Route110_MapScripts:: @ 81EF269 map_script 5, Route110_MapScript1_1EF279 map_script 3, Route110_MapScript1_1EF27D map_script 2, Route110_MapScript2_1EF297 .byte 0 Route110_MapScript1_1EF279: @ 81EF279 special UpdateCyclingRoadState end Route110_MapScript1_1EF27D: @ 81EF27D call Route110_EventScript_271ED7 call Route110_EventScript_271EFB compare VAR_CYCLING_CHALLENGE_STATE, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF293 end Route110_EventScript_1EF293:: @ 81EF293 savebgm MUS_CYCLING return Route110_MapScript2_1EF297: @ 81EF297 map_script_2 VAR_CYCLING_CHALLENGE_STATE, 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF2A1 .2byte 0 Route110_EventScript_1EF2A1:: @ 81EF2A1 special Special_BeginCyclingRoadChallenge setvar VAR_CYCLING_CHALLENGE_STATE, 2 return Route110_EventScript_1EF2AA:: @ 81EF2AA lock faceplayer msgbox Route110_Text_1EFB5D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route110_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF2C0:: @ 81EF2C0 lock faceplayer msgbox Route110_Text_1EFB93, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route110_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF2D6:: @ 81EF2D6 lock faceplayer msgbox Route110_Text_1EFBCA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route110_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF2EC:: @ 81EF2EC lock faceplayer msgbox Route110_Text_1EFC0D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route110_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF302:: @ 81EF302 msgbox Route110_Text_1EFFC3, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF30B:: @ 81EF30B msgbox Route110_Text_1F0006, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF314:: @ 81EF314 msgbox Route110_Text_1F006A, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF31D:: @ 81EF31D msgbox Route110_Text_1F0261, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF326:: @ 81EF326 msgbox Route110_Text_1F02CA, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF32F:: @ 81EF32F msgbox Route110_Text_1F030E, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF338:: @ 81EF338 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0390, MSGBOX_NPC end Route110_EventScript_1EF341:: @ 81EF341 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0812, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF34A:: @ 81EF34A msgbox Route110_Text_1F082D, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF353:: @ 81EF353 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0842, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF35C:: @ 81EF35C msgbox Route110_Text_1F08CD, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF365:: @ 81EF365 msgbox Route110_Text_1F08E3, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF36E:: @ 81EF36E msgbox Route110_Text_1F08F3, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF377:: @ 81EF377 msgbox Route110_Text_1F090D, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF380:: @ 81EF380 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0992, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF389:: @ 81EF389 msgbox Route110_Text_1F09DB, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route110_EventScript_1EF392:: @ 81EF392 lockall specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetRecordedCyclingRoadResults compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF3AD msgbox Route110_Text_1F0A1E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EF3AD:: @ 81EF3AD msgbox Route110_Text_1F0A5E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EF3B7:: @ 81EF3B7 lock faceplayer specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetPlayerAvatarBike compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF3E8 compare VAR_CYCLING_CHALLENGE_STATE, 0 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF3DE msgbox Route110_Text_1F06FB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF3DE:: @ 81EF3DE msgbox Route110_Text_1F0661, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF3E8:: @ 81EF3E8 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0755, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF3F2:: @ 81EF3F2 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_EDWARD, Route110_Text_29802B, Route110_Text_298064 msgbox Route110_Text_29808A, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF409:: @ 81EF409 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JACLYN, Route110_Text_2980B9, Route110_Text_2980E5 msgbox Route110_Text_2980F8, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF420:: @ 81EF420 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_EDWIN_1, Route110_Text_29815E, Route110_Text_29818F, Route110_EventScript_1EF44C specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF46B msgbox Route110_Text_2981B3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF44C:: @ 81EF44C special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route110_Text_298201, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_EDWIN_1 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF46B:: @ 81EF46B trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_EDWIN_1, Route110_Text_298232, Route110_Text_298288 msgbox Route110_Text_2982A2, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF482:: @ 81EF482 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DALE, Route110_Text_2982CC, Route110_Text_2982F5 msgbox Route110_Text_298303, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF499:: @ 81EF499 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JACOB, Route110_Text_297B3F, Route110_Text_297B77 msgbox Route110_Text_297B8F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF4B0:: @ 81EF4B0 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ANTHONY, Route110_Text_297BE7, Route110_Text_297C0F msgbox Route110_Text_297C1F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF4C7:: @ 81EF4C7 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BENJAMIN_1, Route110_Text_297C63, Route110_Text_297C8A, Route110_EventScript_1EF4F3 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF512 msgbox Route110_Text_297CB4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF4F3:: @ 81EF4F3 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route110_Text_297CFE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_BENJAMIN_1 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF512:: @ 81EF512 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_BENJAMIN_1, Route110_Text_297D4B, Route110_Text_297D8E msgbox Route110_Text_297DB0, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF529:: @ 81EF529 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JASMINE, Route110_Text_297F93, Route110_Text_297FD0 msgbox Route110_Text_297FF1, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF540:: @ 81EF540 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ABIGAIL_1, Route110_Text_297DFA, Route110_Text_297E69, Route110_EventScript_1EF56C specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF58B msgbox Route110_Text_297E88, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF56C:: @ 81EF56C special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route110_Text_297ECD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_ABIGAIL_1 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF58B:: @ 81EF58B trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_ABIGAIL_1, Route110_Text_297F09, Route110_Text_297F37 msgbox Route110_Text_297F58, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF5A2:: @ 81EF5A2 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ISABEL_1, Route110_Text_298349, Route110_Text_298389, Route110_EventScript_1EF5CE specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF5ED msgbox Route110_Text_2983A2, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route110_EventScript_1EF5CE:: @ 81EF5CE special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route110_Text_2983EE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_ISABEL_1 release end Route110_EventScript_1EF5ED:: @ 81EF5ED trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_ISABEL_1, Route110_Text_298466, Route110_Text_2984AF msgbox Route110_Text_2984C8, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF604:: @ 81EF604 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_TIMMY, Route110_Text_298525, Route110_Text_298559 msgbox Route110_Text_298579, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF61B:: @ 81EF61B end Route110_EventScript_1EF61C:: @ 81EF61C trainerbattle_single TRAINER_KALEB, Route110_Text_2986ED, Route110_Text_298735 msgbox Route110_Text_298755, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF633:: @ 81EF633 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JOSEPH, Route110_Text_298642, Route110_Text_298686 msgbox Route110_Text_2986A9, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF64A:: @ 81EF64A trainerbattle_single TRAINER_ALYSSA, Route110_Text_2985AB, Route110_Text_2985F9 msgbox Route110_Text_298612, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route110_EventScript_1EF661:: @ 81EF661 lockall applymovement 21, Route110_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 call Route110_EventScript_1EF673 releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EF673:: @ 81EF673 special FinishCyclingRoadChallenge msgbox Route110_Text_1F03FF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT switch VAR_RESULT case 10, Route110_EventScript_1EF6FD case 9, Route110_EventScript_1EF70B case 8, Route110_EventScript_1EF70B case 7, Route110_EventScript_1EF70B case 6, Route110_EventScript_1EF719 case 5, Route110_EventScript_1EF719 case 4, Route110_EventScript_1EF719 case 3, Route110_EventScript_1EF727 case 2, Route110_EventScript_1EF727 case 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF727 case 0, Route110_EventScript_1EF735 end Route110_EventScript_1EF6FD:: @ 81EF6FD msgbox Route110_Text_1F0431, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF743 end Route110_EventScript_1EF70B:: @ 81EF70B msgbox Route110_Text_1F04A4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF743 end Route110_EventScript_1EF719:: @ 81EF719 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0500, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF743 end Route110_EventScript_1EF727:: @ 81EF727 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0567, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF743 end Route110_EventScript_1EF735:: @ 81EF735 msgbox Route110_Text_1F05CE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF743 end Route110_EventScript_1EF743:: @ 81EF743 setvar VAR_CYCLING_CHALLENGE_STATE, 3 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm return Route110_EventScript_1EF74D:: @ 81EF74D setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF76E end Route110_EventScript_1EF758:: @ 81EF758 setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF76E end Route110_EventScript_1EF763:: @ 81EF763 setvar VAR_0x8008, 3 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF76E end Route110_EventScript_1EF76E:: @ 81EF76E lockall checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF7E1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF7E6 applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 delay 30 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF94E compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF959 compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF964 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF7EB compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route110_EventScript_1EF865 releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EF7E1:: @ 81EF7E1 playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 1 return Route110_EventScript_1EF7E6:: @ 81EF7E6 playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 1 return Route110_EventScript_1EF7EB:: @ 81EF7EB msgbox Route110_Text_1EFC48, MSGBOX_DEFAULT switch VAR_STARTER_MON case 0, Route110_EventScript_1EF81A case 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF82A case 2, Route110_EventScript_1EF83A end Route110_EventScript_1EF81A:: @ 81EF81A trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_MAY_5, Route110_Text_1EFCCB goto Route110_EventScript_1EF84A end Route110_EventScript_1EF82A:: @ 81EF82A trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_MAY_8, Route110_Text_1EFCCB goto Route110_EventScript_1EF84A end Route110_EventScript_1EF83A:: @ 81EF83A trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_MAY_2, Route110_Text_1EFCCB goto Route110_EventScript_1EF84A end Route110_EventScript_1EF84A:: @ 81EF84A msgbox Route110_Text_1EFCF1, MSGBOX_DEFAULT call Route110_EventScript_1EF8DF msgbox Route110_Text_1EFD58, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF8EC end Route110_EventScript_1EF865:: @ 81EF865 msgbox Route110_Text_1EFE3F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT switch VAR_STARTER_MON case 0, Route110_EventScript_1EF894 case 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF8A4 case 2, Route110_EventScript_1EF8B4 end Route110_EventScript_1EF894:: @ 81EF894 trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_BRENDAN_5, Route110_Text_1EFEB4 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF8C4 end Route110_EventScript_1EF8A4:: @ 81EF8A4 trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_BRENDAN_8, Route110_Text_1EFEB4 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF8C4 end Route110_EventScript_1EF8B4:: @ 81EF8B4 trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_BRENDAN_2, Route110_Text_1EFEB4 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF8C4 end Route110_EventScript_1EF8C4:: @ 81EF8C4 msgbox Route110_Text_1EFECD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT call Route110_EventScript_1EF8DF msgbox Route110_Text_1EFF1C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto Route110_EventScript_1EF8EC end Route110_EventScript_1EF8DF:: @ 81EF8DF giveitem_std ITEM_ITEMFINDER return Route110_EventScript_1EF8EC:: @ 81EF8EC closemessage compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF990 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF998 compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF9A0 setobjectmovementtype 28, 10 setobjectmovementtype 29, 10 removeobject 28 addobject 29 delay 45 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF96F compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF97A compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EF985 removeobject 29 setvar VAR_0x4069, 1 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EF94E:: @ 81EF94E applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_1EF9A8 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF959:: @ 81EF959 applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_1EF9AC waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF964:: @ 81EF964 applymovement 28, Route110_Movement_1EF9AE waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF96F:: @ 81EF96F applymovement 29, Route110_Movement_1EF9B2 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF97A:: @ 81EF97A applymovement 29, Route110_Movement_1EF9BA waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF985:: @ 81EF985 applymovement 29, Route110_Movement_1EF9C3 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EF990:: @ 81EF990 setobjectxyperm 29, 33, 55 return Route110_EventScript_1EF998:: @ 81EF998 setobjectxyperm 29, 34, 55 return Route110_EventScript_1EF9A0:: @ 81EF9A0 setobjectxyperm 29, 35, 55 return Route110_Movement_1EF9A8: @ 81EF9A8 walk_down walk_left walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EF9AC: @ 81EF9AC walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EF9AE: @ 81EF9AE walk_down walk_right walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EF9B2: @ 81EF9B2 walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up step_end Route110_Movement_1EF9BA: @ 81EF9BA walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EF9C3: @ 81EF9C3 walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up walk_fast_up step_end Route110_EventScript_1EF9CB:: @ 81EF9CB lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF9F7 Route110_EventScript_1EF9D6:: @ 81EF9D6 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF9F7 Route110_EventScript_1EF9E1:: @ 81EF9E1 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 3 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF9F7 Route110_EventScript_1EF9EC:: @ 81EF9EC lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 4 goto Route110_EventScript_1EF9F7 Route110_EventScript_1EF9F7:: @ 81EF9F7 addobject 36 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB30 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFAD8 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFAE3 compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFAEE compare VAR_0x8008, 4 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFAF9 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0AB5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage delay 20 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 delay 10 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 delay 20 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 delay 30 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0AFF, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox Route110_Text_1F0C0C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_0x119 msgbox Route110_Text_1F0C33, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFB04 compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFB0F compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFB1A compare VAR_0x8008, 4 call_if 1, Route110_EventScript_1EFB25 removeobject 36 setvar VAR_0x40DA, 2 releaseall end Route110_EventScript_1EFAD8:: @ 81EFAD8 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB34 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFAE3:: @ 81EFAE3 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB39 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFAEE:: @ 81EFAEE applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB3D waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFAF9:: @ 81EFAF9 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB40 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFB04:: @ 81EFB04 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB44 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFB0F:: @ 81EFB0F applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB4B waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFB1A:: @ 81EFB1A applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB51 waitmovement 0 return Route110_EventScript_1EFB25:: @ 81EFB25 applymovement 36, Route110_Movement_1EFB57 waitmovement 0 return Route110_Movement_1EFB30: @ 81EFB30 walk_down walk_down walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB34: @ 81EFB34 walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB39: @ 81EFB39 walk_down walk_left walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB3D: @ 81EFB3D walk_down walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB40: @ 81EFB40 walk_down walk_right walk_down step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB44: @ 81EFB44 walk_up walk_up walk_right walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB4B: @ 81EFB4B walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB51: @ 81EFB51 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end Route110_Movement_1EFB57: @ 81EFB57 walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up walk_up step_end Route110_Text_1EFB5D: @ 81EFB5D .string "TEAM AQUA’s activities…\n" .string "We can’t talk about them yet.$" Route110_Text_1EFB93: @ 81EFB93 .string "I want to get going to SLATEPORT and\n" .string "kick up a ruckus!$" Route110_Text_1EFBCA: @ 81EFBCA .string "This is my first job after joining\n" .string "TEAM AQUA. It’s a little scary.$" Route110_Text_1EFC0D: @ 81EFC0D .string "TEAM AQUA’s actions should bring\n" .string "smiles to people’s faces!$" Route110_Text_1EFC48: @ 81EFC48 .string "MAY: Hi, {PLAYER}{KUN}, long time no see!\p" .string "While I was searching for other\n" .string "POKéMON, my POKéMON grew stronger.\p" .string "So…\n" .string "How about a little battle?$" Route110_Text_1EFCCB: @ 81EFCCB .string "Yikes!\n" .string "You’re better than I expected!$" Route110_Text_1EFCF1: @ 81EFCF1 .string "MAY: {PLAYER}{KUN}, you’ve been busy\n" .string "training, too, haven’t you?\p" .string "I think you deserve a reward!\n" .string "This is from me!$" Route110_Text_1EFD58: @ 81EFD58 .string "MAY: That’s an ITEMFINDER.\p" .string "Try it out. If there is an item that’s\n" .string "not visible, it emits a sound.\p" .string "Okay, {PLAYER}{KUN}, let’s meet again!\p" .string "I know it’s a little silly coming from\n" .string "me, but I think you should train a lot\l" .string "harder for the next time.$" Route110_Text_1EFE3F: @ 81EFE3F .string "BRENDAN: Hey, {PLAYER}.\n" .string "So this is where you were.\l" .string "How’s it going?\p" .string "Have you been raising your POKéMON?\n" .string "I’ll check for you.$" Route110_Text_1EFEB4: @ 81EFEB4 .string "Hmm…\n" .string "You’re pretty good.$" Route110_Text_1EFECD: @ 81EFECD .string "BRENDAN: {PLAYER}, you’ve trained\n" .string "without me noticing…\p" .string "Good enough!\n" .string "Here, take this.$" Route110_Text_1EFF1C: @ 81EFF1C .string "BRENDAN: That’s an ITEMFINDER.\p" .string "Use it to root around for items that\n" .string "aren’t visible.\p" .string "If it senses something, it emits\n" .string "a sound.\p" .string "Anyway, I’m off to look for new\n" .string "POKéMON.$" Route110_Text_1EFFC3: @ 81EFFC3 .string "Wouldn’t it be great to ride a BIKE\n" .string "at full speed on CYCLING ROAD?$" Route110_Text_1F0006: @ 81F0006 .string "How do you like the way my raven-\n" .string "colored hair streams behind me?\p" .string "I grew my hair out just for that.$" Route110_Text_1F006A: @ 81F006A .string "Oh, hey, you got that BIKE from RYDEL!\p" .string "Oh, it’s glaringly obvious.\n" .string "It says right on your bike…\p" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\n" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\p" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\n" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\p" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\n" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\p" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\n" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL,\p" .string "RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL, RYDEL…\n" .string "That name’s everywhere.\p" .string "You should ride it around all over\n" .string "the place--it’s good advertising!$" Route110_Text_1F0261: @ 81F0261 .string "The two roads, one above, one below…\p" .string "A road each for people and POKéMON.\n" .string "Perhaps that is right and fair.$" Route110_Text_1F02CA: @ 81F02CA .string "I don’t have a BIKE, so I’ll take\n" .string "a leisurely walk on the low road.$" Route110_Text_1F030E: @ 81F030E .string "Learning techniques will make BIKE\n" .string "riding even more fun.\p" .string "There are some places that you can\n" .string "reach only by using a BIKE technique.$" Route110_Text_1F0390: @ 81F0390 .string "Which should I choose?\p" .string "Make a beeline for MAUVILLE on\n" .string "CYCLING ROAD, or take the low road\l" .string "and look for POKéMON?$" Route110_Text_1F03FF: @ 81F03FF .string "Number of collisions:\n" .string "… … {STR_VAR_1}!\p" .string "Total time:\n" .string "… … {STR_VAR_2}!$" Route110_Text_1F0431: @ 81F0431 .string "Bravo! Splendid showing!\p" .string "Your love of cycling comes from deep\n" .string "within your heart.\l" .string "You’ve shaken me to my very soul!$" Route110_Text_1F04A4: @ 81F04A4 .string "Your technique is remarkable.\p" .string "I suggest you speed up a bit while\n" .string "still avoiding collisions.$" Route110_Text_1F0500: @ 81F0500 .string "I would consider you a work in\n" .string "progress.\p" .string "Still, I hope you don’t forget the\n" .string "sheer pleasure of cycling.$" Route110_Text_1F0567: @ 81F0567 .string "My word… Your cycling skills border\n" .string "on terrifying.\p" .string "Most certainly, you need much more\n" .string "practice riding.$" Route110_Text_1F05CE: @ 81F05CE .string "…I am aghast…\p" .string "You’re perhaps not cut out for this\n" .string "unfortunate cycling business.\p" .string "You ought to give serious thought to\n" .string "returning that BIKE to RYDEL.$" Route110_Text_1F0661: @ 81F0661 .string "This is CYCLING ROAD.\p" .string "If you were to ride from MAUVILLE to\n" .string "SLATEPORT on a MACH BIKE, you would\l" .string "be rated for the number of collisions\l" .string "and your total time.$" Route110_Text_1F06FB: @ 81F06FB .string "Regardless of the results, I count on\n" .string "seeing more challenges from you.\l" .string "Always aim higher!$" Route110_Text_1F0755: @ 81F0755 .string "On this CYCLING ROAD, those riding\n" .string "MACH BIKES are rated for their number\l" .string "of collisions and their total times.\p" .string "ACRO BIKES do not qualify for rating.\n" .string "They are easy to turn, so it’s not fair.$" Route110_Text_1F0812: @ 81F0812 .string "ROUTE 110\n" .string "{DOWN_ARROW} SLATEPORT CITY$" Route110_Text_1F082D: @ 81F082D .string "SEASIDE CYCLING ROAD$" Route110_Text_1F0842: @ 81F0842 .string "“TEAM AQUA was here!”\p" .string "Someone painted that onto this sign,\n" .string "but then someone else painted over it.\p" .string "“TEAM MAGMA rules!” is what it\n" .string "says now.$" Route110_Text_1F08CD: @ 81F08CD .string "ROUTE 110\n" .string "{LEFT_ARROW} ROUTE 103$" Route110_Text_1F08E3: @ 81F08E3 .string "SEASIDE PARKING$" Route110_Text_1F08F3: @ 81F08F3 .string "ROUTE 110\n" .string "{UP_ARROW} MAUVILLE CITY$" Route110_Text_1F090D: @ 81F090D .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "The foe can be made helpless by\n" .string "paralyzing it or causing it to sleep.\p" .string "It is an important technique for\n" .string "POKéMON battles.$" Route110_Text_1F0992: @ 81F0992 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "The items in the BAG can be reorganized\n" .string "by pressing SELECT.$" Route110_Text_1F09DB: @ 81F09DB .string "“Three steps {RIGHT_ARROW} and two steps {UP_ARROW}\n" .string "to reach the wondrous TRICK HOUSE.”$" Route110_Text_1F0A1E: @ 81F0A1E .string "THE BEST RECORD TO DATE…\p" .string "No. of collisions: {STR_VAR_1}\p" .string "Elapsed time: {STR_VAR_2}$" Route110_Text_1F0A5E: @ 81F0A5E .string "THE BEST RECORD TO DATE…\p" .string "No one seems to have taken the\n" .string "challenge. There is no record…$" Route110_Text_1F0AB5: @ 81F0AB5 .string "PROF. BIRCH: Oh, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "Imagine seeing you here!\p" .string "And where might my {RIVAL} be?$" Route110_Text_1F0AFF: @ 81F0AFF .string "Oh, I see!\n" .string "You two are running separately.\l" .string "Well, that’s fine.\p" .string "Oh, yes, I heard that your POKéNAV\n" .string "had the MATCH CALL system installed.\p" .string "Well, then, I should register you in\n" .string "my POKéNAV as well.\p" .string "That way, even when we’re apart,\n" .string "I can rate your POKéDEX anytime.\p" .string "… … … … … …$" Route110_Text_1F0C0C: @ 81F0C0C .string "Registered PROF. BIRCH\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" Route110_Text_1F0C33: @ 81F0C33 .string "PROF. BIRCH: {PLAYER}{KUN}…\p" .string "Please keep an eye out for my {RIVAL}.\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "Well, I had better get going.\n" .string "See you again, {PLAYER}{KUN}!$"