move source parsing functions from project to parseutil
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 310 additions and 343 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <QString>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QRegularExpression>
enum TokenType {
@ -14,29 +15,6 @@ enum TokenType {
class DebugInfo {
DebugInfo(QString file, QStringList lines) {
this->file = file;
this->lines = lines;
QString file;
int line;
bool err;
QStringList lines;
void error(QString expression, QString token) {
int lineNo = 0;
for (QString line_ : lines) {
if (line_.contains(expression)) {
this->line = lineNo;
logError(QString("%1:%2: unknown identifier found in expression: '%3'.").arg(file).arg(line).arg(token));
class Token {
Token(QString value = "", QString type = "") {
@ -60,15 +38,29 @@ public:
class ParseUtil
ParseUtil(QString, QString);
void set_root(QString);
QString readTextFile(QString);
void strip_comment(QString*);
QList<QStringList>* parseAsm(QString);
int evaluateDefine(QString, QMap<QString, int>*);
DebugInfo *debug;
QStringList readCArray(QString text, QString label);
QMap<QString, QString> readNamedIndexCArray(QString text, QString label);
QString readCIncbin(QString text, QString label);
QMap<QString, int> readCDefines(QString filename, QStringList prefixes);
void readCDefinesSorted(QString, QStringList, QStringList*);
QList<QStringList>* getLabelMacros(QList<QStringList>*, QString);
QStringList* getLabelValues(QList<QStringList>*, QString);
bool tryParseJsonFile(QJsonDocument *out, QString filepath);
QString root;
QString text;
QString file;
QList<Token> tokenizeExpression(QString expression, QMap<QString, int>* knownIdentifiers);
QList<Token> generatePostfix(QList<Token> tokens);
int evaluatePostfix(QList<Token> postfix);
void error(QString message, QString expression);
#endif // PARSEUTIL_H
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "blockdata.h"
#include "heallocation.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "parseutil.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <QList>
@ -46,6 +47,9 @@ public:
QMap<QString, int> metatileBehaviorMap;
QMap<int, QString> metatileBehaviorMapInverse;
QMap<QString, QString> facingDirections;
ParseUtil parser;
void set_root(QString);
struct DataQualifiers
@ -66,7 +70,6 @@ public:
Blockdata* readBlockdata(QString);
void loadBlockdata(Map*);
QString readTextFile(QString path);
void saveTextFile(QString path, QString text);
void appendTextFile(QString path, QString text);
void deleteFile(QString path);
@ -80,8 +83,6 @@ public:
QString readMapLayoutId(QString map_name);
QString readMapLocation(QString map_name);
QList<QStringList>* getLabelMacros(QList<QStringList>*, QString);
QStringList* getLabelValues(QList<QStringList>*, QString);
QMap<QString, bool> getTopLevelMapFields();
bool loadMapData(Map*);
void readMapLayouts();
@ -107,7 +108,6 @@ public:
void saveTilesetTilesImage(Tileset*);
void saveTilesetPalettes(Tileset*, bool);
QList<QStringList>* parseAsm(QString text);
QStringList getSongNames();
QStringList getVisibilities();
QMap<QString, QStringList> getTilesetLabels();
@ -136,22 +136,15 @@ public:
void saveMapHealEvents(Map *map);
QStringList readCArray(QString text, QString label);
QString readCIncbin(QString text, QString label);
QMap<QString, int> readCDefines(QString filename, QStringList prefixes);
QMap<QString, QString> readNamedIndexCArray(QString text, QString label);
static int getNumTilesPrimary();
static int getNumTilesTotal();
static int getNumMetatilesPrimary();
static int getNumMetatilesTotal();
static int getNumPalettesPrimary();
static int getNumPalettesTotal();
static bool tryParseJsonFile(QJsonDocument *out, QString filepath);
void updateMapLayout(Map*);
void readCDefinesSorted(QString, QStringList, QStringList*);
void readCDefinesSorted(QString, QStringList, QStringList*, QString, int);
void setNewMapHeader(Map* map, int mapIndex);
void setNewMapLayout(Map* map);
@ -2,12 +2,27 @@
#include "parseutil.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QStack>
ParseUtil::ParseUtil(QString filename, QString text)
void ParseUtil::set_root(QString dir) {
this->root = dir;
void ParseUtil::error(QString message, QString expression) {
QStringList lines = text.split(QRegularExpression("[\r\n]"));
debug = new DebugInfo(filename, lines);
int lineNum = 0, colNum = 0;
for (QString line : lines) {
colNum = line.indexOf(expression) + 1;
if (colNum) break;
logError(QString("%1:%2:%3: %4").arg(file).arg(lineNum).arg(colNum).arg(message));
void ParseUtil::strip_comment(QString *line) {
@ -24,13 +39,28 @@ void ParseUtil::strip_comment(QString *line) {
QList<QStringList>* ParseUtil::parseAsm(QString text) {
QString ParseUtil::readTextFile(QString path) {
QFile file(path);
if (! {
logError(QString("Could not open '%1': ").arg(path) + file.errorString());
return QString();
QTextStream in(&file);
QString text = "";
while (!in.atEnd()) {
text += in.readLine() + "\n";
return text;
QList<QStringList>* ParseUtil::parseAsm(QString filename) {
QList<QStringList> *parsed = new QList<QStringList>;
text = readTextFile(root + "/" + filename);
QStringList lines = text.split('\n');
for (QString line : lines) {
QString label;
//QString macro;
//QStringList *params;
if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
} else if (line.contains(':')) {
@ -52,14 +82,6 @@ QList<QStringList>* ParseUtil::parseAsm(QString text) {
//if (macro != NULL) {
// if (macros->contains(macro)) {
// void* function = macros->value(macro);
// if (function != NULL) {
// std::function function(params);
// }
// }
return parsed;
@ -94,7 +116,16 @@ QList<Token> ParseUtil::tokenizeExpression(QString expression, QMap<QString, int
tokenType = "decimal";
} else {
tokenType = "error";
debug->error(expression, token);
QString message = QString("unknown token '%1' found in expression '%2'")
error(message, expression);
else if (tokenType == "operator") {
if (!Token::precedenceMap.contains(token)) {
QString message = QString("unsupported postfix operator: '%1'")
error(message, expression);
@ -167,7 +198,7 @@ QList<Token> ParseUtil::generatePostfix(QList<Token> tokens) {
int ParseUtil::evaluatePostfix(QList<Token> postfix) {
QStack<Token> stack;
for (Token token : postfix) {
if (token.type == TokenType::Operator) {
if (token.type == TokenType::Operator && stack.size() > 1) {
int op2 = stack.pop().value.toInt(nullptr, 0);
int op1 = stack.pop().value.toInt(nullptr, 0);
int result = 0;
@ -189,8 +220,6 @@ int ParseUtil::evaluatePostfix(QList<Token> postfix) {
result = op1 ^ op2;
} else if (token.value == "|") {
result = op1 | op2;
} else {
logError(QString("Unsupported postfix operator: '%1'").arg(token.value));
stack.push(Token(QString("%1").arg(result), "decimal"));
} else if (token.type != TokenType::Error) {
@ -200,3 +229,183 @@ int ParseUtil::evaluatePostfix(QList<Token> postfix) {
return stack.pop().value.toInt(nullptr, 0);
QString ParseUtil::readCIncbin(QString filename, QString label) {
QString path;
if (label.isNull()) {
return path;
text = readTextFile(root + "/" + filename);
QRegExp *re = new QRegExp(QString(
int pos = re->indexIn(text);
if (pos != -1) {
path = re->cap(1);
return path;
QMap<QString, int> ParseUtil::readCDefines(QString filename, QStringList prefixes) {
QMap<QString, int> allDefines;
QMap<QString, int> filteredDefines;
file = filename;
if (file.isEmpty()) {
return filteredDefines;
QString filepath = root + "/" + file;
text = readTextFile(filepath);
if (text.isNull()) {
logError(QString("Failed to read C defines file: '%1'").arg(filepath));
return filteredDefines;
text.replace(QRegularExpression("(//.*)|(\\/+\\*+[^*]*\\*+\\/+)"), "");
QRegularExpression re("#define\\s+(?<defineName>\\w+)[^\\S\\n]+(?<defineValue>.+)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(text);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QString name = match.captured("defineName");
QString expression = match.captured("defineValue");
if (expression == " ") continue;
int value = evaluateDefine(expression, &allDefines);
allDefines.insert(name, value);
for (QString prefix : prefixes) {
if (name.startsWith(prefix) || QRegularExpression(prefix).match(name).hasMatch()) {
filteredDefines.insert(name, value);
return filteredDefines;
void ParseUtil::readCDefinesSorted(QString filename, QStringList prefixes, QStringList* definesToSet) {
QMap<QString, int> defines = readCDefines(filename, prefixes);
// The defines should to be sorted by their underlying value, not alphabetically.
// Reverse the map and read out the resulting keys in order.
QMultiMap<int, QString> definesInverse;
for (QString defineName : defines.keys()) {
definesInverse.insert(defines[defineName], defineName);
*definesToSet = definesInverse.values();
QStringList ParseUtil::readCArray(QString filename, QString label) {
QStringList list;
if (label.isNull()) {
return list;
file = filename;
text = readTextFile(root + "/" + filename);
QRegularExpression re(QString("\\b%1\\b\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*\\{([^\\}]*)\\}").arg(label));
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(text);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
QString body = match.captured(1);
QStringList split = body.split(',');
for (QString item : split) {
item = item.trimmed();
if (!item.contains(QRegularExpression("[^A-Za-z0-9_&()]"))) list.append(item);
// do not print error info here because this is called dozens of times
return list;
QMap<QString, QString> ParseUtil::readNamedIndexCArray(QString filename, QString label) {
text = readTextFile(root + "/" + filename);
QMap<QString, QString> map;
QRegularExpression re_text(QString("\\b%1\\b\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*\\{([^\\}]*)\\}").arg(label));
QString body = re_text.match(text).captured(1).replace(QRegularExpression("\\s*"), "");
QRegularExpression re("\\[(?<index>[A-Za-z1-9_]*)\\]=(?<value>[A-Za-z1-9_]*)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(body);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QString key = match.captured("index");
QString value = match.captured("value");
map.insert(key, value);
return map;
QList<QStringList>* ParseUtil::getLabelMacros(QList<QStringList> *list, QString label) {
bool in_label = false;
QList<QStringList> *new_list = new QList<QStringList>;
for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
QStringList params = list->value(i);
QString macro = params.value(0);
if (macro == ".label") {
if (params.value(1) == label) {
in_label = true;
} else if (in_label) {
// If nothing has been read yet, assume the label
// we're looking for is in a stack of labels.
if (new_list->length() > 0) {
} else if (in_label) {
return new_list;
// For if you don't care about filtering by macro,
// and just want all values associated with some label.
QStringList* ParseUtil::getLabelValues(QList<QStringList> *list, QString label) {
list = getLabelMacros(list, label);
QStringList *values = new QStringList;
for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
QStringList params = list->value(i);
QString macro = params.value(0);
if (macro == ".align" || macro == ".ifdef" || macro == ".ifndef") {
for (int j = 1; j < params.length(); j++) {
return values;
bool ParseUtil::tryParseJsonFile(QJsonDocument *out, QString filepath) {
QFile file(filepath);
if (! {
logError(QString("Error: Could not open %1 for reading").arg(filepath));
return false;
QByteArray data = file.readAll();
QJsonParseError parseError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &parseError);
if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
logError(QString("Error: Failed to parse json file %1: %2").arg(filepath).arg(parseError.errorString()));
return false;
*out = jsonDoc;
return true;
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ bool MainWindow::openProject(QString dir) {
bool already_open = isProjectOpen() && (editor->project->root == dir);
if (!already_open) {
editor->project = new Project;
editor->project->root = dir;
@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ Project::Project()
tileset_cache = new QMap<QString, Tileset*>;
void Project::set_root(QString dir) {
this->root = dir;
QString Project::getProjectTitle() {
if (!root.isNull()) {
return root.section('/', -1);
@ -82,51 +87,6 @@ void Project::setNewMapConnections(Map *map) {
QList<QStringList>* Project::getLabelMacros(QList<QStringList> *list, QString label) {
bool in_label = false;
QList<QStringList> *new_list = new QList<QStringList>;
for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
QStringList params = list->value(i);
QString macro = params.value(0);
if (macro == ".label") {
if (params.value(1) == label) {
in_label = true;
} else if (in_label) {
// If nothing has been read yet, assume the label
// we're looking for is in a stack of labels.
if (new_list->length() > 0) {
} else if (in_label) {
return new_list;
// For if you don't care about filtering by macro,
// and just want all values associated with some label.
QStringList* Project::getLabelValues(QList<QStringList> *list, QString label) {
list = getLabelMacros(list, label);
QStringList *values = new QStringList;
for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
QStringList params = list->value(i);
QString macro = params.value(0);
// Ignore .align
if (macro == ".align")
if (macro == ".ifdef")
if (macro == ".ifndef")
for (int j = 1; j < params.length(); j++) {
return values;
QMap<QString, bool> Project::getTopLevelMapFields() {
if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeemerald) {
return QMap<QString, bool>
@ -186,7 +146,7 @@ bool Project::loadMapData(Map* map) {
QString mapFilepath = QString("%1/data/maps/%2/map.json").arg(root).arg(map->name);
QJsonDocument mapDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map data from %1").arg(mapFilepath));
return false;
@ -382,7 +342,7 @@ QString Project::readMapLayoutId(QString map_name) {
QString mapFilepath = QString("%1/data/maps/%2/map.json").arg(root).arg(map_name);
QJsonDocument mapDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map layout id from %1").arg(mapFilepath));
return QString::null;
@ -398,7 +358,7 @@ QString Project::readMapLocation(QString map_name) {
QString mapFilepath = QString("%1/data/maps/%2/map.json").arg(root).arg(map_name);
QJsonDocument mapDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&mapDoc, mapFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map's region map section from %1").arg(mapFilepath));
return QString::null;
@ -449,7 +409,7 @@ void Project::readMapLayouts() {
QString layoutsFilepath = QString("%1/data/layouts/layouts.json").arg(root);
QJsonDocument layoutsDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&layoutsDoc, layoutsFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&layoutsDoc, layoutsFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map layouts from %1").arg(layoutsFilepath));
@ -712,10 +672,10 @@ void Project::saveTilesetTilesImage(Tileset *tileset) {
void Project::saveTilesetPalettes(Tileset *tileset, bool primary) {
PaletteUtil parser;
PaletteUtil paletteParser;
for (int i = 0; i < Project::getNumPalettesTotal(); i++) {
QString filepath = tileset->;
parser.writeJASC(filepath, tileset->palettes->at(i).toVector(), 0, 16);
paletteParser.writeJASC(filepath, tileset->palettes->at(i).toVector(), 0, 16);
@ -729,13 +689,10 @@ void Project::loadMapTilesets(Map* map) {
Tileset* Project::loadTileset(QString label, Tileset *tileset) {
QString filename = "data/tilesets/";
QString headers_text = readTextFile(root + "/" + filename);
ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil(filename, headers_text);
if (headers_text.isNull()) {
QStringList *values = parser.getLabelValues(parser.parseAsm("data/tilesets/"), label);
if (values->isEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
QStringList *values = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(headers_text), label);
if (tileset == nullptr) {
tileset = new Tileset;
@ -863,7 +820,7 @@ void Project::saveMap(Map *map) {
QString layoutsFilepath = QString("%1/data/layouts/layouts.json").arg(root);
QJsonDocument layoutsDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&layoutsDoc, layoutsFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&layoutsDoc, layoutsFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map layouts from %1").arg(layoutsFilepath));
@ -1038,12 +995,9 @@ void Project::loadTilesetAssets(Tileset* tileset) {
QString tilesetName = tileset->name;
QString dir_path = root + "/data/tilesets/" + category + "/" + tilesetName.replace("gTileset_", "").toLower();
QString gfx_filename = "data/tilesets/";
QString graphics_text = readTextFile(root + "/" + gfx_filename);
ParseUtil* parser = new ParseUtil(gfx_filename, graphics_text);
QList<QStringList> *graphics = parser->parseAsm(graphics_text);
QStringList *tiles_values = getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->tiles_label);
QStringList *palettes_values = getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->palettes_label);
QList<QStringList> *graphics = parser.parseAsm("data/tilesets/");
QStringList *tiles_values = parser.getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->tiles_label);
QStringList *palettes_values = parser.getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->palettes_label);
QString tiles_path;
if (!tiles_values->isEmpty()) {
@ -1067,15 +1021,14 @@ void Project::loadTilesetAssets(Tileset* tileset) {
QString metatiles_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/");
QList<QStringList> *metatiles_macros = parser->parseAsm(metatiles_text);
QStringList *metatiles_values = getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatiles_label);
QList<QStringList> *metatiles_macros = parser.parseAsm("data/tilesets/");
QStringList *metatiles_values = parser.getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatiles_label);
if (!metatiles_values->isEmpty()) {
tileset->metatiles_path = root + "/" + metatiles_values->value(0).section('"', 1, 1);
} else {
tileset->metatiles_path = dir_path + "/metatiles.bin";
QStringList *metatile_attrs_values = getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatile_attrs_label);
QStringList *metatile_attrs_values = parser.getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatile_attrs_label);
if (!metatile_attrs_values->isEmpty()) {
tileset->metatile_attrs_path = root + "/" + metatile_attrs_values->value(0).section('"', 1, 1);
} else {
@ -1093,7 +1046,7 @@ void Project::loadTilesetAssets(Tileset* tileset) {
for (int i = 0; i < tileset->palettePaths.length(); i++) {
QList<QRgb> palette;
QString path = tileset->palettePaths.value(i);
QString text = readTextFile(path);
QString text = parser.readTextFile(path);
if (!text.isNull()) {
QStringList lines = text.split(QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lines.length() == 19 && lines[0] == "JASC-PAL" && lines[1] == "0100" && lines[2] == "16") {
@ -1228,21 +1181,6 @@ Tileset* Project::getTileset(QString label, bool forceLoad) {
QString Project::readTextFile(QString path) {
QFile file(path);
if (! {
logError(QString("Could not open '%1': ").arg(path) + file.errorString());
return QString();
QTextStream in(&file);
QString text = "";
while (!in.atEnd()) {
text += in.readLine() + "\n";
return text;
void Project::saveTextFile(QString path, QString text) {
QFile file(path);
if ( {
@ -1271,7 +1209,7 @@ void Project::deleteFile(QString path) {
void Project::readMapGroups() {
QString mapGroupsFilepath = QString("%1/data/maps/map_groups.json").arg(root);
QJsonDocument mapGroupsDoc;
if (!tryParseJsonFile(&mapGroupsDoc, mapGroupsFilepath)) {
if (!parser.tryParseJsonFile(&mapGroupsDoc, mapGroupsFilepath)) {
logError(QString("Failed to read map groups from %1").arg(mapGroupsFilepath));
@ -1402,7 +1340,8 @@ QMap<QString, QStringList> Project::getTilesetLabels() {
QStringList secondaryTilesets;
allTilesets.insert("primary", primaryTilesets);
allTilesets.insert("secondary", secondaryTilesets);
QString headers_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/");
QString headers_text = parser.readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/");
QRegularExpression re("(?<label>[A-Za-z0-9_]*):{1,2}[A-Za-z0-9_@ ]*\\s+.+\\s+\\.byte\\s+(?<isSecondary>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(headers_text);
@ -1430,69 +1369,66 @@ QMap<QString, QStringList> Project::getTilesetLabels() {
void Project::readTilesetProperties() {
QString filename = "include/fieldmap.h";
bool error = false;
QStringList definePrefixes;
definePrefixes << "NUM_";
QMap<QString, int> defines = readCDefines(filename, definePrefixes);
QMap<QString, int> defines = parser.readCDefines("include/fieldmap.h", definePrefixes);
auto it = defines.find("NUM_TILES_IN_PRIMARY");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_tiles_primary = it.value();
else {
error = true;
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_TILES_IN_PRIMARY' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
it = defines.find("NUM_TILES_TOTAL");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_tiles_total = it.value();
else {
error = true;
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_TILES_TOTAL' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
it = defines.find("NUM_METATILES_IN_PRIMARY");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_metatiles_primary = it.value();
else {
error = true;
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_METATILES_IN_PRIMARY' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
it = defines.find("NUM_METATILES_TOTAL");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_metatiles_total = it.value();
else {
error = true;
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_METATILES_TOTAL' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
it = defines.find("NUM_PALS_IN_PRIMARY");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_pals_primary = it.value();
else {
error = true;
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_PALS_IN_PRIMARY' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
it = defines.find("NUM_PALS_TOTAL");
if (it != defines.end()) {
Project::num_pals_total = it.value();
else {
error = true;
if (error)
logError("Some global tileset values could not be loaded. Using default values instead.");
logWarn(QString("Value for tileset property 'NUM_PALS_TOTAL' not found. Using default (%1) instead.")
void Project::readRegionMapSections() {
QString filename = "include/constants/region_map_sections.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAPSEC_");
this->mapSectionNameToValue = readCDefines(filename, prefixes);
this->mapSectionNameToValue = parser.readCDefines("include/constants/region_map_sections.h", prefixes);
for (QString defineName : this->mapSectionNameToValue.keys()) {
this->mapSectionValueToName.insert(this->mapSectionNameToValue[defineName], defineName);
@ -1500,7 +1436,7 @@ void Project::readRegionMapSections() {
void Project::readHealLocations() {
QString text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/heal_locations.h");
QString text = parser.readTextFile(root + "/src/data/heal_locations.h");
text.replace(QRegularExpression("//.*?(\r\n?|\n)|/\\*.*?\\*/", QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption), "");
dataQualifiers.insert("heal_locations", getDataQualifiers(text, "sHealLocations"));
@ -1518,117 +1454,84 @@ void Project::readHealLocations() {
void Project::readItemNames() {
QString filename = "include/constants/items.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "ITEM_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, itemNames);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/items.h", prefixes, itemNames);
void Project::readFlagNames() {
QString filename = "include/constants/flags.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "FLAG_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, flagNames);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/flags.h", prefixes, flagNames);
void Project::readVarNames() {
QString filename = "include/constants/vars.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "VAR_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, varNames);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/vars.h", prefixes, varNames);
void Project::readMovementTypes() {
QString filename = "include/constants/event_object_movement_constants.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MOVEMENT_TYPE_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, movementTypes);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/event_object_movement_constants.h", prefixes, movementTypes);
void Project::readInitialFacingDirections() {
QString text = readTextFile(root + "/src/event_object_movement.c");
facingDirections = readNamedIndexCArray(text, "gInitialMovementTypeFacingDirections");
facingDirections = parser.readNamedIndexCArray("src/event_object_movement.c", "gInitialMovementTypeFacingDirections");
void Project::readMapTypes() {
QString filename = "include/constants/map_types.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAP_TYPE_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, mapTypes);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/map_types.h", prefixes, mapTypes);
void Project::readMapBattleScenes() {
QString filename = "include/constants/map_types.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, mapBattleScenes);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/map_types.h", prefixes, mapBattleScenes);
void Project::readWeatherNames() {
QString filename = "include/constants/weather.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "WEATHER_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, weatherNames);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/weather.h", prefixes, weatherNames);
void Project::readCoordEventWeatherNames() {
QString filename = "include/constants/weather.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "COORD_EVENT_WEATHER_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, coordEventWeatherNames);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/weather.h", prefixes, coordEventWeatherNames);
void Project::readSecretBaseIds() {
QString filename = "include/constants/secret_bases.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "SECRET_BASE_[A-Za-z0-9_]*_[0-9]+");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, secretBaseIds);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/secret_bases.h", prefixes, secretBaseIds);
void Project::readBgEventFacingDirections() {
QString filename = "include/constants/bg_event_constants.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "BG_EVENT_PLAYER_FACING_");
readCDefinesSorted(filename, prefixes, bgEventFacingDirections);
parser.readCDefinesSorted("include/constants/bg_event_constants.h", prefixes, bgEventFacingDirections);
void Project::readMetatileBehaviors() {
QString filename = "include/constants/metatile_behaviors.h";
QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MB_");
this->metatileBehaviorMap = readCDefines(filename, prefixes);
this->metatileBehaviorMap = parser.readCDefines("include/constants/metatile_behaviors.h", prefixes);
for (QString defineName : this->metatileBehaviorMap.keys()) {
this->metatileBehaviorMapInverse.insert(this->metatileBehaviorMap[defineName], defineName);
void Project::readCDefinesSorted(QString filename, QStringList prefixes, QStringList* definesToSet) {
QString filepath = root + "/" + filename;
QMap<QString, int> defines = readCDefines(filename, prefixes);
// The defines should to be sorted by their underlying value, not alphabetically.
// Reverse the map and read out the resulting keys in order.
QMultiMap<int, QString> definesInverse;
for (QString defineName : defines.keys()) {
definesInverse.insert(defines[defineName], defineName);
*definesToSet = definesInverse.values();
QStringList Project::getSongNames() {
QStringList names;
QString filename = "include/constants/songs.h";
QStringList songDefinePrefixes;
songDefinePrefixes << "SE_" << "MUS_";
QMap<QString, int> songDefines = readCDefines(filename, songDefinePrefixes);
names = songDefines.keys();
QMap<QString, int> songDefines = parser.readCDefines("include/constants/songs.h", songDefinePrefixes);
QStringList names = songDefines.keys();
return names;
QMap<QString, int> Project::getEventObjGfxConstants() {
QMap<QString, int> constants;
QString filename = "include/constants/event_objects.h";
QString filepath = root + "/" + filename;
QString text = readTextFile(filepath);
QStringList eventObjGfxPrefixes;
eventObjGfxPrefixes << "EVENT_OBJ_GFX_";
constants = readCDefines(filename, eventObjGfxPrefixes);
QMap<QString, int> constants = parser.readCDefines("include/constants/event_objects.h", eventObjGfxPrefixes);
return constants;
@ -1658,12 +1561,7 @@ void Project::loadEventPixmaps(QList<Event*> objects) {
QMap<QString, int> constants = getEventObjGfxConstants();
QString pointers_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h");
QString info_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info.h");
QString pic_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_pic_tables.h");
QString assets_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics.h");
QStringList pointers = readCArray(pointers_text, "gEventObjectGraphicsInfoPointers");
QStringList pointers = parser.readCArray("src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h", "gEventObjectGraphicsInfoPointers");
for (Event *object : objects) {
if (!object->pixmap.isNull()) {
@ -1690,13 +1588,13 @@ void Project::loadEventPixmaps(QList<Event*> objects) {
int sprite_id = constants.value(object->get("sprite"));
QString info_label = pointers.value(sprite_id).replace("&", "");
QStringList gfx_info = readCArray(info_text, info_label);
QStringList gfx_info = parser.readCArray("src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info.h", info_label);
QString pic_label = gfx_info.value(14);
QString dimensions_label = gfx_info.value(11);
QString subsprites_label = gfx_info.value(12);
QString gfx_label = readCArray(pic_text, pic_label).value(0);
QString gfx_label = parser.readCArray("src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_pic_tables.h", pic_label).value(0);
gfx_label = gfx_label.section(QRegExp("[\\(\\)]"), 1, 1);
QString path = readCIncbin(assets_text, gfx_label);
QString path = parser.readCIncbin("src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics.h", gfx_label);
if (!path.isNull()) {
path = fixGraphicPath(path);
@ -1740,110 +1638,6 @@ void Project::setNewMapEvents(Map *map) {
QStringList Project::readCArray(QString text, QString label) {
QStringList list;
if (label.isNull()) {
return list;
QRegExp *re = new QRegExp(QString("\\b%1\\b\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*\\{([^\\}]*)\\}").arg(label));
int pos = re->indexIn(text);
if (pos != -1) {
QString body = re->cap(1);
body = body.replace(QRegExp("\\s*"), "");
list = body.split(',');
QRegExp *inner = new QRegExp("&?\\b([A-Za-z0-9_\\(\\)]*)\\b,");
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = inner->indexIn(body, pos)) != -1) {
list << inner->cap(1);
pos += inner->matchedLength();
return list;
QMap<QString, QString> Project::readNamedIndexCArray(QString text, QString label) {
QMap<QString, QString> map;
QRegularExpression re_text(QString("\\b%1\\b\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*\\{([^\\}]*)\\}").arg(label));
text = re_text.match(text).captured(1).replace(QRegularExpression("\\s*"), "");
QRegularExpression re("\\[(?<index>[A-Za-z1-9_]*)\\]=(?<value>[A-Za-z1-9_]*)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(text);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QString key = match.captured("index");
QString value = match.captured("value");
map.insert(key, value);
return map;
QString Project::readCIncbin(QString text, QString label) {
QString path;
if (label.isNull()) {
return path;
QRegExp *re = new QRegExp(QString(
int pos = re->indexIn(text);
if (pos != -1) {
path = re->cap(1);
return path;
QMap<QString, int> Project::readCDefines(QString filename, QStringList prefixes) {
QMap<QString, int> allDefines;
QMap<QString, int> filteredDefines;
if (filename.isEmpty()) {
return filteredDefines;
QString filepath = root + "/" + filename;
QString text = readTextFile(filepath);
if (text.isNull()) {
logError(QString("Failed to read C defines file: '%1'").arg(filepath));
return filteredDefines;
ParseUtil parser(filename, text);
text.replace(QRegularExpression("(//.*)|(\\/+\\*+[^*]*\\*+\\/+)"), "");
QRegularExpression re("#define\\s+(?<defineName>\\w+)[^\\S\\n]+(?<defineValue>.+)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(text);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QString name = match.captured("defineName");
QString expression = match.captured("defineValue");
if (expression == " ") continue;
int value = parser.evaluateDefine(expression, &allDefines);
allDefines.insert(name, value);
for (QString prefix : prefixes) {
if (name.startsWith(prefix) || QRegularExpression(prefix).match(name).hasMatch()) {
filteredDefines.insert(name, value);
return filteredDefines;
int Project::getNumTilesPrimary()
return Project::num_tiles_primary;
@ -1873,24 +1667,3 @@ int Project::getNumPalettesTotal()
return Project::num_pals_total;
bool Project::tryParseJsonFile(QJsonDocument *out, QString filepath)
QFile file(filepath);
if (! {
logError(QString("Error: Could not open %1 for reading").arg(filepath));
return false;
QByteArray data = file.readAll();
QJsonParseError parseError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &parseError);
if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
logError(QString("Error: Failed to parse json file %1: %2").arg(filepath).arg(parseError.errorString()));
return false;
*out = jsonDoc;
return true;
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