Editing Map Connections¶
Maps can be connected together so that the player can seamlessly walk between them. These connections can be edited in the Connections tab.

Map Connections View¶
A connection has a direction, offset, and destination map. To add new connection, press the plus button . To delete a connection, select it and press the delete button
To change the connection’s vertical or horizontal offset, it’s easiest to click and drag the connection to the desired offset.
Dive & Emerge Warps¶
Dive & emerge warps are used for the HM move Dive. They don’t have offsets or directions–only a destination map. To add a dive or emerge warp, simply add a value in the Dive Map and/or Emerge Map dropdown menus.
Mirror Connections¶
An extremely useful feature is the Mirror to Connecting Maps checkbox in the top-right corner. Connections are one-way, which means that you must keep the two connections in sync between the two maps. For example, Petalburg City has a west connection to Route 104, and Route 104 has an east connection to Petalburg City. If Mirror to Connecting Maps is enabled, then Porymap will automatically update both sides of the connection. Be sure to File -> Save All (Ctrl+Shift+S
) when saving, since you will need to save both maps’ connections.
Follow Connections¶
Double-clicking on a connection will open the destination map. This is very useful for navigating through your maps, similar to double-clicking on Warp Events.