diff --git a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h index 1a4e46af41..ef27190f24 100644 --- a/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h +++ b/src/data/text/move_descriptions.h @@ -2345,10 +2345,18 @@ static const u8 sSPIRIT_SHACKLEDescription[] = _( "After being hit, foes can\n" "no longer escape."); +static const u8 sDARKEST_LARIATDescription[] = _( + "Swings the arms to strike\n" + "It ignores stat changes."); + static const u8 sSPARKLING_ARIADescription[] = _( "Sings with bubbles. Cures\n" "burns on contact."); +static const u8 sICE_HAMMERDescription[] = _( + "Swings the fist to strike.\n" + "Lowers the user’s SPEED."); + static const u8 sFLORAL_HEALINGDescription[] = _( "Restores an ally’s HP.\n" "Heals more on grass."); @@ -2393,6 +2401,10 @@ static const u8 sPOLLEN_PUFFDescription[] = _( "Explodes on foes, but\n" "restores ally’s HP."); +static const u8 sANCHOR_SHOTDescription[] = _( + "Strangles the foe with a\n" + "chain. The foe can’t flinch."); + static const u8 sPSYCHIC_TERRAINDescription[] = _( "The ground turns weird for\n" "5 turns. Blocks priority."); @@ -2405,6 +2417,10 @@ static const u8 sFIRE_LASHDescription[] = _( "Whips the foe with fire\n" "lowering its Defense."); +static const u8 sPOWER_TRIPDescription[] = _( + "It hits harder the more\n" + "stat boosts the user has."); + static const u8 sBURN_UPDescription[] = _( "Burns out the user fully\n" "removing the Fire type."); @@ -3145,4 +3161,54 @@ const u8 *const gMoveDescriptionPointers[MOVES_COUNT - 1] = [MOVE_PRECIPICE_BLADES - 1] = sPRECIPICE_BLADESDescription, [MOVE_DRAGON_ASCENT - 1] = sCLOSE_COMBATDescription, [MOVE_HYPERSPACE_FURY - 1] = sHYPERSPACE_HOLEDescription, + [MOVE_SHORE_UP - 1] = sSHORE_UPDescription, + [MOVE_FIRST_IMPRESSION - 1] = sFIRST_IMPRESSIONDescription, + [MOVE_BANEFUL_BUNKER - 1] = sBANEFUL_BUNKERDescription, + [MOVE_SPIRIT_SHACKLE - 1] = sSPIRIT_SHACKLEDescription, + [MOVE_DARKEST_LARIAT - 1] = sDARKEST_LARIATDescription, + [MOVE_SPARKLING_ARIA - 1] = sSPARKLING_ARIADescription, + [MOVE_ICE_HAMMER - 1] = sICE_HAMMERDescription, + [MOVE_FLORAL_HEALING - 1] = sFLORAL_HEALINGDescription, + [MOVE_HIGH_HORSEPOWER - 1] = sHIGH_HORSEPOWERDescription, + [MOVE_STRENGTH_SAP - 1] = sSTRENGTH_SAPDescription, + [MOVE_SOLAR_BLADE - 1] = sSOLAR_BLADEDescription, + [MOVE_LEAFAGE - 1] = sLEAFAGEDescription, + [MOVE_SPOTLIGHT - 1] = sSPOTLIGHTDescription, + [MOVE_TOXIC_THREAD - 1] = sTOXIC_THREADDescription, + [MOVE_LASER_FOCUS - 1] = sLASER_FOCUSDescription, + [MOVE_GEAR_UP - 1] = sGEAR_UPDescription, + [MOVE_THROAT_CHOP - 1] = sTHROAT_CHOPDescription, + [MOVE_POLLEN_PUFF - 1] = sPOLLEN_PUFFDescription, + [MOVE_ANCHOR_SHOT - 1] = sANCHOR_SHOTDescription, + [MOVE_PSYCHIC_TERRAIN - 1] = sPSYCHIC_TERRAINDescription, + [MOVE_LUNGE - 1] = sLUNGEDescription, + [MOVE_FIRE_LASH - 1] = sFIRE_LASHDescription, + [MOVE_POWER_TRIP - 1] = sPOWER_TRIPDescription, + [MOVE_BURN_UP - 1] = sBURN_UPDescription, + [MOVE_SPEED_SWAP - 1] = sSPEED_SWAPDescription, + [MOVE_SMART_STRIKE - 1] = sSMART_STRIKEDescription, + [MOVE_PURIFY - 1] = sPURIFYDescription, + [MOVE_REVELATION_DANCE - 1] = sREVELATION_DANCEDescription, + [MOVE_CORE_ENFORCER - 1] = sCORE_ENFORCERDescription, + [MOVE_TROP_KICK - 1] = sTROP_KICKDescription, + [MOVE_INSTRUCT - 1] = sINSTRUCTDescription, + [MOVE_BEAK_BLAST - 1] = sBEAK_BLASTDescription, + [MOVE_CLANGING_SCALES - 1] = sCLANGING_SCALESDescription, + [MOVE_DRAGON_HAMMER - 1] = sDRAGON_HAMMERDescription, + [MOVE_BRUTAL_SWING - 1] = sBRUTAL_SWINGDescription, + [MOVE_SHELL_TRAP - 1] = sSHELL_TRAPDescription, + [MOVE_FLEUR_CANNON - 1] = sFLEUR_CANNONDescription, + [MOVE_PSYCHIC_FANGS - 1] = sPSYCHIC_FANGSDescription, + [MOVE_STOMPING_TANTRUM - 1] = sSTOMPING_TANTRUMDescription, + [MOVE_SHADOW_BONE - 1] = sSHADOW_BONEDescription, + [MOVE_ACCELEROCK - 1] = sACCELEROCKDescription, + [MOVE_LIQUIDATION - 1] = sLIQUIDATIONDescription, + [MOVE_PRISMATIC_LASER - 1] = sPRISMATIC_LASERDescription, + [MOVE_SPECTRAL_THIEF - 1] = sSPECTRAL_THIEFDescription, + [MOVE_SUNSTEEL_STRIKE - 1] = sSUNSTEEL_STRIKEDescription, + [MOVE_MOONGEIST_BEAM - 1] = sMOONGEIST_BEAMDescription, + [MOVE_TEARFUL_LOOK - 1] = sTEARFUL_LOOKDescription, + [MOVE_ZING_ZAP - 1] = sZING_ZAPDescription, + [MOVE_NATURES_MADNESS - 1] = sNATURES_MADNESSDescription, + [MOVE_MULTI_ATTACK - 1] = sMULTI_ATTACKDescription, };