133 lines
2.9 KiB
133 lines
2.9 KiB
#include "project.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "tilemaptileselector.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "historyitem.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsView>
struct CityMapPosition
QString tilemap;
int x;
int y;
struct RegionMapEntry
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
QString name;
class RegionMapSquare
int x = -1;
int y = -1;
uint8_t tile_img_id;
bool has_map = false;
QString map_name;
QString mapsec;
uint8_t secid;
bool has_city_map = false;
QString city_map_name;
bool duplicated = false;
class RegionMap : public QObject
RegionMap() = default;
~RegionMap() {};
static QString mapSecToMapConstant(QString);
Project *project;
//QList<RegionMapSquare> map_squares;
QVector<RegionMapSquare> map_squares;
History<RegionMapHistoryItem*> history;
QString region_map_png_path;
QString region_map_bin_path;
QString region_map_entries_path;
QString region_map_layout_bin_path;
QString city_map_tiles_path;
QByteArray mapBinData;
QMap<QString, QString> sMapNamesMap;// {"{/sMapName_/}LittlerootTown" : "LITTLEROOT{NAME_END} TOWN"}
QMap<QString, struct RegionMapEntry> mapSecToMapEntry;// TODO: add to this on creation of new map
QVector<QString> sMapNames;
bool hasUnsavedChanges();
void init(Project*);
void readBkgImgBin();
void readCityMaps();
void readLayout();
QString newAbbr(QString);// makes a *unique* 5 character abbreviation from mapname to add to mapname_abbr
// editing functions
// if they are booleans, returns true if successful?
bool placeTile(char, int, int);// place tile at x, y
bool removeTile(char, int, int);// replaces with 0x00 byte at x,y
bool placeMap(QString, int, int);
bool removeMap(QString, int, int);
bool removeMap(QString);// remove all instances of map
void save();
void saveBkgImgBin();
void saveLayout();
void saveOptions(int, QString, QString, int, int);
void saveCityMaps();
void resize(int, int);
void setWidth(int);
void setHeight(int);
int width();
int height();
QSize imgSize();
unsigned getTileId(int, int);
int getMapSquareIndex(int, int);
void resetSquare(int);
void test();// remove
// TODO: move read / write functions to private (and others)
int layout_width_;
int layout_height_;
int img_width_;
int img_height_;
int img_index_(int, int);// returns index int at x,y args (x + y * width_ * 2) // 2 because
int layout_index_(int, int);
void fillMapSquaresFromLayout();
QString fix_case(QString);// CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORE to CamelCase
#endif // REGIONMAP_H