
371 lines
16 KiB

#include "tileset.h"
#include "metatile.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>
Tileset::Tileset(const Tileset &other)
: name(other.name),
for (auto tile : other.tiles) {
for (auto *metatile : other.metatiles) {
metatiles.append(new Metatile(*metatile));
Tileset &Tileset::operator=(const Tileset &other) {
name = other.name;
is_secondary = other.is_secondary;
tiles_label = other.tiles_label;
palettes_label = other.palettes_label;
metatiles_label = other.metatiles_label;
metatiles_path = other.metatiles_path;
metatile_attrs_label = other.metatile_attrs_label;
metatile_attrs_path = other.metatile_attrs_path;
tilesImagePath = other.tilesImagePath;
tilesImage = other.tilesImage.copy();
palettePaths = other.palettePaths;
metatileLabels = other.metatileLabels;
palettes = other.palettes;
palettePreviews = other.palettePreviews;
for (auto tile : other.tiles) {
for (auto *metatile : other.metatiles) {
metatiles.append(new Metatile(*metatile));
return *this;
Tileset* Tileset::getTileTileset(int tileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
if (tileId < Project::getNumTilesPrimary()) {
return primaryTileset;
} else if (tileId < Project::getNumTilesTotal()) {
return secondaryTileset;
} else {
return nullptr;
Tileset* Tileset::getMetatileTileset(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary()) {
return primaryTileset;
} else if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesTotal()) {
return secondaryTileset;
} else {
return nullptr;
Metatile* Tileset::getMetatile(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
Tileset *tileset = Tileset::getMetatileTileset(metatileId, primaryTileset, secondaryTileset);
if (!tileset) {
return nullptr;
int index = Metatile::getIndexInTileset(metatileId);
return tileset->metatiles.value(index, nullptr);
// Metatile labels are stored per-tileset. When looking for a metatile label, first search in the tileset
// that the metatile belongs to. If one isn't found, search in the other tileset. Labels coming from the
// tileset that the metatile does not belong to are shared and cannot be edited via Porymap.
Tileset* Tileset::getMetatileLabelTileset(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
Tileset *mainTileset = nullptr;
Tileset *alternateTileset = nullptr;
if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary()) {
mainTileset = primaryTileset;
alternateTileset = secondaryTileset;
} else if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesTotal()) {
mainTileset = secondaryTileset;
alternateTileset = primaryTileset;
if (mainTileset && !mainTileset->metatileLabels.value(metatileId).isEmpty()) {
return mainTileset;
} else if (alternateTileset && !alternateTileset->metatileLabels.value(metatileId).isEmpty()) {
return alternateTileset;
return nullptr;
// Return the pair of possible metatile labels for the specified metatile.
// "owned" is the label for the tileset to which the metatile belongs.
// "shared" is the label for the tileset to which the metatile does not belong.
MetatileLabelPair Tileset::getMetatileLabelPair(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
MetatileLabelPair labels;
QString primaryMetatileLabel = primaryTileset ? primaryTileset->metatileLabels.value(metatileId) : "";
QString secondaryMetatileLabel = secondaryTileset ? secondaryTileset->metatileLabels.value(metatileId) : "";
if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary()) {
labels.owned = primaryMetatileLabel;
labels.shared = secondaryMetatileLabel;
} else if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesTotal()) {
labels.owned = secondaryMetatileLabel;
labels.shared = primaryMetatileLabel;
return labels;
// If the metatile has a label in the tileset it belongs to, return that label.
// If it doesn't, and the metatile has a label in the other tileset, return that label.
// Otherwise return an empty string.
QString Tileset::getMetatileLabel(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
MetatileLabelPair labels = Tileset::getMetatileLabelPair(metatileId, primaryTileset, secondaryTileset);
return !labels.owned.isEmpty() ? labels.owned : labels.shared;
// Just get the "owned" metatile label, i.e. the one for the tileset that the metatile belongs to.
QString Tileset::getOwnedMetatileLabel(int metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
MetatileLabelPair labels = Tileset::getMetatileLabelPair(metatileId, primaryTileset, secondaryTileset);
return labels.owned;
bool Tileset::setMetatileLabel(int metatileId, QString label, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
Tileset *tileset = Tileset::getMetatileTileset(metatileId, primaryTileset, secondaryTileset);
if (!tileset)
return false;
static const QRegularExpression expression("[_A-Za-z0-9]*$");
QRegularExpressionValidator validator(expression);
int pos = 0;
if (validator.validate(label, pos) != QValidator::Acceptable)
return false;
tileset->metatileLabels[metatileId] = label;
return true;
QString Tileset::getMetatileLabelPrefix()
return Tileset::getMetatileLabelPrefix(this->name);
QString Tileset::getMetatileLabelPrefix(const QString &name)
// Default is "gTileset_Name" --> "METATILE_Name_"
const QString tilesetPrefix = projectConfig.getIdentifier(ProjectIdentifier::symbol_tilesets_prefix);
const QString labelPrefix = projectConfig.getIdentifier(ProjectIdentifier::define_metatile_label_prefix);
return QString("%1%2_").arg(labelPrefix).arg(QString(name).replace(tilesetPrefix, ""));
bool Tileset::metatileIsValid(uint16_t metatileId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset) {
if (metatileId >= Project::getNumMetatilesTotal())
return false;
if (metatileId < Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary() && metatileId >= primaryTileset->metatiles.length())
return false;
if (metatileId >= Project::getNumMetatilesPrimary() + secondaryTileset->metatiles.length())
return false;
return true;
QList<QList<QRgb>> Tileset::getBlockPalettes(Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset, bool useTruePalettes) {
QList<QList<QRgb>> palettes;
auto primaryPalettes = useTruePalettes ? primaryTileset->palettes : primaryTileset->palettePreviews;
for (int i = 0; i < Project::getNumPalettesPrimary(); i++) {
auto secondaryPalettes = useTruePalettes ? secondaryTileset->palettes : secondaryTileset->palettePreviews;
for (int i = Project::getNumPalettesPrimary(); i < Project::getNumPalettesTotal(); i++) {
return palettes;
QList<QRgb> Tileset::getPalette(int paletteId, Tileset *primaryTileset, Tileset *secondaryTileset, bool useTruePalettes) {
QList<QRgb> paletteTable;
Tileset *tileset = paletteId < Project::getNumPalettesPrimary()
? primaryTileset
: secondaryTileset;
auto palettes = useTruePalettes ? tileset->palettes : tileset->palettePreviews;
if (paletteId < 0 || paletteId >= palettes.length()){
logError(QString("Invalid tileset palette id '%1' requested.").arg(paletteId));
return paletteTable;
for (int i = 0; i < palettes.at(paletteId).length(); i++) {
return paletteTable;
bool Tileset::appendToHeaders(QString root, QString friendlyName, bool usingAsm) {
QString headersFile = root + "/" + (usingAsm ? projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_headers_asm)
: projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_headers));
QFile file(headersFile);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append)) {
logError(QString("Could not write to file \"%1\"").arg(headersFile));
return false;
QString isSecondaryStr = this->is_secondary ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
QString dataString = "\n";
if (usingAsm) {
// Append to asm file
dataString.append("\t.align 2\n");
dataString.append("\t.byte TRUE @ is compressed\n");
dataString.append(QString("\t.byte %1 @ is secondary\n").arg(isSecondaryStr));
dataString.append("\t.2byte 0 @ padding\n");
dataString.append(QString("\t.4byte gTilesetTiles_%1\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append(QString("\t.4byte gTilesetPalettes_%1\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append(QString("\t.4byte gMetatiles_%1\n").arg(friendlyName));
if (projectConfig.baseGameVersion == BaseGameVersion::pokefirered) {
dataString.append("\t.4byte NULL @ animation callback\n");
dataString.append(QString("\t.4byte gMetatileAttributes_%1\n").arg(friendlyName));
} else {
dataString.append(QString("\t.4byte gMetatileAttributes_%1\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append("\t.4byte NULL @ animation callback\n");
} else {
// Append to C file
dataString.append(QString("const struct Tileset %1 =\n{\n").arg(this->name));
if (projectConfig.tilesetsHaveIsCompressed) dataString.append(" .isCompressed = TRUE,\n");
dataString.append(QString(" .isSecondary = %1,\n").arg(isSecondaryStr));
dataString.append(QString(" .tiles = gTilesetTiles_%1,\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append(QString(" .palettes = gTilesetPalettes_%1,\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append(QString(" .metatiles = gMetatiles_%1,\n").arg(friendlyName));
dataString.append(QString(" .metatileAttributes = gMetatileAttributes_%1,\n").arg(friendlyName));
if (projectConfig.tilesetsHaveCallback) dataString.append(" .callback = NULL,\n");
return true;
bool Tileset::appendToGraphics(QString root, QString friendlyName, bool usingAsm) {
QString graphicsFile = root + "/" + (usingAsm ? projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_graphics_asm)
: projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_graphics));
QFile file(graphicsFile);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append)) {
logError(QString("Could not write to file \"%1\"").arg(graphicsFile));
return false;
const QString tilesetDir = this->getExpectedDir();
const QString tilesPath = tilesetDir + "/tiles.4bpp.lz";
const QString palettesPath = tilesetDir + "/palettes/";
QString dataString = "\n";
if (usingAsm) {
// Append to asm file
dataString.append("\t.align 2\n");
for (int i = 0; i < Project::getNumPalettesTotal(); i++)
dataString.append(QString("\t.incbin \"%1%2.gbapal\"\n").arg(palettesPath).arg(i, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')));
dataString.append("\n\t.align 2\n");
dataString.append(QString("\t.incbin \"%1\"\n").arg(tilesPath));
} else {
// Append to C file
dataString.append(QString("const u16 gTilesetPalettes_%1[][16] =\n{\n").arg(friendlyName));
for (int i = 0; i < Project::getNumPalettesTotal(); i++)
dataString.append(QString(" INCBIN_U16(\"%1%2.gbapal\"),\n").arg(palettesPath).arg(i, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')));
dataString.append(QString("\nconst u32 gTilesetTiles_%1[] = INCBIN_U32(\"%2\");\n").arg(friendlyName, tilesPath));
return true;
bool Tileset::appendToMetatiles(QString root, QString friendlyName, bool usingAsm) {
QString metatileFile = root + "/" + (usingAsm ? projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_metatiles_asm)
: projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::tilesets_metatiles));
QFile file(metatileFile);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append)) {
logError(QString("Could not write to file \"%1\"").arg(metatileFile));
return false;
const QString tilesetDir = this->getExpectedDir();
const QString metatilesPath = tilesetDir + "/metatiles.bin";
const QString metatileAttrsPath = tilesetDir + "/metatile_attributes.bin";
QString dataString = "\n";
if (usingAsm) {
// Append to asm file
dataString.append("\t.align 1\n");
dataString.append(QString("\t.incbin \"%1\"\n").arg(metatilesPath));
dataString.append(QString("\n\t.align 1\n"));
dataString.append(QString("\t.incbin \"%1\"\n").arg(metatileAttrsPath));
} else {
// Append to C file
dataString.append(QString("const u16 gMetatiles_%1[] = INCBIN_U16(\"%2\");\n").arg(friendlyName, metatilesPath));
QString numBits = QString::number(projectConfig.metatileAttributesSize * 8);
dataString.append(QString("const u%1 gMetatileAttributes_%2[] = INCBIN_U%1(\"%3\");\n").arg(numBits, friendlyName, metatileAttrsPath));
return true;
// The path where Porymap expects a Tileset's graphics assets to be stored (but not necessarily where they actually are)
// Example: for gTileset_DepartmentStore, returns "data/tilesets/secondary/department_store"
QString Tileset::getExpectedDir()
return Tileset::getExpectedDir(this->name, this->is_secondary);
QString Tileset::getExpectedDir(QString tilesetName, bool isSecondary)
static const QRegularExpression re("([a-z])([A-Z0-9])");
const QString category = isSecondary ? "secondary" : "primary";
const QString basePath = projectConfig.getFilePath(ProjectFilePath::data_tilesets_folders) + category + "/";
const QString prefix = projectConfig.getIdentifier(ProjectIdentifier::symbol_tilesets_prefix);
return basePath + tilesetName.replace(prefix, "").replace(re, "\\1_\\2").toLower();
// Get the expected positions of the members in struct Tileset.
// Used when parsing asm tileset data, or C tileset data that's missing initializers.
QHash<int, QString> Tileset::getHeaderMemberMap(bool usingAsm)
// The asm header has a padding field that needs to be skipped
int paddingOffset = usingAsm ? 1 : 0;
// The position of metatileAttributes changes between games
bool isPokefirered = (projectConfig.baseGameVersion == BaseGameVersion::pokefirered);
int metatileAttrPosition = (isPokefirered ? 6 : 5) + paddingOffset;
auto map = QHash<int, QString>();
map.insert(1, "isSecondary");
map.insert(2 + paddingOffset, "tiles");
map.insert(3 + paddingOffset, "palettes");
map.insert(4 + paddingOffset, "metatiles");
map.insert(metatileAttrPosition, "metatileAttributes");
return map;