diff --git a/include/constants/abilities.h b/include/constants/abilities.h index 23b9fe2b72..94e5986f77 100644 --- a/include/constants/abilities.h +++ b/include/constants/abilities.h @@ -292,6 +292,41 @@ #define ABILITIES_COUNT_GEN8 268 -#define ABILITIES_COUNT ABILITIES_COUNT_GEN8 +// Gen 9 +#define ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA 268 +#define ABILITY_SEED_SOWER 269 +#define ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE 270 +#define ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL 271 +#define ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT 272 +#define ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY 273 +#define ABILITY_WIND_RIDER 274 +#define ABILITY_GUARD_DOG 275 +#define ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD 276 +#define ABILITY_WIND_POWER 277 +#define ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO 278 +#define ABILITY_COMMANDER 279 +#define ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS 280 +#define ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS 281 +#define ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE 282 +#define ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD 283 +#define ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN 284 +#define ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN 285 +#define ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN 286 +#define ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN 287 +#define ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE 288 +#define ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE 289 +#define ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST 290 +#define ABILITY_CUD_CHEW 291 +#define ABILITY_SHARPNESS 292 +#define ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD 293 +#define ABILITY_COSTAR 294 +#define ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS 295 +#define ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL 296 +#define ABILITY_EARTH_EATER 297 +#define ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT 298 + +#define ABILITIES_COUNT_GEN9 299 + +#define ABILITIES_COUNT ABILITIES_COUNT_GEN9 #endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_ABILITIES_H diff --git a/src/battle_debug.c b/src/battle_debug.c index 568b9a96e6..a8f975096f 100644 --- a/src/battle_debug.c +++ b/src/battle_debug.c @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ static void SetUpModifyArrows(struct BattleDebugMenu *data) { case LIST_ITEM_ABILITY: data->modifyArrows.minValue = 0; - data->modifyArrows.maxValue = ABILITIES_COUNT_GEN8 - 1; + data->modifyArrows.maxValue = ABILITIES_COUNT - 1; data->modifyArrows.maxDigits = 3; data->modifyArrows.modifiedValPtr = &gBattleMons[data->battlerId].ability; data->modifyArrows.typeOfVal = VAL_U16; diff --git a/src/data/text/abilities.h b/src/data/text/abilities.h index ac11b9de8b..96407c3409 100644 --- a/src/data/text/abilities.h +++ b/src/data/text/abilities.h @@ -254,6 +254,37 @@ static const u8 sChillingNeighDescription[] = _("KOs boost Attack stat."); static const u8 sGrimNeighDescription[] = _("KOs boost Sp. Atk stat."); static const u8 sAsOneIceRiderDescription[] = _("Unnerve and Chilling Neigh."); static const u8 sAsOneShadowRiderDescription[] = _("Unnerve and Grim Neigh."); +static const u8 sLingeringAromaDescription[] = _("Spreads with contact."); +static const u8 sSeedSowerDescription[] = _("Affects terrain when hit."); +static const u8 sThermalExchangeDescription[] = _("Fire hits up Attack."); +static const u8 sAngerShellDescription[] = _("Gets angry at half HP."); +static const u8 sPurifyingSaltDescription[] = _("Protected by pure salts."); +static const u8 sWellBakedBodyDescription[] = _("Strengthened by Fire."); +static const u8 sWindRiderDescription[] = _("Ups Attack if hit by wind."); +static const u8 sGuardDogDescription[] = _("Cannot be intimidated."); +static const u8 sRockyPayloadDescription[] = _("Powers up Rock moves."); +static const u8 sWindPowerDescription[] = _("Gets charged by wind."); +static const u8 sZeroToHeroDescription[] = _("Changes form on switch out."); +static const u8 sCommanderDescription[] = _("Commands from Dondozo."); +static const u8 sElectromorphosisDescription[] = _("Gets Charged on contact."); +static const u8 sProtosynthesisDescription[] = _("Sun boosts best stat."); +static const u8 sQuarkDriveDescription[] = _("Elec. field ups best stat."); +static const u8 sGoodAsGoldDescription[] = _("Avoids status problems."); +static const u8 sVesselOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' sp. damage."); +static const u8 sSwordOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' defense."); +static const u8 sTabletsOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' damage."); +static const u8 sBeadsOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' sp. defense."); +static const u8 sOrichalcumPulseDescription[] = _("Summons sunlight in battle."); +static const u8 sHadronEngineDescription[] = _("Field becomes Electric."); +static const u8 sOpportunistDescription[] = _("Copies foe's stat change."); +static const u8 sCudChewDescription[] = _("Eats a used berry again."); +static const u8 sSharpnessDescription[] = _("Strengthens cutting moves."); +static const u8 sSupremeOverlordDescription[] = _("Inherits fallen's strength."); +static const u8 sCostarDescription[] = _("Copies ally's stat changes."); +static const u8 sToxicDebrisDescription[] = _("Throws poison spikes if hit."); +static const u8 sArmorTailDescription[] = _("Protects from priority."); +static const u8 sEarthEaterDescription[] = _("Eats ground to heal HP."); +static const u8 sMyceliumMightDescription[] = _("Status moves never fail."); #if B_EXPANDED_ABILITY_NAMES == TRUE const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = @@ -526,6 +557,37 @@ const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = _("Grim Neigh"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = _("As One"), + [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = _("Lingering Aroma"), + [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = _("Seed Sower"), + [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = _("Thermal Exchange"), + [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = _("Anger Shell"), + [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = _("Purifying Salt"), + [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = _("Well-Baked Body"), + [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = _("Wind Rider"), + [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = _("Guard Dog"), + [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = _("Rocky Payload"), + [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = _("Wind Power"), + [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = _("Zero to Hero"), + [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = _("Commander"), + [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = _("Electromorphosis"), + [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = _("Protosynthesis"), + [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = _("Quark Drive"), + [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = _("Good as Gold"), + [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = _("Vessel of Ruin"), + [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = _("Sword of Ruin"), + [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = _("Tablets of Ruin"), + [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = _("Beads of Ruin"), + [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = _("Orichalcum Pulse"), + [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = _("Hadron Engine"), + [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = _("Opportunist"), + [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = _("Cud Chew"), + [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = _("Sharpness"), + [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = _("Supreme Overlord"), + [ABILITY_COSTAR] = _("Costar"), + [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = _("Toxic Debris"), + [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = _("Armor Tail"), + [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = _("Earth Eater"), + [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = _("Mycelium Might"), }; #else // 12 characters const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = @@ -798,6 +860,37 @@ const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = _("Grim Neigh"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = _("As One"), + [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = _("LngerngAroma"), + [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = _("Seed Sower"), + [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = _("ThrmlExchnge"), + [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = _("Anger Shell"), + [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = _("PurfyingSalt"), + [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = _("WellBakedBdy"), + [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = _("Wind Rider"), + [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = _("Guard Dog"), + [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = _("RockyPayload"), + [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = _("Wind Power"), + [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = _("Zero to Hero"), + [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = _("Commander"), + [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = _("Elecmrphosis"), + [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = _("Protosnthsis"), + [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = _("Quark Drive"), + [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = _("Good as Gold"), + [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = _("VesselOfRuin"), + [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = _("SwordOfRuin"), + [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = _("TabltsOfRuin"), + [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = _("BeadsOfRuin"), + [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = _("OrchlcumPlse"), + [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = _("HadronEngine"), + [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = _("Opportunist"), + [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = _("Cud Chew"), + [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = _("Sharpness"), + [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = _("SuprmeOvrlrd"), + [ABILITY_COSTAR] = _("Costar"), + [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = _("Toxic Debris"), + [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = _("Armor Tail"), + [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = _("Earth Eater"), + [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = _("MceliumMight"), }; #endif @@ -1071,4 +1164,35 @@ const u8 *const gAbilityDescriptionPointers[ABILITIES_COUNT] = [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = sGrimNeighDescription, [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = sAsOneIceRiderDescription, [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = sAsOneShadowRiderDescription, + [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = sLingeringAromaDescription, + [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = sSeedSowerDescription, + [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = sThermalExchangeDescription, + [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = sAngerShellDescription, + [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = sPurifyingSaltDescription, + [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = sWellBakedBodyDescription, + [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = sWindRiderDescription, + [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = sGuardDogDescription, + [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = sRockyPayloadDescription, + [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = sWindPowerDescription, + [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = sZeroToHeroDescription, + [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = sCommanderDescription, + [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = sElectromorphosisDescription, + [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = sProtosynthesisDescription, + [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = sQuarkDriveDescription, + [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = sGoodAsGoldDescription, + [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = sVesselOfRuinDescription, + [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = sSwordOfRuinDescription, + [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = sTabletsOfRuinDescription, + [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = sBeadsOfRuinDescription, + [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = sOrichalcumPulseDescription, + [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = sHadronEngineDescription, + [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = sOpportunistDescription, + [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = sCudChewDescription, + [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = sSharpnessDescription, + [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = sSupremeOverlordDescription, + [ABILITY_COSTAR] = sCostarDescription, + [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = sToxicDebrisDescription, + [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = sArmorTailDescription, + [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = sEarthEaterDescription, + [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = sMyceliumMightDescription, };