#include "tilemaptileselector.h" #include void TilemapTileSelector::draw() { size_t width_ = this->tileset.width(); this->pixelWidth = width_; size_t height_ = this->tileset.height(); this->pixelHeight = height_; size_t ntiles_ = (width_/8) * (height_/8); this->numTilesWide = width_ / 8; this->numTiles = ntiles_; this->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(tileset)); this->drawSelection(); } void TilemapTileSelector::select(unsigned tileId) { QPoint coords = this->getTileIdCoords(tileId); SelectablePixmapItem::select(coords.x(), coords.y(), 0, 0); this->selectedTile = tileId; emit selectedTileChanged(tileId); } void TilemapTileSelector::updateSelectedTile() { QPoint origin = this->getSelectionStart(); this->selectedTile = this->getTileId(origin.x(), origin.y()); } unsigned TilemapTileSelector::getTileId(int x, int y) { unsigned index = y * this->numTilesWide + x; return index < this->numTiles ? index : this->numTiles % index; } QPoint TilemapTileSelector::getTileIdCoords(unsigned tileId) { int index = tileId < this->numTiles ? tileId : this->numTiles % tileId; return QPoint(index % this->numTilesWide, index / this->numTilesWide); } QImage TilemapTileSelector::tileImg(shared_ptr tile) { // TODO: this is slow on the entries tab, so maybe do not do all of the redraw for every section change unsigned tileId = tile->id(); QPoint pos = getTileIdCoords(tileId); QImage tilesetImage = this->tileset; tilesetImage.convertTo(QImage::Format::Format_Indexed8); // TODO: bounds check on the palette copying switch(this->format) { case TilemapFormat::Plain: { // TODO: even allow palettes for Plain tiles? // 1 x palette x any colors break; } case TilemapFormat::BPP_4: { // before Qt 6, the color table is a QVector which is deprecated now, and this method does not exits #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) tilesetImage.setColorTable(this->palette.toVector().mid(tile->palette() * 16, 16)); #else tilesetImage.setColorTable(this->palette.mid(tile->palette() * 16, 16)); #endif break; } case TilemapFormat::BPP_8: { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) tilesetImage.setColorTable(this->palette.toVector()); #else tilesetImage.setColorTable(this->palette); #endif break; } default: break; } // take a tile from the tileset QImage img = tilesetImage.copy(pos.x() * 8, pos.y() * 8, 8, 8); img = img.mirrored(tile->hFlip(), tile->vFlip()); return img; } void TilemapTileSelector::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { SelectablePixmapItem::mousePressEvent(event); this->updateSelectedTile(); emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile); } void TilemapTileSelector::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { SelectablePixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); this->updateSelectedTile(); emit hoveredTileChanged(this->selectedTile); emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile); } void TilemapTileSelector::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { SelectablePixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); this->updateSelectedTile(); emit selectedTileChanged(this->selectedTile); } void TilemapTileSelector::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { QPoint pos = this->getCellPos(event->pos()); unsigned tileId = this->getTileId(pos.x(), pos.y()); emit this->hoveredTileChanged(tileId); } void TilemapTileSelector::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *) { emit this->hoveredTileCleared(); }