#include "editor.h" #include <QPainter> #include <QMouseEvent> Editor::Editor() { selected_events = new QList<DraggablePixmapItem*>; } void Editor::saveProject() { if (project) { project->saveAllMaps(); project->saveAllDataStructures(); } } void Editor::save() { if (project && map) { project->saveMap(map); project->saveAllDataStructures(); } } void Editor::undo() { if (current_view) { ((MapPixmapItem*)current_view)->undo(); } } void Editor::redo() { if (current_view) { ((MapPixmapItem*)current_view)->redo(); } } void Editor::setEditingMap() { current_view = map_item; if (map_item) { map_item->draw(); map_item->setVisible(true); map_item->setEnabled(true); } if (collision_item) { collision_item->setVisible(false); } if (objects_group) { objects_group->setVisible(false); } } void Editor::setEditingCollision() { current_view = collision_item; if (collision_item) { collision_item->draw(); collision_item->setVisible(true); } if (map_item) { map_item->setVisible(false); } if (objects_group) { objects_group->setVisible(false); } } void Editor::setEditingObjects() { current_view = map_item; if (objects_group) { objects_group->setVisible(true); } if (map_item) { map_item->setVisible(true); map_item->setEnabled(false); } if (collision_item) { collision_item->setVisible(false); } } void Editor::setMap(QString map_name) { if (map_name.isNull()) { return; } if (project) { map = project->loadMap(map_name); displayMap(); selected_events->clear(); updateSelectedObjects(); } } void Editor::mouseEvent_map(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event, MapPixmapItem *item) { if (map_edit_mode == "paint") { item->paint(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "fill") { item->floodFill(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "pick") { item->pick(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "select") { item->select(event); } } void Editor::mouseEvent_collision(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event, CollisionPixmapItem *item) { if (map_edit_mode == "paint") { item->paint(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "fill") { item->floodFill(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "pick") { item->pick(event); } else if (map_edit_mode == "select") { item->select(event); } } void Editor::displayMap() { scene = new QGraphicsScene; map_item = new MapPixmapItem(map); connect(map_item, SIGNAL(mouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*,MapPixmapItem*)), this, SLOT(mouseEvent_map(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*,MapPixmapItem*))); map_item->draw(); scene->addItem(map_item); collision_item = new CollisionPixmapItem(map); connect(collision_item, SIGNAL(mouseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*,CollisionPixmapItem*)), this, SLOT(mouseEvent_collision(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*,CollisionPixmapItem*))); collision_item->draw(); scene->addItem(collision_item); objects_group = new EventGroup; scene->addItem(objects_group); if (map_item) { map_item->setVisible(false); } if (collision_item) { collision_item->setVisible(false); } if (objects_group) { objects_group->setVisible(false); } int tw = 16; int th = 16; scene->setSceneRect( -6 * tw, -6 * th, map_item->pixmap().width() + 12 * tw, map_item->pixmap().height() + 12 * th ); displayMetatiles(); displayCollisionMetatiles(); displayElevationMetatiles(); displayMapObjects(); displayMapConnections(); displayMapBorder(); } void Editor::displayMetatiles() { scene_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; metatiles_item = new MetatilesPixmapItem(map); metatiles_item->draw(); scene_metatiles->addItem(metatiles_item); } void Editor::displayCollisionMetatiles() { scene_collision_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; collision_metatiles_item = new CollisionMetatilesPixmapItem(map); collision_metatiles_item->draw(); scene_collision_metatiles->addItem(collision_metatiles_item); } void Editor::displayElevationMetatiles() { scene_elevation_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; elevation_metatiles_item = new ElevationMetatilesPixmapItem(map); elevation_metatiles_item->draw(); scene_elevation_metatiles->addItem(elevation_metatiles_item); } void Editor::displayMapObjects() { for (QGraphicsItem *child : objects_group->childItems()) { objects_group->removeFromGroup(child); } QList<Event *> events = map->getAllEvents(); project->loadObjectPixmaps(events); for (Event *event : events) { addMapObject(event); } //objects_group->setFiltersChildEvents(false); objects_group->setHandlesChildEvents(false); emit objectsChanged(); } DraggablePixmapItem *Editor::addMapObject(Event *event) { DraggablePixmapItem *object = new DraggablePixmapItem(event); object->editor = this; objects_group->addToGroup(object); return object; } void Editor::displayMapConnections() { for (Connection *connection : map->connections) { if (connection->direction == "dive" || connection->direction == "emerge") { continue; } Map *connected_map = project->getMap(connection->map_name); QPixmap pixmap = connected_map->renderConnection(*connection); int offset = connection->offset.toInt(nullptr, 0); int x = 0, y = 0; if (connection->direction == "up") { x = offset * 16; y = -pixmap.height(); } else if (connection->direction == "down") { x = offset * 16; y = map->getHeight() * 16; } else if (connection->direction == "left") { x = -pixmap.width(); y = offset * 16; } else if (connection->direction == "right") { x = map->getWidth() * 16; y = offset * 16; } QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap); item->setZValue(-1); item->setX(x); item->setY(y); scene->addItem(item); } } void Editor::displayMapBorder() { QPixmap pixmap = map->renderBorder(); for (int y = -6; y < map->getHeight() + 6; y += 2) for (int x = -6; x < map->getWidth() + 6; x += 2) { QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap); item->setX(x * 16); item->setY(y * 16); item->setZValue(-2); scene->addItem(item); } } void MetatilesPixmapItem::paintTileChanged(Map *map) { draw(); } void MetatilesPixmapItem::draw() { setPixmap(map->renderMetatiles()); } void MetatilesPixmapItem::pick(uint tile) { map->paint_tile = tile; emit map->paintTileChanged(map); } void MetatilesPixmapItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = ((int)pos.x()) / 16; int y = ((int)pos.y()) / 16; //qDebug() << QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x).arg(y); int width = pixmap().width() / 16; int height = pixmap().height() / 16; if ((x >= 0 && x < width) && (y >=0 && y < height)) { pick(y * width + x); } } void MetatilesPixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { mousePressEvent(event); } void MetatilesPixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { mousePressEvent(event); } void MapPixmapItem::paint(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (map) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; Block *block = map->getBlock(x, y); if (block) { block->tile = map->paint_tile; map->_setBlock(x, y, *block); } if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) { map->commit(); } draw(); } } void MapPixmapItem::floodFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (map) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; map->floodFill(x, y, map->paint_tile); draw(); } } void MapPixmapItem::pick(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; Block *block = map->getBlock(x, y); if (block) { map->paint_tile = block->tile; emit map->paintTileChanged(map); } } #define SWAP(a, b) do { if (a != b) { a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; } } while (0) void MapPixmapItem::select(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress) { selection_origin = QPoint(x, y); selection.clear(); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { selection.clear(); selection.append(QPoint(x, y)); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) { if (!selection.isEmpty()) { QPoint pos = selection.last(); int x1 = selection_origin.x(); int y1 = selection_origin.y(); int x2 = pos.x(); int y2 = pos.y(); if (x1 > x2) SWAP(x1, x2); if (y1 > y2) SWAP(y1, y2); selection.clear(); for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { selection.append(QPoint(x, y)); } } qDebug() << QString("selected (%1, %2) -> (%3, %4)").arg(x1).arg(y1).arg(x2).arg(y2); } } } void MapPixmapItem::draw() { if (map) { setPixmap(map->render()); } } void MapPixmapItem::undo() { if (map) { map->undo(); draw(); } } void MapPixmapItem::redo() { if (map) { map->redo(); draw(); } } void MapPixmapItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void MapPixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void MapPixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void CollisionPixmapItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void CollisionPixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void CollisionPixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { emit mouseEvent(event, this); } void CollisionPixmapItem::draw() { if (map) { setPixmap(map->renderCollision()); } } void CollisionPixmapItem::paint(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (map) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; Block *block = map->getBlock(x, y); if (block) { if (map->paint_collision >= 0) { block->collision = map->paint_collision; } if (map->paint_elevation >= 0) { block->elevation = map->paint_elevation; } map->_setBlock(x, y, *block); } if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) { map->commit(); } draw(); } } void CollisionPixmapItem::floodFill(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (map) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; bool collision = map->paint_collision >= 0; bool elevation = map->paint_elevation >= 0; if (collision && elevation) { map->floodFillCollisionElevation(x, y, map->paint_collision, map->paint_elevation); } else if (collision) { map->floodFillCollision(x, y, map->paint_collision); } else if (elevation) { map->floodFillElevation(x, y, map->paint_elevation); } draw(); } } void CollisionPixmapItem::pick(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); int x = (int)(pos.x()) / 16; int y = (int)(pos.y()) / 16; Block *block = map->getBlock(x, y); if (block) { map->paint_collision = block->collision; map->paint_elevation = block->elevation; emit map->paintCollisionChanged(map); } } void DraggablePixmapItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouse) { active = true; clicking = true; last_x = (mouse->pos().x() + this->pos().x()) / 16; last_y = (mouse->pos().y() + this->pos().y()) / 16; //qDebug() << QString("(%1, %2)").arg(event->get("x")).arg(event->get("y")); } void DraggablePixmapItem::move(int x, int y) { event->setX(event->x() + x); event->setY(event->y() + y); updatePosition(); emitPositionChanged(); } void DraggablePixmapItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouse) { if (active) { int x = (mouse->pos().x() + this->pos().x()) / 16; int y = (mouse->pos().y() + this->pos().y()) / 16; if (x != last_x || y != last_y) { clicking = false; if (editor->selected_events->contains(this)) { for (DraggablePixmapItem *item : *editor->selected_events) { item->move(x - last_x, y - last_y); } } else { move(x - last_x, y - last_y); } last_x = x; last_y = y; //qDebug() << QString("(%1, %2)").arg(event->get("x")).arg(event->get("x")); } } } void DraggablePixmapItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouse) { if (clicking) { this->editor->selectMapObject(this, mouse->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier); this->editor->updateSelectedObjects(); } active = false; } QList<DraggablePixmapItem *> *Editor::getObjects() { QList<DraggablePixmapItem *> *list = new QList<DraggablePixmapItem *>; for (Event *event : map->getAllEvents()) { for (QGraphicsItem *child : objects_group->childItems()) { DraggablePixmapItem *item = (DraggablePixmapItem *)child; if (item->event == event) { list->append(item); break; } } } return list; } void Editor::redrawObject(DraggablePixmapItem *item) { if (item) { item->setPixmap(item->event->pixmap); if (selected_events && selected_events->contains(item)) { QImage image = item->pixmap().toImage(); QPainter painter(&image); painter.setPen(QColor(250, 100, 25)); painter.drawRect(0, 0, image.width() - 1, image.height() - 1); painter.end(); item->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } } } void Editor::updateSelectedObjects() { for (DraggablePixmapItem *item : *(getObjects())) { redrawObject(item); } emit selectedObjectsChanged(); } void Editor::selectMapObject(DraggablePixmapItem *object) { selectMapObject(object, false); } void Editor::selectMapObject(DraggablePixmapItem *object, bool toggle) { if (selected_events && object) { if (selected_events->contains(object)) { if (toggle) { selected_events->removeOne(object); } } else { if (!toggle) { selected_events->clear(); } selected_events->append(object); } updateSelectedObjects(); } } DraggablePixmapItem* Editor::addNewEvent() { return addNewEvent("object"); } DraggablePixmapItem* Editor::addNewEvent(QString event_type) { if (project && map) { Event *event = new Event; event->put("map_name", map->name); event->put("event_type", event_type); map->addEvent(event); project->loadObjectPixmaps(map->getAllEvents()); DraggablePixmapItem *object = addMapObject(event); return object; } return NULL; } void Editor::deleteEvent(Event *event) { Map *map = project->getMap(event->get("map_name")); if (map) { map->removeEvent(event); } //selected_events->removeAll(event); //updateSelectedObjects(); } // dunno how to detect bubbling. QMouseEvent::isAccepted seems to always be true // check if selected_events changed instead. this has the side effect of deselecting // when you click on a selected event, since selected_events doesn't change. QList<DraggablePixmapItem *> selected_events_test; bool clicking = false; void Editor::objectsView_onMousePress(QMouseEvent *event) { clicking = true; selected_events_test = *selected_events; } void Editor::objectsView_onMouseMove(QMouseEvent *event) { clicking = false; } void Editor::objectsView_onMouseRelease(QMouseEvent *event) { if (clicking) { if (selected_events_test.length()) { if (selected_events_test.length() == selected_events->length()) { bool deselect = true; for (int i = 0; i < selected_events_test.length(); i++) { if (selected_events_test.at(i) != selected_events->at(i)) { deselect = false; break; } } if (deselect) { selected_events->clear(); updateSelectedObjects(); } } } clicking = false; } }