Route112_MapScripts:: @ 81F1DA8 map_script 3, Route112_MapScript1_1F1DAE .byte 0 Route112_MapScript1_1F1DAE: @ 81F1DAE clearflag FLAG_FORCE_MIRAGE_TOWER_VISIBLE setvar VAR_0x40BD, 0 end Route112_EventScript_1F1DB7:: @ 81F1DB7 lockall delay 40 applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceRight waitmovement 0 delay 20 msgbox Route112_Text_1F1F3F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 delay 40 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceLeft waitmovement 0 delay 20 msgbox Route112_Text_1F1F7A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 6, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 delay 40 applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceRight waitmovement 0 delay 20 msgbox Route112_Text_1F1FBA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 delay 40 applymovement 6, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceLeft waitmovement 0 delay 20 msgbox Route112_Text_1F2003, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 6, Common_Movement_FaceOriginalDirection waitmovement 0 releaseall end Route112_EventScript_1F1E46:: @ 81F1E46 msgbox Route112_Text_1F20C1, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route112_EventScript_1F1E4F:: @ 81F1E4F msgbox Route112_Text_1F20ED, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route112_EventScript_1F1E58:: @ 81F1E58 msgbox Route112_Text_1F2138, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route112_EventScript_1F1E61:: @ 81F1E61 msgbox Route112_Text_1F204E, MSGBOX_NPC end Route112_EventScript_1F1E6A:: @ 81F1E6A trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRICE, Route112_Text_29978E, Route112_Text_2997CA msgbox Route112_Text_2997DC, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_EventScript_1F1E81:: @ 81F1E81 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_TRENT_1, Route112_Text_299815, Route112_Text_29987C, Route112_EventScript_1F1EAD specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route112_EventScript_1F1ECC msgbox Route112_Text_299896, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route112_EventScript_1F1EAD:: @ 81F1EAD special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route112_Text_29993C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_TRENT_1 release end Route112_EventScript_1F1ECC:: @ 81F1ECC trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_TRENT_1, Route112_Text_2999BD, Route112_Text_2999F7 msgbox Route112_Text_299A0F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_EventScript_1F1EE3:: @ 81F1EE3 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_LARRY, Route112_Text_299A89, Route112_Text_299AAC msgbox Route112_Text_299AB4, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_EventScript_1F1EFA:: @ 81F1EFA trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CAROL, Route112_Text_299AE4, Route112_Text_299B36 msgbox Route112_Text_299B4C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_EventScript_1F1F11:: @ 81F1F11 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRYANT, Route112_Text_299BAE, Route112_Text_299BDF msgbox Route112_Text_299BFB, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_EventScript_1F1F28:: @ 81F1F28 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_SHAYLA, Route112_Text_299C34, Route112_Text_299C8F msgbox Route112_Text_299CC6, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route112_Text_1F1F3F: @ 81F1F3F .string "Hey, man, is our leader really going\n" .string "to awaken that thing?$" Route112_Text_1F1F7A: @ 81F1F7A .string "Sounds like it, yeah. But I heard\n" .string "we need a METEORITE to do it.$" Route112_Text_1F1FBA: @ 81F1FBA .string "Oh, I get it now. That's why the rest\n" .string "of the crew went out to FALLARBOR.$" Route112_Text_1F2003: @ 81F2003 .string "You got it. And until they come back,\n" .string "we're not to let anyone pass, right.$" Route112_Text_1F204E: @ 81F204E .string "Eh, I'd like to get to MAUVILLE, but if\n" .string "I went down these ledges, it'd be no\l" .string "easy matter to get back to LAVARIDGE.$" Route112_Text_1F20C1: @ 81F20C1 .string "MT. CHIMNEY CABLE CAR\n" .string "“A short walk {UP_ARROW} way!”$" Route112_Text_1F20ED: @ 81F20ED .string "MT. CHIMNEY\p" .string "“For LAVARIDGE TOWN or the summit,\n" .string "please take the CABLE CAR.”$" Route112_Text_1F2138: @ 81F2138 .string "ROUTE 112\n" .string "{LEFT_ARROW} LAVARIDGE TOWN$"