Match mus_me_b_small.mid

This commit is contained in:
Kermalis 2018-09-28 21:56:33 -04:00
parent 05d012b1a7
commit 6a102c4192
4 changed files with 4 additions and 258 deletions

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@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ SECTIONS {

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@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ $(MID_SUBDIR)/mus_me_asa.s: %.s: %.mid
$(MID_SUBDIR)/mus_me_b_big.s: %.s: %.mid
$(MID) $< $@ -G012 -R$(STD_REVERB) -V090 -P5
$(MID_SUBDIR)/mus_me_b_small.s: %.s: %.mid
$(MID) $< $@ -G012 -R$(STD_REVERB) -V090 -P5
$(MID_SUBDIR)/mus_naminori.s: %.s: %.mid
$(MID) $< $@ -G017 -R$(STD_REVERB)

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
.include "MPlayDef.s"
.equ mus_me_b_small_grp, voicegroup012
.equ mus_me_b_small_pri, 5
.equ mus_me_b_small_rev, reverb_set+50
.equ mus_me_b_small_mvl, 127
.equ mus_me_b_small_key, 0
.equ mus_me_b_small_tbs, 1
.equ mus_me_b_small_exg, 0
.equ mus_me_b_small_cmp, 1
.section .rodata
.global mus_me_b_small
.align 2
@********************** Track 1 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte TEMPO , 144*mus_me_b_small_tbs/2
.byte W09
.byte VOICE , 56
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v+6
.byte N03 , Cs3 , v084
.byte W03
.byte Fn3
.byte W03
.byte Fs3
.byte W03
.byte Gs3
.byte W03
.byte An3
.byte W03
.byte N06 , As3 , v112
.byte W12
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N06 , Fs3
.byte W12
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N12 , Cs4
.byte W03
.byte MOD , 6
.byte W09
.byte 0
.byte N06 , En4
.byte W06
.byte Fn4
.byte W06
.byte N12 , Fs4
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 2 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 60
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v-16
.byte N24 , Fs2 , v080
.byte W24
.byte N06
.byte W12
.byte N06
.byte W06
.byte N06
.byte W06
.byte N12 , Fs3
.byte W12
.byte Bn3
.byte W12
.byte As3
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 3 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 47
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v-4
.byte W48
.byte N03 , Ds2 , v120
.byte W03
.byte Ds2 , v092
.byte W03
.byte Ds2 , v096
.byte W03
.byte Ds2 , v100
.byte W03
.byte N06 , Ds2 , v108
.byte W06
.byte Ds2 , v116
.byte W06
.byte N24 , Fs2 , v120
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 4 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte XCMD , xIECV , 10
.byte xIECL , 8
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 90
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v+0
.byte N03 , Fs5 , v040
.byte W12
.byte Cs5
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte Fs5
.byte W12
.byte Cs5
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W12
.byte En5
.byte W06
.byte Fn5
.byte W06
.byte Fs5
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 5 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte XCMD , xIECV , 10
.byte xIECL , 8
.byte BEND , c_v+0
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 83
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte PAN , c_v+48
.byte N06 , Fs3 , v052
.byte W12
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N06 , Cs3
.byte W12
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N03
.byte W06
.byte N12 , Fs4
.byte W03
.byte MOD , 6
.byte W09
.byte 0
.byte N06 , Gs4
.byte W06
.byte An4
.byte W06
.byte N12 , As4
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 6 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 88
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte N12 , Fs1 , v080
.byte W24
.byte N12
.byte W24
.byte N12
.byte W12
.byte N06 , En1
.byte W06
.byte Fn1
.byte W06
.byte N12 , Fs1
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
@********************** Track 7 **********************@
.byte KEYSH , mus_me_b_small_key+0
.byte W24
.byte VOICE , 0
.byte VOL , 90*mus_me_b_small_mvl/mxv
.byte N06 , En1 , v100
.byte N72 , Bn2 , v092
.byte W24
.byte N06 , En1 , v100
.byte W12
.byte N06
.byte W06
.byte N06
.byte W06
.byte N03 , En1 , v112
.byte W03
.byte En1 , v080
.byte W03
.byte En1 , v084
.byte W03
.byte En1 , v092
.byte W03
.byte N06 , En1 , v096
.byte W06
.byte En1 , v108
.byte W06
.byte N09 , En1 , v100
.byte N24 , Bn2 , v092
.byte W24
.byte W24
.byte FINE
.align 2
.byte 7 @ NumTrks
.byte 0 @ NumBlks
.byte mus_me_b_small_pri @ Priority
.byte mus_me_b_small_rev @ Reverb.
.word mus_me_b_small_grp
.word mus_me_b_small_1
.word mus_me_b_small_2
.word mus_me_b_small_3
.word mus_me_b_small_4
.word mus_me_b_small_5
.word mus_me_b_small_6
.word mus_me_b_small_7