match secret base func and fix struct
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 47 additions and 233 deletions
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
// Converts a number to Q4.12 fixed-point format
#define Q_4_12(n) ((s16)((n) * 4096))
#define PARTY_SIZE 6
#define OT_NAME_LENGTH 7
@ -295,6 +297,16 @@ struct SaveBlock2
extern struct SaveBlock2 *gSaveBlock2Ptr;
struct SecretBaseParty
u32 personality[PARTY_SIZE];
u16 moves[PARTY_SIZE * 4];
u16 species[PARTY_SIZE];
u16 heldItems[PARTY_SIZE];
u8 levels[PARTY_SIZE];
struct SecretBaseRecord
/*0x1A9C*/ u8 secretBaseId;
@ -310,12 +322,7 @@ struct SecretBaseRecord
/*0x1AAD*/ u8 sbr_field_11;
/*0x1AAE*/ u8 decorations[16];
/*0x1ABE*/ u8 decorationPos[16];
/*0x1AD0*/ u32 partyPersonality[6];
/*0x1AE8*/ u16 partyMoves[6 * 4];
/*0x1B18*/ u16 partySpecies[6];
/*0x1B24*/ u16 partyHeldItems[6];
/*0x1B2E*/ u8 partyLevels[6];
/*0x1B34*/ u8 partyEVs[6];
/*0x1AD0*/ struct SecretBaseParty party;
#include "constants/game_stat.h"
@ -128,7 +128,6 @@
#define NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES 0x12
#define PARTY_SIZE 6
#define MAX_TOTAL_EVS 510
#define NUM_STATS 6
@ -6226,7 +6226,7 @@ static u32 GetTrainerMoneyToGive(u16 trainerId)
if (trainerId == SECRET_BASE_OPPONENT)
moneyReward = 20 * gBattleResources->secretBase->partyLevels[0] * gBattleStruct->moneyMultiplier;
moneyReward = 20 * gBattleResources->secretBase->party.levels[0] * gBattleStruct->moneyMultiplier;
@ -1197,26 +1197,26 @@ void CreateSecretBaseEnemyParty(struct SecretBaseRecord *secretBaseRecord)
for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
if (gBattleResources->secretBase->partySpecies[i])
if (gBattleResources->secretBase->party.species[i])
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleResources->secretBase->partyHeldItems[i]);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &gBattleResources->secretBase->party.heldItems[i]);
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HP_EV + j, &gBattleResources->secretBase->partyEVs[i]);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_HP_EV + j, &gBattleResources->secretBase->party.EVs[i]);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j, &gBattleResources->secretBase->partyMoves[i * 4 + j]);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_PP1 + j, &gBattleMoves[gBattleResources->secretBase->partyMoves[i * 4 + j]].pp);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j, &gBattleResources->secretBase->party.moves[i * 4 + j]);
SetMonData(&gEnemyParty[i], MON_DATA_PP1 + j, &gBattleMoves[gBattleResources->secretBase->party.moves[i * 4 + j]].pp);
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "menu_indicators.h"
#include "constants/maps.h"
#include "constants/songs.h"
#include "constants/species.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "overworld.h"
#include "fieldmap.h"
@ -711,237 +712,45 @@ u8 sub_80E98AC(struct Pokemon *pokemon)
return evTotal / 6;
// This function is a meme
void sub_80E9914(void)
u32 zero;
u32 *personality;
u16 partyIdx;
u16 moveIdx;
u16 sbPartyIdx;
u16 *species;
u16 *items;
u16 *moves;
u8 *levels;
u8 *evs;
struct SecretBaseParty *party;
sbPartyIdx = 0;
personality = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partyPersonality;
party = &gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].party;
if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].secretBaseId != 0)
partyIdx = 0;
moves = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partyMoves;
species = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partySpecies;
items = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partyHeldItems;
levels = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partyLevels;
evs = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[0].partyEVs;
zero = 0;
for (partyIdx = 0; partyIdx < PARTY_SIZE; partyIdx ++)
for (partyIdx = 0; partyIdx < PARTY_SIZE; partyIdx++)
for (moveIdx = 0; moveIdx < 4; moveIdx ++)
for (moveIdx = 0; moveIdx < 4; moveIdx++)
moves[partyIdx * 4 + moveIdx] = zero;
party->moves[partyIdx * 4 + moveIdx] = 0;
species[partyIdx] = zero;
items[partyIdx] = zero;
levels[partyIdx] = zero;
personality[partyIdx] = zero;
evs[partyIdx] = zero;
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE && !GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_IS_EGG))
party->species[partyIdx] = 0;
party->heldItems[partyIdx] = 0;
party->levels[partyIdx] = 0;
party->personality[partyIdx] = 0;
party->EVs[partyIdx] = 0;
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE
&& !GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_IS_EGG))
for (moveIdx = 0; moveIdx < 4; moveIdx ++)
for (moveIdx = 0; moveIdx < 4; moveIdx++)
moves[sbPartyIdx * 4 + moveIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + moveIdx);
party->moves[sbPartyIdx * 4 + moveIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + moveIdx);
species[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
items[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM);
levels[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_LEVEL);
personality[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY);
evs[sbPartyIdx] = sub_80E98AC(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx]);
sbPartyIdx ++;
party->species[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_SPECIES);
party->heldItems[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM);
party->levels[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_LEVEL);
party->personality[sbPartyIdx] = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx], MON_DATA_PERSONALITY);
party->EVs[sbPartyIdx] = sub_80E98AC(&gPlayerParty[partyIdx]);
__attribute__((naked)) void sub_80E9914(void)
asm_unified("\tpush {r4-r7,lr}\n"
"\tmov r7, r10\n"
"\tmov r6, r9\n"
"\tmov r5, r8\n"
"\tpush {r5-r7}\n"
"\tsub sp, 0x24\n"
"\tmovs r0, 0\n"
"\tmov r10, r0\n"
"\tldr r0, =gSaveBlock1Ptr\n"
"\tldr r1, [r0]\n"
"\tldr r2, =0x00001ad0\n"
"\tadds r2, r1, r2\n"
"\tstr r2, [sp]\n"
"\tldr r3, =0x00001a9c\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r3\n"
"\tldrb r0, [r0]\n"
"\tcmp r0, 0\n"
"\tbne _080E993A\n"
"\tb _080E9A60\n"
"\tmovs r6, 0\n"
"\tldr r7, =0x00001ae8\n"
"\tadds r7, r1, r7\n"
"\tstr r7, [sp, 0x14]\n"
"\tldr r0, =0x00001b18\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r0\n"
"\tstr r0, [sp, 0xC]\n"
"\tldr r2, =0x00001b24\n"
"\tadds r2, r1, r2\n"
"\tstr r2, [sp, 0x10]\n"
"\tadds r3, 0x94\n"
"\tadds r3, r1, r3\n"
"\tstr r3, [sp, 0x18]\n"
"\tldr r7, =0x00001b36\n"
"\tadds r7, r1, r7\n"
"\tstr r7, [sp, 0x1C]\n"
"\tmov r9, r6\n"
"\tmovs r4, 0\n"
"\tlsls r5, r6, 2\n"
"\tlsls r3, r6, 1\n"
"\tldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n"
"\tmov r8, r0\n"
"\tadds r1, r6, 0x1\n"
"\tstr r1, [sp, 0x4]\n"
"\tadds r2, r5, 0\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x14]\n"
"\tadds r0, r2, r4\n"
"\tlsls r0, 1\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r0\n"
"\tmov r7, r9\n"
"\tstrh r7, [r0]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0x1\n"
"\tlsls r0, 16\n"
"\tlsrs r4, r0, 16\n"
"\tcmp r4, 0x3\n"
"\tbls _080E996E\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0xC]\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r3\n"
"\tmov r2, r9\n"
"\tstrh r2, [r0]\n"
"\tldr r7, [sp, 0x10]\n"
"\tadds r0, r7, r3\n"
"\tstrh r2, [r0]\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x18]\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r6\n"
"\tmov r2, r9\n"
"\tstrb r2, [r0]\n"
"\tldr r3, [sp]\n"
"\tadds r0, r3, r5\n"
"\tmov r7, r9\n"
"\tstr r7, [r0]\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x1C]\n"
"\tadds r0, r1, r6\n"
"\tstrb r7, [r0]\n"
"\tmovs r2, 0x64\n"
"\tadds r5, r6, 0\n"
"\tmuls r5, r2\n"
"\tmov r3, r8\n"
"\tadds r4, r5, r3\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0xB\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tcmp r0, 0\n"
"\tbeq _080E9A54\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0x2D\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tcmp r0, 0\n"
"\tbne _080E9A54\n"
"\tmovs r4, 0\n"
"\tmov r7, r10\n"
"\tlsls r7, 2\n"
"\tmov r8, r7\n"
"\tmov r0, r10\n"
"\tlsls r7, r0, 1\n"
"\tadds r0, 0x1\n"
"\tstr r0, [sp, 0x8]\n"
"\tldr r2, =gPlayerParty\n"
"\tadds r1, r4, 0\n"
"\tadds r1, 0xD\n"
"\tadds r0, r5, r2\n"
"\tstr r2, [sp, 0x20]\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tmov r3, r8\n"
"\tadds r1, r3, r4\n"
"\tlsls r1, 1\n"
"\tldr r3, [sp, 0x14]\n"
"\tadds r1, r3, r1\n"
"\tstrh r0, [r1]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0x1\n"
"\tlsls r0, 16\n"
"\tlsrs r4, r0, 16\n"
"\tldr r2, [sp, 0x20]\n"
"\tcmp r4, 0x3\n"
"\tbls _080E99DA\n"
"\tmovs r0, 0x64\n"
"\tadds r4, r6, 0\n"
"\tmuls r4, r0\n"
"\tldr r0, =gPlayerParty\n"
"\tadds r4, r0\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0xB\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tldr r2, [sp, 0xC]\n"
"\tadds r1, r2, r7\n"
"\tstrh r0, [r1]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0xC\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tldr r3, [sp, 0x10]\n"
"\tadds r1, r3, r7\n"
"\tstrh r0, [r1]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0x38\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x18]\n"
"\tadd r1, r10\n"
"\tstrb r0, [r1]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tmovs r1, 0\n"
"\tbl GetMonData\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp]\n"
"\tadd r1, r8\n"
"\tstr r0, [r1]\n"
"\tadds r0, r4, 0\n"
"\tbl sub_80E98AC\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x1C]\n"
"\tadd r1, r10\n"
"\tstrb r0, [r1]\n"
"\tldr r7, [sp, 0x8]\n"
"\tlsls r0, r7, 16\n"
"\tlsrs r0, 16\n"
"\tmov r10, r0\n"
"\tldr r1, [sp, 0x4]\n"
"\tlsls r0, r1, 16\n"
"\tlsrs r6, r0, 16\n"
"\tcmp r6, 0x5\n"
"\tbhi _080E9A60\n"
"\tb _080E995C\n"
"\tadd sp, 0x24\n"
"\tpop {r3-r5}\n"
"\tmov r8, r3\n"
"\tmov r9, r4\n"
"\tmov r10, r5\n"
"\tpop {r4-r7}\n"
"\tpop {r0}\n"
"\tbx r0\n"
void sub_80E9A90(void)
@ -1357,7 +1166,6 @@ void sub_80EA354(void)
gSpecialVar_Result = gSaveBlock1Ptr->secretBases[secretBaseRecordId].sbr_field_1_5;
void sub_80EA3E4(u8 taskId)
s16 x;
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