// Called when Porymap successfully opens a project. export function onProjectOpened(projectPath) { } // Called when Porymap closes a project. For example, this is called when opening a different project. export function onProjectClosed(projectPath) { } // Called when a map is opened. export function onMapOpened(mapName) { } // Called when a block is changed on the map. For example, this is called when a user paints a new tile or changes the collision property of a block. export function onBlockChanged(x, y, prevBlock, newBlock) { } // Called when a border metatile is changed. export function onBorderMetatileChanged(x, y, prevMetatileId, newMetatileId) { } // Called when the mouse enters a new map block. export function onBlockHoverChanged(x, y) { } // Called when the mouse exits the map. export function onBlockHoverCleared() { } // Called when the dimensions of the map are changed. export function onMapResized(oldWidth, oldHeight, newWidth, newHeight) { } // Called when the dimensions of the border are changed. export function onBorderResized(oldWidth, oldHeight, newWidth, newHeight) { } // Called when the map is updated by use of the Map Shift tool. export function onMapShifted(xDelta, yDelta) { } // Called when the currently loaded tileset is changed by switching to a new one or by saving changes to it in the Tileset Editor. export function onTilesetUpdated(tilesetName) { } // Called when the selected tab in the main tab bar is changed. // Tabs are indexed from left to right, starting at 0 (0: Map, 1: Events, 2: Header, 3: Connections, 4: Wild Pokemon). export function onMainTabChanged(oldTab, newTab) { } // Called when the selected tab in the map view tab bar is changed. // Tabs are indexed from left to right, starting at 0 (0: Metatiles, 1: Collision, 2: Prefabs). export function onMapViewTabChanged(oldTab, newTab) { } // Called when the visibility of the border and connecting maps is toggled on or off. export function onBorderVisibilityToggled(visible) { }