#define P_LVL_UP_LEARNSETS GEN_LATEST // Choose which set of Level Up Learnsets to use.
// For generations that hadn't introduced a species yet, we use their first appearence (eg. Chikorita's Gen2 data if the config is set to GEN_1).
// For generations that don't include a previously introduced species, we use their last apperance (eg. Snivy's Gen7 data if the config is set to GEN_8).
// GEN_8: Use the following priority: BDSP for Gen1-4 Pokémon, then LA for species introduced in that game, then SwSh for species present in those games. Otherwise, use GEN_7.
// GEN_9: SV For species present in those games. Otherwise use GEN_8.
#define P_EVOLUTION_LEVEL_1_LEARN GEN_LATEST // In Gen 8+, Pokémon evolving while at level 1 do not get the chance to learn their level 1 moves, while before they did.
#define P_NIDORAN_M_DITTO_BREED GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 5, when Nidoran♂ breeds with Ditto it can produce Nidoran♀ offspring. Before, it would only yield male offspring. This change also applies to Volbeat.
#define P_INCENSE_BREEDING GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 9, cross-generation Baby Pokémon don't require Incense being held by the parents to be obtained via breeding.
#define P_EGG_HATCH_LEVEL GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 4, Pokémon will hatch from eggs at level 1 instead of 5.
#define P_BALL_INHERITING GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, Eggs from the Daycare will inherit the Poké Ball from their mother. From Gen 7 onwards, the father can pass it down as well, as long as it's of the same species as the mother.
#define P_TM_INHERITANCE GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, the father no longer passes down TMs to the baby.
#define P_MOTHER_EGG_MOVE_INHERITANCE GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, the mother can also pass down Egg Moves.
#define P_NATURE_INHERITANCE GEN_LATEST // In Gen 3, Everstone grants Ditto and mothers a 50% chance to pass on Nature. Since Gen 4, anyone can pass on nature. Since Gen 5, the chance is 100%.
#define P_ABILITY_INHERITANCE GEN_LATEST // In B2W2, a female Pokémon has an 80% chance of passing down their ability if bred with a male. Since Gen 6, the chance is 80% for normal ability and 60% for Hidden Ability, and anyone can pass down their abilities if bred with Ditto. NOTE: BW's effect: 60% chance to pass down HA and random for normal ability has been omitted.
#define P_EGG_MOVE_TRANSFER GEN_LATEST // Starting in Gen 8, if two Pokémon of the same species are together in the Daycare, one knows an Egg Move, and the other has an empty slot, the other Pokémon will receive the Egg Move in the empty slot. In Gen 9, if a Pokémon holds a Mirror Herb, it will receive Egg Moves from the other regardless of species.
#define P_SCATTERBUG_LINE_FORM_BREED SPECIES_SCATTERBUG_FANCY // Choose the Scatterbug form all Vivillon/Spewpa/Scatterbug will breed into, basically aligning with the "location" of the player's game.
#define P_SHUCKLE_BERRY_JUICE GEN_LATEST // In Gen 2, Shuckle had a 1/16 chance of converting Berry that it's holding into Berry Juice. Enabling this will allow Shuckle to do this with an Oran Berry, which is the spiritual succesor of the Berry item.
#define P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES TRUE // If TRUE, Pokémon will have graphical-only differences when they're female. Female *forms* such as Meowstic are not affected by this.
#define P_CUSTOM_GENDER_DIFF_ICONS TRUE // If TRUE, will give more Pokémon custom icons for their female differences, i.e. Hippopotas and Hippowdon
#define P_ARCEUS_UNIQUE_FORM_ICONS GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 9, Arceus additionally changes its icon to reflect its current form.
#define P_FOOTPRINTS TRUE // If TRUE, Pokémon will have footprints (as was the case up to Gen 5 and in BDSP). Disabling this saves some ROM space.
#define P_TWO_FRAME_FRONT_SPRITES TRUE // In Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon front sprites always consist of two frames. This config can revert it to only use the first frame, as is the case in the other Gen 3 games.
#define P_GBA_STYLE_SPECIES_GFX FALSE // By default, Pokémon sprites use Gen 4/5's style. This config can revert them back to GBA-style. NOTE: B_ENEMY_MON_SHADOW_STYLE is disabled when using these sprites for now.
#define P_GBA_STYLE_SPECIES_ICONS FALSE // By default, Pokémon have their updated icons. This config can revert them back to GBA-style.
#define P_GBA_STYLE_SPECIES_FOOTPRINTS FALSE // By default, Pokémon have their updated footprints. This config can revert them back to GBA-style.
#define P_CRIES_ENABLED TRUE // If TRUE, Pokémon will have cries. Disabling this saves around a LOT of ROM space (over 25%!), but instead we recommend disabling individual unused Pokémon families in include/config/species_enabled.h.
#define P_LEGENDARY_PERFECT_IVS GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, Legendaries, Mythicals and Ultra Beasts found in the wild or given through gifts have at least 3 perfect IVs.
#define P_EV_CAP GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, the max EVs per stat is 252 instead of 255.
#define P_SHOW_TERA_TYPE GEN_8 // Since Gen 9, the Tera Type is shown on the summary screen.
#define P_TM_LITERACY GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 6, TM illiterate Pokémon can learn TMs that teach moves that are in their level-up learnsets.
#define P_EGG_CYCLE_LENGTH GEN_LATEST // Since Gen 8, egg cycles take half as many steps as before. Previous Gens have some varied step counts around 255.
#define P_SHOW_DYNAMIC_TYPES FALSE // If TRUE, all moves with dynamic type changes will be reflected as their current type in battle/summary screens instead of just select ones like in vanilla.
#define P_LEARNSET_HELPER_TEACHABLE TRUE // If TRUE, teachable_learnsets.h will be populated by tools/learnset_helpers/teachable.py using the included JSON files based on available TMs and tutors.