#include "project.h" #include "config.h" #include "history.h" #include "historyitem.h" #include "log.h" #include "parseutil.h" #include "tile.h" #include "tileset.h" #include "event.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include int Project::num_tiles_primary = 512; int Project::num_tiles_total = 1024; int Project::num_metatiles_primary = 512; int Project::num_metatiles_total = 1024; int Project::num_pals_primary = 6; int Project::num_pals_total = 13; Project::Project() { groupNames = new QStringList; map_groups = new QMap; mapNames = new QStringList; regionMapSections = new QStringList; itemNames = new QStringList; flagNames = new QStringList; varNames = new QStringList; movementTypes = new QStringList; mapTypes = new QStringList; mapBattleScenes = new QStringList; weatherNames = new QStringList; coordEventWeatherNames = new QStringList; secretBaseIds = new QStringList; bgEventFacingDirections = new QStringList; map_cache = new QMap; mapConstantsToMapNames = new QMap; mapNamesToMapConstants = new QMap; tileset_cache = new QMap; } QString Project::getProjectTitle() { if (!root.isNull()) { return root.section('/', -1); } else { return QString(); } } Map* Project::loadMap(QString map_name) { Map *map; if (map_cache->contains(map_name)) { map = map_cache->value(map_name); // TODO: uncomment when undo/redo history is fully implemented for all actions. if (true/*map->hasUnsavedChanges()*/) { return map; } } else { map = new Map; map->setName(map_name); } if (!readMapHeader(map)) return nullptr; readMapLayout(map); readMapEvents(map); loadMapConnections(map); map->commit(); map->metatileHistory.save(); map_cache->insert(map_name, map); return map; } void Project::loadMapConnections(Map *map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile) { return; } map->connections.clear(); if (!map->connections_label.isNull()) { QString path = root + QString("/data/maps/%1/connections.inc").arg(map->name); QString text = readTextFile(path); if (!text.isNull()) { QList *commands = parseAsm(text); QStringList *list = getLabelValues(commands, map->connections_label); //// Avoid using this value. It ought to be generated instead. //int num_connections = list->value(0).toInt(nullptr, 0); QString connections_list_label = list->value(1); QList *connections = getLabelMacros(commands, connections_list_label); for (QStringList command : *connections) { QString macro = command.value(0); if (macro == "connection") { MapConnection *connection = new MapConnection; connection->direction = command.value(1); connection->offset = command.value(2); QString mapConstant = command.value(3); if (mapConstantsToMapNames->contains(mapConstant)) { connection->map_name = mapConstantsToMapNames->value(mapConstant); map->connections.append(connection); } else { logError(QString("Failed to find connected map for map constant '%1'").arg(mapConstant)); } } } } } } void Project::setNewMapConnections(Map *map) { map->connections.clear(); } QList* Project::getLabelMacros(QList *list, QString label) { bool in_label = false; QList *new_list = new QList; for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) { QStringList params = list->value(i); QString macro = params.value(0); if (macro == ".label") { if (params.value(1) == label) { in_label = true; } else if (in_label) { // If nothing has been read yet, assume the label // we're looking for is in a stack of labels. if (new_list->length() > 0) { break; } } } else if (in_label) { new_list->append(params); } } return new_list; } // For if you don't care about filtering by macro, // and just want all values associated with some label. QStringList* Project::getLabelValues(QList *list, QString label) { list = getLabelMacros(list, label); QStringList *values = new QStringList; for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) { QStringList params = list->value(i); QString macro = params.value(0); // Ignore .align if (macro == ".align") continue; if (macro == ".ifdef") continue; if (macro == ".ifndef") continue; for (int j = 1; j < params.length(); j++) { values->append(params.value(j)); } } return values; } bool Project::readMapHeader(Map* map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile) { return true; } QString label = map->name; ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QString header_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/maps/" + label + "/header.inc"); if (header_text.isNull()) { return false; } QStringList *header = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(header_text), label); map->layout_label = header->value(0); map->events_label = header->value(1); map->scripts_label = header->value(2); map->connections_label = header->value(3); map->song = header->value(4); map->layout_id = header->value(5); map->location = header->value(6); map->requiresFlash = header->value(7); map->weather = header->value(8); map->type = header->value(9); map->unknown = header->value(10); if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeruby) { map->show_location = header->value(11); map->battle_scene = header->value(12); } else if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeemerald) { QString allow_bike = header->value(11); if (allow_bike.startsWith("allow_bike")) { map->allowBiking = allow_bike.split("=").last(); } else { logError(QString("Expected 'allow_bike', but encountered '%1' in '%2' header").arg(allow_bike).arg(map->name)); } QString allow_escape_rope = header->value(12); if (allow_escape_rope.startsWith("allow_escape_rope")) { map->allowEscapeRope = allow_escape_rope.split("=").last(); } else { logError(QString("Expected 'allow_escape_rope', but encountered '%1' in '%2' header").arg(allow_escape_rope).arg(map->name)); } QString allow_run = header->value(13); if (allow_run.startsWith("allow_run")) { map->allowRunning = allow_run.split("=").last(); } else { logError(QString("Expected 'allow_run', but encountered '%1' in '%2' header").arg(allow_run).arg(map->name)); } QString show_map_name = header->value(14); if (show_map_name.startsWith("show_map_name")) { map->show_location = show_map_name.split("=").last(); } else { logError(QString("Expected 'show_map_name', but encountered '%1' in '%2' header").arg(show_map_name).arg(map->name)); } map->battle_scene = header->value(15); } return true; } QString Project::readMapLayoutId(QString map_name) { if (map_cache->contains(map_name)) { return map_cache->value(map_name)->layout_id; } ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QString header_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/maps/" + map_name + "/header.inc"); if (header_text.isNull()) { return QString::null; } QStringList *header = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(header_text), map_name); return header->value(5); } QString Project::readMapLocation(QString map_name) { if (map_cache->contains(map_name)) { return map_cache->value(map_name)->location; } ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QString header_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/maps/" + map_name + "/header.inc"); if (header_text.isNull()) { return QString::null; } QStringList *header = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(header_text), map_name); return header->value(6); } void Project::setNewMapHeader(Map* map, int mapIndex) { map->layout_label = QString("%1_Layout").arg(map->name); map->events_label = QString("%1_MapEvents").arg(map->name);; map->scripts_label = QString("%1_MapScripts").arg(map->name);; map->connections_label = "0x0"; map->song = "MUS_DAN02"; map->layout_id = QString("%1").arg(mapIndex); map->location = "MAPSEC_LITTLEROOT_TOWN"; map->requiresFlash = "FALSE"; map->weather = "WEATHER_SUNNY"; map->type = "MAP_TYPE_TOWN"; map->unknown = "0"; if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeruby) { map->show_location = "TRUE"; } else if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeemerald) { map->allowBiking = "1"; map->allowEscapeRope = "0"; map->allowRunning = "1"; map->show_location = "1"; } map->battle_scene = "MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_NORMAL"; } void Project::saveMapHeader(Map *map) { QString label = map->name; QString header_path = root + "/data/maps/" + label + "/header.inc"; QString text = ""; text += QString("%1::\n").arg(label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(map->layout_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(map->events_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(map->scripts_label); if (map->connections.length() == 0) { map->connections_label = "0x0"; } else { map->connections_label = QString("%1_MapConnections").arg(map->name); } text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(map->connections_label); text += QString("\t.2byte %1\n").arg(map->song); text += QString("\t.2byte %1\n").arg(map->layout_id); text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->location); text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->requiresFlash); text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->weather); text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->type); text += QString("\t.2byte %1\n").arg(map->unknown); if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeruby) { text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->show_location); } else if (projectConfig.getBaseGameVersion() == BaseGameVersion::pokeemerald) { text += QString("\tmap_header_flags allow_bike=%1, allow_escape_rope=%2, allow_run=%3, show_map_name=%4\n") .arg(map->allowBiking) .arg(map->allowEscapeRope) .arg(map->allowRunning) .arg(map->show_location); } text += QString("\t.byte %1\n").arg(map->battle_scene); saveTextFile(header_path, text); } void Project::saveMapConnections(Map *map) { QString path = root + "/data/maps/" + map->name + "/connections.inc"; if (map->connections.length() > 0) { QString text = ""; QString connectionsListLabel = QString("%1_MapConnectionsList").arg(map->name); int numValidConnections = 0; text += QString("%1::\n").arg(connectionsListLabel); for (MapConnection* connection : map->connections) { if (mapNamesToMapConstants->contains(connection->map_name)) { text += QString("\tconnection %1, %2, %3\n") .arg(connection->direction) .arg(connection->offset) .arg(mapNamesToMapConstants->value(connection->map_name)); numValidConnections++; } else { logError(QString("Failed to write map connection. '%1' is not a valid map name").arg(connection->map_name)); } } text += QString("\n"); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(map->connections_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(numValidConnections); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(connectionsListLabel); saveTextFile(path, text); } else { deleteFile(path); } updateMapsWithConnections(map); } void Project::updateMapsWithConnections(Map *map) { if (map->connections.length() > 0) { if (!mapsWithConnections.contains(map->name)) { mapsWithConnections.append(map->name); } } else { if (mapsWithConnections.contains(map->name)) { mapsWithConnections.removeOne(map->name); } } } void Project::readMapLayoutsTable() { mapLayoutsTable.clear(); QString layoutsText = readTextFile(getMapLayoutsTableFilepath()); QList* values = parseAsm(layoutsText); bool inLayoutPointers = false; for (int i = 0; i < values->length(); i++) { QStringList params = values->value(i); QString macro = params.value(0); if (macro == ".label") { if (inLayoutPointers) { break; } if (params.value(1) == "gMapLayouts") { inLayoutPointers = true; } } else if (macro == ".4byte" && inLayoutPointers) { QString layoutName = params.value(1); mapLayoutsTable.append(layoutName); } } // Deep copy mapLayoutsTableMaster = mapLayoutsTable; mapLayoutsTableMaster.detach(); } void Project::saveMapLayoutsTable() { QString text = ""; text += QString("\t.align 2\n"); text += QString("gMapLayouts::\n"); for (QString layoutName : mapLayoutsTableMaster) { text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layoutName); } saveTextFile(getMapLayoutsTableFilepath(), text); } QString Project::getMapLayoutsTableFilepath() { return QString("%1/data/layouts_table.inc").arg(root); } QStringList* Project::readLayoutValues(QString layoutLabel) { ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QString layoutText = readTextFile(getMapLayoutFilepath(layoutLabel)); if (layoutText.isNull()) { return nullptr; } QStringList *layoutValues = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(layoutText), layoutLabel); QString borderLabel = layoutValues->value(2); QString blockdataLabel = layoutValues->value(3); QStringList *borderValues = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(layoutText), borderLabel); QString borderPath = borderValues->value(0).replace("\"", ""); layoutValues->append(borderPath); QStringList *blockdataValues = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(layoutText), blockdataLabel); QString blockdataPath = blockdataValues->value(0).replace("\"", ""); layoutValues->append(blockdataPath); if (layoutValues->size() != 8) { logError(QString("Error: Unexpected number of properties in layout '%1'").arg(layoutLabel)); return nullptr; } return layoutValues; } void Project::readMapLayout(Map* map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile) { return; } MapLayout *layout; if (!mapLayouts.contains(map->layout_label)) { QStringList *layoutValues = readLayoutValues(map->layout->label); if (!layoutValues) { return; } layout = new MapLayout(); mapLayouts.insert(map->layout_label, layout); layout->name = MapLayout::getNameFromLabel(map->layout_label); layout->label = map->layout_label; layout->width = layoutValues->value(0); layout->height = layoutValues->value(1); layout->border_label = layoutValues->value(2); layout->blockdata_label = layoutValues->value(3); layout->tileset_primary_label = layoutValues->value(4); layout->tileset_secondary_label = layoutValues->value(5); layout->border_path = layoutValues->value(6); layout->blockdata_path = layoutValues->value(7); map->layout = layout; } else { map->layout = mapLayouts[map->layout_label]; } loadMapTilesets(map); loadBlockdata(map); loadMapBorder(map); } void Project::readAllMapLayouts() { mapLayouts.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mapLayoutsTable.size(); i++) { QString layoutLabel = mapLayoutsTable[i]; QStringList *layoutValues = readLayoutValues(layoutLabel); if (!layoutValues) { return; } MapLayout *layout = new MapLayout(); layout->name = MapLayout::getNameFromLabel(layoutLabel); layout->label = layoutLabel; layout->index = i; layout->width = layoutValues->value(0); layout->height = layoutValues->value(1); layout->border_label = layoutValues->value(2); layout->blockdata_label = layoutValues->value(3); layout->tileset_primary_label = layoutValues->value(4); layout->tileset_secondary_label = layoutValues->value(5); layout->border_path = layoutValues->value(6); layout->blockdata_path = layoutValues->value(7); mapLayouts.insert(layoutLabel, layout); } // Deep copy mapLayoutsMaster = mapLayouts; mapLayoutsMaster.detach(); } void Project::saveAllMapLayouts() { for (QString layoutName : mapLayoutsTableMaster) { MapLayout *layout = mapLayouts.value(layoutName); QString text = QString("%1::\n").arg(layout->border_label); text += QString("\t.incbin \"%1\"\n").arg(layout->border_path); text += QString("\n"); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(layout->blockdata_label); text += QString("\t.incbin \"%1\"\n").arg(layout->blockdata_path); text += QString("\n"); text += QString("\t.align 2\n"); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(layoutName); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->width); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->height); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->border_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->blockdata_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->tileset_primary_label); text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(layout->tileset_secondary_label); text += QString("\n"); saveTextFile(getMapLayoutFilepath(layout->label), text); } } QString Project::getMapLayoutFilepath(QString layoutLabel) { return QString("%1/data/layouts/%2/layout.inc").arg(root).arg(MapLayout::getNameFromLabel(layoutLabel)); } void Project::setNewMapLayout(Map* map) { MapLayout *layout = new MapLayout(); layout->label = QString("%1_Layout").arg(map->name); layout->name = MapLayout::getNameFromLabel(layout->label); layout->width = "20"; layout->height = "20"; layout->border_label = QString("%1_MapBorder").arg(map->name); layout->border_path = QString("data/layouts/%1/border.bin").arg(map->name); layout->blockdata_label = QString("%1_MapBlockdata").arg(map->name); layout->blockdata_path = QString("data/layouts/%1/map.bin").arg(map->name); layout->tileset_primary_label = "gTileset_General"; layout->tileset_secondary_label = "gTileset_Petalburg"; map->layout = layout; map->layout_label = layout->label; // Insert new entry into the global map layouts. mapLayouts.insert(layout->label, layout); mapLayoutsTable.append(layout->label); } void Project::saveMapGroupsTable() { QString text = ""; int groupNum = 0; for (QStringList mapNames : groupedMapNames) { text += QString("\t.align 2\n"); text += QString("gMapGroup%1::\n").arg(groupNum); for (QString mapName : mapNames) { text += QString("\t.4byte %1\n").arg(mapName); } text += QString("\n"); groupNum++; } text += QString("\t.align 2\n"); text += QString("gMapGroups::\n"); for (int i = 0; i < groupNum; i++) { text += QString("\t.4byte gMapGroup%1\n").arg(i); } saveTextFile(root + "/data/maps/groups.inc", text); } void Project::saveMapConstantsHeader() { QString text = QString("#ifndef GUARD_CONSTANTS_MAPS_H\n"); text += QString("#define GUARD_CONSTANTS_MAPS_H\n"); text += QString("\n"); int groupNum = 0; for (QStringList mapNames : groupedMapNames) { text += QString("// Map Group %1\n").arg(groupNum); int maxLength = 0; for (QString mapName : mapNames) { QString mapConstantName = mapNamesToMapConstants->value(mapName); if (mapConstantName.length() > maxLength) maxLength = mapConstantName.length(); } int groupIndex = 0; for (QString mapName : mapNames) { QString mapConstantName = mapNamesToMapConstants->value(mapName); text += QString("#define %1%2(%3 | (%4 << 8))\n") .arg(mapConstantName) .arg(QString(" ").repeated(maxLength - mapConstantName.length() + 1)) .arg(groupIndex) .arg(groupNum); groupIndex++; } text += QString("\n"); groupNum++; } text += QString("#define MAP_GROUPS_COUNT %1\n\n").arg(groupNum); text += QString("#define MAP_NONE (0x7F | (0x7F << 8))\n"); text += QString("#define MAP_UNDEFINED (0xFF | (0xFF << 8))\n\n\n"); text += QString("#define MAP_GROUP(map) (MAP_##map >> 8)\n"); text += QString("#define MAP_NUM(map) (MAP_##map & 0xFF)\n\n"); text += QString("#endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_MAPS_H\n"); saveTextFile(root + "/include/constants/maps.h", text); } // saves heal location coords in root + /src/data/heal_locations.h // and indexes as defines in root + /include/constants/heal_locations.h void Project::saveHealLocationStruct(Map *map) { QString tab = QString(" "); QString data_text = QString("static const struct HealLocation sHealLocations[] =\n{\n"); QString constants_text = QString("#ifndef GUARD_CONSTANTS_HEAL_LOCATIONS_H\n"); constants_text += QString("#define GUARD_CONSTANTS_HEAL_LOCATIONS_H\n\n"); QMap flyableMapsDupes; QSet flyableMapsUnique; // set flyableMapsDupes and flyableMapsUnique for (auto it = flyableMaps.begin(); it != flyableMaps.end(); it++) { HealLocation loc = *it; QString xname = loc.name; if (flyableMapsUnique.contains(xname)) { flyableMapsDupes[xname] = 1; } flyableMapsUnique.insert(xname); } // set new location in flyableMapsList if (map->events["heal_event_group"].length() > 0) { for (Event *healEvent : map->events["heal_event_group"]) { HealLocation hl = HealLocation::fromEvent(healEvent); flyableMaps[hl.index - 1] = hl; } } int i = 1; for (auto map_in : flyableMaps) { data_text += QString(" {MAP_GROUP(%1), MAP_NUM(%1), %2, %3},\n") .arg(map_in.name) .arg(map_in.x) .arg(map_in.y); QString ending = QString(""); // must add _1 / _2 for maps that have duplicates if (flyableMapsDupes.keys().contains(map_in.name)) { // map contains multiple heal locations ending += QString("_%1").arg(flyableMapsDupes[map_in.name]); flyableMapsDupes[map_in.name]++; } if (map_in.index != 0) { constants_text += QString("#define HEAL_LOCATION_%1 %2\n") .arg(map_in.name + ending) .arg(map_in.index); } else { constants_text += QString("#define HEAL_LOCATION_%1 %2\n") .arg(map_in.name + ending) .arg(i); } i++; } data_text += QString("};\n"); constants_text += QString("\n#endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_HEAL_LOCATIONS_H\n"); saveTextFile(root + "/src/data/heal_locations.h", data_text); saveTextFile(root + "/include/constants/heal_locations.h", constants_text); } void Project::saveTilesets(Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) { saveTilesetMetatileAttributes(primaryTileset); saveTilesetMetatileAttributes(secondaryTileset); saveTilesetMetatiles(primaryTileset); saveTilesetMetatiles(secondaryTileset); saveTilesetTilesImage(primaryTileset); saveTilesetTilesImage(secondaryTileset); saveTilesetPalettes(primaryTileset, true); saveTilesetPalettes(secondaryTileset, false); } void Project::saveTilesetMetatileAttributes(Tileset *tileset) { QFile attrs_file(tileset->metatile_attrs_path); if (attrs_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QByteArray data; for (Metatile *metatile : *tileset->metatiles) { data.append(static_cast(metatile->behavior)); data.append(static_cast((metatile->layerType << 4) & 0xF0)); } attrs_file.write(data); } else { logError(QString("Could not save tileset metatile attributes file '%1'").arg(tileset->metatile_attrs_path)); } } void Project::saveTilesetMetatiles(Tileset *tileset) { QFile metatiles_file(tileset->metatiles_path); if (metatiles_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QByteArray data; for (Metatile *metatile : *tileset->metatiles) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Tile tile = metatile->tiles->at(i); uint16_t value = static_cast((tile.tile & 0x3ff) | ((tile.xflip & 1) << 10) | ((tile.yflip & 1) << 11) | ((tile.palette & 0xf) << 12)); data.append(static_cast(value & 0xff)); data.append(static_cast((value >> 8) & 0xff)); } } metatiles_file.write(data); } else { tileset->metatiles = new QList; logError(QString("Could not open tileset metatiles file '%1'").arg(tileset->metatiles_path)); } } void Project::saveTilesetTilesImage(Tileset *tileset) { tileset->tilesImage.save(tileset->tilesImagePath); } void Project::saveTilesetPalettes(Tileset *tileset, bool primary) { int startPaletteId = primary ? 0 : Project::getNumPalettesPrimary(); int endPaletteId = primary ? Project::getNumPalettesPrimary() : Project::getNumPalettesTotal(); for (int i = startPaletteId; i < endPaletteId; i++) { QString filepath = tileset->palettePaths.at(i); QString content = "JASC-PAL\r\n"; content += "0100\r\n"; content += "16\r\n"; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { QRgb color = tileset->palettes->at(i).at(j); content += QString("%1 %2 %3\r\n") .arg(qRed(color)) .arg(qGreen(color)) .arg(qBlue(color)); } saveTextFile(filepath, content); } } void Project::loadMapTilesets(Map* map) { if (map->layout->has_unsaved_changes) { return; } map->layout->tileset_primary = getTileset(map->layout->tileset_primary_label); map->layout->tileset_secondary = getTileset(map->layout->tileset_secondary_label); } Tileset* Project::loadTileset(QString label, Tileset *tileset) { ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QString headers_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/headers.inc"); if (headers_text.isNull()) { return nullptr; } QStringList *values = getLabelValues(parser->parseAsm(headers_text), label); if (tileset == nullptr) { tileset = new Tileset; } tileset->name = label; tileset->is_compressed = values->value(0); tileset->is_secondary = values->value(1); tileset->padding = values->value(2); tileset->tiles_label = values->value(3); tileset->palettes_label = values->value(4); tileset->metatiles_label = values->value(5); tileset->metatile_attrs_label = values->value(6); tileset->callback_label = values->value(7); loadTilesetAssets(tileset); tileset_cache->insert(label, tileset); return tileset; } void Project::loadBlockdata(Map* map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile || map->layout->has_unsaved_changes) { return; } QString path = QString("%1/%2").arg(root).arg(map->layout->blockdata_path); map->layout->blockdata = readBlockdata(path); } void Project::setNewMapBlockdata(Map* map) { Blockdata *blockdata = new Blockdata; for (int i = 0; i < map->getWidth() * map->getHeight(); i++) { blockdata->addBlock(qint16(0x3001)); } map->layout->blockdata = blockdata; } void Project::loadMapBorder(Map *map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile || map->layout->has_unsaved_changes) { return; } QString path = QString("%1/%2").arg(root).arg(map->layout->border_path); map->layout->border = readBlockdata(path); } void Project::setNewMapBorder(Map *map) { Blockdata *blockdata = new Blockdata; blockdata->addBlock(qint16(0x01D4)); blockdata->addBlock(qint16(0x01D5)); blockdata->addBlock(qint16(0x01DC)); blockdata->addBlock(qint16(0x01DD)); map->layout->border = blockdata; } void Project::saveMapBorder(Map *map) { QString path = QString("%1/%2").arg(root).arg(map->layout->border_path); writeBlockdata(path, map->layout->border); } void Project::saveBlockdata(Map* map) { QString path = QString("%1/%2").arg(root).arg(map->layout->blockdata_path); writeBlockdata(path, map->layout->blockdata); map->metatileHistory.save(); } void Project::writeBlockdata(QString path, Blockdata *blockdata) { QFile file(path); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QByteArray data = blockdata->serialize(); file.write(data); } else { logError(QString("Failed to open blockdata file for writing: '%1'").arg(path)); } } void Project::saveAllMaps() { QList keys = map_cache->keys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) { QString key = keys.value(i); Map* map = map_cache->value(key); saveMap(map); } } void Project::saveMap(Map *map) { // Create/Modify a few collateral files for brand new maps. if (!map->isPersistedToFile) { QString newMapDataDir = QString(root + "/data/maps/%1").arg(map->name); if (!QDir::root().mkdir(newMapDataDir)) { logError(QString("Error: failed to create directory for new map: '%1'").arg(newMapDataDir)); } QString newLayoutDir = QString(root + "/data/layouts/%1").arg(map->name); if (!QDir::root().mkdir(newLayoutDir)) { logError(QString("Error: failed to create directory for new layout: '%1'").arg(newLayoutDir)); } // TODO: In the future, these files needs more structure to allow for proper parsing/saving. // Create file data/maps//scripts.inc QString text = QString("%1_MapScripts::\n\t.byte 0\n").arg(map->name); saveTextFile(root + "/data/maps/" + map->name + "/scripts.inc", text); // Create file data/maps//text.inc saveTextFile(root + "/data/maps/" + map->name + "/text.inc", "\n"); // Simply append to data/event_scripts.s. text = QString("\n\t.include \"data/maps/%1/scripts.inc\"\n").arg(map->name); text += QString("\t.include \"data/maps/%1/text.inc\"\n").arg(map->name); appendTextFile(root + "/data/event_scripts.s", text); // Simply append to data/map_events.s. text = QString("\n\t.include \"data/maps/%1/events.inc\"\n").arg(map->name); appendTextFile(root + "/data/map_events.s", text); // Simply append to data/maps/headers.inc. text = QString("\t.include \"data/maps/%1/header.inc\"\n").arg(map->name); appendTextFile(root + "/data/maps/headers.inc", text); // Simply append to data/layouts.inc. text = QString("\t.include \"data/layouts/%1/layout.inc\"\n").arg(map->layout->name); appendTextFile(root + "/data/layouts.inc", text); } saveMapBorder(map); saveMapHeader(map); saveMapConnections(map); saveBlockdata(map); saveMapEvents(map); // Update global data structures with current map data. updateMapLayout(map); map->isPersistedToFile = true; map->layout->has_unsaved_changes = false; } void Project::updateMapLayout(Map* map) { if (!mapLayoutsTableMaster.contains(map->layout_label)) { mapLayoutsTableMaster.append(map->layout_label); } // Deep copy MapLayout *layout = mapLayouts.value(map->layout_label); MapLayout *newLayout = new MapLayout(); *newLayout = *layout; mapLayoutsMaster.insert(map->layout_label, newLayout); } void Project::saveAllDataStructures() { saveMapLayoutsTable(); saveAllMapLayouts(); saveMapGroupsTable(); saveMapConstantsHeader(); saveMapsWithConnections(); } void Project::loadTilesetAssets(Tileset* tileset) { ParseUtil* parser = new ParseUtil; QString category = (tileset->is_secondary == "TRUE") ? "secondary" : "primary"; if (tileset->name.isNull()) { return; } QString tilesetName = tileset->name; QString dir_path = root + "/data/tilesets/" + category + "/" + tilesetName.replace("gTileset_", "").toLower(); QString graphics_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/graphics.inc"); QList *graphics = parser->parseAsm(graphics_text); QStringList *tiles_values = getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->tiles_label); QStringList *palettes_values = getLabelValues(graphics, tileset->palettes_label); QString tiles_path; if (!tiles_values->isEmpty()) { tiles_path = root + "/" + tiles_values->value(0).section('"', 1, 1); } else { tiles_path = dir_path + "/tiles.4bpp"; if (tileset->is_compressed == "TRUE") { tiles_path += ".lz"; } } if (!palettes_values->isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < palettes_values->length(); i++) { QString value = palettes_values->value(i); tileset->palettePaths.append(this->fixPalettePath(root + "/" + value.section('"', 1, 1))); } } else { QString palettes_dir_path = dir_path + "/palettes"; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { tileset->palettePaths.append(palettes_dir_path + "/" + QString("%1").arg(i, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')) + ".pal"); } } QString metatiles_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/metatiles.inc"); QList *metatiles_macros = parser->parseAsm(metatiles_text); QStringList *metatiles_values = getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatiles_label); if (!metatiles_values->isEmpty()) { tileset->metatiles_path = root + "/" + metatiles_values->value(0).section('"', 1, 1); } else { tileset->metatiles_path = dir_path + "/metatiles.bin"; } QStringList *metatile_attrs_values = getLabelValues(metatiles_macros, tileset->metatile_attrs_label); if (!metatile_attrs_values->isEmpty()) { tileset->metatile_attrs_path = root + "/" + metatile_attrs_values->value(0).section('"', 1, 1); } else { tileset->metatile_attrs_path = dir_path + "/metatile_attributes.bin"; } tiles_path = fixGraphicPath(tiles_path); tileset->tilesImagePath = tiles_path; QImage image = QImage(tileset->tilesImagePath); this->loadTilesetTiles(tileset, image); this->loadTilesetMetatiles(tileset); // palettes QList> *palettes = new QList>; for (int i = 0; i < tileset->palettePaths.length(); i++) { QList palette; QString path = tileset->palettePaths.value(i); QString text = readTextFile(path); if (!text.isNull()) { QStringList lines = text.split(QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (lines.length() == 19 && lines[0] == "JASC-PAL" && lines[1] == "0100" && lines[2] == "16") { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { QStringList rgb = lines[j + 3].split(QRegExp(" "), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (rgb.length() != 3) { logWarn(QString("Invalid tileset palette RGB value: '%1'").arg(lines[j + 3])); palette.append(qRgb((j - 3) * 16, (j - 3) * 16, (j - 3) * 16)); } else { int red = rgb[0].toInt(); int green = rgb[1].toInt(); int blue = rgb[2].toInt(); QRgb color = qRgb(red, green, blue); palette.append(color); } } } else { logError(QString("Invalid JASC-PAL palette file for tileset: '%1'").arg(path)); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { palette.append(qRgb(j * 16, j * 16, j * 16)); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { palette.append(qRgb(j * 16, j * 16, j * 16)); } logError(QString("Could not open tileset palette path '%1'").arg(path)); } palettes->append(palette); } tileset->palettes = palettes; } void Project::loadTilesetTiles(Tileset *tileset, QImage image) { QList *tiles = new QList; int w = 8; int h = 8; for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y += h) for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x += w) { QImage tile = image.copy(x, y, w, h); tiles->append(tile); } tileset->tilesImage = image; tileset->tiles = tiles; } void Project::loadTilesetMetatiles(Tileset* tileset) { QFile metatiles_file(tileset->metatiles_path); if (metatiles_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = metatiles_file.readAll(); int num_metatiles = data.length() / 16; int num_layers = 2; QList *metatiles = new QList; for (int i = 0; i < num_metatiles; i++) { Metatile *metatile = new Metatile; int index = i * (2 * 4 * num_layers); for (int j = 0; j < 4 * num_layers; j++) { uint16_t word = data[index++] & 0xff; word += (data[index++] & 0xff) << 8; Tile tile; tile.tile = word & 0x3ff; tile.xflip = (word >> 10) & 1; tile.yflip = (word >> 11) & 1; tile.palette = (word >> 12) & 0xf; metatile->tiles->append(tile); } metatiles->append(metatile); } tileset->metatiles = metatiles; } else { tileset->metatiles = new QList; logError(QString("Could not open tileset metatiles file '%1'").arg(tileset->metatiles_path)); } QFile attrs_file(tileset->metatile_attrs_path); if (attrs_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = attrs_file.readAll(); int num_metatiles = tileset->metatiles->count(); int num_metatileAttrs = data.length() / 2; if (num_metatiles != num_metatileAttrs) { logWarn(QString("Metatile count %1 does not match metatile attribute count %2 in %3").arg(num_metatiles).arg(num_metatileAttrs).arg(tileset->name)); if (num_metatileAttrs > num_metatiles) num_metatileAttrs = num_metatiles; } for (int i = 0; i < num_metatileAttrs; i++) { int value = (static_cast(data.at(i * 2 + 1)) << 8) | static_cast(data.at(i * 2)); tileset->metatiles->at(i)->behavior = value & 0xFF; tileset->metatiles->at(i)->layerType = (value & 0xF000) >> 12; } } else { logError(QString("Could not open tileset metatile attributes file '%1'").arg(tileset->metatile_attrs_path)); } } Blockdata* Project::readBlockdata(QString path) { Blockdata *blockdata = new Blockdata; QFile file(path); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = file.readAll(); for (int i = 0; (i + 1) < data.length(); i += 2) { uint16_t word = static_cast((data[i] & 0xff) + ((data[i + 1] & 0xff) << 8)); blockdata->addBlock(word); } } else { logError(QString("Failed to open blockdata path '%1'").arg(path)); } return blockdata; } Map* Project::getMap(QString map_name) { if (map_cache->contains(map_name)) { return map_cache->value(map_name); } else { Map *map = loadMap(map_name); return map; } } Tileset* Project::getTileset(QString label, bool forceLoad) { Tileset *existingTileset = nullptr; if (tileset_cache->contains(label)) { existingTileset = tileset_cache->value(label); } if (existingTileset && !forceLoad) { return tileset_cache->value(label); } else { Tileset *tileset = loadTileset(label, existingTileset); return tileset; } } QString Project::readTextFile(QString path) { QFile file(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { logError(QString("Could not open '%1': ").arg(path) + file.errorString()); return QString(); } QTextStream in(&file); QString text = ""; while (!in.atEnd()) { text += in.readLine() + "\n"; } return text; } void Project::saveTextFile(QString path, QString text) { QFile file(path); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write(text.toUtf8()); } else { logError(QString("Could not open '%1' for writing: ").arg(path) + file.errorString()); } } void Project::appendTextFile(QString path, QString text) { QFile file(path); if (file.open(QIODevice::Append)) { file.write(text.toUtf8()); } else { logError(QString("Could not open '%1' for appending: ").arg(path) + file.errorString()); } } void Project::deleteFile(QString path) { QFile file(path); if (file.exists() && !file.remove()) { logError(QString("Could not delete file '%1': ").arg(path) + file.errorString()); } } void Project::readMapGroups() { QString text = readTextFile(root + "/data/maps/groups.inc"); if (text.isNull()) { return; } ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; QList *commands = parser->parseAsm(text); bool in_group_pointers = false; QStringList *groups = new QStringList; for (int i = 0; i < commands->length(); i++) { QStringList params = commands->value(i); QString macro = params.value(0); if (macro == ".label") { if (in_group_pointers) { break; } if (params.value(1) == "gMapGroups") { in_group_pointers = true; } } else if (macro == ".4byte") { if (in_group_pointers) { for (int j = 1; j < params.length(); j++) { groups->append(params.value(j)); } } } } QList groupedMaps; for (int i = 0; i < groups->length(); i++) { groupedMaps.append(QStringList()); } QStringList *maps = new QStringList; int group = -1; for (int i = 0; i < commands->length(); i++) { QStringList params = commands->value(i); QString macro = params.value(0); if (macro == ".label") { group = groups->indexOf(params.value(1)); } else if (macro == ".4byte") { if (group != -1) { for (int j = 1; j < params.length(); j++) { QString mapName = params.value(j); groupedMaps[group].append(mapName); maps->append(mapName); map_groups->insert(mapName, group); // Build the mapping and reverse mapping between map constants and map names. QString mapConstant = Map::mapConstantFromName(mapName); mapConstantsToMapNames->insert(mapConstant, mapName); mapNamesToMapConstants->insert(mapName, mapConstant); } } } } mapConstantsToMapNames->insert(NONE_MAP_CONSTANT, NONE_MAP_NAME); mapNamesToMapConstants->insert(NONE_MAP_NAME, NONE_MAP_CONSTANT); maps->append(NONE_MAP_NAME); groupNames = groups; groupedMapNames = groupedMaps; mapNames = maps; QString hltext = readTextFile(root + QString("/src/data/heal_locations.h")); QList* hl = parser->parseHealLocs(hltext); flyableMaps = *hl; delete hl; } Map* Project::addNewMapToGroup(QString mapName, int groupNum) { // Setup new map in memory, but don't write to file until map is actually saved later. mapNames->append(mapName); map_groups->insert(mapName, groupNum); groupedMapNames[groupNum].append(mapName); Map *map = new Map; map->isPersistedToFile = false; map->setName(mapName); mapConstantsToMapNames->insert(map->constantName, map->name); mapNamesToMapConstants->insert(map->name, map->constantName); setNewMapHeader(map, mapLayoutsTable.size() + 1); setNewMapLayout(map); loadMapTilesets(map); setNewMapBlockdata(map); setNewMapBorder(map); setNewMapEvents(map); setNewMapConnections(map); map->commit(); map->metatileHistory.save(); map_cache->insert(mapName, map); return map; } QString Project::getNewMapName() { // Ensure default name doesn't already exist. int i = 0; QString newMapName; do { newMapName = QString("NewMap%1").arg(++i); } while (mapNames->contains(newMapName)); return newMapName; } QList* Project::parseAsm(QString text) { ParseUtil *parser = new ParseUtil; return parser->parseAsm(text); } QStringList Project::getVisibilities() { // TODO QStringList names; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { names.append(QString("%1").arg(i)); } return names; } QMap Project::getTilesets() { QMap allTilesets; QStringList primaryTilesets; QStringList secondaryTilesets; allTilesets.insert("primary", primaryTilesets); allTilesets.insert("secondary", secondaryTilesets); QString headers_text = readTextFile(root + "/data/tilesets/headers.inc"); QList* commands = parseAsm(headers_text); int i = 0; while (i < commands->length()) { if (commands->at(i).length() != 2) continue; if (commands->at(i).at(0) == ".label") { QString tilesetLabel = commands->at(i).at(1); // Advance to command specifying whether or not it is a secondary tileset i += 2; if (commands->at(i).at(0) != ".byte") { logWarn(QString("Unexpected command found for secondary tileset flag in tileset '%1'. Expected '.byte', but found: '%2'").arg(tilesetLabel).arg(commands->at(i).at(0))); continue; } QString secondaryTilesetValue = commands->at(i).at(1); if (secondaryTilesetValue != "TRUE" && secondaryTilesetValue != "FALSE" && secondaryTilesetValue != "0" && secondaryTilesetValue != "1") { logWarn(QString("Unexpected secondary tileset flag found. Expected \"TRUE\", \"FALSE\", \"0\", or \"1\", but found: '%1'").arg(secondaryTilesetValue)); continue; } bool isSecondaryTileset = (secondaryTilesetValue == "TRUE" || secondaryTilesetValue == "1"); if (isSecondaryTileset) allTilesets["secondary"].append(tilesetLabel); else allTilesets["primary"].append(tilesetLabel); } i++; } return allTilesets; } void Project::readTilesetProperties() { QStringList defines; QString text = readTextFile(root + "/include/fieldmap.h"); if (!text.isNull()) { bool error = false; QStringList definePrefixes; definePrefixes << "NUM_"; QMap defines = readCDefines(text, definePrefixes); auto it = defines.find("NUM_TILES_IN_PRIMARY"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_tiles_primary = it.value(); } else { error = true; } it = defines.find("NUM_TILES_TOTAL"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_tiles_total = it.value(); } else { error = true; } it = defines.find("NUM_METATILES_IN_PRIMARY"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_metatiles_primary = it.value(); } else { error = true; } it = defines.find("NUM_METATILES_TOTAL"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_metatiles_total = it.value(); } else { error = true; } it = defines.find("NUM_PALS_IN_PRIMARY"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_pals_primary = it.value(); } else { error = true; } it = defines.find("NUM_PALS_TOTAL"); if (it != defines.end()) { Project::num_pals_total = it.value(); } else { error = true; } if (error) { logError("Some global tileset values could not be loaded. Using default values instead."); } } } void Project::readRegionMapSections() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/region_map_sections.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAPSEC_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, regionMapSections); } void Project::readItemNames() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/items.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "ITEM_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, itemNames); } void Project::readFlagNames() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/flags.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "FLAG_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, flagNames); } void Project::readVarNames() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/vars.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "VAR_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, varNames); } void Project::readMovementTypes() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/event_object_movement_constants.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MOVEMENT_TYPE_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, movementTypes); } void Project::readMapTypes() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/map_types.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAP_TYPE_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, mapTypes); } void Project::readMapBattleScenes() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/map_types.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, mapBattleScenes); } void Project::readWeatherNames() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/weather.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "WEATHER_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, weatherNames); } void Project::readCoordEventWeatherNames() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/weather.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "COORD_EVENT_WEATHER_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, coordEventWeatherNames); } void Project::readSecretBaseIds() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/secret_bases.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "SECRET_BASE_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, secretBaseIds); } void Project::readBgEventFacingDirections() { QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/bg_event_constants.h"; QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "BG_EVENT_PLAYER_FACING_"); readCDefinesSorted(filepath, prefixes, bgEventFacingDirections); } void Project::readMetatileBehaviors() { this->metatileBehaviorMap.clear(); this->metatileBehaviorMapInverse.clear(); QString filepath = root + "/include/constants/metatile_behaviors.h"; QString text = readTextFile(filepath); if (!text.isNull()) { QStringList prefixes = (QStringList() << "MB_"); this->metatileBehaviorMap = readCDefines(text, prefixes); for (QString defineName : this->metatileBehaviorMap.keys()) { this->metatileBehaviorMapInverse.insert(this->metatileBehaviorMap[defineName], defineName); } } else { logError(QString("Failed to read C defines file: '%1'").arg(filepath)); } } void Project::readCDefinesSorted(QString filepath, QStringList prefixes, QStringList* definesToSet) { QString text = readTextFile(filepath); if (!text.isNull()) { QMap defines = readCDefines(text, prefixes); // The defines should to be sorted by their underlying value, not alphabetically. // Reverse the map and read out the resulting keys in order. QMultiMap definesInverse; for (QString defineName : defines.keys()) { definesInverse.insert(defines[defineName], defineName); } *definesToSet = definesInverse.values(); } else { logError(QString("Failed to read C defines file: '%1'").arg(filepath)); } } void Project::readMapsWithConnections() { QString path = root + "/data/maps/connections.inc"; QString text = readTextFile(path); if (text.isNull()) { return; } mapsWithConnections.clear(); QRegularExpression re("data\\/maps\\/(?\\w+)\\/connections.inc"); QList* includes = parseAsm(text); for (QStringList values : *includes) { if (values.length() != 2) continue; QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(values.value(1)); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString mapName = match.captured("mapName"); mapsWithConnections.append(mapName); } } } void Project::saveMapsWithConnections() { QString path = root + "/data/maps/connections.inc"; QString text = ""; for (QString mapName : mapsWithConnections) { if (mapNamesToMapConstants->contains(mapName)) { text += QString("\t.include \"data/maps/%1/connections.inc\"\n").arg(mapName); } else { logError(QString("Failed to write connection include. %1 not a valid map name").arg(mapName)); } } saveTextFile(path, text); } QStringList Project::getSongNames() { QStringList names; QString text = readTextFile(root + "/include/constants/songs.h"); if (!text.isNull()) { QStringList songDefinePrefixes; songDefinePrefixes << "SE_" << "MUS_"; QMap songDefines = readCDefines(text, songDefinePrefixes); names = songDefines.keys(); } return names; } QMap Project::getEventObjGfxConstants() { QMap constants; QString text = readTextFile(root + "/include/constants/event_objects.h"); if (!text.isNull()) { QStringList eventObjGfxPrefixes; eventObjGfxPrefixes << "EVENT_OBJ_GFX_"; constants = readCDefines(text, eventObjGfxPrefixes); } return constants; } QString Project::fixPalettePath(QString path) { path = path.replace(QRegExp("\\.gbapal$"), ".pal"); return path; } QString Project::fixGraphicPath(QString path) { path = path.replace(QRegExp("\\.lz$"), ""); path = path.replace(QRegExp("\\.[1248]bpp$"), ".png"); return path; } void Project::loadEventPixmaps(QList objects) { bool needs_update = false; for (Event *object : objects) { if (object->pixmap.isNull()) { needs_update = true; break; } } if (!needs_update) { return; } QMap constants = getEventObjGfxConstants(); QString pointers_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info_pointers.h"); QString info_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics_info.h"); QString pic_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_pic_tables.h"); QString assets_text = readTextFile(root + "/src/data/field_event_obj/event_object_graphics.h"); QStringList pointers = readCArray(pointers_text, "gEventObjectGraphicsInfoPointers"); for (Event *object : objects) { if (!object->pixmap.isNull()) { continue; } object->spriteWidth = 16; object->spriteHeight = 16; QString event_type = object->get("event_type"); if (event_type == EventType::Object) { object->pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/Entities_16x16.png").copy(0, 0, 16, 16); } else if (event_type == EventType::Warp) { object->pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/Entities_16x16.png").copy(16, 0, 16, 16); } else if (event_type == EventType::Trigger || event_type == EventType::WeatherTrigger) { object->pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/Entities_16x16.png").copy(32, 0, 16, 16); } else if (event_type == EventType::Sign || event_type == EventType::HiddenItem || event_type == EventType::SecretBase) { object->pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/Entities_16x16.png").copy(48, 0, 16, 16); } else if (event_type == EventType::HealLocation) { object->pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/Entities_16x16.png").copy(64, 0, 16, 16); } if (event_type == EventType::Object) { int sprite_id = constants.value(object->get("sprite")); QString info_label = pointers.value(sprite_id).replace("&", ""); QStringList gfx_info = readCArray(info_text, info_label); QString pic_label = gfx_info.value(14); QString dimensions_label = gfx_info.value(11); QString subsprites_label = gfx_info.value(12); QString gfx_label = readCArray(pic_text, pic_label).value(0); gfx_label = gfx_label.section(QRegExp("[\\(\\)]"), 1, 1); QString path = readCIncbin(assets_text, gfx_label); if (!path.isNull()) { path = fixGraphicPath(path); QImage spritesheet(root + "/" + path); if (!spritesheet.isNull()) { // Infer the sprite dimensions from the OAM labels. int spriteWidth = spritesheet.width(); int spriteHeight = spritesheet.height(); QRegularExpression re("\\S+_(\\d+)x(\\d+)"); QRegularExpressionMatch dimensionMatch = re.match(dimensions_label); if (dimensionMatch.hasMatch()) { QRegularExpressionMatch oamTablesMatch = re.match(subsprites_label); if (oamTablesMatch.hasMatch()) { spriteWidth = dimensionMatch.captured(1).toInt(); spriteHeight = dimensionMatch.captured(2).toInt(); } } object->setPixmapFromSpritesheet(spritesheet, spriteWidth, spriteHeight); } } } } } void Project::saveMapEvents(Map *map) { QString path = root + QString("/data/maps/%1/events.inc").arg(map->name); QString text = ""; QString objectEventsLabel = "0x0"; QString warpEventsLabel = "0x0"; QString coordEventsLabel = "0x0"; QString bgEventsLabel = "0x0"; if (map->events["object_event_group"].length() > 0) { objectEventsLabel = Map::objectEventsLabelFromName(map->name); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(objectEventsLabel); for (int i = 0; i < map->events["object_event_group"].length(); i++) { Event *object_event = map->events["object_event_group"].value(i); text += object_event->buildObjectEventMacro(i); } text += "\n"; } if (map->events["warp_event_group"].length() > 0) { warpEventsLabel = Map::warpEventsLabelFromName(map->name); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(warpEventsLabel); for (Event *warp : map->events["warp_event_group"]) { text += warp->buildWarpEventMacro(mapNamesToMapConstants); } text += "\n"; } if (map->events["coord_event_group"].length() > 0) { coordEventsLabel = Map::coordEventsLabelFromName(map->name); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(coordEventsLabel); for (Event *event : map->events["coord_event_group"]) { QString event_type = event->get("event_type"); if (event_type == EventType::Trigger) { text += event->buildTriggerEventMacro(); } else if (event_type == EventType::WeatherTrigger) { text += event->buildWeatherTriggerEventMacro(); } } text += "\n"; } if (map->events["bg_event_group"].length() > 0) { bgEventsLabel = Map::bgEventsLabelFromName(map->name); text += QString("%1::\n").arg(bgEventsLabel); for (Event *event : map->events["bg_event_group"]) { QString event_type = event->get("event_type"); if (event_type == EventType::Sign) { text += event->buildSignEventMacro(); } else if (event_type == EventType::HiddenItem) { text += event->buildHiddenItemEventMacro(); } else if (event_type == EventType::SecretBase) { text += event->buildSecretBaseEventMacro(); } } text += "\n"; } text += QString("%1::\n").arg(map->events_label); text += QString("\tmap_events %1, %2, %3, %4\n") .arg(objectEventsLabel) .arg(warpEventsLabel) .arg(coordEventsLabel) .arg(bgEventsLabel); saveTextFile(path, text); // save heal event changes if (map->events["heal_event_group"].length() > 0) { for (Event *healEvent : map->events["heal_event_group"]) { HealLocation hl = HealLocation::fromEvent(healEvent); flyableMaps[hl.index - 1] = hl; } } saveHealLocationStruct(map); } void Project::readMapEvents(Map *map) { if (!map->isPersistedToFile) { return; } // lazy QString path = root + QString("/data/maps/%1/events.inc").arg(map->name); QString text = readTextFile(path); if (text.isNull()) { return; } QStringList *labels = getLabelValues(parseAsm(text), map->events_label); QString objectEventsLabel = labels->value(0); QString warpEventsLabel = labels->value(1); QString coordEventsLabel = labels->value(2); QString bgEventsLabel = labels->value(3); QList *object_events = getLabelMacros(parseAsm(text), objectEventsLabel); map->events["object_event_group"].clear(); for (QStringList command : *object_events) { if (command.value(0) == "object_event") { Event *object = new Event; object->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 2; object->put("sprite", command.value(i++)); object->put("replacement", command.value(i++)); object->put("x", command.value(i++).toInt(nullptr, 0)); object->put("y", command.value(i++).toInt(nullptr, 0)); object->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); object->put("movement_type", command.value(i++)); object->put("radius_x", command.value(i++).toInt(nullptr, 0)); object->put("radius_y", command.value(i++).toInt(nullptr, 0)); object->put("is_trainer", command.value(i++)); object->put("sight_radius_tree_id", command.value(i++)); object->put("script_label", command.value(i++)); object->put("event_flag", command.value(i++)); object->put("event_group_type", "object_event_group"); object->put("event_type", EventType::Object); map->events["object_event_group"].append(object); } } QList *warps = getLabelMacros(parseAsm(text), warpEventsLabel); map->events["warp_event_group"].clear(); for (QStringList command : *warps) { if (command.value(0) == "warp_def") { Event *warp = new Event; warp->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; warp->put("x", command.value(i++)); warp->put("y", command.value(i++)); warp->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); warp->put("destination_warp", command.value(i++)); // Ensure the warp destination map constant is valid before adding it to the warps. QString mapConstant = command.value(i++); if (mapConstantsToMapNames->contains(mapConstant)) { warp->put("destination_map_name", mapConstantsToMapNames->value(mapConstant)); warp->put("event_group_type", "warp_event_group"); warp->put("event_type", EventType::Warp); map->events["warp_event_group"].append(warp); } else if (mapConstant == NONE_MAP_CONSTANT) { warp->put("destination_map_name", NONE_MAP_NAME); warp->put("event_group_type", "warp_event_group"); warp->put("event_type", EventType::Warp); map->events["warp_event_group"].append(warp); } else { logError(QString("Destination map constant '%1' is invalid for warp").arg(mapConstant)); } } } map->events["heal_event_group"].clear(); for (auto it = flyableMaps.begin(); it != flyableMaps.end(); it++) { HealLocation loc = *it; //if TRUE map is flyable / has healing location if (loc.name == QString(mapNamesToMapConstants->value(map->name)).remove(0,4)) { Event *heal = new Event; heal->put("map_name", map->name); heal->put("x", loc.x); heal->put("y", loc.y); heal->put("loc_name", loc.name); heal->put("index", loc.index); heal->put("elevation", 3); // TODO: change this? heal->put("destination_map_name", mapConstantsToMapNames->value(map->name)); heal->put("event_group_type", "heal_event_group"); heal->put("event_type", EventType::HealLocation); map->events["heal_event_group"].append(heal); } } QList *coords = getLabelMacros(parseAsm(text), coordEventsLabel); map->events["coord_event_group"].clear(); for (QStringList command : *coords) { if (command.value(0) == "coord_event") { Event *coord = new Event; coord->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; coord->put("x", command.value(i++)); coord->put("y", command.value(i++)); coord->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); coord->put("script_var", command.value(i++)); coord->put("script_var_value", command.value(i++)); coord->put("script_label", command.value(i++)); coord->put("event_group_type", "coord_event_group"); coord->put("event_type", EventType::Trigger); map->events["coord_event_group"].append(coord); } else if (command.value(0) == "coord_weather_event") { Event *coord = new Event; coord->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; coord->put("x", command.value(i++)); coord->put("y", command.value(i++)); coord->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); coord->put("weather", command.value(i++)); coord->put("event_group_type", "coord_event_group"); coord->put("event_type", EventType::WeatherTrigger); map->events["coord_event_group"].append(coord); } } QList *bgs = getLabelMacros(parseAsm(text), bgEventsLabel); map->events["bg_event_group"].clear(); for (QStringList command : *bgs) { if (command.value(0) == "bg_event") { Event *bg = new Event; bg->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; bg->put("x", command.value(i++)); bg->put("y", command.value(i++)); bg->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); bg->put("player_facing_direction", command.value(i++)); bg->put("script_label", command.value(i++)); //sign_unknown7 bg->put("event_group_type", "bg_event_group"); bg->put("event_type", EventType::Sign); map->events["bg_event_group"].append(bg); } else if (command.value(0) == "bg_hidden_item_event") { Event *bg = new Event; bg->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; bg->put("x", command.value(i++)); bg->put("y", command.value(i++)); bg->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); bg->put("item", command.value(i++)); bg->put("flag", command.value(i++)); bg->put("event_group_type", "bg_event_group"); bg->put("event_type", EventType::HiddenItem); map->events["bg_event_group"].append(bg); } else if (command.value(0) == "bg_secret_base_event") { Event *bg = new Event; bg->put("map_name", map->name); int i = 1; bg->put("x", command.value(i++)); bg->put("y", command.value(i++)); bg->put("elevation", command.value(i++)); bg->put("secret_base_id", command.value(i++)); bg->put("event_group_type", "bg_event_group"); bg->put("event_type", EventType::SecretBase); map->events["bg_event_group"].append(bg); } } } void Project::setNewMapEvents(Map *map) { map->events["object_event_group"].clear(); map->events["warp_event_group"].clear(); map->events["heal_event_group"].clear(); map->events["coord_event_group"].clear(); map->events["bg_event_group"].clear(); } QStringList Project::readCArray(QString text, QString label) { QStringList list; if (label.isNull()) { return list; } QRegExp *re = new QRegExp(QString("\\b%1\\b\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*\\{([^\\}]*)\\}").arg(label)); int pos = re->indexIn(text); if (pos != -1) { QString body = re->cap(1); body = body.replace(QRegExp("\\s*"), ""); list = body.split(','); /* QRegExp *inner = new QRegExp("&?\\b([A-Za-z0-9_\\(\\)]*)\\b,"); int pos = 0; while ((pos = inner->indexIn(body, pos)) != -1) { list << inner->cap(1); pos += inner->matchedLength(); } */ } return list; } QString Project::readCIncbin(QString text, QString label) { QString path; if (label.isNull()) { return path; } QRegExp *re = new QRegExp(QString( "\\b%1\\b" "\\s*\\[?\\s*\\]?\\s*=\\s*" "INCBIN_[US][0-9][0-9]?" "\\(\"([^\"]*)\"\\)").arg(label)); int pos = re->indexIn(text); if (pos != -1) { path = re->cap(1); } return path; } QMap Project::readCDefines(QString text, QStringList prefixes) { ParseUtil parser; text.replace(QRegularExpression("//.*"), ""); QMap allDefines; QMap filteredDefines; QRegularExpression re("#define\\s+(?\\w+)[^\\S\\n]+(?.+)"); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(text); while (iter.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next(); QString name = match.captured("defineName"); QString expression = match.captured("defineValue"); if (expression == " ") continue; int value = parser.evaluateDefine(expression, &allDefines); allDefines.insert(name, value); for (QString prefix : prefixes) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { filteredDefines.insert(name, value); } } } return filteredDefines; } int Project::getNumTilesPrimary() { return Project::num_tiles_primary; } int Project::getNumTilesTotal() { return Project::num_tiles_total; } int Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary() { return Project::num_metatiles_primary; } int Project::getNumMetatilesTotal() { return Project::num_metatiles_total; } int Project::getNumPalettesPrimary() { return Project::num_pals_primary; } int Project::getNumPalettesTotal() { return Project::num_pals_total; }