Related Projects

`Polished Map`_ - A map editor for pokecrystal, pokered, and other Gen 1/2 disassembly projects.

Poryscript_ - A high-level scripting language meant to be used with the decompilation projects.

`VG Music Studio`_ - A program that lets you listen to the music from popular video game formats.

`Tilemap Studio`_ - A tilemap editor for Game Boy, Color, and Advance projects.

.. _Polished Map: https://github.com/Rangi42/polished-map
.. _Poryscript: https://github.com/huderlem/poryscript
.. _VG Music Studio: https://github.com/Kermalis/VGMusicStudio
.. _Tilemap Studio: https://github.com/Rangi42/tilemap-studio