BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScripts:: @ 8243D92 map_script 5, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript1_243DA7 map_script 3, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript1_243DB0 map_script 4, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript2_243E14 map_script 2, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript2_243E23 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript1_243DA7: @ 8243DA7 setvar VAR_0x8004, 17 special sub_81A8E7C end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript1_243DB0: @ 8243DB0 checkflag FLAG_0x152 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243DDA clearflag FLAG_0x2C7 clearflag FLAG_0x2C8 clearflag FLAG_0x2C9 clearflag FLAG_0x2CA clearflag FLAG_0x2CB clearflag FLAG_0x2CC setflag FLAG_0x360 setflag FLAG_0x361 setvar VAR_0x8004, 10 special sub_8161F74 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243DDA:: @ 8243DDA setvar VAR_0x4010, 7 setvar VAR_0x4011, 7 setvar VAR_0x4012, 7 setvar VAR_0x4013, 7 setvar VAR_0x4014, 7 setvar VAR_0x4015, 7 setvar VAR_0x4016, 7 setvar VAR_0x4017, 7 setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 setvar VAR_0x4003, 1 setobjectxyperm 1, 10, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript2_243E14: @ 8243E14 map_script_2 VAR_0x4003, 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E1E .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E1E:: @ 8243E1E turnobject 255, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_MapScript2_243E23: @ 8243E23 map_script_2 VAR_0x4001, 0, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E41 map_script_2 VAR_0x4003, 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E35 .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E35:: @ 8243E35 lockall setvar VAR_0x4003, 0 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243EB5 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E41:: @ 8243E41 lockall applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243E75 waitmovement 0 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243E77 waitmovement 0 moveobjectoffscreen 1 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244056, 4 special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243E75: @ 8243E75 step_down step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243E77: @ 8243E77 step_left step_25 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E7A:: @ 8243E7A lock faceplayer message BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244094 waitmessage multichoicedefault 20, 8, 94, 1, 0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E9D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_24410C, 4 release end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243E9D:: @ 8243E9D setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 6 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A1780 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_241C03 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243EB5:: @ 8243EB5 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244149, 4 closemessage applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 opendoor 10, 1 waitdooranim call BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243EE4 closedoor 10, 1 waitdooranim warp BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_TOWER_ELEVATOR, 255, 1, 6 waitstate releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243EE4:: @ 8243EE4 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F26 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F1A waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243EF6: @ 8243EF6 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F26 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F1E waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F08: @ 8243F08 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F26 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F22 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F1A: @ 8243F1A step_up step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F1E: @ 8243F1E step_right step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F22: @ 8243F22 step_left step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243F26: @ 8243F26 step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F29:: @ 8243F29 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 0 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36:: @ 8243F36 checkflag FLAG_0x152 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FC3 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_8161F74 waitmessage waitbuttonpress setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 special sub_8161F74 waitmessage waitbuttonpress setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 special sub_8161F74 waitmessage multichoicedefault 20, 8, 94, 1, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FC3 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FC3 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_8161F74 waitmessage waitbuttonpress closemessage compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 5, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FD4 compare VAR_FACING, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FDF removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED setflag FLAG_0x152 warpsilent BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_TOWER_MULTI_BATTLE_ROOM, 255, 10, 3 waitstate release end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FC3:: @ 8243FC3 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 special sub_8161F74 waitmessage waitbuttonpress release end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FD4:: @ 8243FD4 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243FEA waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FDF:: @ 8243FDF applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243FF2 waitmovement 0 return BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243FEA: @ 8243FEA step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Movement_243FF2: @ 8243FF2 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243FFB:: @ 8243FFB lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 1 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_244008:: @ 8244008 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 2 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_244015:: @ 8244015 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 3 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_244022:: @ 8244022 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_24402F:: @ 824402F lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 5 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_24403C:: @ 824403C lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 6 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_244049:: @ 8244049 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_0x4002, 7 goto BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_EventScript_243F36 end BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244056: @ 8244056 .string "Please find a partner from out of\n" .string "the TRAINERS gathered here.$" BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244094: @ 8244094 .string "{PLAYER}, you have not found a partner\n" .string "for your tag team.\p" .string "Would you like to quit looking and\n" .string "return to the reception counter?$" BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_24410C: @ 824410C .string "Then, please find a partner from\n" .string "the TRAINERS gathered here.$" BattleFrontier_BattleTowerMultiBattleRoom_Text_244149: @ 8244149 .string "Thank you for choosing a partner.\p" .string "I will now show you to your\n" .string "MULTI BATTLE ROOM.$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.\n" .string "You can call me {STR_VAR_3}!$" .string "On {STR_VAR_1}’s advice, I brought\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_3} with {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Please, let me join you as a tag team.$" .string "Thank you!\n" .string "I’ll go register right now.$" .string "I really wanted to form a tag team\n" .string "with you, {PLAYER}…$" .string "I am {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.\n" .string "My name is {STR_VAR_3}.$" .string "I got advice from {STR_VAR_1} and chose\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_3} with {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Please, let’s form a tag team!$" .string "Thank you very much!\n" .string "I’ll be done with registration quickly!$" .string "{PLAYER}, I was hoping that I could\n" .string "partner up with you…$" .string "Um, my name’s {STR_VAR_3}, and I’m\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.\p" .string "Snivel…\p" .string "I’m sorry!\n" .string "This tension is making me cry…$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} advised me, so I have\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Snivel…\n" .string "Please, please team up with me!$" .string "Oh, really? You will?\n" .string "Awesome! Wicked! Awoooh!\p" .string "Oh… I’m sorry…\n" .string "I’m so happy, I’m crying…\p" .string "I’ll go register right away.\n" .string "Please don’t go away!$" .string "Oh, b-but…\n" .string "Sob… Waaaaah!$" .string "Hi, there! I’m {STR_VAR_3}!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice!$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} recommended my crew.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1},\n" .string "that’s what I have! Cool, huh?\p" .string "So come on!\n" .string "Let’s form a tag team!$" .string "Yay! Great!\n" .string "Okay, I’ll go register, okay?$" .string "Aww, why?\n" .string "I wanted to team up, {PLAYER}!$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3}, the no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice\n" .string "of the famous {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "I looked to {STR_VAR_3} for advice.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1},\n" .string "that’s my pair.\p" .string "Please, will you join me in\n" .string "a tag team?$" .string "Thank you!\n" .string "I’ll register right away!$" .string "{PLAYER}, I had been hoping to join\n" .string "you in a tag team…$" .string "Um… I’m sincerely happy that you\n" .string "would take the time to talk to me.\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3}.\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice…$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} gave me advice.\n" .string "I’m very grateful for it.\p" .string "I have a team of one {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I know I’m asking a lot…\p" .string "I don’t think you’ll be willing to,\n" .string "but may I join you as a partner?$" .string "Really? I can’t believe it!\n" .string "I can’t believe you’ll let me join you!\l" .string "I… I won’t let you down!\p" .string "Um… If it’s really okay, I’ll go register\n" .string "right this instant!$" .string "Oh…\n" .string "I didn’t think I was good enough…$" .string "Hi, I’m {STR_VAR_3}.\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice!$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} told me that it would be\n" .string "good to make this team:\l" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} that knows how\n" .string "to use {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Not bad, huh?\n" .string "Want me to team up with you?$" .string "Okay, glad to join you!\n" .string "I hope you won’t mess things up for me!\l" .string "I’ll do my registration now.$" .string "Huh? Why did you turn me down?\n" .string "You’re no judge of character!$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3} and I’m a TRIATHLETE.\n" .string "I’m busy every day what with jogging,\l" .string "training, and rapping.\p" .string "I also happen to be {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.$" .string "This is what {STR_VAR_3} recommended.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "I put a lot of effort into raising\n" .string "them, even though I’m busy.\p" .string "Let’s form a tag team\n" .string "and give it a go!$" .string "Thanks, that’s the spirit!\n" .string "Hang tight while I go register, okay?$" .string "I took time from my busy schedule\n" .string "to be here! Give me a break!$" .string "Hi!\n" .string "How’s it going?\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3}, {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice. Glad to meet you!$" .string "Listen, listen! You have to hear about\n" .string "the POKéMON {STR_VAR_3} recommended.\l" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "Of course I raised them superbly!\p" .string "So, want to team up?\n" .string "I’m sure it’ll be a great combo!$" .string "Yay, I think this will be fun!\n" .string "I’ll go register!$" .string "Oh, you’re mean!\n" .string "I come recommended, you know.$" .string "Please let me introduce myself.\n" .string "I am {STR_VAR_3}.\p" .string "I serve as {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.$" .string "I sought the sage advice of\n" .string "{STR_VAR_3} and raised my team\l" .string "of one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Please agree to a tag team with me!$" .string "Oh… I’m delighted!\n" .string "I promise to give you my best!\p" .string "Of course I will register us!\n" .string "Please wait!$" .string "I had been hoping to join you,\n" .string "{PLAYER}…$" .string "Eek! You spoke to me!\n" .string "I… I’m overjoyed!\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3}! I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice!$" .string "On {STR_VAR_3}’s advice, I trained\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "Please, can you grant me my wish?\n" .string "I want to be your tag-team partner!$" .string "Eek! I… I feel giddy!\n" .string "Thank you so much!\l" .string "I’ll go register us right away!$" .string "Waaah! Don’t you feel any pity?\n" .string "But that makes you cooler…$" .string "Yeehaw! I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice!\p" .string "{STR_VAR_3}’s my name, hello, hello!$" .string "My mentor {STR_VAR_3} recommended\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-master {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-master\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "Good stuff, huh?\n" .string "You’ll partner with me, won’t you?$" .string "Okay, excellent!\n" .string "I’ll get the registration done quickly!$" .string "Gwaaah!\n" .string "You’re a calculating one, {PLAYER}!$" .string "Hey! There’s big trouble! This is\n" .string "the BATTLE TOWER’s last day!\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "I’m only joking!\p" .string "People call me {STR_VAR_3} and I do, too!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s 1,000th apprentice!\l" .string "Actually, I’m no. {STR_VAR_2}!$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} gave me some advice.\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "{STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I’ve got ten of each kind!\l" .string "Actually, just one of each!\p" .string "How about it?\n" .string "Want to try tag battles with me?$" .string "Yippee!\n" .string "I’ll give you a POKéMON as my thanks!\p" .string "Just joking! But I will really go do\n" .string "the registration, okay?$" .string "Oh, that’s so cold! I’ll have to wreck\n" .string "the BATTLE TOWER for that!\p" .string "Of course I won’t!$" .string "Hey, there, I’m rockin’ and a-rollin’!\n" .string "POKéMON, I be controllin’!\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3} the rappin’ SAILOR.\n" .string "Don’t be mistakin’ me for no wailer!\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.\n" .string "Me, you shouldn’t be quick to dismiss!$" .string "With the advice of {STR_VAR_3} I did\n" .string "abide, put together my team of pride!\l" .string "One {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}!\p" .string "Our meeting we should commemorate,\n" .string "with a tag-team victory to celebrate!$" .string "Hey, hey, I like your style!\n" .string "Our registration, I will go file!$" .string "Oh, hey, {PLAYER}, now that’s cold!\n" .string "If I may be so bold!$" .string "Yippee-yahoo!\n" .string "Oh, don’t run! I was just having fun!\p" .string "Howdy! I’m {STR_VAR_3}!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice!$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} told me what to do.\n" .string "So one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2}, I did choose.\p" .string "So, what do you say?\n" .string "Come on, make my day!\p" .string "Please, I’m begging you!\n" .string "Let me join you, don’t leave me blue!$" .string "Yeahah! Luck is with me!\n" .string "It sure makes me happy!\p" .string "Before we go join the fray,\n" .string "I’ll go register right away!$" .string "You’re turning me down?\n" .string "{PLAYER}, you’re making me frown!$" .string "Cough!\p" .string "Oh, sorry, I have a cold.\n" .string "My POKéMON are fine, though.\p" .string "My name’s {STR_VAR_3}, {STR_VAR_1}’s\n" .string "no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice. Cough!$" .string "I took {STR_VAR_3}’s advice to heart\n" .string "and put together my team of\l" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "I trained them every day,\n" .string "even in wind and rain.\p" .string "That’s why I have this cold,\n" .string "I think.\p" .string "That’s what I’m about.\n" .string "Want to be my tag partner?$" .string "Thanks, I appreciate this!\n" .string "Cough, cough!\l" .string "Hang on while I go register.$" .string "Oh, you won’t?\n" .string "{PLAYER}, I think we’d make a good pair.$" .string "Oh, hello!\n" .string "This is nerve-racking.\p" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_3}.\n" .string "I’m the no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice of {STR_VAR_1}.$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} said this team’ll be good--\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "I’m feeling self-conscious about this,\n" .string "but will you let me join you?$" .string "Oh, gee, thank you!\n" .string "I feel bashful, but I’ll do my best!\p" .string "I’ll go get the registration done.$" .string "Oh, please don’t say no!\n" .string "I feel self-conscious enough already…$" .string "I am {STR_VAR_3}, and that’s no lie.\n" .string "I am {STR_VAR_1}’s no. {STR_VAR_2} apprentice.$" .string "{STR_VAR_3} recommended my team.\p" .string "Since the advice sounded sincere,\n" .string "I decided to bring with me\l" .string "my {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "my {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "If possible, I would like you to accept\n" .string "me as your tag-team partner.$" .string "You really will accept me?\n" .string "It would be too terrible otherwise.\p" .string "But since you’ve agreed, this is fine.\n" .string "I shall go register the both of us.$" .string "Hm? Now why would you refuse?\n" .string "Is this your idea of a joke?$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a LASS!$" .string "What I have are one {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "that uses {STR_VAR_1} and one$" .string "{STR_VAR_2} that uses {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "Those are what I have with me.\p" .string "Will you be my partner?$" .string "Thank you!\n" .string "I’ll go do the registration!$" .string "You don’t want to be my partner?\n" .string "You’ll regret it later!$" .string "Hello!\p" .string "I’m YOUNGSTER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Want to know what I have?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "You’ll be my tag-team partner,\n" .string "won’t you?$" .string "Yay!\n" .string "I’ll go and register, okay?$" .string "Aww! If you’d form a tag team with\n" .string "my POKéMON, we’d be unstoppable!$" .string "Yahoo!\n" .string "I’m HIKER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Know what I have with me?\n" .string "My {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "my {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}!\p" .string "Sounds good, eh?\n" .string "Want to form a tag team?$" .string "Yahoo!\n" .string "I’ll go do the registering, then.$" .string "I would’ve liked to battle with you\n" .string "at my side.$" .string "Hello!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a BEAUTY!$" .string "Do you know what I’ve been raising?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "What do you think?\n" .string "Want to make a tag team together?$" .string "Wonderful!\n" .string "I’ll get the registration done now!$" .string "How disappointing!\p" .string "We two together--we would’ve been\n" .string "the best!$" .string "Yo!\p" .string "You know who I am?\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1} the FISHERMAN!$" .string "I’ve got with me a team of one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "So, how about it?\n" .string "Will you battle at my side?$" .string "Good, good!\n" .string "Leave it up to me!\p" .string "I’ll go and register us now.$" .string "We matched up perfectly, too…$" .string "Glad to make your acquaintance.\n" .string "I am {STR_VAR_1}, a LADY.$" .string "I am accompanied by a team of\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "I hope I meet your approval.\n" .string "For I wish to have you as my partner.$" .string "I thank you sincerely.\n" .string "I shall handle the registration.$" .string "I’m sure that you will regret not\n" .string "having me as your partner.$" .string "I’m TRIATHLETE {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "What I have…\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "That’s my pair!\p" .string "Please?\n" .string "Will you form a tag team with me?$" .string "Gee, thanks!\n" .string "I’ll go register at the counter.$" .string "We two together, we would’ve been\n" .string "tough for certain!$" .string "Hiya!\n" .string "I’m BUG CATCHER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Check out what I have!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "So, listen!\n" .string "Do you want to form a tag team?$" .string "Gotcha!\p" .string "I’ll go do the registration stuff\n" .string "at the counter.$" .string "Aww, my POKéMON are awesome.\n" .string "I hope you won’t regret this!$" .string "Good day!\n" .string "I’m SCHOOL KID {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "What I’ve been raising are one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} that uses {STR_VAR_1}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} that uses\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Not too bad, don’t you think?\n" .string "Would you care to form a tag team?$" .string "Thank you very much!\n" .string "I’ll get done with the registration.$" .string "That’s too bad…\p" .string "I was hoping that I could learn\n" .string "from you as your partner…$" .string "Yo! Let me tell you who I am!\n" .string "I’m RICH BOY {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Guess what I got!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "I’m willing to offer you the chance\n" .string "to be in a tag team with me.$" .string "Smart move!\p" .string "I’ll finish up the registration\n" .string "process quick!$" .string "You’d turn me of all people down?\n" .string "You’ll regret that decision for sure!$" .string "Hiyah!\n" .string "I am BLACK BELT {STR_VAR_1}.$" .string "As my companions, I have\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} using {STR_VAR_1}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Please, grant me my wish!\n" .string "Allow me to be your tag partner!$" .string "Hiyah!\n" .string "I will go register forthwith!$" .string "I see… I hope for an opportunity\n" .string "the next time we meet…$" .string "Hi, there!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a TUBER!$" .string "I’ll tell you what I have.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "May I please be on your tag team?$" .string "Thank you!\n" .string "I’ll go register us now!$" .string "If we’d become partners, we could\n" .string "have been so strong!$" .string "Greetings…\n" .string "I am HEX MANIAC {STR_VAR_1}…$" .string "I bear with me one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} together with one$" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}…\p" .string "I beseech you…\n" .string "Join me in a tag team…$" .string "I thank you…\n" .string "I shall register us…$" .string "I so longed to join you…$" .string "How do you do? I’m {STR_VAR_1},\n" .string "and I’m a POKéMON BREEDER!$" .string "I’m raising a couple good ones!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "How about it?\n" .string "Feel like making a tag team with me?$" .string "Thank you kindly!\p" .string "I’ll go take care of the registration\n" .string "stuff, so you wait right here!$" .string "I was looking forward to being\n" .string "your partner…$" .string "Well, hello!\n" .string "I’m TRIATHLETE {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Want to know what I run with?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Well?\n" .string "Want to be in a tag team with me?$" .string "Good going!\p" .string "I’ll be quick and get the registration\n" .string "all done!$" .string "You and me, we would’ve been tops.\n" .string "It’s too bad…$" .string "Hey, there! My name’s {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "I’m a TRIATHLETE!$" .string "I go on runs with my durable team--\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Not too shabby, huh?\n" .string "We should be in a tag team together!$" .string "All right!\n" .string "I’ll go register in a flash!$" .string "I really wanted to battle as your\n" .string "tag-team partner…$" .string "I’m BATTLE GIRL {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "I’ve been toughening up one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}!\p" .string "Do you like that combo?\n" .string "How about you and me join up?$" .string "Why, thanks!\p" .string "I’ll get the registration done\n" .string "right now!$" .string "With you, I thought we could form\n" .string "the ultimate tag team…$" .string "I’m TRIATHLETE {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "I’ve been running with one {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "that knows how to use {STR_VAR_1}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "We could be in a tag team.\n" .string "Wouldn’t that be great?$" .string "Thank you!\p" .string "I’ll go register us, and that’s\n" .string "right now!$" .string "Aww, that’s too bad. We would’ve been\n" .string "the toughest tag team around!$" .string "Me?\n" .string "I’m TUBER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "What do I have with me?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Hey?\n" .string "You’ll team up with me, right?$" .string "Okay!\p" .string "I’ll go register!\n" .string "Let’s be excellent together!$" .string "My POKéMON are tough for sure…\n" .string "It’s too bad you don’t want to team up.$" .string "Yay-hey!\n" .string "Call me GUITARIST {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Check out my entourage!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Yay-hey! Pretty wild, huh?\n" .string "We’ll have to do a duet in a tag team!$" .string "Yay-hey! Right on!\n" .string "I’ll do that registration stuff now!$" .string "My POKéMON rock hard!\n" .string "You’ll be sorry, I tell you!$" .string "Pleased to meet you.\n" .string "I am {STR_VAR_1}, a GENTLEMAN.$" .string "I am accompanied by my trusted\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "May I ask you to join me in a tag-team\n" .string "partnership arrangement?$" .string "Ah, I thank you for your trust.\n" .string "I shall be done with the registration.$" .string "That is most unfortunate…\p" .string "I shall look forward to the next\n" .string "opportunity…$" .string "Hello, I’m {STR_VAR_1},\n" .string "and I’m a POKéFAN.$" .string "I have with me now one {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "that knows the move {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Do you like what you see?\n" .string "Why don’t you be my tag partner?$" .string "Thank you!\n" .string "I’ll look after the registration!$" .string "My POKéMON are top grade…\n" .string "It’s too bad you can’t appreciate that.$" .string "Hm!\n" .string "I am {STR_VAR_1}, and an EXPERT am I!$" .string "The POKéMON that I’ve toughened up are\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "What say you to a tag team with me?$" .string "Hm!\n" .string "I shall register us right away!\l" .string "Let us both do our best!$" .string "I will hope that your choice is\n" .string "indeed correct…$" .string "Hello, hello.\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m an EXPERT.$" .string "I’ve raised my POKéMON thoroughly.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}--\n" .string "they’re what I have.\p" .string "Wouldn’t you like to team up with me?$" .string "Good, good.\n" .string "I’ll see to the registration right away.$" .string "Perhaps we can form a team the next\n" .string "time we meet.$" .string "I’m DRAGON TAMER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "The team I’ve been toughening up is\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "How about it?\n" .string "Want to be my partner?$" .string "Okay, I’ll give it my best!\n" .string "I’ll go register now, all right?$" .string "You’re not going to find many tougher\n" .string "partners than me!$" .string "I’m BIRD KEEPER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "What POKéMON do I have?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Don’t you think we’d make a decent\n" .string "tag team?$" .string "Great, thanks!\n" .string "I’ll look after the registration!$" .string "My POKéMON and I are strong.\n" .string "What a letdown.$" .string "I’m NINJA BOY {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "My POKéMON team consists of one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Let’s be in a tag team together!$" .string "Yay!\n" .string "Let me go register!$" .string "You’ll regret not having my tough\n" .string "POKéMON on your side!$" .string "Hello!\n" .string "I’m PARASOL LADY {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Escorting me now are my {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "that uses {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} that uses\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Aren’t they nice?\n" .string "Care to join us in a tag team?$" .string "Thanks a bunch!\p" .string "I’ll go register at the counter.\n" .string "Let’s not disappoint each other!$" .string "My POKéMON are tremendously strong.\n" .string "How disappointing…$" .string "Hello.\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a BUG MANIAC!$" .string "I have found my POKéMON, yes.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}--\n" .string "they are what I found.\p" .string "Could I interest you in forming\n" .string "a tag team?$" .string "Okay!\n" .string "Understood!\p" .string "I won’t be long with the registration!$" .string "With the POKéMON I found, we wouldn’t\n" .string "have lost…$" .string "Ahoy, there!\n" .string "I’m SAILOR {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "Let me show you my pride and joy!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Of course you’re not going to turn\n" .string "me down. We will team up, right?$" .string "I didn’t expect any less!\n" .string "I’ll go register now.$" .string "We would’ve stormed through\n" .string "the opposition! Too bad!$" .string "Hi, I’m {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I’m a COLLECTOR.$" .string "The jewels in my collection are\n" .string "my {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Swell, huh?\n" .string "We should be in a team together.$" .string "Oh, yeah!\p" .string "Well, let’s not waste any time.\n" .string "I’ll go register the two of us.$" .string "Well, that’s upsetting.\n" .string "You don’t appreciate my POKéMON.$" .string "Howdy, I’m {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I’m a POKéMON RANGER.$" .string "Keeping me company are one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Don’t you think we’d make an impressive\n" .string "tag team?$" .string "That’s super!\n" .string "I’ll deal with the registration now.$" .string "Next time, choose my POKéMON,\n" .string "will you?$" .string "My name’s {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I’m a POKéMON RANGER!$" .string "Let me tell you about my team. I have\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "How would you like to form a tag team\n" .string "with my little posse?$" .string "We’ll be at our best!\n" .string "I’ll get the registration done quick!$" .string "I hope you’ll choose my POKéMON\n" .string "next time.$" .string "Pleased to meet you. I’m {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I consider myself an AROMA LADY.$" .string "I travel with one {STR_VAR_2}\n" .string "that uses {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} that uses\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "I hope they strike your fancy.\n" .string "Would you care to be my partner?$" .string "I’m honored by your acceptance.\n" .string "I will go register right this instant.$" .string "It would be wonderful if we could form\n" .string "a tag team the next time we meet.$" .string "Want to know who I am?\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, the RUIN MANIAC!$" .string "The POKéMON that I have with me are\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Intriguing, eh?\n" .string "How about you and I partner up?$" .string "That’s a sound decision!\n" .string "I’ll go do the registration paperwork.$" .string "Hmm…\n" .string "I think my POKéMON are tough…$" .string "I’m COOLTRAINER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "The POKéMON I have right now are one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "Cool, huh?\p" .string "Don’t you think it’d be pretty cool\n" .string "if we made a tag team?$" .string "Cool!\n" .string "I’ll go do the registration in a flash!$" .string "I thought that we’d make just\n" .string "the greatest team ever.$" .string "I’m COOLTRAINER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "The team I’ve been raising has one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Does that sound okay?\n" .string "How about we become tag partners?$" .string "Sounds A-OK!\n" .string "I’d better do the registration.$" .string "I was thinking how we would be\n" .string "one tough team…$" .string "Heyo!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, the POKéMANIAC!$" .string "What does a guy like me have?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1},\n" .string "that’s what!\p" .string "Let’s do it!\n" .string "We’ll stomp around as a tag team!$" .string "Good call!\n" .string "I’ll register the both of us!$" .string "My POKéMON are brutal!\n" .string "It’s not my fault if you regret this!$" .string "Yo, there!\n" .string "I’m KINDLER {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "You know what my training cooked up?\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Well, what do you say?\n" .string "Want to form a tag team?$" .string "All right!\n" .string "I’ll get on with the registration.$" .string "Promise you’ll partner up with me\n" .string "the next time we run into each other.$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a CAMPER!$" .string "I’ve been raising one {STR_VAR_1}-\n" .string "using {STR_VAR_2} and one$" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "Do you think it’d be fun to team up?\n" .string "I bet it would be!$" .string "Yeah!\n" .string "Off I go to register!$" .string "Next time, okay?\n" .string "I want to be on your team.$" .string "Hello!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a PICNICKER!$" .string "The POKéMON I’ve been taking are\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Are you interested in joining me\n" .string "on a tag team?$" .string "Why, thank you!\n" .string "I will do the registration now.$" .string "It would be nice if I could join you\n" .string "some other time.$" .string "I’m PSYCHIC {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "The twosome I’ve been raising are\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Would you like to form a tag team\n" .string "with me?$" .string "Sure thing!\n" .string "I’ll take care of the registration!$" .string "If we meet again, that’s when I’d like\n" .string "to team up with you.$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}.\n" .string "I’m a PSYCHIC.$" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}--\n" .string "they’re my disciples.\p" .string "Doesn’t the idea of forming a tag-team\n" .string "partnership intrigue you?$" .string "Thank you.\n" .string "I’ll go deal with the registration.$" .string "I hope there will be another chance\n" .string "to forge an alliance.$" .string "I’m SCHOOL KID {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "One {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} are my POKéMON pair.\p" .string "May I please be your partner on\n" .string "a tag team?$" .string "Ooh, thank you!\n" .string "I’ll register at the counter right away!$" .string "Please?\n" .string "May I join you the next time?$" .string "Hiya! The name’s {STR_VAR_1}!\n" .string "I’m a POKéMON BREEDER!$" .string "The POKéMON I’ve raised are one\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}.\p" .string "Sound interesting?\n" .string "How about we form a tag team, then?$" .string "All righty!\n" .string "You leave the registration to me!$" .string "You have to team up with me next time,\n" .string "all right?$" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m proud to say\n" .string "that I am a POKéFAN.$" .string "The darling POKéMON I’ve raised are\n" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}.\p" .string "Aren’t they just the cutest?\n" .string "We ought to make a team!$" .string "Thank you, dear!\n" .string "I’ll be on my way to register!$" .string "My darling POKéMON are the best,\n" .string "I’ll have you know. How annoying!$" .string "Hi, I’m SWIMMER {STR_VAR_1}.$" .string "One {STR_VAR_1}-using {STR_VAR_2}$" .string "and one {STR_VAR_1}-using\n" .string "{STR_VAR_2} are what I’ve trained.\p" .string "You and me, let’s make a tag team.$" .string "That’s cool!\n" .string "I’ll register the two of us.$" .string "If we meet again, you owe me\n" .string "a tag team!$" .string "What’s happening?\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a TRIATHLETE.$" .string "I got a couple decent POKéMON.\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "It’d be neat if we made a tag team\n" .string "together, so how about it?$" .string "Right on!\n" .string "You wait while I register, okay?$" .string "I expect you’ll let me join you\n" .string "next time, how’s that?$" .string "I’m the TRIATHLETE {STR_VAR_1}!$" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "another {STR_VAR_2} that knows how\n" .string "to use {STR_VAR_1}. That’s my pair.\p" .string "What do you think?\n" .string "We’d make a good team, I’d say.$" .string "I like that answer!\n" .string "I’ll get done with registration fast!$" .string "You’ll give me another chance to form\n" .string "a partnership, won’t you?$" .string "Hi, there! Hello!\n" .string "I’m {STR_VAR_1}, and I’m a SWIMMER!$" .string "Check out what I’ve been raising!\n" .string "One {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1} and$" .string "one {STR_VAR_2} with {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Sweet, huh?\n" .string "It’d be sweet to form a team, too!$" .string "Much obliged!\n" .string "I’ll get this registration thing done!$" .string "If we meet again, you have to team up\n" .string "with me. You’ll do that, right?$"