LilycoveCity_House3_MapScripts:: @ 821EE3C map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, LilycoveCity_House3_OnTransition .byte 0 LilycoveCity_House3_OnTransition: @ 821EE42 random 4 copyvar VAR_TEMP_1, VAR_RESULT end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EE4B:: @ 821EE4B lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21EF99, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, NO goto_if_eq LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EE75 msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F0F8, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EE75:: @ 821EE75 msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F0A9, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EE8A:: @ 821EE8A lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F430, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EEA1:: @ 821EEA1 lock faceplayer switch VAR_TEMP_1 case 0, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF71 case 1, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF7B case 2, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF85 case 3, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF8F end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EED5:: @ 821EED5 lock faceplayer switch VAR_TEMP_1 case 0, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF71 case 1, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF7B case 2, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF85 case 3, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF8F end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF09:: @ 821EF09 lock faceplayer switch VAR_TEMP_1 case 0, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF71 case 1, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF7B case 2, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF85 case 3, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF8F end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF3D:: @ 821EF3D lock faceplayer switch VAR_TEMP_1 case 0, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF71 case 1, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF7B case 2, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF85 case 3, LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF8F end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF71:: @ 821EF71 msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F4A7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF7B:: @ 821EF7B msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F4E0, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF85:: @ 821EF85 msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F523, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end LilycoveCity_House3_EventScript_21EF8F:: @ 821EF8F msgbox LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F55A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21EF99: @ 821EF99 .string "Oh, my, my! Are you traveling alone?\n" .string "But you're so young! Good for you!\p" .string "I'm sure my kids could learn a thing\n" .string "or two from you!\p" .string "Me? I'm a master of {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "If I get serious just a little, why,\n" .string "I can concoct great {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "Would you like to learn from me,\n" .string "a master of {POKEBLOCK}S?$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F0A9: @ 821F0A9 .string "Oh? Are you sure?\p" .string "You shouldn't always try to do\n" .string "everything by yourself, dear!$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F0F8: @ 821F0F8 .string "Oh, good! You're a smart soul!\n" .string "This is a bit long, so listen up!\p" .string "Are you ready?\p" .string "If you look at {POKEBLOCK}S, you should see\n" .string "that they are rated on how they feel.\p" .string "The lower the feel rating,\n" .string "the better it is. Don't forget this!\p" .string "A good {POKEBLOCK} has a low feel\n" .string "rating and a high level.\p" .string "A POKéMON can eat more good\n" .string "{POKEBLOCK}S than ordinary ones, too.\p" .string "And this is important.\p" .string "If you want to make smooth {POKEBLOCK}S,\n" .string "use different kinds of BERRIES.\p" .string "Don't be stingy--the kinds of BERRIES\n" .string "affect the smoothness of {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "And another thing.\p" .string "The more people blending BERRIES,\n" .string "the smoother the {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "That's why you should talk to other\n" .string "people and make {POKEBLOCK}S together.\p" .string "That's about all you need to know to\n" .string "make good {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "If everyone had POKéMON they love,\n" .string "smooth {POKEBLOCK}S, and a loving family,\l" .string "the world would be a happier place.\p" .string "Don't give up, dear!$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F430: @ 821F430 .string "When my wife gave birth to quadruplets,\n" .string "you bet I was shocked.\p" .string "But, now, seeing them play together,\n" .string "it makes me happy.$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F4A7: @ 821F4A7 .string "We're having MULTI BATTLES, but I know\n" .string "I'm going to win.$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F4E0: @ 821F4E0 .string "We like mixing stuff at\n" .string "the RECORD CORNER.\p" .string "But what gets mixed up?$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F523: @ 821F523 .string "We're going to make super {POKEBLOCK}S\n" .string "with a BERRY BLENDER!$" LilycoveCity_House3_Text_21F55A: @ 821F55A .string "I want to brag about how tough my\n" .string "POKéMON is, so we're going to enter\l" .string "a CONTEST together.$"