pokeemerald-expansion is ***a romhack base*** based off pret's [pokeemerald](https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald) decompilation project. ***It is NOT a playable romhack,*** but it has multiple features available to romhackers so that they can create their own games, so it's not meant to be played on its own.
## Should I use this or vanilla pokeemerald for my hack?
The main advantage of using vanilla pokeemerald as a base is being able to link with other official GBA Pokémon games for battles and trading, pokeemerald-expansion can battle and trade with itself out of the box. If you don't mind losing full vanilla compatiblitity, we recommend using pokeemerald-expansion. Otherwise, use pret's pokeemerald. You'll still receive documentation improvements from pret, as we regurlarly incorporate pret's documentation changes.
If you use pokeemerald-expansion in your hack, please add RHH (Rom Hacking Hideout) to your credits list. Optionally, you can list the version used, so it can help players know what features to expect.
#### Important: DO NOT use GitHub's "Download Zip" option. Using this option will not download the commit history required to update your expansion version or merge other feature branches. Instead, please read [this guide](https://github.com/Pawkkie/Team-Aquas-Asset-Repo/wiki/The-Basics-of-GitHub) to learn how to fork the repository and clone locally from there.
### If I already have a project based on regular pokeemerald, can I use pokeemerald-expansion?
Yes! Keep in mind that we keep up with pret's documentation of pokeemerald, which means that if your project a bit old, you might get merge conflicts that you need to solve manually.
- If you haven't set up a remote, run the command `git remote add RHH https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion`.
- Once you have your remote set up, run the command `git pull RHH master`.
With this, you'll get the latest version of pokeemerald-expansion, plus a couple of bugfixes that haven't yet been released into the next patch version :)
## Documentation
[Please click here to visit our documentation page.](https://rh-hideout.github.io/pokeemerald-expansion/)
## **How do I update my version of pokeemerald-expansion?**
- If you haven't set up a remote, run the command `git remote add RHH https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion`.
- Check your current version.
- You can check in the debug menu's `Utilities -> Expansion Version` option.
- If the option is not available, you possibly have version 1.6.2 or older. In that case, please check the [changelogs](docs/CHANGELOG.md) to determine your version based on the features available on your repository.
- ***Important:*** If you are several versions behind, we recommend updating one minor version at a time, skipping directly to the latest patch version (eg, 1.5.3 -> 1.6.2 -> 1.7.4 and so on. Check the [online documentation site](https://rh-hideout.github.io/pokeemerald-expansion/CHANGELOG.html) to see the latest versions of each step.)
- Once you have your remote set up, run the command `git pull RHH expansion/X.Y.Z`, replacing X, Y and Z with the digits of the respective version you want to update to (eg, to update to 1.9.3, use `git pull RHH expansion/1.9.3`).
- ***Important:*** If you are several versions behind, we recommend updating one minor version at a time, skipping directly to the latest patch version (eg, 1.5.3 -> 1.6.2 -> 1.7.4 and so on)
- Alternatively, you can update to unreleased versions of the expansion.
- ***master (stable):*** It contains unreleased **bugfixes** that will come in the next patch version. To merge, use `git pull RHH master`.
- ***upcoming (unstable, with potential bugs):*** It contains unreleased **features** that will come in the next minor version. To merge, use `git pull RHH upcoming`.
### Please consider crediting the entire [list of contributors](https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/wiki/Credits) in your project, as they have all worked hard to develop this project :)
## Who maintains the project?
The project was originally started by DizzyEgg alongside other contributors. Now it is maintained by a team in the ROM Hacking Hideout's community called the "Expansion Senate". ROM Hacking Hideout (RHH for short) is a Discord-based ROM hacking community specialized in Pokémon romhacks. A lot of the discussion in regards of the development of the project happens there.
[Click here to join the RHH Discord Server!](https://discord.gg/6CzjAG6GZk)
## There's a bug in the project. How do I let you guys know?
Please submit any issues with the project [here](https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/issues) and make sure that the issue wasn't reported by someone else by searching using the filters. You may also join the Discord server to try getting more in-depth support from the team and other members of the server.
## Can I contribute even if I'm not a member of ROM Hacking Hideout?
Yes! Contributions are welcome via Pull Requests and they will be reviewed by maintainers in due time.
Also, *please follow the Pull Request template and feel free to discuss how the reviews are being handled. **Communication is key!*** Don't feel discouraged if we take a bit to review your PR, we'll get to it.
- ***Customizable form change tables. Full list of methods [here](https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/blob/master/include/constants/form_change_types.h).***
There are some mechanics, moves and abilities that are missing and being developed. Check [the project's milestones](https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/milestones) and our [issues page](https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion/issues) to see which ones.