// #include "wildmoninfo.h" #include "project.h" static QMap landPercentages = QMap({ {1, "20"}, {2, "20"}, {3, "10"}, {4, "10"}, {5, "10"}, {6, "10"}, {7, "5"}, {8, "5"}, {9, "4"}, {10, "4"}, {11, "1"}, {12, "1"} }); void clearTabWidget(QLayout *tab) { QLayoutItem *item = tab->itemAt(0); if (item) tab->removeItem(item); } void clearTable(QTableWidget *table) { // if (table) table->clear(); } void createSpeciesTableRow(Project *project, QTableWidget *table, WildPokemon mon, int index) { // // //QHBoxLayout *speciesHBox = new QHBoxLayout; //QTableWidgetItem *monItem = new QTableWidgetItem(); QPixmap monIcon = QPixmap(project->speciesToIconPath.value(mon.species)).copy(0, 0, 32, 32); QLabel *monNum = new QLabel(QString("%1.").arg(QString::number(index))); QLabel *monLabel = new QLabel(); monLabel->setPixmap(monIcon); QComboBox *monSelector = new QComboBox; monSelector->addItems(project->speciesToIconPath.keys()); monSelector->setCurrentText(mon.species); monSelector->setEditable(true); QObject::connect(monSelector, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [=](QString newSpecies){ QPixmap monIcon = QPixmap(project->speciesToIconPath.value(newSpecies)).copy(0, 0, 32, 32); monLabel->setPixmap(monIcon); }); QSpinBox *minLevel = new QSpinBox; QSpinBox *maxLevel = new QSpinBox; minLevel->setMinimum(1); minLevel->setMaximum(100); maxLevel->setMinimum(1); maxLevel->setMaximum(100); minLevel->setValue(mon.minLevel); maxLevel->setValue(mon.maxLevel); // percentage -- add to json settings QLabel *percentLabel = new QLabel(landPercentages[index]); QFrame *speciesSelector = new QFrame; QHBoxLayout *speciesSelectorLayout = new QHBoxLayout; speciesSelectorLayout->addWidget(monLabel); speciesSelectorLayout->addWidget(monSelector); speciesSelector->setLayout(speciesSelectorLayout); table->setCellWidget(index - 1, 0, monNum); table->setCellWidget(index - 1, 1, speciesSelector); //table->setCellWidget(index, 1, monLabel); //table->setCellWidget(index, 2, monSelector); table->setCellWidget(index - 1, 2, minLevel); table->setCellWidget(index - 1, 3, maxLevel); table->setCellWidget(index - 1, 4, percentLabel); } // tabWidget_WildMons void populateWildMonTabWidget(QTabWidget *tabWidget, QVector fields) { // QPushButton *newTabButton = new QPushButton("New Field"); QObject::connect(newTabButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ qDebug() << "new field pressed"; }); tabWidget->setCornerWidget(newTabButton); // change this to for each entry in header //if (true) {//header.landMons.active) { for (QString field : fields) { // tabWidget->addTab(new QTableWidget(), field); } }