
This commit is contained in:
PikalaxALT 2017-10-27 22:43:11 -04:00
parent 9a5320135b
commit f601525474
2 changed files with 53 additions and 250 deletions

View file

@ -5,256 +5,6 @@
thumb_func_start sub_80EBB28
sub_80EBB28: @ 80EBB28
push {r4,lr}
sub sp, 0x4
mov r4, sp
adds r4, 0x2
mov r0, sp
adds r1, r4, 0
bl GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer
mov r0, sp
movs r1, 0
ldrsh r0, [r0, r1]
movs r2, 0
ldrsh r1, [r4, r2]
bl MapGridGetMetatileIdAt
ldr r1, =0xfffffddb
adds r0, r1
cmp r0, 0xA2
bls _080EBB50
b _080EBE6C
lsls r0, 2
ldr r1, =_080EBB64
adds r0, r1
ldr r0, [r0]
mov pc, r0
.align 2, 0
.4byte _080EBE48
.4byte _080EBE48
.4byte _080EBE48
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
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.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE14
.4byte _080EBE14
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBDF0
.4byte _080EBE6C
.4byte _080EBDF0
ldr r0, =0x00004054
bl VarGet
lsls r0, 16
cmp r0, 0
beq _080EBE6C
ldr r4, =0x000040ef
adds r0, r4, 0
bl VarGet
adds r1, r0, 0
movs r0, 0x8
b _080EBE30
ldr r0, =0x00004054
bl VarGet
lsls r0, 16
cmp r0, 0
beq _080EBE6C
ldr r4, =0x000040ef
adds r0, r4, 0
bl VarGet
adds r1, r0, 0
movs r2, 0x80
lsls r2, 1
adds r0, r2, 0
orrs r1, r0
lsls r1, 16
lsrs r1, 16
adds r0, r4, 0
bl VarSet
b _080EBE6C
ldr r0, =0x00004054
bl VarGet
lsls r0, 16
cmp r0, 0
beq _080EBE6C
ldr r4, =0x000040ef
adds r0, r4, 0
bl VarGet
adds r1, r0, 0
movs r0, 0x10
orrs r1, r0
lsls r1, 16
lsrs r1, 16
adds r0, r4, 0
bl VarSet
add sp, 0x4
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
thumb_func_end sub_80EBB28
thumb_func_start sub_80EBE7C
sub_80EBE7C: @ 80EBE7C
push {r4,lr}

View file

@ -2141,3 +2141,56 @@ void sub_80EB9E0(void)
void sub_80EBB28(void)
s16 x;
s16 y;
GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer(&x, &y);
switch (MapGridGetMetatileIdAt(x, y))
case 0x290:
case 0x292:
case 0x293:
case 0x295:
case 0x296:
case 0x2a0:
case 0x2a2:
case 0x2a3:
case 0x2a4:
case 0x2a6:
case 0x2a7:
case 0x2a8:
case 0x2aa:
case 0x2ac:
case 0x2ae:
case 0x2af:
case 0x2bc:
case 0x2bd:
case 0x2bf:
case 0x2c4:
case 0x2c5:
case 0x2c7:
if (VarGet(VAR_0x4054) != 0)
VarSet(VAR_0x40EF, VarGet(VAR_0x40EF) | 0x8);
case 0x280:
case 0x281:
if (VarGet(VAR_0x4054) != 0)
VarSet(VAR_0x40EF, VarGet(VAR_0x40EF) | 0x100);
case 0x225:
case 0x226:
case 0x227:
if (VarGet(VAR_0x4054) != 0)
VarSet(VAR_0x40EF, VarGet(VAR_0x40EF) | 0x10);