#include "mapview.h" #include "scripting.h" #include "imageproviders.h" void MapView::clear(int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->clearItems(); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, clear all layers void MapView::clear() { this->clearOverlayMap(); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::hide(int layer) { this->setVisibility(false, layer); } // Overload. No layer provided, hide all layers void MapView::hide() { this->setVisibility(false); } void MapView::show(int layer) { this->setVisibility(true, layer); } // Overload. No layer provided, show all layers void MapView::show() { this->setVisibility(true); } bool MapView::getVisibility(int layer) { return !(this->getOverlay(layer)->getHidden()); } void MapView::setVisibility(bool visible, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->setHidden(!visible); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, set visibility of all layers void MapView::setVisibility(bool visible) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->setHidden(!visible); this->scene()->update(); } int MapView::getX(int layer) { return this->getOverlay(layer)->getX(); } int MapView::getY(int layer) { return this->getOverlay(layer)->getY(); } void MapView::setX(int x, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->setX(x); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, set x of all layers void MapView::setX(int x) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->setX(x); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::setY(int y, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->setY(y); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, set y of all layers void MapView::setY(int y) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->setY(y); this->scene()->update(); } QJSValue MapView::getPosition(int layer) { Overlay * overlay = this->getOverlay(layer); return Scripting::position(overlay->getX(), overlay->getY()); } void MapView::setPosition(int x, int y, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->setPosition(x, y); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, set position of all layers void MapView::setPosition(int x, int y) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->setPosition(x, y); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::move(int deltaX, int deltaY, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->move(deltaX, deltaY); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, move all layers void MapView::move(int deltaX, int deltaY) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->move(deltaX, deltaY); this->scene()->update(); } int MapView::getOpacity(int layer) { return this->getOverlay(layer)->getOpacity(); } void MapView::setOpacity(int opacity, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->setOpacity(opacity); this->scene()->update(); } // Overload. No layer provided, set opacity of all layers void MapView::setOpacity(int opacity) { foreach (Overlay * layer, this->overlayMap) layer->setOpacity(opacity); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addText(QString text, int x, int y, QString color, int fontSize, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->addText(text, x, y, color, fontSize); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, QString color, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->addRect(x, y, width, height, color, false); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addFilledRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, QString color, int layer) { this->getOverlay(layer)->addRect(x, y, width, height, color, true); this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addImage(int x, int y, QString filepath, int layer, bool useCache) { if (this->getOverlay(layer)->addImage(x, y, filepath, useCache)) this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::createImage(int x, int y, QString filepath, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset, qreal hScale, qreal vScale, int paletteId, bool setTransparency, int layer, bool useCache) { if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map || !this->editor->map->layout || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary) return; QList palette; if (paletteId != -1) palette = Tileset::getPalette(paletteId, this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary, this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary); if (this->getOverlay(layer)->addImage(x, y, filepath, useCache, width, height, xOffset, yOffset, hScale, vScale, palette, setTransparency)) this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addTileImage(int x, int y, int tileId, bool xflip, bool yflip, int paletteId, bool setTransparency, int layer) { if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map || !this->editor->map->layout || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary) return; QImage image = getPalettedTileImage(tileId, this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary, this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary, paletteId) .mirrored(xflip, yflip); if (setTransparency) image.setColor(0, qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (this->getOverlay(layer)->addImage(x, y, image)) this->scene()->update(); } void MapView::addTileImage(int x, int y, QJSValue tileObj, bool setTransparency, int layer) { Tile tile = Scripting::toTile(tileObj); this->addTileImage(x, y, tile.tileId, tile.xflip, tile.yflip, tile.palette, setTransparency, layer); } void MapView::addMetatileImage(int x, int y, int metatileId, bool setTransparency, int layer) { if (!this->editor || !this->editor->map || !this->editor->map->layout || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary || !this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary) return; QImage image = getMetatileImage(static_cast(metatileId), this->editor->map->layout->tileset_primary, this->editor->map->layout->tileset_secondary, this->editor->map->metatileLayerOrder, this->editor->map->metatileLayerOpacity); if (setTransparency) image.setColor(0, qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (this->getOverlay(layer)->addImage(x, y, image)) this->scene()->update(); }