180 lines
6.2 KiB
180 lines
6.2 KiB
#pragma once
#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
#include "blockdata.h"
#include "mapconnection.h"
#include "maplayout.h"
#include "tileset.h"
#include "events.h"
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QObject>
#include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
#include <math.h>
// Maximum based only on data type (u8) of map border width/height
#define MAX_BORDER_WIDTH 255
// Number of metatiles to draw out from edge of map. Could allow modification of this in the future.
// porymap will reflect changes to it, but the value is hard-coded in the projects at the moment
class LayoutPixmapItem;
class CollisionPixmapItem;
class BorderMetatilesPixmapItem;
class Map : public QObject
explicit Map(QObject *parent = nullptr);
void setName(QString mapName);
QString name() const { return m_name; }
QString constantName() const { return m_constantName; }
static QString mapConstantFromName(QString mapName, bool includePrefix = true);
void setLayout(Layout *layout);
Layout* layout() const { return m_layout; }
void setLayoutId(const QString &layoutId) { m_layoutId = layoutId; }
QString layoutId() const { return m_layoutId; }
int getWidth() const;
int getHeight() const;
int getBorderWidth() const;
int getBorderHeight() const;
// TODO: Combine these into a separate MapHeader class?
void setSong(const QString &song);
void setLocation(const QString &location);
void setRequiresFlash(bool requiresFlash);
void setWeather(const QString &weather);
void setType(const QString &type);
void setShowsLocation(bool showsLocation);
void setAllowsRunning(bool allowsRunning);
void setAllowsBiking(bool allowsBiking);
void setAllowsEscaping(bool allowsEscaping);
void setFloorNumber(int floorNumber);
void setBattleScene(const QString &battleScene);
QString song() const { return m_song; }
QString location() const { return m_location; }
bool requiresFlash() const { return m_requiresFlash; }
QString weather() const { return m_weather; }
QString type() const { return m_type; }
bool showsLocation() const { return m_showsLocation; }
bool allowsRunning() const { return m_allowsRunning; }
bool allowsBiking() const { return m_allowsBiking; }
bool allowsEscaping() const { return m_allowsEscaping; }
int floorNumber() const { return m_floorNumber; }
QString battleScene() const { return m_battleScene; }
void setSharedEventsMap(const QString &sharedEventsMap) { m_sharedEventsMap = sharedEventsMap; }
void setSharedScriptsMap(const QString &sharedScriptsMap) { m_sharedScriptsMap = sharedScriptsMap; }
QString sharedEventsMap() const { return m_sharedEventsMap; }
QString sharedScriptsMap() const { return m_sharedScriptsMap; }
void setNeedsLayoutDir(bool needsLayoutDir) { m_needsLayoutDir = needsLayoutDir; }
void setNeedsHealLocation(bool needsHealLocation) { m_needsHealLocation = needsHealLocation; }
void setIsPersistedToFile(bool persistedToFile) { m_isPersistedToFile = persistedToFile; }
void setHasUnsavedDataChanges(bool unsavedDataChanges) { m_hasUnsavedDataChanges = unsavedDataChanges; }
bool needsLayoutDir() const { return m_needsLayoutDir; }
bool needsHealLocation() const { return m_needsHealLocation; }
bool isPersistedToFile() const { return m_isPersistedToFile; }
bool hasUnsavedDataChanges() const { return m_hasUnsavedDataChanges; }
void resetEvents();
QList<Event *> getEvents(Event::Group group = Event::Group::None) const;
Event* getEvent(Event::Group group, int index) const;
int getNumEvents(Event::Group group = Event::Group::None) const;
QStringList getScriptLabels(Event::Group group = Event::Group::None);
QString getScriptsFilePath() const;
void openScript(QString label);
void removeEvent(Event *);
void addEvent(Event *);
int getIndexOfEvent(Event *) const;
void deleteConnections();
QList<MapConnection*> getConnections() const;
void removeConnection(MapConnection *);
void addConnection(MapConnection *);
void loadConnection(MapConnection *);
QRect getConnectionRect(const QString &direction, Layout *fromLayout = nullptr);
QPixmap renderConnection(const QString &direction, Layout *fromLayout = nullptr);
QUndoStack* editHistory() const { return m_editHistory; }
void commit(QUndoCommand*);
void modify();
void setClean();
bool hasUnsavedChanges() const;
void pruneEditHistory();
void setCustomAttributes(const QMap<QString, QJsonValue> &attributes) { m_customAttributes = attributes; }
QMap<QString, QJsonValue> customAttributes() const { return m_customAttributes; }
QString m_name;
QString m_constantName;
QString m_layoutId; // TODO: Why do we do half this->layout()->id and half this->layoutId. Should these ever be different?
QString m_song;
QString m_location;
bool m_requiresFlash;
QString m_weather;
QString m_type;
bool m_showsLocation;
bool m_allowsRunning;
bool m_allowsBiking;
bool m_allowsEscaping;
int m_floorNumber = 0;
QString m_battleScene;
QString m_sharedEventsMap = "";
QString m_sharedScriptsMap = "";
QStringList m_scriptsFileLabels;
QMap<QString, QJsonValue> m_customAttributes;
Layout *m_layout = nullptr;
bool m_isPersistedToFile = true;
bool m_hasUnsavedDataChanges = false;
bool m_needsLayoutDir = true;
bool m_needsHealLocation = false;
bool m_scriptsLoaded = false;
QMap<Event::Group, QList<Event *>> m_events;
QList<Event *> m_ownedEvents; // for memory management
QList<int> m_metatileLayerOrder;
QList<float> m_metatileLayerOpacity;
void trackConnection(MapConnection*);
// MapConnections in 'ownedConnections' but not 'connections' persist in the edit history.
QList<MapConnection*> m_connections;
QSet<MapConnection*> m_ownedConnections;
QUndoStack *m_editHistory = nullptr;
void modified();
void mapDimensionsChanged(const QSize &size);
void openScriptRequested(QString label);
void connectionAdded(MapConnection*);
void connectionRemoved(MapConnection*);
#endif // MAP_H