Fix crash that was caused by out-of-bounds metatile tiles

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Huderle 2018-02-12 16:20:41 -08:00
parent 631dac5839
commit d7700b1791

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@ -157,22 +157,26 @@ QImage Map::getMetatileImage(int tile) {
for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
Tile tile_ = metatile->tiles->value((y * 2) + x + (layer * 4));
QImage tile_image = getMetatileTile(tile_.tile);
//if (tile_image.isNull()) {
// continue;
//if (blockTileset->palettes) {
if (tile_image.isNull()) {
// Some metatiles specify tiles that are outside the valid range.
// These are treated as completely transparent, so they can be skipped without
// being drawn.
// Colorize the metatile tiles with its palette.
QList<QRgb> palette = palettes.value(tile_.palette);
for (int j = 0; j < palette.length(); j++) {
tile_image.setColor(j, palette.value(j));
//QVector<QRgb> vector = palette.toVector();
// The top layer of the metatile has its last color displayed at transparent.
if (layer > 0) {
QColor color(tile_image.color(15));
tile_image.setColor(15, color.rgba());
QPoint origin = QPoint(x*8, y*8);
metatile_painter.drawImage(origin, tile_image.mirrored(tile_.xflip == 1, tile_.yflip == 1));