checking +the “copy from current group” box will copy not only the active fields but also +the wild pokemon data for each field from the currently displayed group.


One possible use for having multiple encounter groups for a single map is to +implement time of day encounters.

+Time of Day Encounter Groups +

Time of Day Encounter Groups


Configuring the Wild Encounter Fields


An encounter field describes a group of wild encounters. This includes the name +of the field, a default number of pokemon in that field, and the encounter +ratio for each index in that field. These are all things you may want to +change. Click on the Configure JSON… button to bring up this window:

+Configure JSON Window +

Configure JSON Window


The Field drop-down will allow you select which field you want to manipulate. +You can add a new one with the Add New Field… button. The green (+) and +red (-) buttons add and take away encounter slots for the field. For each slot +you will see an adjustible number. This represents the encounter chance for a +pokemon at this index out of the total.


Let’s add a headbutt_mons field to our wild encounters…


First, we’ll add a new field and name it headbutt_mons.

+New Field Name +

New Field Name


Then, we want four slots in this field, and we set encounter ratios for each +slot.

+../_images/headbutt-mon-field.png +

If we accept the changes, we can now assign pokemon to each slots, and adjust +the levels.

+../_images/headbutt-mons.png +

Changes made to the wild encounters are not saved to disk until you save the map.

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