146 lines
4.3 KiB
146 lines
4.3 KiB
#pragma once
#include "blockdata.h"
#include "tileset.h"
#include <QImage>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QString>
#include <QUndoStack>
class Map;
class LayoutPixmapItem;
class CollisionPixmapItem;
class BorderMetatilesPixmapItem;
// TODO: Privatize members as appropriate
class Layout : public QObject {
Layout() {}
static QString layoutNameFromMapName(const QString &mapName);
static QString layoutConstantFromName(QString mapName);
bool loaded = false;
QString id;
QString name;
int width;
int height;
int border_width;
int border_height;
QString border_path;
QString blockdata_path;
QString tileset_primary_label;
QString tileset_secondary_label;
Tileset *tileset_primary = nullptr;
Tileset *tileset_secondary = nullptr;
Blockdata blockdata;
QImage image;
QPixmap pixmap;
QImage border_image;
QPixmap border_pixmap;
QImage collision_image;
QPixmap collision_pixmap;
Blockdata border;
Blockdata cached_blockdata;
Blockdata cached_collision;
Blockdata cached_border;
struct {
Blockdata blocks;
QSize layoutDimensions;
Blockdata border;
QSize borderDimensions;
} lastCommitBlocks; // to track map changes
QList<int> metatileLayerOrder;
QList<float> metatileLayerOpacity;
LayoutPixmapItem *layoutItem = nullptr;
CollisionPixmapItem *collisionItem = nullptr;
BorderMetatilesPixmapItem *borderItem = nullptr;
QUndoStack editHistory;
// to simplify new layout settings transfer between functions
// TODO: Make this the equivalent of struct MapHeader
struct Settings {
QString id;
QString name;
int width;
int height;
int borderWidth;
int borderHeight;
QString primaryTilesetLabel;
QString secondaryTilesetLabel;
Settings settings() const;
Layout *copy() const;
void copyFrom(const Layout *other);
int getWidth() const { return width; }
int getHeight() const { return height; }
int getBorderWidth() const { return border_width; }
int getBorderHeight() const { return border_height; }
bool isWithinBounds(int x, int y);
bool isWithinBorderBounds(int x, int y);
bool getBlock(int x, int y, Block *out);
void setBlock(int x, int y, Block block, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void setBlockdata(Blockdata blockdata, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void setDimensions(int newWidth, int newHeight, bool setNewBlockdata = true, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void setBorderDimensions(int newWidth, int newHeight, bool setNewBlockdata = true, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void cacheBlockdata();
void cacheCollision();
void clearBorderCache();
void cacheBorder();
bool hasUnsavedChanges() const;
bool layoutBlockChanged(int i, const Blockdata &cache);
uint16_t getBorderMetatileId(int x, int y);
void setBorderMetatileId(int x, int y, uint16_t metatileId, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void setBorderBlockData(Blockdata blockdata, bool enableScriptCallback = false);
void floodFillCollisionElevation(int x, int y, uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation);
void _floodFillCollisionElevation(int x, int y, uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation);
void magicFillCollisionElevation(int x, int y, uint16_t collision, uint16_t elevation);
QPixmap render(bool ignoreCache = false, Layout *fromLayout = nullptr, QRect bounds = QRect(0, 0, -1, -1));
QPixmap renderCollision(bool ignoreCache);
// QPixmap renderConnection(MapConnection, Layout *);
QPixmap renderBorder(bool ignoreCache = false);
QPixmap getLayoutItemPixmap();
void setLayoutItem(LayoutPixmapItem *item) { layoutItem = item; }
void setCollisionItem(CollisionPixmapItem *item) { collisionItem = item; }
void setBorderItem(BorderMetatilesPixmapItem *item) { borderItem = item; }
void setNewDimensionsBlockdata(int newWidth, int newHeight);
void setNewBorderDimensionsBlockdata(int newWidth, int newHeight);
void layoutChanged(Layout *layout);
//void modified();
void layoutDimensionsChanged(const QSize &size);
void needsRedrawing();
#endif // MAPLAYOUT_H