#include "global.h" #include "safari_zone.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "game_stat.h" #include "main.h" #include "battle.h" #include "string_util.h" struct PokeblockFeeder { /*0x00*/ s16 x; /*0x02*/ s16 y; /*0x04*/ s8 mapNum; /*0x05*/ u8 stepCounter; /*0x08*/ struct Pokeblock pokeblock; }; #define NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS 10 extern u8 gBattleOutcome; extern void* gFieldCallback; extern u8 gUnknown_082A4B8A[]; extern u8 gUnknown_082A4B6F[]; extern u8 gUnknown_082A4B4C[]; extern u8 gUnknown_082A4B9B[]; extern const u8* const gPokeblockNames[]; extern void sub_80EE44C(u8, u8); extern void IncrementGameStat(u8 index); extern void ScriptContext1_SetupScript(u8*); extern void ScriptContext2_RunNewScript(u8*); extern void c2_exit_to_overworld_2_switch(void); extern void c2_exit_to_overworld_1_continue_scripts_restart_music(void); extern void c2_load_new_map(void); extern void sub_80AF6F0(void); extern void ScriptContext1_Stop(void); extern void warp_in(void); extern void GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer(s16* x, s16* y); extern void PlayerGetDestCoords(s16* x, s16* y); EWRAM_DATA u8 gNumSafariBalls = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u16 sSafariZoneStepCounter = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sSafariZoneCaughtMons = 0; EWRAM_DATA static u8 sSafariZoneFleedMons = 0; EWRAM_DATA static struct PokeblockFeeder sPokeblockFeeders[NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS] = {0}; static void ClearAllPokeblockFeeders(void); static void DecrementFeederStepCounters(void); bool32 GetSafariZoneFlag(void) { return FlagGet(SYS_SAFARI_MODE); } void SetSafariZoneFlag(void) { FlagSet(SYS_SAFARI_MODE); } void ResetSafariZoneFlag(void) { FlagClear(SYS_SAFARI_MODE); } void EnterSafariMode(void) { IncrementGameStat(GAME_STAT_ENTERED_SAFARI_ZONE); SetSafariZoneFlag(); ClearAllPokeblockFeeders(); gNumSafariBalls = 30; sSafariZoneStepCounter = 500; sSafariZoneCaughtMons = 0; sSafariZoneFleedMons = 0; } void ExitSafariMode(void) { sub_80EE44C(sSafariZoneCaughtMons, sSafariZoneFleedMons); ResetSafariZoneFlag(); ClearAllPokeblockFeeders(); gNumSafariBalls = 0; sSafariZoneStepCounter = 0; } bool8 SafariZoneTakeStep(void) { if (GetSafariZoneFlag() == FALSE) { return FALSE; } DecrementFeederStepCounters(); sSafariZoneStepCounter--; if (sSafariZoneStepCounter == 0) { ScriptContext1_SetupScript(gUnknown_082A4B8A); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void SafariZoneRetirePrompt(void) { ScriptContext1_SetupScript(gUnknown_082A4B6F); } void sub_80FC190(void) { sSafariZoneFleedMons += gBattleResults.field_1F; if (gBattleOutcome == BATTLE_CAUGHT) sSafariZoneCaughtMons++; if (gNumSafariBalls != 0) { SetMainCallback2(c2_exit_to_overworld_2_switch); } else if (gBattleOutcome == BATTLE_SAFARI_OUT_OF_BALLS) { ScriptContext2_RunNewScript(gUnknown_082A4B4C); warp_in(); gFieldCallback = sub_80AF6F0; SetMainCallback2(c2_load_new_map); } else if (gBattleOutcome == BATTLE_CAUGHT) { ScriptContext1_SetupScript(gUnknown_082A4B9B); ScriptContext1_Stop(); SetMainCallback2(c2_exit_to_overworld_1_continue_scripts_restart_music); } } static void ClearPokeblockFeeder(u8 index) { memset(&sPokeblockFeeders[index], 0, sizeof(struct PokeblockFeeder)); } static void ClearAllPokeblockFeeders(void) { memset(sPokeblockFeeders, 0, sizeof(sPokeblockFeeders)); } static void GetPokeblockFeederInFront(void) { s16 x, y; u16 i; GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer(&x, &y); for (i = 0; i < NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS; i++) { if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum == sPokeblockFeeders[i].mapNum && sPokeblockFeeders[i].x == x && sPokeblockFeeders[i].y == y) { gScriptResult = i; StringCopy(gStringVar1, gPokeblockNames[sPokeblockFeeders[i].pokeblock.color]); return; } } gScriptResult = -1; } void GetPokeblockFeederWithinRange(void) { s16 x, y; u16 i; PlayerGetDestCoords(&x, &y); for (i = 0; i < NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS; i++) { if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum == sPokeblockFeeders[i].mapNum) { //Get absolute value of x and y distance from Pokeblock feeder on current map x -= sPokeblockFeeders[i].x; y -= sPokeblockFeeders[i].y; if (x < 0) x *= -1; if (y < 0) y *= -1; if ((x + y) <= 5) { gScriptResult = i; return; } } } gScriptResult = -1; } // unused struct Pokeblock *SafariZoneGetPokeblockInFront(void) { GetPokeblockFeederInFront(); if (gScriptResult == 0xFFFF) return NULL; else return &sPokeblockFeeders[gScriptResult].pokeblock; } struct Pokeblock *SafariZoneGetActivePokeblock(void) { GetPokeblockFeederWithinRange(); if (gScriptResult == 0xFFFF) return NULL; else return &sPokeblockFeeders[gScriptResult].pokeblock; } void SafariZoneActivatePokeblockFeeder(u8 pkblId) { s16 x, y; u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS; i++) { // Find free entry in sPokeblockFeeders if (sPokeblockFeeders[i].mapNum == 0 && sPokeblockFeeders[i].x == 0 && sPokeblockFeeders[i].y == 0) { // Initialize Pokeblock feeder GetXYCoordsOneStepInFrontOfPlayer(&x, &y); sPokeblockFeeders[i].mapNum = gSaveBlock1Ptr->location.mapNum; sPokeblockFeeders[i].pokeblock = gSaveBlock1Ptr->pokeblocks[pkblId]; sPokeblockFeeders[i].stepCounter = 100; sPokeblockFeeders[i].x = x; sPokeblockFeeders[i].y = y; break; } } } static void DecrementFeederStepCounters(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_POKEBLOCK_FEEDERS; i++) { if (sPokeblockFeeders[i].stepCounter != 0) { sPokeblockFeeders[i].stepCounter--; if (sPokeblockFeeders[i].stepCounter == 0) ClearPokeblockFeeder(i); } } } // unused bool8 GetInFrontFeederPokeblockAndSteps(void) { GetPokeblockFeederInFront(); if (gScriptResult == 0xFFFF) { return FALSE; } ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar2, sPokeblockFeeders[gScriptResult].stepCounter, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 3); return TRUE; }