This is a modified version of [the original tutorial about adding new Pokémon species available in Pokeemerald's wiki](émon-species). Despite the persistent rumors about an incredibly strong third form of Mew hiding somewhere, it actually wasn't possible to catch it... OR WAS IT? In this tutorial, we will add a new Pokémon species to the game. ## IMPORTANT: This tutorial applies to Version 1.6.2 and lower. - [Version 1.9.x]( - [Version 1.8.x]( - [Version 1.7.x]( # Changes compared to vanilla The main things that the Expansion changes are listed here. * Still Front Pics *(`gMonStillFrontPic_YourPokemon`)* and by extension `src/anim_mon_front_pics.c` have been removed. * `src/data/pokemon/cry_ids.h` doesn't exist anymore. # Content * [The Graphics](#the-graphics) * [1. Edit the sprites](#1-edit-the-sprites) * [2. Register the sprites](#2-register-the-sprites) * [3. Animate the sprites](#3-animate-the-sprites) * [4. Update the tables](#4-update-the-tables) * [The Data](#the-data) * [1. Declare a species constant](#1-declare-a-species-constant) * [2. Devise a name](#2-devise-a-name) * [3. Define its Pokédex entry](#3-define-its-pokédex-entry) * [4. Define its species information](#4-define-its-species-information) * [5. Delimit the moveset](#5-delimit-the-moveset) * [6. Define its cry](#6-define-its-cry) * [7. Define the Evolutions](#7-define-the-evolutions) * [8. Easy Chat about your Pokémon](#8-easy-chat-about-your-pokémon) * [9. Make it appear!](#9-make-it-appear) * [Appendix](#appendix) * [Available Front Animations](#available-front-animations) * [Available Back Animations](#available-back-animations) * [Pokémon ordered by height](#pokémon-ordered-by-height) * [Pokémon ordered by weight](#pokémon-ordered-by-weight) * [Making this easier](#making-this-easier) # The Graphics We will start by copying the folder containing the sprites for Mewtwo and rename it to `mewthree` (pretty meta huh?): ```sh cp -r graphics/pokemon/mewtwo graphics/pokemon/mewthree ``` ## 1. Edit the sprites Let's edit the sprites. Start your favourite image editor (I have used GIMP) and change `anim_front.png`, `front.png` and `back.png` to meet your expectations. __Make sure that you are using the indexed mode and you have limited yourself to 15 colors!__ Put the RGB values of your colors into `normal.pal` between the first and the last color and the RGB values for the shiny version into `shiny.pal`. Edit `footprint.png` using two colors in indexed mode, black and white. Finally, edit `icon.png`. Notice, that the icon will use one of three predefined palettes instead of `normal.pal`. ## 2. Register the sprites Sadly, just putting the image files into the graphics folder is not enough. To use the sprites we have to register them, which is kind of tedious. First, create constants for the file paths. You'll want to add the constants for your species after the constants for the last valid species. Edit [include/graphics.h]( ```diff extern const u32 gMonFrontPic_Calyrex[]; +extern const u32 gMonFrontPic_Mewthree[]; ``` ```diff extern const u32 gMonBackPic_Calyrex[]; +extern const u32 gMonBackPic_Mewthree[]; ``` ```diff extern const u32 gMonPalette_Calyrex[]; +extern const u32 gMonPalette_Mewthree[]; ``` ```diff extern const u32 gMonShinyPalette_Calyrex[]; +extern const u32 gMonShinyPalette_Mewthree[]; ``` ```diff //extern const u8 gMonIcon_Calyrex[]; +extern const u8 gMonIcon_Mewthree[]; ``` ```diff extern const u8 gMonFootprint_Calyrex[]; +extern const u8 gMonFootprint_Mewthree[]; ``` Now link the graphic files. Edit [src/data/graphics/pokemon.h]( ```diff const u32 gMonFrontPic_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/front.4bpp.lz"); +const u32 gMonFrontPic_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/front.4bpp.lz"); ``` ```diff const u32 gMonBackPic_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/back.4bpp.lz"); +const u32 gMonBackPic_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/back.4bpp.lz"); ``` ```diff const u32 gMonPalette_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/normal.gbapal.lz"); +const u32 gMonPalette_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/normal.gbapal.lz"); ``` ```diff const u32 gMonShinyPalette_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/shiny.gbapal.lz"); +const u32 gMonShinyPalette_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/shiny.gbapal.lz"); ``` ```diff //const u8 gMonIcon_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/icon.4bpp"); +const u8 gMonIcon_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/icon.4bpp"); ``` ```diff const u8 gMonFootprint_Calyrex[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon/calyrex/footprint.1bpp"); +const u8 gMonFootprint_Mewthree[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/pokemon/mewthree/footprint.1bpp"); ``` Please note that Calyrex, the Pokémon that should be above your insertion for the time being, reads a "front.png" sprite instead of an "anim_front.png" sprite. This is because currently, Calyrex lacks a 2nd frame. If the front sprite sheet of your species uses 2 frames, you should use "anim_front". It is also worth to mention that Calyrex's icon sprite is commented out simply because it's currently missing. If you do have an icon sprite sheet present inside your species' folder at `graphics/pokemon`, by all means do not comment entries involving the `gMonIcon` constants. ## 3. Animate the sprites You can define the animation order, in which the sprites will be shown. The first number is the sprite index (so 0 or 1) and the second number is the number of frames the sprite will be visible. Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_anims.h]( ```diff static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Enamorus_1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 1), ANIMCMD_END, }; +static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Mewthree_1[] = +{ + ANIMCMD_FRAME(1, 30), + ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 20), + ANIMCMD_END, +}; #endif ``` ```diff SINGLE_ANIMATION(Enamorus); +SINGLE_ANIMATION(Mewthree); #endif ``` ```diff const union AnimCmd *const *const gMonFrontAnimsPtrTable[] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = sAnims_None, [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = sAnims_Bulbasaur, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = sAnims_Enamorus, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = sAnims_Mewthree, #endif ... }; ``` Because you are limited to two frames, there are already [predefined front sprite animations](#available-front-animations), describing translations, rotations, scalings or color changes. Edit [src/pokemon.c]( ```diff static const u8 sMonFrontAnimIdsTable[] = { [SPECIES_BULBASAUR - 1] = ANIM_V_JUMPS_H_JUMPS, ... [SPECIES_DEOXYS_SPEED - 1] = ANIM_GROW_VIBRATE, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE - 1] = ANIM_GROW_VIBRATE, }; ``` There are also [predefined back sprite animations](#available-back-animations) for the back sprites as well. Edit [src/pokemon_animation.c]( ```diff static const u8 sSpeciesToBackAnimSet[] = { [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = BACK_ANIM_DIP_RIGHT_SIDE, ... [SPECIES_CHIMECHO] = BACK_ANIM_CONVEX_DOUBLE_ARC, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = BACK_ANIM_GROW_STUTTER, }; ``` If you want to delay the time between when the Pokémon appears and when the animation starts, you can add an entry to `sMonAnimationDelayTable` Edit [src/pokemon.c]( ```diff static const u8 sMonAnimationDelayTable[NUM_SPECIES - 1] = { [SPECIES_BLASTOISE - 1] = 50, ... [SPECIES_KYOGRE - 1] = 60, [SPECIES_RAYQUAZA - 1] = 60, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE - 1] = 15, }; ``` If you want your Pokémon to fly above the ground, you can add an entry to `gEnemyMonElevation`. Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/enemy_mon_elevation.h]( ```diff const u8 gEnemyMonElevation[NUM_SPECIES] = { [SPECIES_BUTTERFREE] = 10, ... [SPECIES_REGIDRAGO] = 5, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = 6, }; ``` ## 4. Update the tables Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_table.h]( ```diff const struct CompressedSpriteSheet gMonFrontPicTable[] = { SPECIES_SPRITE(NONE, gMonFrontPic_CircledQuestionMark), SPECIES_SPRITE(BULBASAUR, gMonFrontPic_Bulbasaur), ... SPECIES_SPRITE(ENAMORUS, gMonFrontPic_Enamorus), + SPECIES_SPRITE(MEWTHREE, gMonFrontPic_Mewthree), #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/front_pic_coordinates.h]( ```diff const struct MonCoords gMonFrontPicCoords[] = { ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = { .size = MON_COORDS_SIZE(64, 64), .y_offset = 0 }, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = { .size = MON_COORDS_SIZE(64, 64), .y_offset = 0 }, #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_table.h]( ```diff const struct CompressedSpriteSheet gMonBackPicTable[] = { SPECIES_SPRITE(NONE, gMonBackPic_CircledQuestionMark), SPECIES_SPRITE(BULBASAUR, gMonBackPic_Bulbasaur), ... SPECIES_SPRITE(ENAMORUS, gMonBackPic_Enamorus), + SPECIES_SPRITE(MEWTHREE, gMonBackPic_Mewthree), #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/back_pic_coordinates.h]( ```diff const struct MonCoords gMonBackPicCoords[] = { ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = { .size = MON_COORDS_SIZE(64, 64), .y_offset = 0 }, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = { .size = MON_COORDS_SIZE(56, 64), .y_offset = 1 }, #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/footprint_table.h]( ```diff const u8 *const gMonFootprintTable[] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = gMonFootprint_Bulbasaur, [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = gMonFootprint_Bulbasaur, ... [SPECIES_CALYREX] = gMonFootprint_Calyrex, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = gMonFootprint_Mewthree, #endif [SPECIES_EGG] = gMonFootprint_Bulbasaur, }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/palette_table.h]( ```diff const struct CompressedSpritePalette gMonPaletteTable[] = { SPECIES_PAL(NONE, gMonPalette_CircledQuestionMark), SPECIES_PAL(BULBASAUR, gMonPalette_Bulbasaur), ... SPECIES_PAL(ENAMORUS, gMonPalette_Enamorus), + SPECIES_PAL(MEWTHREE, gMonPalette_Mewthree), #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/data/pokemon_graphics/shiny_palette_table.h]( ```diff const struct CompressedSpritePalette gMonShinyPaletteTable[] = { SPECIES_SHINY_PAL(NONE, gMonShinyPalette_CircledQuestionMark), SPECIES_SHINY_PAL(BULBASAUR, gMonShinyPalette_Bulbasaur), ... SPECIES_SHINY_PAL(ENAMORUS, gMonShinyPalette_Enamorus), + SPECIES_SHINY_PAL(MEWTHREE, gMonShinyPalette_Mewthree), #endif ... }; ``` Edit [src/pokemon_icon.c]( ```diff const u8 *const gMonIconTable[] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = gMonIcon_Bulbasaur, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = gMonIcon_Enamorus, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = gMonIcon_Mewthree, #endif ... }; ``` ```diff const u8 gMonIconPaletteIndices[] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = 0, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = 1, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = 2, [SPECIES_VENUSAUR_MEGA] = 1, ... }; ``` Here, you can choose between the six icon palettes; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. All of them located in `graphics/pokemon/icon_palettes`. Open an icon sprite and load one of the palettes to find out which palette suits your icon sprite best. # The Data Our plan is as simple as it is brilliant: clone Mewtwo... and make it even stronger! ## 1. Declare a species constant Our first step towards creating a new digital lifeform is to define its own species constant. Edit [include/constants/species.h]( ```diff #define SPECIES_NONE 0 #define SPECIES_BULBASAUR 1 ... #define SPECIES_ENAMORUS 905 +#define SPECIES_MEWTHREE 906 -#define FORMS_START SPECIES_ENAMORUS +#define FORMS_START SPECIES_MEWTHREE ``` ## 2. Devise a name This name will be displayed in the game. It may be different than the identifier of the species constant, especially when there are special characters involved. Edit [src/data/text/species_names.h]( ```diff const u8 gSpeciesNames[][POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = _("??????????"), [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = _("Bulbasaur"), ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = _("Enamorus"), + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = _("Mewthree"), }; ``` The `_()` underscore function doesn't really exist - it's a convention borrowed from GNU gettext to let `preproc` know this is text to be converted to the custom encoding used by the Gen 3 Pokemon games. ## 3. Define its Pokédex entry First, we will need to add new index constants for its Pokédex entry. The index constants are divided into the Hoenn Pokédex, which contains all Pokémon native to the Hoenn region, and the National Pokédex containing all known Pokémon, which can be received after entering the hall of fame for the first time. Edit [include/constants/pokedex.h]( ```diff // National Pokedex order enum { NATIONAL_DEX_NONE, // Kanto NATIONAL_DEX_BULBASAUR, ... NATIONAL_DEX_ENAMORUS, + NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE, }; ``` ```diff #define KANTO_DEX_COUNT NATIONAL_DEX_MEW #define JOHTO_DEX_COUNT NATIONAL_DEX_CELEBI #if P_GEN_8_POKEMON == TRUE - #define NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT NATIONAL_DEX_ENAMORUS + #define NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE ``` Do keep in mind that if you intend to add your new species to the Hoenn Dex, you'll also want to add a `HOENN_DEX` constant for it, like this: ```diff // Hoenn Pokedex order enum { HOENN_DEX_NONE, HOENN_DEX_TREECKO, ... HOENN_DEX_DEOXYS, + HOENN_DEX_MEWTHREE, ... }; ``` ```diff - #define HOENN_DEX_COUNT (HOENN_DEX_DEOXYS + 1) + #define HOENN_DEX_COUNT (HOENN_DEX_MEWTHREE + 1) ``` Edit [src/pokemon.c]( ```diff // Assigns all species to the National Dex Index (Summary No. for National Dex) static const u16 sSpeciesToNationalPokedexNum[NUM_SPECIES - 1] = { SPECIES_TO_NATIONAL(ENAMORUS), + SPECIES_TO_NATIONAL(MEWTHREE), }; ``` Just like before, if we want to insert our new species in the Hoenn Dex, we'll have to do a few extra steps: ```diff // Assigns all species to the Hoenn Dex Index (Summary No. for Hoenn Dex) static const u16 sSpeciesToHoennPokedexNum[NUM_SPECIES - 1] = { SPECIES_TO_HOENN(TREECKO), ... SPECIES_TO_HOENN(DEOXYS), + SPECIES_TO_HOENN(MEWTHREE), }; ``` ```diff const u16 gHoennToNationalOrder[NUM_SPECIES] = // Assigns Hoenn Dex Pokémon (Using National Dex Index) { HOENN_TO_NATIONAL(TREECKO), ... HOENN_TO_NATIONAL(DEOXYS), + HOENN_TO_NATIONAL(MEWTHREE), }; ``` Now we can define the actual text of the Pokédex entry. Append to [src/data/pokemon/pokedex_text.h]( ```diff const u8 gEnamorusPokedexText[] = _( "Its arrival brings an end to the\n" "winter. According to legend, this\n" "Pokémon's love gives rise to the\n" "budding of fresh life across the land."); +const u8 gMewthreePokedexText[] = _( + "The rumors became true.\n" + "This is Mews final form.\n" + "Its power level is over 9000.\n" + "Has science gone too far?"); ``` Finally, we will add the Pokédex entry for Mewthree and link the text to it. Edit [src/data/pokemon/pokedex_entries.h]( ```diff const struct PokedexEntry gPokedexEntries[] = { ... [NATIONAL_DEX_ENAMORUS] = { .categoryName = _("Love-Hate"), .height = 16, .weight = 480, .description = gEnamorusPokedexText, .pokemonScale = 259, .pokemonOffset = 1, .trainerScale = 296, .trainerOffset = 1, }, + [NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE] = + { + .categoryName = _("NEW SPECIES"), + .height = 15, + .weight = 330, + .description = gMewthreePokedexText, + .pokemonScale = 256, + .pokemonOffset = 0, + .trainerScale = 290, + .trainerOffset = 2, + }, #endif }; ``` The values `pokemonScale`, `pokemonOffset`, `trainerScale` and `trainerOffset` are used for the height comparison figure in the Pokédex. Height and weight are specified in meters and kilograms respectively, while the last digit is the first decimal place. In Pokémon Emerald, you can sort the Pokédex by name, height or weight. Apparently, the Pokémon order is hardcoded in the game files and not calculated from their data. Therefore we have to include our new Pokémon species at the right places. While the correct position for the alphabetical order is easy to find, it can become quite tedious for height and weight. To find the right position for your Pokémon, you may look at the tables sorted by [height](#pokémon-ordered-by-height) and [weight](#pokémon-ordered-by-weight) respectively in the appendix. Edit [src/data/pokemon/pokedex_orders.h]( ```diff const u16 gPokedexOrder_Alphabetical[] = { ... NATIONAL_DEX_MEW, + NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE, NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTWO, ... }; const u16 gPokedexOrder_Weight[] = { ... NATIONAL_DEX_ESCAVALIER, NATIONAL_DEX_FRILLISH, NATIONAL_DEX_DURANT, NATIONAL_DEX_CINDERACE, + NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE, //NATIONAL_DEX_PERSIAN, // Alolan Form NATIONAL_DEX_DUGTRIO, ... }; const u16 gPokedexOrder_Height[] = { ... NATIONAL_DEX_ZERAORA, NATIONAL_DEX_GRIMMSNARL, NATIONAL_DEX_MR_RIME, + NATIONAL_DEX_MEWTHREE, // 5'03" / 1.6m ... }; ``` ## 4. Define its species information Edit [src/data/pokemon/species_info.h]( ```diff const struct SpeciesInfo gSpeciesInfo[] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = {0}, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = { .baseHP = 74, .baseAttack = 115, .baseDefense = 70, .baseSpeed = 106, .baseSpAttack = 135, .baseSpDefense = 80, .types = { TYPE_FAIRY, TYPE_FLYING}, .catchRate = 3, .expYield = 261, .evYield_SpAttack = 3, .genderRatio = MON_FEMALE, .eggCycles = 120, .friendship = 90, .growthRate = GROWTH_SLOW, .eggGroups = { EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED, EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED}, .abilities = {ABILITY_HEALER, ABILITY_NONE, ABILITY_CONTRARY}, .bodyColor = BODY_COLOR_PINK, .noFlip = FALSE, .flags = SPECIES_FLAG_LEGENDARY, }, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = + { + .baseHP = 106, + .baseAttack = 150, + .baseDefense = 70, + .baseSpeed = 140, + .baseSpAttack = 194, + .baseSpDefense = 120, + .types = { TYPE_PSYCHIC, TYPE_PSYCHIC}, + .catchRate = 3, + .expYield = 255, + .evYield_SpAttack = 3, + .genderRatio = MON_GENDERLESS, + .eggCycles = 120, + .friendship = 0, + .growthRate = GROWTH_SLOW, + .eggGroups = { EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED, EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED}, + .abilities = {ABILITY_INSOMNIA, ABILITY_NONE}, + .safariZoneFleeRate = 0, + .bodyColor = BODY_COLOR_PURPLE, + .noFlip = FALSE, + }, #endif }; ``` The `.` is the structure reference operator in C to refer to the member object of the structure SpeciesInfo. Notice how I also set the ability to `ABILITY_INSOMNIA`, so our little monster doesn't even need to sleep anymore. You can find the abilities for example here [include/constants/abilities.h]( and here [src/data/text/abilities.h]( You can also incorporate a 3rd ability to your species, which is intended to be a [Hidden Ability](! ## 5. Delimit the moveset Let's begin with the moves that can be learned by leveling up. Append to [src/data/pokemon/level_up_learnsets.h]( ```diff static const struct LevelUpMove sEnamorusLevelUpLearnset[] = { LEVEL_UP_MOVE( 1, MOVE_TACKLE), LEVEL_UP_MOVE( 7, MOVE_BITE), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(11, MOVE_TWISTER), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(14, MOVE_DRAINING_KISS), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(22, MOVE_IRON_DEFENSE), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(31, MOVE_EXTRASENSORY), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(41, MOVE_CRUNCH), LEVEL_UP_MOVE(47, MOVE_MOONBLAST), LEVEL_UP_MOVE( 1, MOVE_SPRINGTIDE_STORM), LEVEL_UP_END }; +static const struct LevelUpMove sMewthreeLevelUpLearnset[] = { + LEVEL_UP_MOVE( 1, MOVE_CONFUSION), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE( 1, MOVE_DISABLE), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(11, MOVE_BARRIER), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(22, MOVE_SWIFT), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(33, MOVE_PSYCH_UP), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(44, MOVE_FUTURE_SIGHT), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(55, MOVE_MIST), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(66, MOVE_PSYCHIC), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(77, MOVE_AMNESIA), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(88, MOVE_RECOVER), + LEVEL_UP_MOVE(99, MOVE_SAFEGUARD), + LEVEL_UP_END +}; #endif ``` Again, we need to register the learnset. Edit [src/data/pokemon/level_up_learnset_pointers.h]( ```diff const struct LevelUpMove *const gLevelUpLearnsets[NUM_SPECIES] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = sBulbasaurLevelUpLearnset, [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = sBulbasaurLevelUpLearnset, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = sEnamorusLevelUpLearnset, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = sMewthreeLevelUpLearnset, }; ``` Next we need to specify which moves can be taught via TM, HM, or Move Tutor. Append to [src/data/pokemon/teachable_learnsets.h]( ```diff static const u16 sEnamorusTeachableLearnset[] = { MOVE_UNAVAILABLE, }; +static const u16 sMewthreeTeachableLearnset[] = { + MOVE_FOCUS_PUNCH, + MOVE_WATER_PULSE, + MOVE_CALM_MIND, + MOVE_TOXIC, + MOVE_HAIL, + MOVE_BULK_UP, + MOVE_HIDDEN_POWER, + MOVE_SUNNY_DAY, + MOVE_TAUNT, + MOVE_ICE_BEAM, + MOVE_BLIZZARD, + MOVE_HYPER_BEAM, + MOVE_LIGHT_SCREEN, + MOVE_PROTECT, + MOVE_RAIN_DANCE, + MOVE_SAFEGUARD, + MOVE_FRUSTRATION, + MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM, + MOVE_IRON_TAIL, + MOVE_THUNDERBOLT, + MOVE_THUNDER, + MOVE_EARTHQUAKE, + MOVE_RETURN, + MOVE_PSYCHIC, + MOVE_SHADOW_BALL, + MOVE_BRICK_BREAK, + MOVE_DOUBLE_TEAM, + MOVE_REFLECT, + MOVE_SHOCK_WAVE, + MOVE_FLAMETHROWER, + MOVE_SANDSTORM, + MOVE_FIRE_BLAST, + MOVE_ROCK_TOMB, + MOVE_AERIAL_ACE, + MOVE_TORMENT, + MOVE_FACADE, + MOVE_SECRET_POWER, + MOVE_REST, + MOVE_SKILL_SWAP, + MOVE_SNATCH, + MOVE_STRENGTH, + MOVE_FLASH, + MOVE_ROCK_SMASH, + MOVE_MEGA_PUNCH, + MOVE_MEGA_KICK, + MOVE_BODY_SLAM, + MOVE_DOUBLE_EDGE, + MOVE_COUNTER, + MOVE_SEISMIC_TOSS, + MOVE_MIMIC, + MOVE_METRONOME, + MOVE_DREAM_EATER, + MOVE_THUNDER_WAVE, + MOVE_SUBSTITUTE, + MOVE_DYNAMIC_PUNCH, + MOVE_PSYCH_UP, + MOVE_SNORE, + MOVE_ICY_WIND, + MOVE_ENDURE, + MOVE_MUD_SLAP, + MOVE_ICE_PUNCH, + MOVE_SWAGGER, + MOVE_SLEEP_TALK, + MOVE_SWIFT, + MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH, + MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH, + MOVE_UNAVAILABLE, +}; #endif ``` Once more, we need to register the learnset. Edit [src/data/pokemon/teachable_learnset_pointers.h]( ```diff const u16 *const gTeachableLearnsets[NUM_SPECIES] = { [SPECIES_NONE] = sBulbasaurTeachableLearnset, [SPECIES_BULBASAUR] = sBulbasaurTeachableLearnset, ... [SPECIES_ENAMORUS] = sEnamorusTeachableLearnset, + [SPECIES_MEWTHREE] = sMewthreeTeachableLearnset, }; ``` If you want to create a Pokémon which can breed, you will need to edit [src/data/pokemon/egg_moves.h]( ## 6. Define its cry First run these command to copy the Mewtwo sound files: ```sh cp -r sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/mewtwo.bin sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/mewthree.bin cp -r sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/mewtwo.aif sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/mewthree.aif ``` In [sound/]( ```diff .align 2 Cry_Enamorus:: .incbin "sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/enamorus.bin" + .align 2 +Cry_Mewthree:: + .incbin "sound/direct_sound_samples/cries/mewthree.bin" .endif ``` And linking it in [sound/]( `cry_reverse` in particular is for reversed cries used by moves such as Growl. ```diff ... cry Cry_Enamorus + cry Cry_Mewthree .else ``` ```diff cry_reverse Cry_Overqwil + cry_reverse Cry_Mewthree .else ``` Mon cries are 10512Hz. Make sure to put the aif file in the directory [sound/direct_sound_samples/cries]( Higher frequencies may be ruined by compression. To have the cries uncompressed, follow [this]( , then clear out the old sound bins ## 7. Define the Evolutions We want Mewthree to evolve from Mewtwo by reaching level 100. Edit [src/data/pokemon/evolution.h]( ```diff [SPECIES_SNEASEL_HISUIAN] = {{EVO_ITEM_DAY, ITEM_RAZOR_CLAW, SPECIES_SNEASLER}, {EVO_ITEM_HOLD_DAY, ITEM_RAZOR_CLAW, SPECIES_SNEASLER}}, + [SPECIES_MEWTWO] = {{EVO_LEVEL, 100, SPECIES_MEWTHREE}}, #endif ``` ## 8. Easy Chat about your Pokémon Edit [src/data/easy_chat/easy_chat_words_by_letter.h]( ```diff const u16 gEasyChatWordsByLetter_M[] = { EC_MOVE2(MACH_PUNCH), ... EC_POKEMON_NATIONAL(MEW), + EC_POKEMON_NATIONAL(MEWTHREE), EC_POKEMON_NATIONAL(MEWTWO), ... EC_WORD_MYSTERY, }; ``` ## 9. Make it appear! Now Mewthree really does slumber in the games code - but we won't know until we make him appear somewhere! The legend tells that Mewthree is hiding somewhere in Petalburg Woods... Edit [src/data/wild_encounters.json]( ```diff { "map": "MAP_PETALBURG_WOODS", "base_label": "gPetalburgWoods", "land_mons": { "encounter_rate": 20, "mons": [ { "min_level": 5, "max_level": 5, "species": "SPECIES_POOCHYENA" }, { "min_level": 5, "max_level": 5, "species": "SPECIES_WURMPLE" }, { "min_level": 5, "max_level": 5, "species": "SPECIES_SHROOMISH" }, { - "min_level": 6, - "max_level": 6, - "species": "SPECIES_POOCHYENA" + "min_level": 5, + "max_level": 5, + "species": "SPECIES_MEWTHREE" }, ... } ``` Congratulations, you have created your own personal pocket monster! You may call yourself a mad scientist now. # Appendix ## Available Front Animations _Only 65 are used in-game, but you can use any animation from this list._ 1. ANIM_V_SQUISH_AND_BOUNCE 2. ANIM_CIRCULAR_STRETCH_TWICE 3. ANIM_H_VIBRATE 4. ANIM_H_SLIDE 5. ANIM_V_SLIDE 6. ANIM_BOUNCE_ROTATE_TO_SIDES 7. ANIM_V_JUMPS_H_JUMPS 8. ANIM_ROTATE_TO_SIDES 9. ANIM_ROTATE_TO_SIDES_TWICE 10. ANIM_GROW_VIBRATE 11. ANIM_ZIGZAG_FAST 12. ANIM_SWING_CONCAVE 13. ANIM_SWING_CONCAVE_FAST 14. ANIM_SWING_CONVEX 15. ANIM_SWING_CONVEX_FAST 16. ANIM_H_SHAKE 17. ANIM_V_SHAKE 18. ANIM_CIRCULAR_VIBRATE 19. ANIM_TWIST 20. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW 21. ANIM_CIRCLE_C_CLOCKWISE 22. ANIM_GLOW_BLACK 23. ANIM_H_STRETCH 24. ANIM_V_STRETCH 25. ANIM_RISING_WOBBLE 26. ANIM_V_SHAKE_TWICE 27. ANIM_TIP_MOVE_FORWARD 28. ANIM_H_PIVOT 29. ANIM_V_SLIDE_WOBBLE 30. ANIM_H_SLIDE_WOBBLE 31. ANIM_V_JUMPS_BIG 32. ANIM_SPIN_LONG 33. ANIM_GLOW_ORANGE 34. ANIM_GLOW_RED 35. ANIM_GLOW_BLUE 36. ANIM_GLOW_YELLOW 37. ANIM_GLOW_PURPLE 38. ANIM_BACK_AND_LUNGE 39. ANIM_BACK_FLIP 40. ANIM_FLICKER 41. ANIM_BACK_FLIP_BIG 42. ANIM_FRONT_FLIP 43. ANIM_TUMBLING_FRONT_FLIP 44. ANIM_FIGURE_8 45. ANIM_FLASH_YELLOW 46. ANIM_SWING_CONCAVE_FAST_SHORT 47. ANIM_SWING_CONVEX_FAST_SHORT 48. ANIM_ROTATE_UP_SLAM_DOWN 49. ANIM_DEEP_V_SQUISH_AND_BOUNCE 50. ANIM_H_JUMPS 51. ANIM_H_JUMPS_V_STRETCH 52. ANIM_ROTATE_TO_SIDES_FAST 53. ANIM_ROTATE_UP_TO_SIDES 54. ANIM_FLICKER_INCREASING 55. ANIM_TIP_HOP_FORWARD 56. ANIM_PIVOT_SHAKE 57. ANIM_TIP_AND_SHAKE 58. ANIM_VIBRATE_TO_CORNERS 59. ANIM_GROW_IN_STAGES 60. ANIM_V_SPRING 61. ANIM_V_REPEATED_SPRING 62. ANIM_SPRING_RISING 63. ANIM_H_SPRING 64. ANIM_H_REPEATED_SPRING_SLOW 65. ANIM_H_SLIDE_SHRINK 66. ANIM_LUNGE_GROW 67. ANIM_CIRCLE_INTO_BG 68. ANIM_RAPID_H_HOPS 69. ANIM_FOUR_PETAL 70. ANIM_V_SQUISH_AND_BOUNCE_SLOW 71. ANIM_H_SLIDE_SLOW 72. ANIM_V_SLIDE_SLOW 73. ANIM_BOUNCE_ROTATE_TO_SIDES_SMALL 74. ANIM_BOUNCE_ROTATE_TO_SIDES_SLOW 75. ANIM_BOUNCE_ROTATE_TO_SIDES_SMALL_SLOW 76. ANIM_ZIGZAG_SLOW 77. ANIM_H_SHAKE_SLOW 78. ANIM_V_SHAKE_SLOW 79. ANIM_TWIST_TWICE 80. ANIM_CIRCLE_C_CLOCKWISE_SLOW 81. ANIM_V_SHAKE_TWICE_SLOW 82. ANIM_V_SLIDE_WOBBLE_SMALL 83. ANIM_V_JUMPS_SMALL 84. ANIM_SPIN 85. ANIM_TUMBLING_FRONT_FLIP_TWICE 86. ANIM_DEEP_V_SQUISH_AND_BOUNCE_TWICE 87. ANIM_H_JUMPS_V_STRETCH_TWICE 88. ANIM_V_SHAKE_BACK 89. ANIM_V_SHAKE_BACK_SLOW 90. ANIM_V_SHAKE_H_SLIDE_SLOW 91. ANIM_V_STRETCH_BOTH_ENDS_SLOW 92. ANIM_H_STRETCH_FAR_SLOW 93. ANIM_V_SHAKE_LOW_TWICE 94. ANIM_H_SHAKE_FAST 95. ANIM_H_SLIDE_FAST 96. ANIM_H_VIBRATE_FAST 97. ANIM_H_VIBRATE_FASTEST 98. ANIM_V_SHAKE_BACK_FAST 99. ANIM_V_SHAKE_LOW_TWICE_SLOW 100. ANIM_V_SHAKE_LOW_TWICE_FAST 101. ANIM_CIRCLE_C_CLOCKWISE_LONG 102. ANIM_GROW_STUTTER_SLOW 103. ANIM_V_SHAKE_H_SLIDE 104. ANIM_V_SHAKE_H_SLIDE_FAST 105. ANIM_TRIANGLE_DOWN_SLOW 106. ANIM_TRIANGLE_DOWN 107. ANIM_TRIANGLE_DOWN_TWICE 108. ANIM_GROW 109. ANIM_GROW_TWICE 110. ANIM_H_SPRING_FAST 111. ANIM_H_SPRING_SLOW 112. ANIM_H_REPEATED_SPRING_FAST 113. ANIM_H_REPEATED_SPRING 114. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_FAST 115. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_SLOW 116. ANIM_V_STRETCH_BOTH_ENDS 117. ANIM_V_STRETCH_BOTH_ENDS_TWICE 118. ANIM_H_STRETCH_FAR_TWICE 119. ANIM_H_STRETCH_FAR 120. ANIM_GROW_STUTTER_TWICE 121. ANIM_GROW_STUTTER 122. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_LARGE_SLOW 123. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_LARGE 124. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_LARGE_TWICE 125. ANIM_CONVEX_DOUBLE_ARC_SLOW 126. ANIM_CONVEX_DOUBLE_ARC 127. ANIM_CONVEX_DOUBLE_ARC_TWICE 128. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_SMALL_SLOW 129. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_SMALL 130. ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_SMALL_TWICE 131. ANIM_H_DIP 132. ANIM_H_DIP_FAST 133. ANIM_H_DIP_TWICE 134. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_VIBRATE_FAST 135. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_VIBRATE 136. ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_VIBRATE_SLOW 137. ANIM_JOLT_RIGHT_FAST 138. ANIM_JOLT_RIGHT 139. ANIM_JOLT_RIGHT_SLOW 140. ANIM_SHAKE_FLASH_YELLOW_FAST 141. ANIM_SHAKE_FLASH_YELLOW 142. ANIM_SHAKE_FLASH_YELLOW_SLOW 143. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_RED_FAST 144. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_RED 145. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_RED_SLOW 146. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_GREEN_FAST 147. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_GREEN 148. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_GREEN_SLOW 149. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_BLUE_FAST 150. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_BLUE 151. ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_BLUE_SLOW ## Available Back Animations 1. BACK_ANIM_NONE 2. BACK_ANIM_H_VIBRATE 3. BACK_ANIM_H_SLIDE 4. BACK_ANIM_H_SPRING 5. BACK_ANIM_H_SPRING_REPEATED 6. BACK_ANIM_SHRINK_GROW 7. BACK_ANIM_GROW 8. BACK_ANIM_CIRCLE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE 9. BACK_ANIM_H_SHAKE 10. BACK_ANIM_V_SHAKE 11. BACK_ANIM_V_SHAKE_H_SLIDE 12. BACK_ANIM_V_STRETCH 13. BACK_ANIM_H_STRETCH 14. BACK_ANIM_GROW_STUTTER 15. BACK_ANIM_V_SHAKE_LOW 16. BACK_ANIM_TRIANGLE_DOWN 17. BACK_ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_LARGE 18. BACK_ANIM_CONVEX_DOUBLE_ARC 19. BACK_ANIM_CONCAVE_ARC_SMALL 20. BACK_ANIM_DIP_RIGHT_SIDE 21. BACK_ANIM_SHRINK_GROW_VIBRATE 22. BACK_ANIM_JOLT_RIGHT 23. BACK_ANIM_SHAKE_FLASH_YELLOW 24. BACK_ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_RED 25. BACK_ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_GREEN 26. BACK_ANIM_SHAKE_GLOW_BLUE ## Pokémon ordered by height | Pokemon | height (m) | | :------ | ---------: | | Diglett | 0.2 | | Natu | 0.2 | | Azurill | 0.2 | | Caterpie | 0.3 | | Weedle | 0.3 | | Pidgey | 0.3 | | Rattata | 0.3 | | Spearow | 0.3 | | Paras | 0.3 | | Magnemite | 0.3 | | Shellder | 0.3 | | Ditto | 0.3 | | Eevee | 0.3 | | Pichu | 0.3 | | Cleffa | 0.3 | | Igglybuff | 0.3 | | Togepi | 0.3 | | Sunkern | 0.3 | | Wurmple | 0.3 | | Taillow | 0.3 | | Roselia | 0.3 | | Castform | 0.3 | | Jirachi | 0.3 | | Pikachu | 0.4 | | Nidoran_f | 0.4 | | Meowth | 0.4 | | Geodude | 0.4 | | Krabby | 0.4 | | Exeggcute | 0.4 | | Cubone | 0.4 | | Horsea | 0.4 | | Omanyte | 0.4 | | Mew | 0.4 | | Bellossom | 0.4 | | Marill | 0.4 | | Hoppip | 0.4 | | Wooper | 0.4 | | Swinub | 0.4 | | Smoochum | 0.4 | | Torchic | 0.4 | | Mudkip | 0.4 | | Zigzagoon | 0.4 | | Ralts | 0.4 | | Shroomish | 0.4 | | Aron | 0.4 | | Plusle | 0.4 | | Minun | 0.4 | | Gulpin | 0.4 | | Cacnea | 0.4 | | Swablu | 0.4 | | Barboach | 0.4 | | Clamperl | 0.4 | | Squirtle | 0.5 | | Nidoran_m | 0.5 | | Jigglypuff | 0.5 | | Oddish | 0.5 | | Mankey | 0.5 | | Voltorb | 0.5 | | Kabuto | 0.5 | | Cyndaquil | 0.5 | | Spinarak | 0.5 | | Chinchou | 0.5 | | Murkrow | 0.5 | | Unown | 0.5 | | Qwilfish | 0.5 | | Phanpy | 0.5 | | Treecko | 0.5 | | Poochyena | 0.5 | | Linoone | 0.5 | | Lotad | 0.5 | | Seedot | 0.5 | | Surskit | 0.5 | | Nincada | 0.5 | | Sableye | 0.5 | | Torkoal | 0.5 | | Baltoy | 0.5 | | Charmander | 0.6 | | Kakuna | 0.6 | | Sandshrew | 0.6 | | Clefairy | 0.6 | | Vulpix | 0.6 | | Poliwag | 0.6 | | Koffing | 0.6 | | Goldeen | 0.6 | | Totodile | 0.6 | | Togetic | 0.6 | | Mareep | 0.6 | | Skiploom | 0.6 | | Pineco | 0.6 | | Snubbull | 0.6 | | Shuckle | 0.6 | | Teddiursa | 0.6 | | Corsola | 0.6 | | Remoraid | 0.6 | | Houndour | 0.6 | | Porygon2 | 0.6 | | Elekid | 0.6 | | Larvitar | 0.6 | | Celebi | 0.6 | | Silcoon | 0.6 | | Wingull | 0.6 | | Whismur | 0.6 | | Skitty | 0.6 | | Mawile | 0.6 | | Meditite | 0.6 | | Electrike | 0.6 | | Illumise | 0.6 | | Corphish | 0.6 | | Feebas | 0.6 | | Shuppet | 0.6 | | Chimecho | 0.6 | | Wynaut | 0.6 | | Luvdisc | 0.6 | | Bagon | 0.6 | | Beldum | 0.6 | | Bulbasaur | 0.7 | | Metapod | 0.7 | | Raticate | 0.7 | | Dugtrio | 0.7 | | Growlithe | 0.7 | | Bellsprout | 0.7 | | Hoothoot | 0.7 | | Misdreavus | 0.7 | | Slugma | 0.7 | | Tyrogue | 0.7 | | Magby | 0.7 | | Marshtomp | 0.7 | | Cascoon | 0.7 | | Swellow | 0.7 | | Volbeat | 0.7 | | Numel | 0.7 | | Spoink | 0.7 | | Trapinch | 0.7 | | Anorith | 0.7 | | Snorunt | 0.7 | | Raichu | 0.8 | | Nidorina | 0.8 | | Zubat | 0.8 | | Gloom | 0.8 | | Psyduck | 0.8 | | Machop | 0.8 | | Farfetchd | 0.8 | | Staryu | 0.8 | | Jolteon | 0.8 | | Porygon | 0.8 | | Sentret | 0.8 | | Flaaffy | 0.8 | | Azumarill | 0.8 | | Jumpluff | 0.8 | | Aipom | 0.8 | | Sunflora | 0.8 | | Magcargo | 0.8 | | Kirlia | 0.8 | | Masquerain | 0.8 | | Slakoth | 0.8 | | Ninjask | 0.8 | | Shedinja | 0.8 | | Carvanha | 0.8 | | Duskull | 0.8 | | Spheal | 0.8 | | Nidorino | 0.9 | | Abra | 0.9 | | Tentacool | 0.9 | | Grimer | 0.9 | | Magikarp | 0.9 | | Flareon | 0.9 | | Chikorita | 0.9 | | Quilava | 0.9 | | Espeon | 0.9 | | Sneasel | 0.9 | | Octillery | 0.9 | | Delibird | 0.9 | | Grovyle | 0.9 | | Combusken | 0.9 | | Lairon | 0.9 | | Grumpig | 0.9 | | Whiscash | 0.9 | | Ivysaur | 1.0 | | Wartortle | 1.0 | | Beedrill | 1.0 | | Sandslash | 1.0 | | Wigglytuff | 1.0 | | Parasect | 1.0 | | Venonat | 1.0 | | Persian | 1.0 | | Primeape | 1.0 | | Poliwhirl | 1.0 | | Weepinbell | 1.0 | | Graveler | 1.0 | | Ponyta | 1.0 | | Magneton | 1.0 | | Drowzee | 1.0 | | Marowak | 1.0 | | Rhyhorn | 1.0 | | Tangela | 1.0 | | Vaporeon | 1.0 | | Omastar | 1.0 | | Ledyba | 1.0 | | Umbreon | 1.0 | | Mightyena | 1.0 | | Beautifly | 1.0 | | Nuzleaf | 1.0 | | Loudred | 1.0 | | Makuhita | 1.0 | | Nosepass | 1.0 | | Lunatone | 1.0 | | Lileep | 1.0 | | Kecleon | 1.0 | | Relicanth | 1.0 | | Charmeleon | 1.1 | | Butterfree | 1.1 | | Pidgeotto | 1.1 | | Ninetales | 1.1 | | Seel | 1.1 | | Chansey | 1.1 | | Starmie | 1.1 | | Electabuzz | 1.1 | | Croconaw | 1.1 | | Ariados | 1.1 | | Politoed | 1.1 | | Gligar | 1.1 | | Piloswine | 1.1 | | Donphan | 1.1 | | Delcatty | 1.1 | | Spinda | 1.1 | | Vibrava | 1.1 | | Altaria | 1.1 | | Crawdaunt | 1.1 | | Banette | 1.1 | | Sealeo | 1.1 | | Shelgon | 1.1 | | Fearow | 1.2 | | Vileplume | 1.2 | | Slowpoke | 1.2 | | Muk | 1.2 | | Electrode | 1.2 | | Lickitung | 1.2 | | Weezing | 1.2 | | Seadra | 1.2 | | Bayleef | 1.2 | | Lanturn | 1.2 | | Sudowoodo | 1.2 | | Yanma | 1.2 | | Forretress | 1.2 | | Smeargle | 1.2 | | Miltank | 1.2 | | Pupitar | 1.2 | | Dustox | 1.2 | | Lombre | 1.2 | | Pelipper | 1.2 | | Breloom | 1.2 | | Solrock | 1.2 | | Absol | 1.2 | | Metang | 1.2 | | Nidoqueen | 1.3 | | Clefable | 1.3 | | Poliwrath | 1.3 | | Kadabra | 1.3 | | Gastly | 1.3 | | Kingler | 1.3 | | Seaking | 1.3 | | Mr_mime | 1.3 | | Magmar | 1.3 | | Kabutops | 1.3 | | Wobbuffet | 1.3 | | Shiftry | 1.3 | | Medicham | 1.3 | | Cacturne | 1.3 | | Zangoose | 1.3 | | Nidoking | 1.4 | | Golem | 1.4 | | Doduo | 1.4 | | Hitmonchan | 1.4 | | Jynx | 1.4 | | Tauros | 1.4 | | Ledian | 1.4 | | Ampharos | 1.4 | | Quagsire | 1.4 | | Granbull | 1.4 | | Houndoom | 1.4 | | Stantler | 1.4 | | Hitmontop | 1.4 | | Vigoroth | 1.4 | | Walrein | 1.4 | | Latias | 1.4 | | Pidgeot | 1.5 | | Venomoth | 1.5 | | Alakazam | 1.5 | | Machoke | 1.5 | | Cloyster | 1.5 | | Gengar | 1.5 | | Hitmonlee | 1.5 | | Scyther | 1.5 | | Pinsir | 1.5 | | Xatu | 1.5 | | Girafarig | 1.5 | | Dunsparce | 1.5 | | Heracross | 1.5 | | Blissey | 1.5 | | Swampert | 1.5 | | Ludicolo | 1.5 | | Exploud | 1.5 | | Manectric | 1.5 | | Claydol | 1.5 | | Cradily | 1.5 | | Armaldo | 1.5 | | Glalie | 1.5 | | Salamence | 1.5 | | Blastoise | 1.6 | | Golbat | 1.6 | | Machamp | 1.6 | | Tentacruel | 1.6 | | Slowbro | 1.6 | | Haunter | 1.6 | | Hypno | 1.6 | | Zapdos | 1.6 | | Noctowl | 1.6 | | Gardevoir | 1.6 | | Dusclops | 1.6 | | Metagross | 1.6 | | Charizard | 1.7 | | Golduck | 1.7 | | Victreebel | 1.7 | | Rapidash | 1.7 | | Dewgong | 1.7 | | Articuno | 1.7 | | Typhlosion | 1.7 | | Skarmory | 1.7 | | Sceptile | 1.7 | | Swalot | 1.7 | | Huntail | 1.7 | | Regirock | 1.7 | | Deoxys | 1.7 | | Dodrio | 1.8 | | Aerodactyl | 1.8 | | Dratini | 1.8 | | Meganium | 1.8 | | Furret | 1.8 | | Crobat | 1.8 | | Scizor | 1.8 | | Ursaring | 1.8 | | Kingdra | 1.8 | | Sharpedo | 1.8 | | Gorebyss | 1.8 | | Regice | 1.8 | | Arcanine | 1.9 | | Rhydon | 1.9 | | Raikou | 1.9 | | Blaziken | 1.9 | | Camerupt | 1.9 | | Registeel | 1.9 | | Venusaur | 2.0 | | Ekans | 2.0 | | Exeggutor | 2.0 | | Moltres | 2.0 | | Mewtwo | 2.0 | | Slowking | 2.0 | | Suicune | 2.0 | | Tyranitar | 2.0 | | Slaking | 2.0 | | Wailmer | 2.0 | | Flygon | 2.0 | | Tropius | 2.0 | | Latios | 2.0 | | Snorlax | 2.1 | | Mantine | 2.1 | | Entei | 2.1 | | Aggron | 2.1 | | Kangaskhan | 2.2 | | Dragonite | 2.2 | | Feraligatr | 2.3 | | Hariyama | 2.3 | | Lapras | 2.5 | | Seviper | 2.7 | | Arbok | 3.5 | | Groudon | 3.5 | | Ho_oh | 3.8 | | Dragonair | 4.0 | | Kyogre | 4.5 | | Lugia | 5.2 | | Milotic | 6.2 | | Gyarados | 6.5 | | Rayquaza | 7.0 | | Onix | 8.8 | | Steelix | 9.2 | | Wailord | 14.5 | ## Pokémon ordered by weight | Pokemon | weight (kg) | | :------ | ----------: | | Gastly | 0.1 | | Haunter | 0.1 | | Hoppip | 0.5 | | Diglett | 0.8 | | Castform | 0.8 | | Igglybuff | 1.0 | | Koffing | 1.0 | | Skiploom | 1.0 | | Chimecho | 1.0 | | Misdreavus | 1.0 | | Jirachi | 1.1 | | Swablu | 1.2 | | Shedinja | 1.2 | | Togepi | 1.5 | | Surskit | 1.7 | | Pidgey | 1.8 | | Sunkern | 1.8 | | Barboach | 1.9 | | Natu | 2.0 | | Azurill | 2.0 | | Spearow | 2.0 | | Pichu | 2.0 | | Roselia | 2.0 | | Murkrow | 2.1 | | Taillow | 2.3 | | Shuppet | 2.3 | | Exeggcute | 2.5 | | Torchic | 2.5 | | Lotad | 2.6 | | Caterpie | 2.9 | | Cleffa | 3.0 | | Jumpluff | 3.0 | | Weedle | 3.2 | | Togetic | 3.2 | | Dratini | 3.3 | | Rattata | 3.5 | | Wurmple | 3.6 | | Masquerain | 3.6 | | Qwilfish | 3.9 | | Shellder | 4.0 | | Ditto | 4.0 | | Mew | 4.0 | | Seedot | 4.0 | | Bellsprout | 4.0 | | Meowth | 4.2 | | Plusle | 4.2 | | Minun | 4.2 | | Shroomish | 4.5 | | Unown | 5.0 | | Treecko | 5.0 | | Corsola | 5.0 | | Celebi | 5.0 | | Spinda | 5.0 | | Paras | 5.4 | | Oddish | 5.4 | | Jigglypuff | 5.5 | | Nincada | 5.5 | | Bellossom | 5.8 | | Magnemite | 6.0 | | Pikachu | 6.0 | | Smoochum | 6.0 | | Sentret | 6.0 | | Chikorita | 6.4 | | Weepinbell | 6.4 | | Eevee | 6.5 | | Krabby | 6.5 | | Cubone | 6.5 | | Swinub | 6.5 | | Ralts | 6.6 | | Bulbasaur | 6.9 | | Ekans | 6.9 | | Nidoran_f | 7.0 | | Pineco | 7.2 | | Feebas | 7.4 | | Omanyte | 7.5 | | Clefairy | 7.5 | | Zubat | 7.5 | | Mudkip | 7.6 | | Mareep | 7.8 | | Snubbull | 7.8 | | Cyndaquil | 7.9 | | Horsea | 8.0 | | Marill | 8.5 | | Wooper | 8.5 | | Spinarak | 8.5 | | Charmander | 8.5 | | Sunflora | 8.5 | | Gloom | 8.6 | | Luvdisc | 8.7 | | Teddiursa | 8.8 | | Squirtle | 9.0 | | Nidoran_m | 9.0 | | Totodile | 9.5 | | Wingull | 9.5 | | Weezing | 9.5 | | Vulpix | 9.9 | | Metapod | 9.9 | | Kakuna | 10.0 | | Silcoon | 10.0 | | Magikarp | 10.0 | | Gulpin | 10.3 | | Voltorb | 10.4 | | Houndour | 10.8 | | Ledyba | 10.8 | | Sableye | 11.0 | | Skitty | 11.0 | | Meditite | 11.2 | | Kabuto | 11.5 | | Mawile | 11.5 | | Corphish | 11.5 | | Cascoon | 11.5 | | Aipom | 11.5 | | Chinchou | 12.0 | | Sandshrew | 12.0 | | Remoraid | 12.0 | | Ninjask | 12.0 | | Wigglytuff | 12.0 | | Poliwag | 12.4 | | Anorith | 12.5 | | Banette | 12.5 | | Venomoth | 12.5 | | Ivysaur | 13.0 | | Flaaffy | 13.3 | | Poochyena | 13.6 | | Wynaut | 14.0 | | Dunsparce | 14.0 | | Goldeen | 15.0 | | Trapinch | 15.0 | | Farfetchd | 15.0 | | Duskull | 15.0 | | Xatu | 15.0 | | Electrike | 15.2 | | Vibrava | 15.3 | | Victreebel | 15.5 | | Bayleef | 15.8 | | Delibird | 16.0 | | Whismur | 16.3 | | Dragonair | 16.5 | | Snorunt | 16.8 | | Zigzagoon | 17.5 | | Illumise | 17.7 | | Volbeat | 17.7 | | Raticate | 18.5 | | Vileplume | 18.6 | | Growlithe | 19.0 | | Quilava | 19.0 | | Charmeleon | 19.0 | | Machop | 19.5 | | Nidorino | 19.5 | | Abra | 19.5 | | Combusken | 19.5 | | Psyduck | 19.6 | | Swellow | 19.8 | | Ninetales | 19.9 | | Geodude | 20.0 | | Nidorina | 20.0 | | Poliwhirl | 20.0 | | Kirlia | 20.2 | | Shuckle | 20.5 | | Altaria | 20.6 | | Carvanha | 20.8 | | Tyrogue | 21.0 | | Hoothoot | 21.2 | | Magby | 21.4 | | Baltoy | 21.5 | | Grovyle | 21.6 | | Kecleon | 22.0 | | Wartortle | 22.5 | | Lanturn | 22.5 | | Gorebyss | 22.6 | | Relicanth | 23.4 | | Elekid | 23.5 | | Whiscash | 23.6 | | Lileep | 23.8 | | Numel | 24.0 | | Slakoth | 24.0 | | Jolteon | 24.5 | | Flareon | 25.0 | | Croconaw | 25.0 | | Seadra | 25.0 | | Espeon | 26.5 | | Umbreon | 27.0 | | Huntail | 27.0 | | Mankey | 28.0 | | Marshtomp | 28.0 | | Sneasel | 28.0 | | Nuzleaf | 28.0 | | Pelipper | 28.0 | | Beautifly | 28.4 | | Azumarill | 28.5 | | Octillery | 28.5 | | Wobbuffet | 28.5 | | Vaporeon | 29.0 | | Beedrill | 29.5 | | Sandslash | 29.5 | | Parasect | 29.5 | | Raichu | 30.0 | | Grimer | 30.0 | | Venonat | 30.0 | | Ponyta | 30.0 | | Pidgeotto | 30.0 | | Electabuzz | 30.0 | | Muk | 30.0 | | Spoink | 30.6 | | Dusclops | 30.6 | | Medicham | 31.5 | | Dustox | 31.6 | | Persian | 32.0 | | Primeape | 32.0 | | Butterfree | 32.0 | | Drowzee | 32.4 | | Linoone | 32.5 | | Porygon2 | 32.5 | | Lombre | 32.5 | | Furret | 32.5 | | Delcatty | 32.6 | | Crawdaunt | 32.8 | | Dugtrio | 33.3 | | Phanpy | 33.5 | | Ariados | 33.5 | | Politoed | 33.9 | | Staryu | 34.5 | | Chansey | 34.6 | | Slugma | 35.0 | | Tangela | 35.0 | | Omastar | 35.0 | | Houndoom | 35.0 | | Ledian | 35.6 | | Slowpoke | 36.0 | | Porygon | 36.5 | | Mightyena | 37.0 | | Fearow | 38.0 | | Sudowoodo | 38.0 | | Yanma | 38.0 | | Seaking | 39.0 | | Breloom | 39.2 | | Doduo | 39.2 | | Spheal | 39.5 | | Pidgeot | 39.5 | | Clefable | 40.0 | | Latias | 40.0 | | Manectric | 40.2 | | Zangoose | 40.3 | | Loudred | 40.5 | | Kabutops | 40.5 | | Gengar | 40.5 | | Jynx | 40.6 | | Noctowl | 40.8 | | Girafarig | 41.5 | | Bagon | 42.1 | | Magmar | 44.5 | | Marowak | 45.0 | | Tentacool | 45.5 | | Vigoroth | 46.5 | | Blissey | 46.8 | | Absol | 47.0 | | Hitmontop | 48.0 | | Alakazam | 48.0 | | Gardevoir | 48.4 | | Granbull | 48.7 | | Hitmonlee | 49.8 | | Hitmonchan | 50.2 | | Skarmory | 50.5 | | Cacnea | 51.3 | | Blaziken | 52.0 | | Sceptile | 52.2 | | Clamperl | 52.5 | | Seviper | 52.5 | | Zapdos | 52.6 | | Poliwrath | 54.0 | | Heracross | 54.0 | | Mr_mime | 54.5 | | Magcargo | 55.0 | | Pinsir | 55.0 | | Ludicolo | 55.0 | | Golbat | 55.0 | | Tentacruel | 55.0 | | Articuno | 55.4 | | Piloswine | 55.8 | | Scyther | 56.0 | | Kadabra | 56.5 | | Smeargle | 58.0 | | Aerodactyl | 59.0 | | Shiftry | 59.6 | | Aron | 60.0 | | Magneton | 60.0 | | Nidoqueen | 60.0 | | Kingler | 60.0 | | Moltres | 60.0 | | Latios | 60.0 | | Cradily | 60.4 | | Deoxys | 60.8 | | Ampharos | 61.5 | | Nidoking | 62.0 | | Gligar | 64.8 | | Arbok | 65.0 | | Lickitung | 65.5 | | Electrode | 66.6 | | Armaldo | 68.2 | | Machoke | 70.5 | | Stantler | 71.2 | | Grumpig | 71.5 | | Larvitar | 72.0 | | Quagsire | 75.0 | | Crobat | 75.0 | | Miltank | 75.5 | | Hypno | 75.6 | | Golduck | 76.6 | | Cacturne | 77.4 | | Slowbro | 78.5 | | Typhlosion | 79.5 | | Slowking | 79.5 | | Starmie | 80.0 | | Swalot | 80.0 | | Kangaskhan | 80.0 | | Torkoal | 80.4 | | Swampert | 81.9 | | Flygon | 82.0 | | Exploud | 84.0 | | Dodrio | 85.2 | | Blastoise | 85.5 | | Makuhita | 86.4 | | Sealeo | 87.6 | | Tauros | 88.4 | | Sharpedo | 88.8 | | Feraligatr | 88.8 | | Seel | 90.0 | | Charizard | 90.5 | | Rapidash | 95.0 | | Beldum | 95.2 | | Nosepass | 97.0 | | Venusaur | 100.0 | | Tropius | 100.0 | | Meganium | 100.5 | | Salamence | 102.6 | | Graveler | 105.0 | | Claydol | 108.0 | | Shelgon | 110.5 | | Rhyhorn | 115.0 | | Scizor | 118.0 | | Lairon | 120.0 | | Donphan | 120.0 | | Dewgong | 120.0 | | Rhydon | 120.0 | | Exeggutor | 120.0 | | Mewtwo | 122.0 | | Forretress | 125.8 | | Ursaring | 125.8 | | Machamp | 130.0 | | Wailmer | 130.0 | | Slaking | 130.5 | | Cloyster | 132.5 | | Walrein | 150.6 | | Pupitar | 152.0 | | Kingdra | 152.0 | | Solrock | 154.0 | | Arcanine | 155.0 | | Milotic | 162.0 | | Lunatone | 168.0 | | Regice | 175.0 | | Raikou | 178.0 | | Suicune | 187.0 | | Entei | 198.0 | | Ho_oh | 199.0 | | Tyranitar | 202.0 | | Metang | 202.5 | | Registeel | 205.0 | | Rayquaza | 206.5 | | Dragonite | 210.0 | | Onix | 210.0 | | Lugia | 216.0 | | Camerupt | 220.0 | | Mantine | 220.0 | | Lapras | 220.0 | | Regirock | 230.0 | | Gyarados | 235.0 | | Hariyama | 253.8 | | Glalie | 256.5 | | Golem | 300.0 | | Kyogre | 352.0 | | Aggron | 360.0 | | Wailord | 398.0 | | Steelix | 400.0 | | Snorlax | 460.0 | | Metagross | 550.0 | | Groudon | 950.0 | ## Making this easier If you have multiple species that you want to add to pokeemerald but don't want to copy and paste or type everything out multiple times, just use this handy program to generate text with the species name in there!