Project Files¶
Porymap relies on the user maintaining a certain level of integrity with their project files. This is a list of files that porymap reads from and writes to. Generally, if porymap writes to a file, it probably is not a good idea to edit yourself unless otherwise noted.
The filepath that Porymap expects for each file can be overridden on the Files
tab of Options -> Project Settings
. A new path can be specified by entering it in the text box or choosing it with the button. Paths are expected to be relative to the root project folder. If no path is specified, or if the file/folder specified does not exist, then the default path will be used instead. The name of each setting in this section is listed in the table below under

File Name | Read | Write | Override | Notes |
data/maps/*/map.json | yes | yes | data_map_folders |
data/maps/*/scripts.[inc|pory] | yes | no | data_map_folders |
for finding script labels |
data/scripts/*.[inc|pory] | yes | no | data_scripts_folders |
for finding script labels |
data/event_scripts.s | no | yes | data_event_scripts |
only appends new script files to end of file |
data/maps/map_groups.json | yes | yes | json_map_groups |
data/layouts/layouts.json | yes | yes | json_layouts |
data/layouts/*/[border|map].bin | yes | yes | data_layouts_folders |
src/data/tilesets/headers.h | yes | yes | tilesets_headers |
src/data/tilesets/graphics.h | yes | yes | tilesets_graphics |
also edits palette and tile image files listed in this file |
src/data/tilesets/metatiles.h | yes | yes | tilesets_metatiles |
also edits metatile files listed in this file |
data/tilesets/ | yes | yes | tilesets_headers_asm |
only if tilesets_headers can’t be found |
data/tilesets/ | yes | yes | tilesets_graphics_asm |
only if tilesets_headers can’t be found |
data/tilesets/ | yes | yes | tilesets_metatiles_asm |
only if tilesets_headers can’t be found |
data/tilesets/[primary|secondary]/* | yes | yes | data_tilesets_folders |
default tileset data location |
src/data/wild_encounters.json | yes | yes | json_wild_encounters |
optional (only required to use Wild Pokémon tab) |
src/data/object_events/object_event_graphics_info_pointers.h | yes | no | data_obj_event_gfx_pointers |
src/data/object_events/object_event_graphics_info.h | yes | no | data_obj_event_gfx_info |
src/data/object_events/object_event_pic_tables.h | yes | no | data_obj_event_pic_tables |
src/data/object_events/object_event_graphics.h | yes | no | data_obj_event_gfx |
src/data/graphics/pokemon.h | yes | no | data_pokemon_gfx |
for pokemon sprite icons |
src/data/heal_locations.h | yes | yes | data_heal_locations |
src/data/region_map/region_map_sections.json | yes | yes | json_region_map_entries |
src/data/region_map/porymap_config.json | yes | yes | json_region_porymap_cfg |
include/constants/global.h | yes | no | constants_global |
reads define_obj_event_count |
include/constants/map_groups.h | no | yes | constants_map_groups |
include/constants/items.h | yes | no | constants_items |
for Hidden Item events |
include/constants/flags.h | yes | no | constants_flags |
for Object and Hidden Item events |
include/constants/vars.h | yes | no | constants_vars |
for Trigger events |
include/constants/weather.h | yes | no | constants_weather |
for map weather and Weather Triggers |
include/constants/songs.h | yes | no | constants_songs |
for map music |
include/constants/heal_locations.h | yes | yes | constants_heal_locations |
include/constants/pokemon.h | yes | no | constants_pokemon |
reads define_min_level and define_max_level |
include/constants/map_types.h | yes | no | constants_map_types |
include/constants/trainer_types.h | yes | no | constants_trainer_types |
for Object events |
include/constants/secret_bases.h | yes | no | constants_secret_bases |
pokeemerald and pokeruby only |
include/constants/event_object_movement.h | yes | no | constants_obj_event_movement |
include/constants/event_objects.h | yes | no | constants_obj_events |
include/constants/event_bg.h | yes | no | constants_event_bg |
include/constants/region_map_sections.h | yes | no | constants_region_map_sections |
include/constants/metatile_labels.h | yes | yes | constants_metatile_labels |
include/constants/metatile_behaviors.h | yes | no | constants_metatile_behaviors |
include/constants/species.h | yes | no | constants_metatile_behaviors |
for the Wild Pokémon tab |
include/global.fieldmap.h | yes | no | global_fieldmap |
reads map and tileset data masks |
include/fieldmap.h | yes | no | constants_fieldmap |
reads tileset related constants |
src/fieldmap.c | yes | no | fieldmap |
reads symbol_attribute_table |
src/event_object_movement.c | yes | no | initial_facing_table |
reads symbol_facing_directions |
src/pokemon_icon.c | yes | no | pokemon_icon_table |
reads files in symbol_pokemon_icon_table |
graphics/pokemon/*/icon.png | yes | no | pokemon_gfx |
to search for Pokémon icons if they aren’t found in symbol_pokemon_icon_table |
In addition to these files, there are some specific symbol and macro names that Porymap expects to find in your project. These can be overridden on the Identifiers
tab of Options -> Project Settings
. The name of each setting in this section is listed in the table below under Override
. Overrides with regex
in the name support the regular expression syntax used by Qt.

Override | Default | Notes |
symbol_facing_directions |
gInitialMovementTypeFacingDirections |
to set sprite frame for Object Events based on movement type |
symbol_obj_event_gfx_pointers |
gObjectEventGraphicsInfoPointers |
to map Object Event graphics IDs to graphics data |
symbol_pokemon_icon_table |
gMonIconTable |
to map species constants to icon images |
symbol_wild_encounters |
gWildMonHeaders |
output as the label property for the top-level wild ecounters JSON object |
symbol_heal_locations |
sHealLocations |
only if Respawn Map/NPC is disabled |
symbol_spawn_points |
sSpawnPoints |
only if Respawn Map/NPC is enabled |
symbol_spawn_maps |
sWhiteoutRespawnHealCenterMapIdxs |
values for Heal Locations Respawn Map field |
symbol_spawn_npcs |
sWhiteoutRespawnHealerNpcIds |
values for Heal Locations Respawn NPC field |
symbol_attribute_table |
sMetatileAttrMasks |
optionally read to get settings on Tilesets tab |
symbol_tilesets_prefix |
gTileset_ |
for new tileset names and to extract base tileset names |
define_obj_event_count |
to limit total Object Events |
define_min_level |
minimum wild encounters level |
define_max_level |
maximum wild encounters level |
define_tiles_primary |
define_tiles_total |
define_metatiles_primary |
total metatiles are calculated using metatile ID mask |
define_pals_primary |
define_pals_total |
define_map_size |
to limit map dimensions |
define_mask_metatile |
optionally read to get settings on Maps tab |
define_mask_collision |
optionally read to get settings on Maps tab |
define_mask_elevation |
optionally read to get settings on Maps tab |
define_mask_behavior |
optionally read to get settings on Tilesets tab |
define_mask_layer |
optionally read to get settings on Tilesets tab |
define_attribute_behavior |
name used to extract setting from symbol_attribute_table |
define_attribute_layer |
name used to extract setting from symbol_attribute_table |
define_attribute_terrain |
name used to extract setting from symbol_attribute_table |
define_attribute_encounter |
name used to extract setting from symbol_attribute_table |
define_metatile_label_prefix |
expected prefix for metatile label macro names |
define_heal_locations_prefix |
output as prefix for Heal Location IDs if Respawn Map/NPC is disabled |
define_spawn_prefix |
output as prefix for Heal Location IDs if Respawn Map/NPC is enabled |
define_map_prefix |
MAP_ |
expected prefix for map macro names |
define_map_dynamic |
macro name after prefix for Dynamic maps |
define_map_empty |
macro name after prefix for empty maps |
define_map_section_prefix |
expected prefix for location macro names |
define_map_section_empty |
macro name after prefix for empty region map sections |
define_map_section_count |
macro name after prefix for total number of region map sections |
regex_behaviors |
\bMB_ |
regex to find metatile behavior macro names |
regex_obj_event_gfx |
regex to find Object Event graphics ID macro names |
regex_items |
\bITEM_(?!(B_)?USE_) |
regex to find item macro names |
regex_flags |
\bFLAG_ |
regex to find flag macro names |
regex_vars |
\bVAR_ |
regex to find var macro names |
regex_movement_types |
regex to find movement type macro names |
regex_map_types |
regex to find map type macro names |
regex_battle_scenes |
regex to find battle scene macro names |
regex_weather |
regex to find map weather macro names |
regex_coord_event_weather |
regex to find weather trigger macro names |
regex_secret_bases |
\bSECRET_BASE_[A-Za-z0-9_]*_[0-9]+ |
regex to find secret base ID macro names |
regex_sign_facing_directions |
regex to find sign facing direction macro names |
regex_trainer_types |
regex to find trainer type macro names |
regex_music |
\b(SE|MUS)_ |
regex to find music macro names |
regex_species |
regex to find species macro names |