ProjectSettingsEditor 0 0 570 1041 Project Settings 9 true 0 0 544 994 User config Use Poryscript Show Wild Encounter Tables Default Tilesets New Map Defaults The default elevation that will be used to fill new maps Elevation Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Whether a separate or text.pory file will be created for new maps, alongside the scripts file Create separate text file The default metatile value that will be used to fill new maps Fill Metatile A comma-separated list of metatile values that will be used to fill new map borders Border Metatiles 0x 16 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Prefabs Prefabs Path Prefab import prompted Qt::Horizontal 12 75 true <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:13pt; color:#d7000c;">WARNING: </span><span style=" font-weight:400;">The settings from this point below require project changes to function properly. Do not modify these settings without the necessary changes. </span></p></body></html> true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Tilesets / Metatiles The number of bytes used per metatile for metatile attributes Attributes size (in bytes) Qt::Vertical 20 15 The mask used to read/write Terrain Type from the metatile's attributes data. If 0, this attribute is disabled. Terrain Type mask Enable Triple Layer Metatiles Whether the C data outputted for new tilesets will include the "isCompressed" field Output 'isCompressed' field Qt::Vertical 20 10 0x 16 0x 16 The mask used to read/write Encounter Type from the metatile's attributes data. If 0, this attribute is disabled. Encounter Type mask Whether the C data outputted for new tilesets will include the "callback" field Output 'callback' field The mask used to read/write Metatile Behavior from the metatile's attributes data. If 0, this attribute is disabled. Behavior mask The mask used to read/write Layer Type from the metatile's attributes data. If 0, this attribute is disabled. Layer Type mask 0x 16 0x 16 Events Enable 'Requires Itemfinder' for Hidden Items Enable 'Quantity' for Hidden Items Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Enable Secret Bases Enable Weather Triggers Enable Clone Objects Enable 'Respawn Map/NPC' for Heal Locations Maps Whether "Allow Running", "Allow Biking" and "Allow Dig & Escape Rope" are default options for Map Headers Enable 'Allow Running/Biking/Escaping' Whether "Floor Number" is a default option for Map Headers Enable 'Floor Number' Whether the dimensions of the border can be changed. If not set, all borders are 2x2 Enable Custom Border Size Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults