#pragma once #ifndef TILEMAPTILESELECTOR_H #define TILEMAPTILESELECTOR_H #include "selectablepixmapitem.h" #include "paletteutil.h" #include <memory> using std::shared_ptr; enum class TilemapFormat { Plain, BPP_4, BPP_8 }; class TilemapTile { unsigned raw_ = 0; unsigned id_ = 0; bool hFlip_ = false; bool vFlip_ = false; int palette_ = 0; protected: TilemapTile(unsigned raw, unsigned id, bool hFlip, bool vFlip, int palette) : raw_(raw), id_(id), hFlip_(hFlip), vFlip_(vFlip), palette_(palette) {} virtual ~TilemapTile() {} public: TilemapTile()=default; TilemapTile(TilemapTile &other) { this->raw_ = other.raw(); this->id_ = other.id(); this->hFlip_ = other.hFlip(); this->vFlip_ = other.vFlip(); this->palette_ = other.palette(); } TilemapTile &operator=(const TilemapTile &other) { this->raw_ = other.raw(); this->id_ = other.id(); this->hFlip_ = other.hFlip(); this->vFlip_ = other.vFlip(); this->palette_ = other.palette(); return *this; } virtual void copy(TilemapTile &other) { this->raw_ = other.raw(); this->id_ = other.id(); this->hFlip_ = other.hFlip(); this->vFlip_ = other.vFlip(); this->palette_ = other.palette(); } virtual unsigned raw() const { return this->raw_; } virtual unsigned id() const { return this->id_; } virtual bool hFlip() const { return this->hFlip_; } virtual bool vFlip() const { return this->vFlip_; } virtual int palette() const { return this->palette_; } virtual void setId(unsigned id) { this->id_ = id; } virtual void setHFlip(bool hFlip) { this->hFlip_ = hFlip; } virtual void setVFlip(bool vFlip) { this->vFlip_ = vFlip; } virtual void setPalette(int palette) { this->palette_ = palette; } bool operator==(const TilemapTile& other) { return (this->raw() == other.raw()); } virtual QString info() const { return QString("Tile: 0x") + QString("%1 ").arg(this->id(), 4, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper(); } }; class PlainTile : public TilemapTile { public: PlainTile(unsigned raw) : TilemapTile(raw, raw, false, false, 0) {} ~PlainTile() {} virtual unsigned raw () const override { return id(); } }; class BPP4Tile : public TilemapTile { public: BPP4Tile(unsigned raw) : TilemapTile( raw, raw & 0x3ff, // tileId !!(raw & 0x0400), // hFlip !!(raw & 0x0800), // vFlip (raw & 0xf000) >> 12 // palette ) {} ~BPP4Tile() {} virtual unsigned raw () const override { return (id()) | (hFlip() << 10) | (vFlip() << 11) | (palette() << 12); } virtual QString info() const override { return TilemapTile::info() + QString("hFlip: %1 vFlip: %2 palette: %3").arg(this->hFlip()).arg(this->vFlip()).arg(this->palette()); } }; class BPP8Tile : public TilemapTile { public: BPP8Tile(unsigned raw) : TilemapTile( raw, raw & 0x3ff, // tileId !!(raw & 0x0400), // hFlip !!(raw & 0x0800), // vFlip 0 // palette ) {} ~BPP8Tile() {} virtual unsigned raw () const override { return (id()) | (hFlip() << 10) | (vFlip() << 11); } virtual QString info() const override { return TilemapTile::info() + QString("hFlip: %1 vFlip: %2").arg(this->hFlip()).arg(this->vFlip()); } }; class TilemapTileSelector: public SelectablePixmapItem { Q_OBJECT public: TilemapTileSelector(QString tilesetFilepath, TilemapFormat format, QString palFilepath): SelectablePixmapItem(8, 8, 1, 1) { this->tileset = QImage(tilesetFilepath); this->format = format; if (this->tileset.format() == QImage::Format::Format_Indexed8 && this->format == TilemapFormat::BPP_4) { // Squash pixel data to fit 4BPP. Allows project repo to use 8BPP images for 4BPP tilemaps uchar * pixel = this->tileset.bits(); for (int i = 0; i < this->tileset.sizeInBytes(); i++, pixel++) *pixel %= 16; } bool err; if (!palFilepath.isEmpty()) { this->palette = PaletteUtil::parse(palFilepath, &err); } this->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(this->tileset)); this->numTilesWide = this->tileset.width() / 8; this->selectedTile = 0x00; setAcceptHoverEvents(true); } void draw(); QImage setPalette(int index); int pixelWidth; int pixelHeight; void select(unsigned tileId); unsigned selectedTile = 0; void selectVFlip(bool hFlip) { this->tile_hFlip = hFlip; } bool tile_hFlip = false; void selectHFlip(bool vFlip) { this->tile_vFlip = vFlip; } bool tile_vFlip = false; void selectPalette(int palette) { this->tile_palette = palette; this->draw(); } int tile_palette = 0; QImage tileset; TilemapFormat format = TilemapFormat::Plain; QList<QRgb> palette; QImage tileImg(shared_ptr<TilemapTile> tile); protected: void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*); void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*); void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*); void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*); void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*); private: int numTilesWide; size_t numTiles; void updateSelectedTile(); unsigned getTileId(int x, int y); QPoint getTileIdCoords(unsigned); signals: void hoveredTileChanged(unsigned); void hoveredTileCleared(); void selectedTileChanged(unsigned); }; #endif // TILEMAPTILESELECTOR_H