NewMapDialog 0 0 453 588 New Map Options true 0 0 427 526 10 Name ID <html><head/><body><p>The name of the new map. The name cannot be the same as any other existing map.</p></body></html> true false color: rgb(255, 0, 0) true Border Dimensions 0 0 Width <html><head/><body><p>Width (in metatiles) of the new map's border.</p></body></html> 1 <html><head/><body><p>Height (in metatiles) of the new map's border.</p></body></html> 1 0 0 Height Group Qt::Orientation::Vertical 20 40 false color: rgb(255, 0, 0) true Can Fly To Tilesets Primary <html><head/><body><p>The primary tileset for the new map.</p></body></html> true QComboBox::InsertPolicy::NoInsert Secondary <html><head/><body><p>The secondary tileset for the new map.</p></body></html> true QComboBox::InsertPolicy::NoInsert false color: rgb(255, 0, 0) true Map Dimensions 0 0 Width <html><head/><body><p>Width (in metatiles) of the new map.</p></body></html> 1 0 0 Height <html><head/><body><p>Height (in metatiles) of the new map.</p></body></html> 1 false color: rgb(255, 0, 0) true <html><head/><body><p>The constant that will be used to refer to this map. It cannot be the same as any other existing map, and it must start with the specified prefix.</p></body></html> false color: rgb(255, 0, 0) true Header Data <html><head/><body><p>The name of the group this map will be added to.</p></body></html> true QComboBox::InsertPolicy::NoInsert <html><head/><body><p>If checked, a Heal Location will be added to this map automatically.</p></body></html> Accept NoScrollComboBox QComboBox
NoScrollSpinBox QSpinBox