#ifndef MAPRULER_H
#define MAPRULER_H

#include <QGraphicsObject>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QColor>

class MapRuler : public QGraphicsObject, private QLine

    MapRuler(QColor innerColor = Qt::yellow, QColor borderColor = Qt::black) :
    void init();
    QRectF boundingRect() const override;
    QPainterPath shape() const override;
    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override;
    bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *event) override;

    void setEnabled(bool enabled);
    bool isAnchored() const { return anchored; }
    bool isLocked() const { return locked; }

    // Ruler start point in metatiles
    QPoint anchor() const { return QLine::p1(); }
    // Ruler end point in metatiles
    QPoint endPos() const { return QLine::p2(); }
    // X-coordinate of the ruler's left edge in metatiles
    int left() const { return qMin(anchor().x(), endPos().x()); }
    // Y-coordinate of the ruler's top edge in metatiles
    int top() const { return qMin(anchor().y(), endPos().y()); }
    // Horizontal component of the ruler in metatiles
    int deltaX() const { return QLine::dx(); }
    // Vertical component of the ruler in metatiles
    int deltaY() const { return QLine::dy(); }
    // Ruler width in metatiles
    int width() const { return qAbs(deltaX()); }
    // Ruler height in metatiles
    int height() const { return qAbs(deltaY()); }

    QString statusMessage;

public slots:
    void mouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
    void setMapDimensions(const QSize &size);

    QColor innerColor;
    QColor borderColor;
    QSize mapSize;
    QRect xRuler;
    QRect yRuler;
    QLineF cornerTick;
    bool anchored;
    bool locked;

    static int thickness;

    QPoint snapToWithinBounds(QPoint pos) const;
    void setAnchor(const QPointF &scenePos, const QPoint &screenPos);
    void endAnchor();
    void setEndPos(const QPointF &scenePos, const QPoint &screenPos);
    void showDimensions(const QPoint &screenPos) const;
    void hideDimensions() const;
    void updateGeometry();
    int pixWidth() const { return width() * 16; } 
    int pixHeight() const { return height() * 16; }

    void lengthChanged();
    void deactivated(const QPoint &endPos);

#endif // MAPRULER_H