#include "editor.h" #include "draggablepixmapitem.h" #include "imageproviders.h" #include "log.h" #include "connectionslistitem.h" #include "currentselectedmetatilespixmapitem.h" #include "eventfilters.h" #include "metatile.h" #include "montabwidget.h" #include "editcommands.h" #include "config.h" #include "scripting.h" #include "customattributestable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool selectNewEvents = false; // 2D array mapping collision+elevation combos to an icon. QList> Editor::collisionIcons; Editor::Editor(Ui::MainWindow* ui) { this->ui = ui; this->selected_events = new QList; this->settings = new Settings(); this->playerViewRect = new MovableRect(&this->settings->playerViewRectEnabled, 30 * 8, 20 * 8, qRgb(255, 255, 255)); this->cursorMapTileRect = new CursorTileRect(&this->settings->cursorTileRectEnabled, qRgb(255, 255, 255)); this->map_ruler = new MapRuler(4); connect(this->map_ruler, &MapRuler::statusChanged, this, &Editor::mapRulerStatusChanged); /// Instead of updating the selected events after every single undo action /// (eg when the user rolls back several at once), only reselect events when /// the index is changed. connect(&editGroup, &QUndoGroup::indexChanged, [this](int) { if (selectNewEvents) { updateSelectedEvents(); selectNewEvents = false; } }); // Send signals used for updating the wild pokemon summary chart connect(ui->stackedWidget_WildMons, &QStackedWidget::currentChanged, [this] { emit wildMonTableOpened(getCurrentWildMonTable()); }); connect(ui->toolButton_Open_Scripts, &QToolButton::pressed, this, &Editor::openMapScripts); connect(ui->actionOpen_Project_in_Text_Editor, &QAction::triggered, this, &Editor::openProjectInTextEditor); connect(ui->checkBox_ToggleGrid, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Editor::toggleGrid); } Editor::~Editor() { delete this->selected_events; delete this->settings; delete this->playerViewRect; delete this->cursorMapTileRect; delete this->map_ruler; for (auto sublist : collisionIcons) qDeleteAll(sublist); closeProject(); } void Editor::saveProject() { if (project) { saveUiFields(); project->saveAllMaps(); project->saveAllDataStructures(); } } void Editor::save() { if (this->project && this->map) { saveUiFields(); this->project->saveMap(this->map); this->project->saveAllDataStructures(); } else if (this->project && this->layout) { this->project->saveLayout(this->layout); this->project->saveAllDataStructures(); } } void Editor::saveUiFields() { saveEncounterTabData(); } void Editor::setProject(Project * project) { closeProject(); this->project = project; MapConnection::project = project; } void Editor::closeProject() { if (!this->project) return; this->project->saveConfig(); Scripting::cb_ProjectClosed(this->project->root); Scripting::stop(); clearMap(); delete this->project; } bool Editor::getEditingLayout() { return this->editMode == EditMode::Metatiles || this->editMode == EditMode::Collision; } void Editor::setEditorView() { // based on editMode if (!map_item || !collision_item) return; if (!this->layout) return; map_item->setVisible(true); // is map item ever not visible collision_item->setVisible(false); switch (this->editMode) { case EditMode::Metatiles: case EditMode::Connections: case EditMode::Events: current_view = map_item; break; case EditMode::Collision: current_view = collision_item; break; default: current_view = nullptr; return; } map_item->draw(); collision_item->draw(); current_view->setVisible(true); updateBorderVisibility(); this->cursorMapTileRect->setSingleTileMode(); this->cursorMapTileRect->setActive(true); switch (this->editMode) { case EditMode::Metatiles: case EditMode::Collision: map_item->setEditsEnabled(true); this->editGroup.setActiveStack(&this->layout->editHistory); break; case EditMode::Connections: this->cursorMapTileRect->setActive(false); map_item->setEditsEnabled(false); case EditMode::Events: if (this->map) { this->editGroup.setActiveStack(&this->map->editHistory); } break; case EditMode::Header: case EditMode::Encounters: default: this->editGroup.setActiveStack(nullptr); break; } if (this->events_group) { this->events_group->setVisible(this->editMode == EditMode::Events); } setMapEditingButtonsEnabled(this->editMode != EditMode::Events); } void Editor::setEditingMetatiles() { this->editMode = EditMode::Metatiles; setEditorView(); } void Editor::setEditingCollision() { this->editMode = EditMode::Collision; setEditorView(); } void Editor::setEditingHeader() { this->editMode = EditMode::Header; setEditorView(); } void Editor::setEditingObjects() { this->editMode = EditMode::Events; setEditorView(); updateWarpEventWarnings(); } void Editor::setEditingConnections() { this->editMode = EditMode::Connections; setEditorView(); } void Editor::setEditingEncounters() { this->editMode = EditMode::Encounters; setEditorView(); } void Editor::setMapEditingButtonsEnabled(bool enabled) { this->ui->toolButton_Fill->setEnabled(enabled); this->ui->toolButton_Dropper->setEnabled(enabled); this->ui->pushButton_ChangeDimensions->setEnabled(enabled); // If the fill button is pressed, unpress it and select the pointer. if (!enabled && (this->ui->toolButton_Fill->isChecked() || this->ui->toolButton_Dropper->isChecked())) { this->mapEditAction = EditAction::Select; this->settings->mapCursor = QCursor(); this->cursorMapTileRect->setSingleTileMode(); this->ui->toolButton_Fill->setChecked(false); this->ui->toolButton_Dropper->setChecked(false); this->ui->toolButton_Select->setChecked(true); } this->ui->checkBox_smartPaths->setEnabled(enabled); } void Editor::clearWildMonTables() { QStackedWidget *stack = ui->stackedWidget_WildMons; const QSignalBlocker blocker(stack); // delete widgets from previous map data if they exist while (stack->count()) { QWidget *oldWidget = stack->widget(0); stack->removeWidget(oldWidget); delete oldWidget; } ui->comboBox_EncounterGroupLabel->clear(); emit wildMonTableClosed(); } void Editor::displayWildMonTables() { clearWildMonTables(); // Don't try to read encounter data if it doesn't exist on disk for this map. if (!project->wildMonData.contains(map->constantName)) { return; } QComboBox *labelCombo = ui->comboBox_EncounterGroupLabel; for (auto groupPair : project->wildMonData[map->constantName]) labelCombo->addItem(groupPair.first); labelCombo->setCurrentText(labelCombo->itemText(0)); QStackedWidget *stack = ui->stackedWidget_WildMons; int labelIndex = 0; for (auto labelPair : project->wildMonData[map->constantName]) { QString label = labelPair.first; WildPokemonHeader header = project->wildMonData[map->constantName][label]; MonTabWidget *tabWidget = new MonTabWidget(this); stack->insertWidget(labelIndex++, tabWidget); int tabIndex = 0; for (EncounterField monField : project->wildMonFields) { QString fieldName = monField.name; tabWidget->clearTableAt(tabIndex); if (project->wildMonData.contains(map->constantName) && header.wildMons[fieldName].active) { tabWidget->populateTab(tabIndex, header.wildMons[fieldName]); } else { tabWidget->setTabActive(tabIndex, false); } tabIndex++; } connect(tabWidget, &MonTabWidget::currentChanged, [this] { emit wildMonTableOpened(getCurrentWildMonTable()); }); } stack->setCurrentIndex(0); emit wildMonTableOpened(getCurrentWildMonTable()); } void Editor::addNewWildMonGroup(QWidget *window) { QStackedWidget *stack = ui->stackedWidget_WildMons; QComboBox *labelCombo = ui->comboBox_EncounterGroupLabel; int stackIndex = stack->currentIndex(); QDialog dialog(window, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); dialog.setWindowTitle("New Wild Encounter Group Label"); dialog.setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); QFormLayout form(&dialog); QDialogButtonBox buttonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, &dialog); QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit(); lineEdit->setClearButtonEnabled(true); form.addRow(new QLabel("Group Base Label:"), lineEdit); static const QRegularExpression re_validChars("[_A-Za-z0-9]*"); QRegularExpressionValidator *validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator(re_validChars); lineEdit->setValidator(validator); connect(lineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [this, &lineEdit, &buttonBox](QString text){ if (this->project->encounterGroupLabels.contains(text)) { lineEdit->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 25%) }"); buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDisabled(true); } else { lineEdit->setStyleSheet(""); buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(true); } }); // Give a default value to the label. lineEdit->setText(QString("g%1%2").arg(map->name).arg(stack->count())); // Fields [x] copy from existing QLabel *fieldsLabel = new QLabel("Fields:"); form.addRow(fieldsLabel); QCheckBox *copyCheckbox = new QCheckBox; copyCheckbox->setEnabled(stack->count()); form.addRow(new QLabel("Copy from current group"), copyCheckbox); QVector fieldCheckboxes; for (EncounterField monField : project->wildMonFields) { QCheckBox *fieldCheckbox = new QCheckBox; fieldCheckboxes.append(fieldCheckbox); form.addRow(new QLabel(monField.name), fieldCheckbox); } // Reading from ui here so not saving to disk before user. connect(copyCheckbox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](int state){ if (state == Qt::Checked) { int fieldIndex = 0; MonTabWidget *monWidget = static_cast(stack->widget(stack->currentIndex())); for (EncounterField monField : project->wildMonFields) { fieldCheckboxes[fieldIndex]->setChecked(monWidget->isTabEnabled(fieldIndex)); fieldCheckboxes[fieldIndex]->setEnabled(false); fieldIndex++; } } else if (state == Qt::Unchecked) { int fieldIndex = 0; for (EncounterField monField : project->wildMonFields) { fieldCheckboxes[fieldIndex]->setEnabled(true); fieldIndex++; } } }); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, [&dialog, &lineEdit, this](){ QString newLabel = lineEdit->text(); if (!newLabel.isEmpty()) { this->project->encounterGroupLabels.append(newLabel); dialog.accept(); } }); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, &dialog, &QDialog::reject); form.addRow(&buttonBox); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { WildPokemonHeader header; for (EncounterField& monField : project->wildMonFields) { QString fieldName = monField.name; header.wildMons[fieldName].active = false; header.wildMons[fieldName].encounterRate = 0; } MonTabWidget *tabWidget = new MonTabWidget(this); stack->insertWidget(stack->count(), tabWidget); labelCombo->addItem(lineEdit->text()); labelCombo->setCurrentIndex(labelCombo->count() - 1); int tabIndex = 0; for (EncounterField &monField : project->wildMonFields) { QString fieldName = monField.name; tabWidget->clearTableAt(tabIndex); if (fieldCheckboxes[tabIndex]->isChecked()) { if (copyCheckbox->isChecked()) { MonTabWidget *copyFrom = static_cast(stack->widget(stackIndex)); if (copyFrom->isTabEnabled(tabIndex)) { QTableView *monTable = copyFrom->tableAt(tabIndex); EncounterTableModel *model = static_cast(monTable->model()); header.wildMons[fieldName] = model->encounterData(); } else { header.wildMons[fieldName] = getDefaultMonInfo(monField); } } else { header.wildMons[fieldName] = getDefaultMonInfo(monField); } tabWidget->populateTab(tabIndex, header.wildMons[fieldName]); } else { tabWidget->setTabActive(tabIndex, false); } tabIndex++; } saveEncounterTabData(); emit wildMonTableEdited(); } } void Editor::deleteWildMonGroup() { QComboBox *labelCombo = ui->comboBox_EncounterGroupLabel; if (labelCombo->count() < 1) { return; } QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Confirm Delete"); msgBox.setInformativeText("Are you sure you want to delete " + labelCombo->currentText() + "?"); QPushButton *deleteButton = msgBox.addButton("Delete", QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == deleteButton) { auto it = project->wildMonData.find(map->constantName); if (it == project->wildMonData.end()) { logError(QString("Failed to find data for map %1. Unable to delete").arg(map->constantName)); return; } int i = project->encounterGroupLabels.indexOf(labelCombo->currentText()); if (i < 0) { logError(QString("Failed to find selected wild mon group: %1. Unable to delete") .arg(labelCombo->currentText())); return; } it.value().erase(labelCombo->currentText()); project->encounterGroupLabels.remove(i); displayWildMonTables(); saveEncounterTabData(); emit wildMonTableEdited(); } } void Editor::configureEncounterJSON(QWidget *window) { QVector fieldSlots; EncounterFields tempFields = project->wildMonFields; QLabel *totalLabel = new QLabel; // lambda: Update the total displayed at the bottom of the Configure JSON // window. Take groups into account when applicable. auto updateTotal = [&fieldSlots, totalLabel](EncounterField ¤tField) { int total = 0, spinnerIndex = 0; QString groupTotalMessage; QMap groupTotals; for (auto keyPair : currentField.groups) { groupTotals.insert(keyPair.first, 0);// add to group map and initialize total to zero } for (auto slot : fieldSlots) { QSpinBox *spinner = slot->findChild(); int val = spinner->value(); currentField.encounterRates[spinnerIndex] = val; if (!currentField.groups.empty()) { for (auto keyPair : currentField.groups) { QString key = keyPair.first; if (currentField.groups[key].contains(spinnerIndex)) { groupTotals[key] += val; break; } } } else { total += val; } spinnerIndex++; } if (!currentField.groups.empty()) { groupTotalMessage += "Totals: "; for (auto keyPair : currentField.groups) { QString key = keyPair.first; groupTotalMessage += QString("%1 (%2),\t").arg(groupTotals[key]).arg(key); } groupTotalMessage.chop(2); } else { groupTotalMessage = QString("Total: %1").arg(QString::number(total)); } if (total > 0xFF) { totalLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); groupTotalMessage += QString("\tWARNING: value exceeds the limit for a u8 variable."); } totalLabel->setText(groupTotalMessage); }; // lambda: Create a new "slot", which is the widget containing a spinner and an index label. // Add the slot to a list of fieldSlots, which exists to keep track of them for memory management. auto createNewSlot = [&fieldSlots, &tempFields, &updateTotal](int index, EncounterField ¤tField) { QLabel *indexLabel = new QLabel(QString("Index: %1").arg(QString::number(index))); QSpinBox *chanceSpinner = new QSpinBox; int chance = currentField.encounterRates.at(index); chanceSpinner->setMinimum(1); chanceSpinner->setMaximum(9999); chanceSpinner->setValue(chance); connect(chanceSpinner, QOverload::of(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), [&updateTotal, ¤tField](int) { updateTotal(currentField); }); bool useGroups = !currentField.groups.empty(); QFrame *slotChoiceFrame = new QFrame; QVBoxLayout *slotChoiceLayout = new QVBoxLayout; if (useGroups) { QComboBox *groupCombo = new QComboBox; connect(groupCombo, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::textActivated), [&tempFields, ¤tField, &updateTotal, index](QString newGroupName) { for (EncounterField &field : tempFields) { if (field.name == currentField.name) { for (auto groupNameIterator : field.groups) { QString groupName = groupNameIterator.first; if (field.groups[groupName].contains(index)) { field.groups[groupName].removeAll(index); break; } } for (auto groupNameIterator : field.groups) { QString groupName = groupNameIterator.first; if (groupName == newGroupName) field.groups[newGroupName].append(index); } break; } } updateTotal(currentField); }); for (auto groupNameIterator : currentField.groups) { groupCombo->addItem(groupNameIterator.first); } QString currentGroupName; for (auto groupNameIterator : currentField.groups) { QString groupName = groupNameIterator.first; if (currentField.groups[groupName].contains(index)) { currentGroupName = groupName; break; } } groupCombo->setCurrentText(currentGroupName); slotChoiceLayout->addWidget(groupCombo); } slotChoiceLayout->addWidget(chanceSpinner); slotChoiceFrame->setLayout(slotChoiceLayout); QFrame *slot = new QFrame; QHBoxLayout *slotLayout = new QHBoxLayout; slotLayout->addWidget(indexLabel); slotLayout->addWidget(slotChoiceFrame); slot->setLayout(slotLayout); fieldSlots.append(slot); return slot; }; QDialog dialog(window, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); dialog.setWindowTitle("Configure Wild Encounter Fields"); dialog.setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); QGridLayout grid; QDialogButtonBox buttonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, &dialog); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, &dialog, &QDialog::accept); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, &dialog, &QDialog::reject); // lambda: Get a QStringList of the existing field names. auto getFieldNames = [&tempFields]() { QStringList fieldNames; for (EncounterField field : tempFields) fieldNames.append(field.name); return fieldNames; }; // lambda: Draws the slot widgets onto a grid (4 wide) on the dialog window. auto drawSlotWidgets = [&dialog, &grid, &createNewSlot, &fieldSlots, &updateTotal, &tempFields](int index) { // Clear them first. while (!fieldSlots.isEmpty()) { auto slot = fieldSlots.takeFirst(); grid.removeWidget(slot); delete slot; } if (!tempFields.size()) { return; } if (index >= tempFields.size()) { index = tempFields.size() - 1; } EncounterField ¤tField = tempFields[index]; for (int i = 0; i < currentField.encounterRates.size(); i++) { grid.addWidget(createNewSlot(i, currentField), i / 4 + 1, i % 4); } updateTotal(currentField); dialog.adjustSize();// TODO: why is this updating only on second call? reproduce: land->fishing->rock_smash->water }; QComboBox *fieldChoices = new QComboBox; connect(fieldChoices, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), drawSlotWidgets); fieldChoices->addItems(getFieldNames()); QLabel *fieldChoiceLabel = new QLabel("Field"); // Button to create new fields in the JSON. QPushButton *addFieldButton = new QPushButton("Add New Field..."); connect(addFieldButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [fieldChoices, &tempFields]() { QDialog newNameDialog(nullptr, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); newNameDialog.setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); QDialogButtonBox newFieldButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, &newNameDialog); connect(&newFieldButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, &newNameDialog, &QDialog::accept); connect(&newFieldButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, &newNameDialog, &QDialog::reject); QLineEdit *newNameEdit = new QLineEdit; newNameEdit->setClearButtonEnabled(true); QFormLayout newFieldForm(&newNameDialog); newFieldForm.addRow("Field Name", newNameEdit); newFieldForm.addRow(&newFieldButtonBox); if (newNameDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString newFieldName = newNameEdit->text(); QVector newFieldRates(1, 100); tempFields.append({newFieldName, newFieldRates, {}}); fieldChoices->addItem(newFieldName); fieldChoices->setCurrentIndex(fieldChoices->count() - 1); } }); QPushButton *deleteFieldButton = new QPushButton("Delete Field"); connect(deleteFieldButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [drawSlotWidgets, fieldChoices, &tempFields]() { if (tempFields.size() < 2) return;// don't delete last int index = fieldChoices->currentIndex(); fieldChoices->removeItem(index); tempFields.remove(index); drawSlotWidgets(index); }); QPushButton *addSlotButton = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/icons/add.ico"), ""); addSlotButton->setFlat(true); connect(addSlotButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [&fieldChoices, &drawSlotWidgets, &tempFields]() { EncounterField &field = tempFields[fieldChoices->currentIndex()]; field.encounterRates.append(1); drawSlotWidgets(fieldChoices->currentIndex()); }); QPushButton *removeSlotButton = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/icons/delete.ico"), ""); removeSlotButton->setFlat(true); connect(removeSlotButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [&fieldChoices, &drawSlotWidgets, &tempFields]() { EncounterField &field = tempFields[fieldChoices->currentIndex()]; int lastIndex = field.encounterRates.size() - 1; if (lastIndex > 0) field.encounterRates.removeLast(); for (auto &g : field.groups) { field.groups[g.first].removeAll(lastIndex); } drawSlotWidgets(fieldChoices->currentIndex()); }); // TODO: method for editing groups? QFrame firstRow; QHBoxLayout firstRowLayout; firstRowLayout.addWidget(fieldChoiceLabel); firstRowLayout.addWidget(fieldChoices); firstRowLayout.addWidget(deleteFieldButton); firstRowLayout.addWidget(addFieldButton); firstRowLayout.addWidget(removeSlotButton); firstRowLayout.addWidget(addSlotButton); firstRow.setLayout(&firstRowLayout); grid.addWidget(&firstRow, 0, 0, 1, 4, Qt::AlignLeft); QHBoxLayout lastRow; lastRow.addWidget(totalLabel); lastRow.addWidget(&buttonBox); // To keep the total and button box at the bottom of the window. QVBoxLayout layout(&dialog); QFrame *frameTop = new QFrame; frameTop->setLayout(&grid); layout.addWidget(frameTop); QFrame *frameBottom = new QFrame; frameBottom->setLayout(&lastRow); layout.addWidget(frameBottom); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { updateEncounterFields(tempFields); // Re-draw the tab accordingly. displayWildMonTables(); saveEncounterTabData(); emit wildMonTableEdited(); } } void Editor::saveEncounterTabData() { // This function does not save to disk so it is safe to use before user clicks Save. QStackedWidget *stack = ui->stackedWidget_WildMons; QComboBox *labelCombo = ui->comboBox_EncounterGroupLabel; if (!stack->count()) return; tsl::ordered_map &encounterMap = project->wildMonData[map->constantName]; for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < stack->count(); groupIndex++) { MonTabWidget *tabWidget = static_cast(stack->widget(groupIndex)); WildPokemonHeader &encounterHeader = encounterMap[labelCombo->itemText(groupIndex)]; int fieldIndex = 0; for (EncounterField monField : project->wildMonFields) { QString fieldName = monField.name; if (!tabWidget->isTabEnabled(fieldIndex++)) { encounterHeader.wildMons.erase(fieldName); continue; } QTableView *monTable = tabWidget->tableAt(fieldIndex - 1); EncounterTableModel *model = static_cast(monTable->model()); encounterHeader.wildMons[fieldName] = model->encounterData(); } } } EncounterTableModel* Editor::getCurrentWildMonTable() { auto tabWidget = static_cast(ui->stackedWidget_WildMons->currentWidget()); if (!tabWidget) return nullptr; auto tableView = tabWidget->tableAt(tabWidget->currentIndex()); if (!tableView) return nullptr; return static_cast(tableView->model()); } void Editor::updateEncounterFields(EncounterFields newFields) { EncounterFields oldFields = project->wildMonFields; // Go through fields and determine whether we need to update a field. // If the field is new, do nothing. // If the field is deleted, remove from all maps. // If the field is changed, change all maps accordingly. for (EncounterField oldField : oldFields) { QString oldFieldName = oldField.name; bool fieldDeleted = true; for (EncounterField newField : newFields) { QString newFieldName = newField.name; if (oldFieldName == newFieldName) { fieldDeleted = false; if (oldField.encounterRates.size() != newField.encounterRates.size()) { for (auto mapPair : project->wildMonData) { QString map = mapPair.first; for (auto groupNamePair : project->wildMonData[map]) { QString groupName = groupNamePair.first; WildPokemonHeader &monHeader = project->wildMonData[map][groupName]; for (auto fieldNamePair : monHeader.wildMons) { QString fieldName = fieldNamePair.first; if (fieldName == oldFieldName) { monHeader.wildMons[fieldName].wildPokemon.resize(newField.encounterRates.size()); } } } } } } } if (fieldDeleted) { for (auto mapPair : project->wildMonData) { QString map = mapPair.first; for (auto groupNamePair : project->wildMonData[map]) { QString groupName = groupNamePair.first; WildPokemonHeader &monHeader = project->wildMonData[map][groupName]; for (auto fieldNamePair : monHeader.wildMons) { QString fieldName = fieldNamePair.first; if (fieldName == oldFieldName) { monHeader.wildMons.erase(fieldName); } } } } } } project->wildMonFields = newFields; } void Editor::disconnectMapConnection(MapConnection *connection) { // Disconnect MapConnection's signals used by the display. // It'd be nice if we could just 'connection->disconnect(this)' but that doesn't account for lambda functions. QObject::disconnect(connection, &MapConnection::targetMapNameChanged, nullptr, nullptr); QObject::disconnect(connection, &MapConnection::directionChanged, nullptr, nullptr); QObject::disconnect(connection, &MapConnection::offsetChanged, nullptr, nullptr); } void Editor::displayConnection(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; if (MapConnection::isDiving(connection->direction())) { displayDivingConnection(connection); return; } // Create connection image ConnectionPixmapItem *pixmapItem = new ConnectionPixmapItem(connection, getConnectionOrigin(connection)); pixmapItem->render(); scene->addItem(pixmapItem); maskNonVisibleConnectionTiles(); // Create item for the list panel ConnectionsListItem *listItem = new ConnectionsListItem(ui->scrollAreaContents_ConnectionsList, pixmapItem->connection, project->mapNames); ui->layout_ConnectionsList->insertWidget(ui->layout_ConnectionsList->count() - 1, listItem); // Insert above the vertical spacer // Double clicking the pixmap or clicking the list item's map button opens the connected map connect(listItem, &ConnectionsListItem::openMapClicked, this, &Editor::openConnectedMap); connect(pixmapItem, &ConnectionPixmapItem::connectionItemDoubleClicked, this, &Editor::openConnectedMap); // Sync the selection highlight between the list UI and the pixmap connect(pixmapItem, &ConnectionPixmapItem::selectionChanged, [=](bool selected) { listItem->setSelected(selected); if (selected) setSelectedConnectionItem(pixmapItem); }); connect(listItem, &ConnectionsListItem::selected, [=] { setSelectedConnectionItem(pixmapItem); }); // Sync edits to 'offset' between the list UI and the pixmap connect(connection, &MapConnection::offsetChanged, [=](int, int) { listItem->updateUI(); pixmapItem->updatePos(); maskNonVisibleConnectionTiles(); }); // Sync edits to 'direction' between the list UI and the pixmap connect(connection, &MapConnection::directionChanged, [=](QString, QString) { listItem->updateUI(); updateConnectionPixmap(pixmapItem); }); // Sync edits to 'map' between the list UI and the pixmap connect(connection, &MapConnection::targetMapNameChanged, [=](QString, QString) { listItem->updateUI(); updateConnectionPixmap(pixmapItem); }); // When the pixmap is deleted, remove its associated list item connect(pixmapItem, &ConnectionPixmapItem::destroyed, listItem, &ConnectionsListItem::deleteLater); connection_items.append(pixmapItem); // If this was a recent addition from the user we should select it. // We intentionally exclude connections added programmatically, e.g. by mirroring. if (connection_to_select == connection) { connection_to_select = nullptr; setSelectedConnectionItem(pixmapItem); } } void Editor::addConnection(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; // Mark this connection to be selected once its display elements have been created. // It's possible this is a Dive/Emerge connection, but that's ok (no selection will occur). connection_to_select = connection; this->map->editHistory.push(new MapConnectionAdd(this->map, connection)); } void Editor::removeConnection(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; this->map->editHistory.push(new MapConnectionRemove(this->map, connection)); } void Editor::removeSelectedConnection() { if (selected_connection_item) removeConnection(selected_connection_item->connection); } void Editor::removeConnectionPixmap(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; disconnectMapConnection(connection); if (MapConnection::isDiving(connection->direction())) { removeDivingMapPixmap(connection); return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < connection_items.length(); i++) { if (connection_items.at(i)->connection == connection) break; } if (i == connection_items.length()) return; // Connection is not displayed, nothing to do. auto pixmapItem = connection_items.takeAt(i); if (pixmapItem == selected_connection_item) { // This was the selected connection, select the next one up in the list. selected_connection_item = nullptr; if (i != 0) i--; if (connection_items.length() > i) setSelectedConnectionItem(connection_items.at(i)); } if (pixmapItem->scene()) pixmapItem->scene()->removeItem(pixmapItem); delete pixmapItem; } void Editor::displayDivingConnection(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; const QString direction = connection->direction(); if (!MapConnection::isDiving(direction)) return; // Note: We only support editing 1 Dive and Emerge connection per map. // In a vanilla game only the first Dive/Emerge connection is considered, so allowing // users to have multiple is likely to lead to confusion. In case users have changed // this we won't delete extra diving connections, but we'll only display the first one. if (diving_map_items.value(direction)) return; // Create map display auto comboBox = (direction == "dive") ? ui->comboBox_DiveMap : ui->comboBox_EmergeMap; auto item = new DivingMapPixmapItem(connection, comboBox); scene->addItem(item); diving_map_items.insert(direction, item); updateDivingMapsVisibility(); } void Editor::renderDivingConnections() { for (auto item : diving_map_items.values()) item->updatePixmap(); } void Editor::removeDivingMapPixmap(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; const QString direction = connection->direction(); if (!diving_map_items.contains(direction)) return; // If the diving map being removed is different than the one that's currently displayed we don't need to do anything. if (diving_map_items.value(direction)->connection() != connection) return; // Delete map image auto pixmapItem = diving_map_items.take(direction); if (pixmapItem->scene()) pixmapItem->scene()->removeItem(pixmapItem); delete pixmapItem; // Reveal any previously-hidden connection (because we only ever display one diving map of each type). // Note: When this occurs as a result of the user clicking the 'X' clear button it seems the QComboBox // doesn't expect the line edit to be immediately repopulated, and the 'X' doesn't reappear. // As a workaround we wait before displaying the new text. The wait time is essentially arbitrary. for (auto i : map->getConnections()) { if (i->direction() == direction) { QTimer::singleShot(10, Qt::CoarseTimer, [this, i]() { displayDivingConnection(i); }); break; } } updateDivingMapsVisibility(); } void Editor::updateDiveMap(QString mapName) { setDivingMapName(mapName, "dive"); } void Editor::updateEmergeMap(QString mapName) { setDivingMapName(mapName, "emerge"); } void Editor::setDivingMapName(QString mapName, QString direction) { auto pixmapItem = diving_map_items.value(direction); MapConnection *connection = pixmapItem ? pixmapItem->connection() : nullptr; if (connection) { if (mapName == connection->targetMapName()) return; // No change // Update existing connection if (mapName.isEmpty()) { removeConnection(connection); } else { map->editHistory.push(new MapConnectionChangeMap(connection, mapName)); } } else if (!mapName.isEmpty()) { // Create new connection addConnection(new MapConnection(mapName, direction)); } } void Editor::updateDivingMapsVisibility() { auto dive = diving_map_items.value("dive"); auto emerge = diving_map_items.value("emerge"); if (dive && emerge) { // Both connections in use, use separate sliders ui->stackedWidget_DiveMapOpacity->setCurrentIndex(0); dive->setOpacity(!porymapConfig.showDiveEmergeMaps ? 0 : static_cast(porymapConfig.diveMapOpacity) / 100); emerge->setOpacity(!porymapConfig.showDiveEmergeMaps ? 0 : static_cast(porymapConfig.emergeMapOpacity) / 100); } else { // One connection in use (or none), use single slider ui->stackedWidget_DiveMapOpacity->setCurrentIndex(1); qreal opacity = !porymapConfig.showDiveEmergeMaps ? 0 : static_cast(porymapConfig.diveEmergeMapOpacity) / 100; if (dive) dive->setOpacity(opacity); else if (emerge) emerge->setOpacity(opacity); } } // Get the 'origin' point for the connection's pixmap, i.e. where it should be positioned in the editor when connection->offset() == 0. // This differs depending on the connection's direction and the dimensions of its target map or parent map. QPoint Editor::getConnectionOrigin(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return QPoint(0, 0); Map *parentMap = connection->parentMap(); Map *targetMap = connection->targetMap(); const QString direction = connection->direction(); int x = 0, y = 0; if (direction == "right") { if (parentMap) x = parentMap->getWidth(); } else if (direction == "down") { if (parentMap) y = parentMap->getHeight(); } else if (direction == "left") { if (targetMap) x = -targetMap->getConnectionRect(direction).width(); } else if (direction == "up") { if (targetMap) y = -targetMap->getConnectionRect(direction).height(); } return QPoint(x * 16, y * 16); } void Editor::updateConnectionPixmap(ConnectionPixmapItem *pixmapItem) { if (!pixmapItem) return; pixmapItem->setOrigin(getConnectionOrigin(pixmapItem->connection)); pixmapItem->render(true); // Full render to reflect map changes maskNonVisibleConnectionTiles(); } void Editor::setSelectedConnectionItem(ConnectionPixmapItem *pixmapItem) { if (!pixmapItem || pixmapItem == selected_connection_item) return; if (selected_connection_item) selected_connection_item->setSelected(false); selected_connection_item = pixmapItem; selected_connection_item->setSelected(true); } void Editor::setSelectedConnection(MapConnection *connection) { if (!connection) return; for (auto item : connection_items) { if (item->connection == connection) { setSelectedConnectionItem(item); break; } } } void Editor::onBorderMetatilesChanged() { displayMapBorder(); updateBorderVisibility(); } void Editor::onHoveredMovementPermissionChanged(uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation) { this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(this->getMovementPermissionText(collision, elevation)); } void Editor::onHoveredMovementPermissionCleared() { this->ui->statusBar->clearMessage(); } QString Editor::getMetatileDisplayMessage(uint16_t metatileId) { Metatile *metatile = Tileset::getMetatile(metatileId, this->layout->tileset_primary, this->layout->tileset_secondary); QString label = Tileset::getMetatileLabel(metatileId, this->layout->tileset_primary, this->layout->tileset_secondary); QString message = QString("Metatile: %1").arg(Metatile::getMetatileIdString(metatileId)); if (label.size()) message += QString(" \"%1\"").arg(label); if (metatile && metatile->behavior() != 0) { // Skip MB_NORMAL const QString behaviorStr = this->project->metatileBehaviorMapInverse.value(metatile->behavior(), "0x" + QString::number(metatile->behavior(), 16)); message += QString(", Behavior: %1").arg(behaviorStr); } return message; } void Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionChanged(uint16_t metatileId) { this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(getMetatileDisplayMessage(metatileId)); } void Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionCleared() { this->ui->statusBar->clearMessage(); } void Editor::onSelectedMetatilesChanged() { QPoint size = this->metatile_selector_item->getSelectionDimensions(); this->cursorMapTileRect->updateSelectionSize(size.x(), size.y()); this->redrawCurrentMetatilesSelection(); } void Editor::onWheelZoom(int s) { // Don't zoom the map when the user accidentally scrolls while performing a magic fill. (ctrl + middle button click) if (!(QApplication::mouseButtons() & Qt::MiddleButton)) { scaleMapView(s); } } const QList zoomLevels = QList { 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, }; void Editor::scaleMapView(int s) { // Clamp the scale index to a valid value. int nextScaleIndex = this->scaleIndex + s; if (nextScaleIndex < 0) nextScaleIndex = 0; if (nextScaleIndex >= zoomLevels.size()) nextScaleIndex = zoomLevels.size() - 1; // Early exit if the scale index hasn't changed. if (nextScaleIndex == this->scaleIndex) return; // Set the graphics views' scale transformation based // on the new scale amount. this->scaleIndex = nextScaleIndex; double scaleFactor = zoomLevels[nextScaleIndex]; QTransform transform = QTransform::fromScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); ui->graphicsView_Map->setTransform(transform); ui->graphicsView_Connections->setTransform(transform); } void Editor::updateCursorRectPos(int x, int y) { if (this->playerViewRect) this->playerViewRect->updateLocation(x, y); if (this->cursorMapTileRect) this->cursorMapTileRect->updateLocation(x, y); if (ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()) ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()->update(); } void Editor::setCursorRectVisible(bool visible) { if (this->playerViewRect) this->playerViewRect->setVisible(visible); if (this->cursorMapTileRect) this->cursorMapTileRect->setVisible(visible); if (ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()) ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()->update(); } void Editor::onHoveredMapMetatileChanged(const QPoint &pos) { int x = pos.x(); int y = pos.y(); if (!layout->isWithinBounds(x, y)) return; this->updateCursorRectPos(x, y); if (this->getEditingLayout()) { int blockIndex = y * layout->getWidth() + x; int metatileId = layout->blockdata.at(blockIndex).metatileId(); this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("X: %1, Y: %2, %3, Scale = %4x") .arg(x) .arg(y) .arg(getMetatileDisplayMessage(metatileId)) .arg(QString::number(zoomLevels[this->scaleIndex], 'g', 2))); } else if (this->editMode == EditMode::Events) { this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("X: %1, Y: %2, Scale = %3x") .arg(x) .arg(y) .arg(QString::number(zoomLevels[this->scaleIndex], 'g', 2))); } Scripting::cb_BlockHoverChanged(x, y); } void Editor::onHoveredMapMetatileCleared() { this->setCursorRectVisible(false); if (!map_item->getEditsEnabled()) { this->ui->statusBar->clearMessage(); } Scripting::cb_BlockHoverCleared(); } void Editor::onHoveredMapMovementPermissionChanged(int x, int y) { if (!layout->isWithinBounds(x, y)) return; this->updateCursorRectPos(x, y); if (this->getEditingLayout()) { int blockIndex = y * layout->getWidth() + x; uint16_t collision = layout->blockdata.at(blockIndex).collision(); uint16_t elevation = layout->blockdata.at(blockIndex).elevation(); QString message = QString("X: %1, Y: %2, %3") .arg(x) .arg(y) .arg(this->getMovementPermissionText(collision, elevation)); this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message); } Scripting::cb_BlockHoverChanged(x, y); } void Editor::onHoveredMapMovementPermissionCleared() { this->setCursorRectVisible(false); if (this->getEditingLayout()) { this->ui->statusBar->clearMessage(); } Scripting::cb_BlockHoverCleared(); } QString Editor::getMovementPermissionText(uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation) { QString message; if (collision != 0) { message = QString("Collision: Impassable (%1), Elevation: %2").arg(collision).arg(elevation); } else if (elevation == 0) { message = "Collision: Transition between elevations"; } else if (elevation == 15) { message = "Collision: Multi-Level (Bridge)"; } else if (elevation == 1) { message = "Collision: Surf"; } else { message = QString("Collision: Passable, Elevation: %1").arg(elevation); } return message; } void Editor::unsetMap() { // disconnect previous map's signals so they are not firing // multiple times if set again in the future if (map) { map->pruneEditHistory(); map->disconnect(this); for (auto connection : map->getConnections()) disconnectMapConnection(connection); } clearMapConnections(); this->map = nullptr; } bool Editor::setMap(QString map_name) { if (map_name.isEmpty()) { return false; } unsetMap(); if (project) { Map *loadedMap = project->loadMap(map_name); if (!loadedMap) { return false; } this->map = loadedMap; setLayout(map->layout->id); editGroup.addStack(&map->editHistory); editGroup.setActiveStack(&map->editHistory); selected_events->clear(); if (!displayMap()) { return false; } connect(map, &Map::openScriptRequested, this, &Editor::openScript); connect(map, &Map::connectionAdded, this, &Editor::displayConnection); connect(map, &Map::connectionRemoved, this, &Editor::removeConnectionPixmap); updateSelectedEvents(); } return true; } bool Editor::setLayout(QString layoutId) { if (layoutId.isEmpty()) return false; this->layout = this->project->loadLayout(layoutId); if (!displayLayout()) { return false; } editGroup.addStack(&layout->editHistory); map_ruler->setMapDimensions(QSize(this->layout->getWidth(), this->layout->getHeight())); connect(this->layout, &Layout::layoutDimensionsChanged, map_ruler, &MapRuler::setMapDimensions); ui->comboBox_PrimaryTileset->blockSignals(true); ui->comboBox_SecondaryTileset->blockSignals(true); ui->comboBox_PrimaryTileset->setCurrentText(this->layout->tileset_primary_label); ui->comboBox_SecondaryTileset->setCurrentText(this->layout->tileset_secondary_label); ui->comboBox_PrimaryTileset->blockSignals(false); ui->comboBox_SecondaryTileset->blockSignals(false); const QSignalBlocker b0(this->ui->comboBox_LayoutSelector); int index = this->ui->comboBox_LayoutSelector->findText(layoutId); if (index < 0) index = 0; this->ui->comboBox_LayoutSelector->setCurrentIndex(index); return true; } void Editor::onMapStartPaint(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event, LayoutPixmapItem *item) { if (!this->getEditingLayout()) { return; } QPoint pos = Metatile::coordFromPixmapCoord(event->pos()); if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton && (mapEditAction == EditAction::Paint || mapEditAction == EditAction::Fill)) { this->cursorMapTileRect->initRightClickSelectionAnchor(pos.x(), pos.y()); } else { this->cursorMapTileRect->initAnchor(pos.x(), pos.y()); } } void Editor::onMapEndPaint(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *, LayoutPixmapItem *item) { if (!this->getEditingLayout()) { return; } this->cursorMapTileRect->stopRightClickSelectionAnchor(); this->cursorMapTileRect->stopAnchor(); } void Editor::setSmartPathCursorMode(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { bool shiftPressed = event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier; if (settings->smartPathsEnabled) { if (!shiftPressed) { this->cursorMapTileRect->setSmartPathMode(true); } else { this->cursorMapTileRect->setSmartPathMode(false); } } else { if (shiftPressed) { this->cursorMapTileRect->setSmartPathMode(true); } else { this->cursorMapTileRect->setSmartPathMode(false); } } } void Editor::setStraightPathCursorMode(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { this->cursorMapTileRect->setStraightPathMode(true); } else { this->cursorMapTileRect->setStraightPathMode(false); } } void Editor::mouseEvent_map(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event, LayoutPixmapItem *item) { // TODO: add event tab object painting tool buttons stuff here if (!item->getEditsEnabled()) { return; } QPoint pos = Metatile::coordFromPixmapCoord(event->pos()); if (this->getEditingLayout()) { if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Paint) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { item->updateMetatileSelection(event); } else if (event->buttons() & Qt::MiddleButton) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { item->magicFill(event); } else { item->floodFill(event); } } else { if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) { // Update the tile rectangle at the end of a click-drag selection this->updateCursorRectPos(pos.x(), pos.y()); } this->setSmartPathCursorMode(event); this->setStraightPathCursorMode(event); if (this->cursorMapTileRect->getStraightPathMode()) { item->lockNondominantAxis(event); pos = item->adjustCoords(pos); } item->paint(event); } } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Select) { item->select(event); } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Fill) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { item->updateMetatileSelection(event); } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { item->magicFill(event); } else { item->floodFill(event); } } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Pick) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { item->updateMetatileSelection(event); } else { item->pick(event); } } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Shift) { this->setStraightPathCursorMode(event); if (this->cursorMapTileRect->getStraightPathMode()) { item->lockNondominantAxis(event); pos = item->adjustCoords(pos); } item->shift(event); } } else if (this->editMode == EditMode::Events) { if (objectEditAction == EditAction::Paint && event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress) { // Right-clicking while in paint mode will change mode to select. if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { this->objectEditAction = EditAction::Select; this->settings->mapCursor = QCursor(); this->cursorMapTileRect->setSingleTileMode(); this->ui->toolButton_Paint->setChecked(false); this->ui->toolButton_Select->setChecked(true); } else { // Left-clicking while in paint mode will add a new event of the // type of the first currently selected events. // Disallow adding heal locations, deleting them is not possible yet Event::Type eventType = Event::Type::Object; if (this->selected_events->size() > 0) eventType = this->selected_events->first()->event->getEventType(); if (eventType != Event::Type::HealLocation) { DraggablePixmapItem *newEvent = addNewEvent(eventType); if (newEvent) { newEvent->move(pos.x(), pos.y()); emit objectsChanged(); selectMapEvent(newEvent); } } } } else if (objectEditAction == EditAction::Select) { // do nothing here, at least for now } else if (objectEditAction == EditAction::Shift) { static QPoint selection_origin; static unsigned actionId = 0; if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) { actionId++; } else { if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress) { selection_origin = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove) { if (pos.x() != selection_origin.x() || pos.y() != selection_origin.y()) { int xDelta = pos.x() - selection_origin.x(); int yDelta = pos.y() - selection_origin.y(); QList selectedEvents; for (DraggablePixmapItem *pixmapItem : getObjects()) { selectedEvents.append(pixmapItem->event); } selection_origin = QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()); map->editHistory.push(new EventShift(selectedEvents, xDelta, yDelta, actionId)); } } } } } } void Editor::mouseEvent_collision(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event, CollisionPixmapItem *item) { if (!item->getEditsEnabled()) { return; } QPoint pos = Metatile::coordFromPixmapCoord(event->pos()); if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Paint) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { item->updateMovementPermissionSelection(event); } else if (event->buttons() & Qt::MiddleButton) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { item->magicFill(event); } else { item->floodFill(event); } } else { this->setStraightPathCursorMode(event); if (this->cursorMapTileRect->getStraightPathMode()) { item->lockNondominantAxis(event); pos = item->adjustCoords(pos); } item->paint(event); } } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Select) { item->select(event); } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Fill) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { item->pick(event); } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { item->magicFill(event); } else { item->floodFill(event); } } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Pick) { item->pick(event); } else if (mapEditAction == EditAction::Shift) { this->setStraightPathCursorMode(event); if (this->cursorMapTileRect->getStraightPathMode()) { item->lockNondominantAxis(event); pos = item->adjustCoords(pos); } item->shift(event); } } // On project close we want to leave the editor view empty. // Otherwise a map is normally only cleared when a new one is being displayed. void Editor::clearMap() { clearMetatileSelector(); clearMovementPermissionSelector(); clearMapMetatiles(); clearMapMovementPermissions(); clearBorderMetatiles(); clearCurrentMetatilesSelection(); clearMapEvents(); clearMapConnections(); clearMapBorder(); clearMapGrid(); clearWildMonTables(); clearConnectionMask(); // Clear pointers to objects deleted elsewhere current_view = nullptr; map = nullptr; // These are normally preserved between map displays, we only delete them now. delete scene; delete metatile_selector_item; delete movement_permissions_selector_item; } bool Editor::displayMap() { displayMapEvents(); displayMapConnections(); displayWildMonTables(); maskNonVisibleConnectionTiles(); if (events_group) { events_group->setVisible(false); } return true; } bool Editor::displayLayout() { if (!scene) { scene = new QGraphicsScene; MapSceneEventFilter *filter = new MapSceneEventFilter(scene); scene->installEventFilter(filter); connect(filter, &MapSceneEventFilter::wheelZoom, this, &Editor::onWheelZoom); scene->installEventFilter(this->map_ruler); } clearConnectionMask(); displayMetatileSelector(); displayMapMetatiles(); displayMovementPermissionSelector(); displayMapMovementPermissions(); displayBorderMetatiles(); displayCurrentMetatilesSelection(); displayMapBorder(); displayMapGrid(); this->map_ruler->setZValue(1000); scene->addItem(this->map_ruler); if (map_item) { map_item->setVisible(false); } if (collision_item) { collision_item->setVisible(false); } return true; } void Editor::clearMetatileSelector() { if (metatile_selector_item && metatile_selector_item->scene()) { metatile_selector_item->scene()->removeItem(metatile_selector_item); delete scene_metatiles; } } void Editor::displayMetatileSelector() { clearMetatileSelector(); scene_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; if (!metatile_selector_item) { metatile_selector_item = new MetatileSelector(8, this->layout); connect(metatile_selector_item, &MetatileSelector::hoveredMetatileSelectionChanged, this, &Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionChanged); connect(metatile_selector_item, &MetatileSelector::hoveredMetatileSelectionCleared, this, &Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionCleared); connect(metatile_selector_item, &MetatileSelector::selectedMetatilesChanged, this, &Editor::onSelectedMetatilesChanged); metatile_selector_item->select(0); } else { metatile_selector_item->setLayout(this->layout); if (metatile_selector_item->primaryTileset && metatile_selector_item->primaryTileset != this->layout->tileset_primary) emit tilesetUpdated(this->layout->tileset_primary->name); if (metatile_selector_item->secondaryTileset && metatile_selector_item->secondaryTileset != this->layout->tileset_secondary) emit tilesetUpdated(this->layout->tileset_secondary->name); metatile_selector_item->setTilesets(this->layout->tileset_primary, this->layout->tileset_secondary); } scene_metatiles->addItem(metatile_selector_item); } void Editor::clearMapMetatiles() { if (map_item && scene) { scene->removeItem(map_item); delete map_item; scene->removeItem(this->map_ruler); } } void Editor::displayMapMetatiles() { clearMapMetatiles(); map_item = new LayoutPixmapItem(this->layout, this->metatile_selector_item, this->settings); connect(map_item, &LayoutPixmapItem::mouseEvent, this, &Editor::mouseEvent_map); connect(map_item, &LayoutPixmapItem::startPaint, this, &Editor::onMapStartPaint); connect(map_item, &LayoutPixmapItem::endPaint, this, &Editor::onMapEndPaint); connect(map_item, &LayoutPixmapItem::hoveredMapMetatileChanged, this, &Editor::onHoveredMapMetatileChanged); connect(map_item, &LayoutPixmapItem::hoveredMapMetatileCleared, this, &Editor::onHoveredMapMetatileCleared); map_item->draw(true); scene->addItem(map_item); int tw = 16; int th = 16; scene->setSceneRect( -BORDER_DISTANCE * tw, -BORDER_DISTANCE * th, map_item->pixmap().width() + BORDER_DISTANCE * 2 * tw, map_item->pixmap().height() + BORDER_DISTANCE * 2 * th ); } void Editor::clearMapMovementPermissions() { if (collision_item && scene) { scene->removeItem(collision_item); delete collision_item; } } void Editor::displayMapMovementPermissions() { clearMapMovementPermissions(); collision_item = new CollisionPixmapItem(this->layout, ui->spinBox_SelectedCollision, ui->spinBox_SelectedElevation, this->metatile_selector_item, this->settings, &this->collisionOpacity); connect(collision_item, &CollisionPixmapItem::mouseEvent, this, &Editor::mouseEvent_collision); connect(collision_item, &CollisionPixmapItem::hoveredMapMovementPermissionChanged, this, &Editor::onHoveredMapMovementPermissionChanged); connect(collision_item, &CollisionPixmapItem::hoveredMapMovementPermissionCleared, this, &Editor::onHoveredMapMovementPermissionCleared); collision_item->draw(true); scene->addItem(collision_item); } void Editor::clearBorderMetatiles() { if (selected_border_metatiles_item && selected_border_metatiles_item->scene()) { selected_border_metatiles_item->scene()->removeItem(selected_border_metatiles_item); delete selected_border_metatiles_item; delete scene_selected_border_metatiles; } } void Editor::displayBorderMetatiles() { clearBorderMetatiles(); scene_selected_border_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; selected_border_metatiles_item = new BorderMetatilesPixmapItem(this->layout, this->metatile_selector_item); selected_border_metatiles_item->draw(); scene_selected_border_metatiles->addItem(selected_border_metatiles_item); connect(selected_border_metatiles_item, &BorderMetatilesPixmapItem::hoveredBorderMetatileSelectionChanged, this, &Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionChanged); connect(selected_border_metatiles_item, &BorderMetatilesPixmapItem::hoveredBorderMetatileSelectionCleared, this, &Editor::onHoveredMetatileSelectionCleared); connect(selected_border_metatiles_item, &BorderMetatilesPixmapItem::borderMetatilesChanged, this, &Editor::onBorderMetatilesChanged); } void Editor::clearCurrentMetatilesSelection() { if (current_metatile_selection_item && current_metatile_selection_item->scene()) { current_metatile_selection_item->scene()->removeItem(current_metatile_selection_item); delete current_metatile_selection_item; current_metatile_selection_item = nullptr; delete scene_current_metatile_selection; } } void Editor::displayCurrentMetatilesSelection() { clearCurrentMetatilesSelection(); scene_current_metatile_selection = new QGraphicsScene; current_metatile_selection_item = new CurrentSelectedMetatilesPixmapItem(this->layout, this->metatile_selector_item); current_metatile_selection_item->draw(); scene_current_metatile_selection->addItem(current_metatile_selection_item); } void Editor::redrawCurrentMetatilesSelection() { if (current_metatile_selection_item) { current_metatile_selection_item->setLayout(this->layout); current_metatile_selection_item->draw(); emit currentMetatilesSelectionChanged(); } } void Editor::clearMovementPermissionSelector() { if (movement_permissions_selector_item && movement_permissions_selector_item->scene()) { movement_permissions_selector_item->scene()->removeItem(movement_permissions_selector_item); delete scene_collision_metatiles; } } void Editor::displayMovementPermissionSelector() { clearMovementPermissionSelector(); scene_collision_metatiles = new QGraphicsScene; if (!movement_permissions_selector_item) { movement_permissions_selector_item = new MovementPermissionsSelector(this->collisionSheetPixmap); connect(movement_permissions_selector_item, &MovementPermissionsSelector::hoveredMovementPermissionChanged, this, &Editor::onHoveredMovementPermissionChanged); connect(movement_permissions_selector_item, &MovementPermissionsSelector::hoveredMovementPermissionCleared, this, &Editor::onHoveredMovementPermissionCleared); connect(movement_permissions_selector_item, &SelectablePixmapItem::selectionChanged, [this](int x, int y, int, int) { this->setCollisionTabSpinBoxes(x, y); }); movement_permissions_selector_item->select(projectConfig.defaultCollision, projectConfig.defaultElevation); } scene_collision_metatiles->addItem(movement_permissions_selector_item); } void Editor::clearMapEvents() { if (events_group) { for (QGraphicsItem *child : events_group->childItems()) { events_group->removeFromGroup(child); delete child; } if (events_group->scene()) { events_group->scene()->removeItem(events_group); } delete events_group; events_group = nullptr; } selected_events->clear(); } void Editor::displayMapEvents() { clearMapEvents(); events_group = new QGraphicsItemGroup; scene->addItem(events_group); QList events = map->getAllEvents(); for (Event *event : events) { project->setEventPixmap(event); addMapEvent(event); } //objects_group->setFiltersChildEvents(false); events_group->setHandlesChildEvents(false); } DraggablePixmapItem *Editor::addMapEvent(Event *event) { DraggablePixmapItem *object = new DraggablePixmapItem(event, this); this->redrawObject(object); events_group->addToGroup(object); return object; } void Editor::clearMapConnections() { for (auto item : connection_items) { if (item->scene()) item->scene()->removeItem(item); delete item; } connection_items.clear(); const QSignalBlocker blocker1(ui->comboBox_DiveMap); const QSignalBlocker blocker2(ui->comboBox_EmergeMap); ui->comboBox_DiveMap->setCurrentText(""); ui->comboBox_EmergeMap->setCurrentText(""); for (auto item : diving_map_items.values()) { if (item->scene()) item->scene()->removeItem(item); delete item; } diving_map_items.clear(); // Reset to single opacity slider ui->stackedWidget_DiveMapOpacity->setCurrentIndex(1); selected_connection_item = nullptr; } void Editor::displayMapConnections() { clearMapConnections(); if (map) { for (auto connection : map->getConnections()) displayConnection(connection); } if (!connection_items.isEmpty()) setSelectedConnectionItem(connection_items.first()); } void Editor::clearConnectionMask() { if (connection_mask) { if (connection_mask->scene()) { connection_mask->scene()->removeItem(connection_mask); } delete connection_mask; connection_mask = nullptr; } } // Hides connected map tiles that cannot be seen from the current map (beyond BORDER_DISTANCE). void Editor::maskNonVisibleConnectionTiles() { clearConnectionMask(); QPainterPath mask; mask.addRect(scene->itemsBoundingRect().toRect()); mask.addRect( -BORDER_DISTANCE * 16, -BORDER_DISTANCE * 16, (layout->getWidth() + BORDER_DISTANCE * 2) * 16, (layout->getHeight() + BORDER_DISTANCE * 2) * 16 ); // Mask the tiles with the current theme's background color. QPen pen(ui->graphicsView_Map->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base)); QBrush brush(ui->graphicsView_Map->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base)); connection_mask = scene->addPath(mask, pen, brush); } void Editor::clearMapBorder() { for (QGraphicsPixmapItem* item : borderItems) { if (item->scene()) { item->scene()->removeItem(item); } delete item; } borderItems.clear(); } void Editor::displayMapBorder() { clearMapBorder(); int borderWidth = this->layout->getBorderWidth(); int borderHeight = this->layout->getBorderHeight(); int borderHorzDist = getBorderDrawDistance(borderWidth); int borderVertDist = getBorderDrawDistance(borderHeight); QPixmap pixmap = this->layout->renderBorder(); for (int y = -borderVertDist; y < this->layout->getHeight() + borderVertDist; y += borderHeight) for (int x = -borderHorzDist; x < this->layout->getWidth() + borderHorzDist; x += borderWidth) { QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap); item->setX(x * 16); item->setY(y * 16); item->setZValue(-3); scene->addItem(item); borderItems.append(item); } } void Editor::updateMapBorder() { QPixmap pixmap = this->layout->renderBorder(true); for (auto item : this->borderItems) { item->setPixmap(pixmap); } } void Editor::updateMapConnections() { for (auto item : connection_items) item->render(true); } int Editor::getBorderDrawDistance(int dimension) { // Draw sufficient border blocks to fill the player's view (BORDER_DISTANCE) if (dimension >= BORDER_DISTANCE) { return dimension; } else if (dimension) { return dimension * (BORDER_DISTANCE / dimension + (BORDER_DISTANCE % dimension ? 1 : 0)); } else { return BORDER_DISTANCE; } } void Editor::toggleGrid(bool checked) { if (porymapConfig.showGrid == checked) return; porymapConfig.showGrid = checked; // Synchronize action and checkbox const QSignalBlocker b_Action(ui->actionShow_Grid); const QSignalBlocker b_Checkbox(ui->checkBox_ToggleGrid); ui->actionShow_Grid->setChecked(checked); ui->checkBox_ToggleGrid->setChecked(checked); this->mapGrid->setVisible(checked); if (ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()) ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()->update(); } void Editor::clearMapGrid() { delete this->mapGrid; this->mapGrid = nullptr; } void Editor::displayMapGrid() { clearMapGrid(); // Note: The grid lines are not added to the scene. They need to be drawn on top of the overlay // elements of the scripting API, so they're painted manually in MapView::drawForeground. this->mapGrid = new QGraphicsItemGroup(); const int pixelMapWidth = this->layout->getWidth() * 16; const int pixelMapHeight = this->layout->getHeight() * 16; // The grid can be moved with a user-specified x/y offset. The grid's dash patterns will only wrap in full pattern increments, // so we draw an additional row/column outside the map that can be revealed as the offset changes. const int offsetX = (this->gridSettings.offsetX % this->gridSettings.width) - this->gridSettings.width; const int offsetY = (this->gridSettings.offsetY % this->gridSettings.height) - this->gridSettings.height; QPen pen; pen.setColor(this->gridSettings.color); // Create vertical lines pen.setDashPattern(this->gridSettings.getVerticalDashPattern()); for (int i = offsetX; i <= pixelMapWidth; i += this->gridSettings.width) { auto line = new QGraphicsLineItem(i, offsetY, i, pixelMapHeight); line->setPen(pen); this->mapGrid->addToGroup(line); } // Create horizontal lines pen.setDashPattern(this->gridSettings.getHorizontalDashPattern()); for (int i = offsetY; i <= pixelMapHeight; i += this->gridSettings.height) { auto line = new QGraphicsLineItem(offsetX, i, pixelMapWidth, i); line->setPen(pen); this->mapGrid->addToGroup(line); } this->mapGrid->setVisible(porymapConfig.showGrid); } void Editor::updateMapGrid() { displayMapGrid(); if (ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()) ui->graphicsView_Map->scene()->update(); } void Editor::updatePrimaryTileset(QString tilesetLabel, bool forceLoad) { if (this->layout->tileset_primary_label != tilesetLabel || forceLoad) { this->layout->tileset_primary_label = tilesetLabel; this->layout->tileset_primary = project->getTileset(tilesetLabel, forceLoad); layout->clearBorderCache(); } } void Editor::updateSecondaryTileset(QString tilesetLabel, bool forceLoad) { if (this->layout->tileset_secondary_label != tilesetLabel || forceLoad) { this->layout->tileset_secondary_label = tilesetLabel; this->layout->tileset_secondary = project->getTileset(tilesetLabel, forceLoad); layout->clearBorderCache(); } } void Editor::toggleBorderVisibility(bool visible, bool enableScriptCallback) { porymapConfig.showBorder = visible; updateBorderVisibility(); if (enableScriptCallback) Scripting::cb_BorderVisibilityToggled(visible); } void Editor::updateBorderVisibility() { // On the connections tab the border is always visible, and the connections can be edited. bool editingConnections = (ui->mainTabBar->currentIndex() == MainTab::Connections); bool visible = (editingConnections || ui->checkBox_ToggleBorder->isChecked()); // Update border const qreal borderOpacity = editingConnections ? 0.4 : 1; for (QGraphicsPixmapItem* item : borderItems) { item->setVisible(visible); item->setOpacity(borderOpacity); } // Update map connections for (ConnectionPixmapItem* item : connection_items) { item->setVisible(visible); item->setEditable(editingConnections); item->setEnabled(visible); // When connecting a map to itself we don't bother to re-render the map connections in real-time, // i.e. if the user paints a new metatile on the map this isn't immediately reflected in the connection. // We're rendering them now, so we take the opportunity to do a full re-render for self-connections. bool fullRender = (this->map && item->connection && this->map->name == item->connection->targetMapName()); item->render(fullRender); } } void Editor::updateCustomMapHeaderValues(QTableWidget *table) { map->customHeaders = CustomAttributesTable::getAttributes(table); map->modify(); } Tileset* Editor::getCurrentMapPrimaryTileset() { QString tilesetLabel = this->layout->tileset_primary_label; return project->getTileset(tilesetLabel); } QList Editor::getObjects() { QList list; for (QGraphicsItem *child : events_group->childItems()) { list.append(static_cast(child)); } return list; } void Editor::redrawObject(DraggablePixmapItem *item) { if (item && item->event && !item->event->getPixmap().isNull()) { qreal opacity = item->event->getUsingSprite() ? 1.0 : 0.7; item->setOpacity(opacity); project->setEventPixmap(item->event, true); item->setPixmap(item->event->getPixmap()); item->setShapeMode(QGraphicsPixmapItem::BoundingRectShape); if (selected_events && selected_events->contains(item)) { QImage image = item->pixmap().toImage(); QPainter painter(&image); painter.setPen(QColor(255, 0, 255)); painter.drawRect(0, 0, image.width() - 1, image.height() - 1); painter.end(); item->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } item->updatePosition(); } } // Warp events display a warning if they're not positioned on a metatile with a warp behavior. void Editor::updateWarpEventWarning(Event *event) { if (porymapConfig.warpBehaviorWarningDisabled) return; if (!project || !map || !map->layout || !event || event->getEventType() != Event::Type::Warp) return; Block block; Metatile * metatile = nullptr; WarpEvent * warpEvent = static_cast(event); if (map->layout->getBlock(warpEvent->getX(), warpEvent->getY(), &block)) { metatile = Tileset::getMetatile(block.metatileId(), map->layout->tileset_primary, map->layout->tileset_secondary); } // metatile may be null if the warp is in the map border. Display the warning in this case bool validWarpBehavior = metatile && projectConfig.warpBehaviors.contains(metatile->behavior()); warpEvent->setWarningEnabled(!validWarpBehavior); } // The warp event behavior warning is updated whenever the event moves or the event selection changes. // It does not respond to changes in the underlying metatile. To capture the common case of a user painting // metatiles on the Map tab then returning to the Events tab we update the warnings for all selected warp // events when the Events tab is opened. This does not cover the case where metatiles are painted while // still on the Events tab, such as by Undo/Redo or the scripting API. void Editor::updateWarpEventWarnings() { if (porymapConfig.warpBehaviorWarningDisabled) return; if (selected_events) { for (auto selection : *selected_events) updateWarpEventWarning(selection->event); } } void Editor::shouldReselectEvents() { selectNewEvents = true; } void Editor::updateSelectedEvents() { for (DraggablePixmapItem *item : getObjects()) { redrawObject(item); } emit objectsChanged(); } void Editor::selectMapEvent(DraggablePixmapItem *object, bool toggle) { if (!selected_events || !object) return; if (!toggle) { // Selecting just this event selected_events->clear(); selected_events->append(object); } else if (!selected_events->contains(object)) { // Adding event to group selection selected_events->append(object); } else if (selected_events->length() > 1) { // Removing event from group selection selected_events->removeOne(object); } else { // Attempting to toggle the only currently-selected event. // Unselecting an event this way would be unexpected, so we ignore it. return; } updateSelectedEvents(); } void Editor::selectedEventIndexChanged(int index, Event::Group eventGroup) { int event_offs = Event::getIndexOffset(eventGroup); index = index - event_offs; Event *event = nullptr; if (index < this->map->events.value(eventGroup).length()) { event = this->map->events.value(eventGroup).at(index); } DraggablePixmapItem *selectedEvent = nullptr; for (QGraphicsItem *child : this->events_group->childItems()) { DraggablePixmapItem *item = static_cast(child); if (item->event == event) { selectedEvent = item; break; } } if (selectedEvent) { this->selectMapEvent(selectedEvent); } else { updateSelectedEvents(); } } void Editor::duplicateSelectedEvents() { if (!selected_events || !selected_events->length() || !map || !current_view || this->getEditingLayout()) return; QList selectedEvents; for (int i = 0; i < selected_events->length(); i++) { Event *original = selected_events->at(i)->event; Event::Type eventType = original->getEventType(); if (eventLimitReached(eventType)) { logWarn(QString("Skipping duplication, the map limit for events of type '%1' has been reached.").arg(Event::eventTypeToString(eventType))); continue; } if (eventType == Event::Type::HealLocation) { logWarn("Skipping duplication, event is a heal location."); continue; } Event *duplicate = original->duplicate(); if (!duplicate) { logError("Encountered a problem duplicating an event."); continue; } duplicate->setX(duplicate->getX() + 1); duplicate->setY(duplicate->getY() + 1); selectedEvents.append(duplicate); } map->editHistory.push(new EventDuplicate(this, map, selectedEvents)); } DraggablePixmapItem *Editor::addNewEvent(Event::Type type) { if (!project || !map || eventLimitReached(type)) return nullptr; Event *event = Event::create(type); if (!event) return nullptr; event->setMap(this->map); event->setDefaultValues(this->project); if (type == Event::Type::HealLocation) { HealLocation healLocation = HealLocation::fromEvent(event); project->healLocations.append(healLocation); ((HealLocationEvent *)event)->setIndex(project->healLocations.length()); } map->editHistory.push(new EventCreate(this, map, event)); return event->getPixmapItem(); } // Currently only object events have an explicit limit bool Editor::eventLimitReached(Event::Type event_type) { if (project && map) { if (Event::typeToGroup(event_type) == Event::Group::Object) return map->events.value(Event::Group::Object).length() >= project->getMaxObjectEvents(); } return false; } void Editor::openMapScripts() const { openInTextEditor(map->getScriptsFilePath()); } void Editor::openScript(const QString &scriptLabel) const { // Find the location of scriptLabel. QStringList scriptPaths(map->getScriptsFilePath()); scriptPaths << project->getEventScriptsFilePaths(); int lineNum = 0; QString scriptPath = scriptPaths.first(); for (const auto &path : scriptPaths) { lineNum = ParseUtil::getScriptLineNumber(path, scriptLabel); if (lineNum != 0) { scriptPath = path; break; } } openInTextEditor(scriptPath, lineNum); } void Editor::openInTextEditor(const QString &path, int lineNum) { QString command = porymapConfig.textEditorGotoLine; if (command.isEmpty()) { // Open map scripts in the system's default editor. QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)); } else { if (command.contains("%F")) { if (command.contains("%L")) command.replace("%L", QString::number(lineNum)); command.replace("%F", '\"' + path + '\"'); } else { command += " \"" + path + '\"'; } Editor::startDetachedProcess(command); } } void Editor::openProjectInTextEditor() const { QString command = porymapConfig.textEditorOpenFolder; if (command.contains("%D")) command.replace("%D", '\"' + project->root + '\"'); else command += " \"" + project->root + '\"'; startDetachedProcess(command); } bool Editor::startDetachedProcess(const QString &command, const QString &workingDirectory, qint64 *pid) { logInfo("Executing command: " + command); QProcess process; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QStringList arguments = ParseUtil::splitShellCommand(command); const QString program = arguments.takeFirst(); QFileInfo programFileInfo(program); if (programFileInfo.isExecutable()) { process.setProgram(program); process.setArguments(arguments); } else { // program is a batch script (such as VSCode's 'code' script) and needs to be started by cmd.exe. process.setProgram(QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("COMSPEC")); // Windows is finicky with quotes on the command-line. I can't explain why this difference is necessary. if (command.startsWith('"')) process.setNativeArguments("/c \"" + command + '"'); else process.setArguments(QStringList() << "/c" << program << arguments); } #else QStringList arguments = ParseUtil::splitShellCommand(command); process.setProgram(arguments.takeFirst()); process.setArguments(arguments); #endif process.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory); return process.startDetached(pid); } // It doesn't seem to be possible to prevent the mousePress event // from triggering both event's DraggablePixmapItem and the background mousePress. // Since the DraggablePixmapItem's event fires first, we can set a temp // variable "selectingEvent" so that we can detect whether or not the user // is clicking on the background instead of an event. void Editor::objectsView_onMousePress(QMouseEvent *event) { // make sure we are in object editing mode if (map_item && this->editMode != EditMode::Events) { return; } if (this->objectEditAction == EditAction::Paint && event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { this->objectEditAction = EditAction::Select; this->settings->mapCursor = QCursor(); this->cursorMapTileRect->setSingleTileMode(); this->ui->toolButton_Paint->setChecked(false); this->ui->toolButton_Select->setChecked(true); } bool multiSelect = event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; if (!selectingEvent && !multiSelect && selected_events->length() > 1) { // User is clearing group selection by clicking on the background this->selectMapEvent(selected_events->first()); } selectingEvent = false; } void Editor::setCollisionTabSpinBoxes(uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation) { const QSignalBlocker blocker1(ui->spinBox_SelectedCollision); const QSignalBlocker blocker2(ui->spinBox_SelectedElevation); ui->spinBox_SelectedCollision->setValue(collision); ui->spinBox_SelectedElevation->setValue(elevation); } // Custom collision graphics may be provided by the user. void Editor::setCollisionGraphics() { QString filepath = projectConfig.collisionSheetPath; QImage imgSheet; if (filepath.isEmpty()) { // No custom collision image specified, use the default. imgSheet = this->defaultCollisionImgSheet; } else { // Try to load custom collision image QString validPath = Project::getExistingFilepath(filepath); if (!validPath.isEmpty()) filepath = validPath; // Otherwise allow it to fail with the original path imgSheet = QImage(filepath); if (imgSheet.isNull()) { // Custom collision image failed to load, use default logWarn(QString("Failed to load custom collision image '%1', using default.").arg(filepath)); imgSheet = this->defaultCollisionImgSheet; } } // Users are not required to provide an image that gives an icon for every elevation/collision combination. // Instead they tell us how many are provided in their image by specifying the number of columns and rows. const int imgColumns = projectConfig.collisionSheetWidth; const int imgRows = projectConfig.collisionSheetHeight; // Create a pixmap for the selector on the Collision tab. If a project was previously opened we'll also need to refresh the selector. this->collisionSheetPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(imgSheet).scaled(MovementPermissionsSelector::CellWidth * imgColumns, MovementPermissionsSelector::CellHeight * imgRows); if (this->movement_permissions_selector_item) this->movement_permissions_selector_item->setBasePixmap(this->collisionSheetPixmap); for (auto sublist : collisionIcons) qDeleteAll(sublist); collisionIcons.clear(); // Use the image sheet to create an icon for each collision/elevation combination. // Any icons for combinations that aren't provided by the image sheet are also created now using default graphics. const int w = 16, h = 16; imgSheet = imgSheet.scaled(w * imgColumns, h * imgRows); for (int collision = 0; collision <= Block::getMaxCollision(); collision++) { // If (collision >= imgColumns) here, it's a valid collision value, but it is not represented with an icon on the image sheet. // In this case we just use the rightmost collision icon. This is mostly to support the vanilla case, where technically 0-3 // are valid collision values, but 1-3 have the same meaning, so the vanilla collision selector image only has 2 columns. int x = ((collision < imgColumns) ? collision : (imgColumns - 1)) * w; QList sublist; for (int elevation = 0; elevation <= Block::getMaxElevation(); elevation++) { if (elevation < imgRows) { // This elevation has an icon on the image sheet, add it to the list int y = elevation * h; sublist.append(new QImage(imgSheet.copy(x, y, w, h))); } else { // This is a valid elevation value, but it has no icon on the image sheet. // Give it a placeholder "?" icon (red if impassable, white otherwise) sublist.append(new QImage(this->collisionPlaceholder.copy(x != 0 ? w : 0, 0, w, h))); } } collisionIcons.append(sublist); } }