Route111_MapScripts:: @ 81F0CA7 map_script 1, Route111_MapScript1_1F0CBC map_script 3, Route111_MapScript1_1F0D87 map_script 4, Route111_MapScript2_1F0E46 map_script 2, Route111_MapScript2_1F0E56 .byte 0 Route111_MapScript1_1F0CBC: @ 81F0CBC checkflag FLAG_0x0E4 call_if 0, Route111_EventScript_1F0CD1 compare VAR_0x40CB, 1 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0CE4 end Route111_EventScript_1F0CD1:: @ 81F0CD1 setmetatile 29, 86, 124, 1 setmetatile 29, 87, 145, 1 return Route111_EventScript_1F0CE4:: @ 81F0CE4 setmetatile 18, 53, 984, 0 setmetatile 19, 53, 985, 0 setmetatile 20, 53, 986, 0 setmetatile 18, 54, 992, 0 setmetatile 19, 54, 993, 0 setmetatile 20, 54, 994, 0 setmetatile 18, 55, 1000, 0 setmetatile 19, 55, 1001, 0 setmetatile 20, 55, 1002, 0 setmetatile 18, 56, 1008, 0 setmetatile 19, 56, 1009, 0 setmetatile 20, 56, 1010, 0 setmetatile 18, 57, 987, 0 setmetatile 19, 57, 988, 0 setmetatile 20, 57, 989, 0 setmetatile 18, 58, 995, 0 setmetatile 19, 58, 996, 0 setmetatile 20, 58, 997, 0 return Route111_MapScript1_1F0D87: @ 81F0D87 setvar VAR_0x40D6, 0 special sub_81BE79C checkflag FLAG_0x14E call_if 0, Route111_EventScript_1F0E3C compare VAR_0x40CB, 1 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0DC2 compare VAR_0x40CB, 2 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0E40 call Route111_EventScript_1F0DE6 call Route111_EventScript_28CCC7 checktrainerflag TRAINER_VICKY goto_if 0, Route111_EventScript_1F0E26 end Route111_EventScript_1F0DC2:: @ 81F0DC2 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0DDA compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0DE0 return Route111_EventScript_1F0DDA:: @ 81F0DDA setvar VAR_OBJ_GFX_ID_0, 100 return Route111_EventScript_1F0DE0:: @ 81F0DE0 setvar VAR_OBJ_GFX_ID_0, 105 return Route111_EventScript_1F0DE6:: @ 81F0DE6 getplayerxy VAR_TEMP_0, VAR_TEMP_1 compare VAR_TEMP_1, 34 goto_if 0, Route111_EventScript_1F0E25 compare VAR_TEMP_1, 107 goto_if 2, Route111_EventScript_1F0E25 compare VAR_TEMP_1, 72 goto_if 2, Route111_EventScript_1F0E22 compare VAR_TEMP_0, 2000 goto_if 2, Route111_EventScript_1F0E25 compare VAR_TEMP_0, 8 goto_if 0, Route111_EventScript_1F0E25 Route111_EventScript_1F0E22:: @ 81F0E22 setweather 8 Route111_EventScript_1F0E25:: @ 81F0E25 return Route111_EventScript_1F0E26:: @ 81F0E26 clearflag FLAG_HIDE_ROUTE_111_VICTOR_WINSTRATE setflag FLAG_HIDE_ROUTE_111_VICTORIA_WINSTRATE setflag FLAG_HIDE_ROUTE_111_VIVI_WINSTRATE setflag FLAG_HIDE_ROUTE_111_VICKY_WINSTRATE cleartrainerflag TRAINER_VICTOR cleartrainerflag TRAINER_VICTORIA cleartrainerflag TRAINER_VIVI end Route111_EventScript_1F0E3C:: @ 81F0E3C setmaplayoutindex 392 return Route111_EventScript_1F0E40:: @ 81F0E40 setvar VAR_0x40CB, 3 return Route111_MapScript2_1F0E46: @ 81F0E46 map_script_2 VAR_0x40CB, 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0E50 .2byte 0 Route111_EventScript_1F0E50:: @ 81F0E50 hideobjectat 255, MAP_LITTLEROOT_TOWN end Route111_MapScript2_1F0E56: @ 81F0E56 map_script_2 VAR_0x40CB, 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0E60 .2byte 0 Route111_EventScript_1F0E60:: @ 81F0E60 lockall special sub_81BEB68 waitstate delay 24 playse SE_RU_HYUU addobject 45 special sub_81BE7F4 waitstate showobjectat 255, MAP_LITTLEROOT_TOWN removeobject 45 delay 16 turnobject 255, 2 delay 16 special sub_81BEB54 waitstate special sub_81BEB7C waitstate setvar VAR_0x40CB, 2 clearflag FLAG_HIDE_DESERT_UNDERPASS_FOSSIL checkflag FLAG_0x150 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0EA7 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1C74, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end Route111_EventScript_1F0EA7:: @ 81F0EA7 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1C9F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end Route111_Movement_1F0EB1:: @ 81F0EB1 store_lock_anim walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down step_end Route111_EventScript_1F0EB9:: @ 81F0EB9 lock faceplayer dodailyevents checkflag FLAG_0x92C goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0EF4 msgbox Route111_Text_2A6EBD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x92C special GetPlayerBigGuyGirlString msgbox Route111_Text_2A6F3D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F0EF4:: @ 81F0EF4 msgbox Route111_Text_2A6F9A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F0EFE:: @ 81F0EFE lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 goto Route111_EventScript_1F0F2E end Route111_EventScript_1F0F0A:: @ 81F0F0A lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 goto Route111_EventScript_1F0F2E end Route111_EventScript_1F0F16:: @ 81F0F16 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 goto Route111_EventScript_1F0F2E end Route111_EventScript_1F0F22:: @ 81F0F22 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 goto Route111_EventScript_1F0F2E end Route111_EventScript_1F0F2E:: @ 81F0F2E checkitem ITEM_GO_GOGGLES, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0F45 setvar VAR_TEMP_3, 1 releaseall end Route111_EventScript_1F0F45:: @ 81F0F45 msgbox gUnknown_08272C5F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage compare VAR_0x8004, 0 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0F7C compare VAR_0x8004, 1 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0F87 compare VAR_0x8004, 2 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0F92 compare VAR_0x8004, 3 call_if 1, Route111_EventScript_1F0F9D releaseall end Route111_EventScript_1F0F7C:: @ 81F0F7C applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F0FA8 waitmovement 0 return Route111_EventScript_1F0F87:: @ 81F0F87 applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F0FAA waitmovement 0 return Route111_EventScript_1F0F92:: @ 81F0F92 applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F0FAC waitmovement 0 return Route111_EventScript_1F0F9D:: @ 81F0F9D applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F0FAE waitmovement 0 return Route111_Movement_1F0FA8: @ 81F0FA8 walk_up step_end Route111_Movement_1F0FAA: @ 81F0FAA walk_down step_end Route111_Movement_1F0FAC: @ 81F0FAC walk_left step_end Route111_Movement_1F0FAE: @ 81F0FAE walk_right step_end Route111_EventScript_1F0FB0:: @ 81F0FB0 setweather 2 fadenewbgm MUS_DOORO_X1 doweather setvar VAR_TEMP_3, 0 end Route111_EventScript_1F0FBD:: @ 81F0FBD setweather 8 fadenewbgm MUS_ASHROAD doweather end Route111_EventScript_1F0FC5:: @ 81F0FC5 lock faceplayer setflag FLAG_LANDMARK_WINSTRATE_FAMILY msgbox Route111_Text_1F1475, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F0FE7 msgbox Route111_Text_1F14F5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F0FE7:: @ 81F0FE7 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1523, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_VICTOR, Route111_Text_1F1542 applymovement 1, Route111_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C msgbox Route111_Text_1F156F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, Route111_Movement_1F114A waitmovement 0 removeobject 1 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F114F waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C addobject 2 applymovement 2, Route111_Movement_1F114D waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 msgbox Route111_Text_1F159D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_VICTORIA, Route111_Text_1F1616 applymovement 2, Route111_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C msgbox Route111_Text_1F1645, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 2, Route111_Movement_1F114A waitmovement 0 removeobject 2 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F114F waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C addobject 3 applymovement 3, Route111_Movement_1F114D waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 msgbox Route111_Text_1F167E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_VIVI, Route111_Text_1F16C6 applymovement 3, Route111_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C msgbox Route111_Text_1F16DC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 3, Route111_Movement_1F114A waitmovement 0 removeobject 3 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 applymovement 255, Route111_Movement_1F114F waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C addobject 4 applymovement 4, Route111_Movement_1F114D waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 msgbox Route111_Text_1F16FB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT trainerbattle_no_intro TRAINER_VICKY, Route111_Text_1F1756 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1788, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 4, Route111_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 call Route111_EventScript_1F113C applymovement 4, Route111_Movement_1F114A waitmovement 0 removeobject 4 call Route111_EventScript_1F1143 release end Route111_EventScript_1F113C:: @ 81F113C opendoor 13, 113 waitdooranim return Route111_EventScript_1F1143:: @ 81F1143 closedoor 13, 113 waitdooranim return Route111_Movement_1F114A: @ 81F114A walk_in_place_fastest_up walk_up step_end Route111_Movement_1F114D: @ 81F114D walk_down step_end Route111_Movement_1F114F: @ 81F114F delay_16 delay_16 delay_16 step_end Route111_EventScript_1F1153:: @ 81F1153 msgbox Route111_Text_1F18CE, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F115C:: @ 81F115C msgbox Route111_Text_1F18E8, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F1165:: @ 81F1165 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1921, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F116E:: @ 81F116E msgbox Route111_Text_1F1937, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F1177:: @ 81F1177 msgbox Route111_Text_1F194D, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F1180:: @ 81F1180 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1987, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_EventScript_1F1189:: @ 81F1189 msgbox Route111_Text_1F17BA, MSGBOX_NPC end Route111_EventScript_1F1192:: @ 81F1192 msgbox Route111_Text_1F186E, MSGBOX_NPC end Route111_EventScript_1F119B:: @ 81F119B lock faceplayer compare VAR_0x40CB, 3 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F11C6 compare VAR_0x40CB, 2 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F11D0 checkflag FLAG_0x14E goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F11DA msgbox Route111_Text_1F1A22, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F11C6:: @ 81F11C6 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1C12, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F11D0:: @ 81F11D0 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1B92, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F11DA:: @ 81F11DA msgbox Route111_Text_1F1AC7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F11E4:: @ 81F11E4 lockall applymovement 46, Route111_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox Route111_Text_1F1CCA, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 46, Route111_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 releaseall end Route111_EventScript_1F1204:: @ 81F1204 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DREW, Route111_Text_29878E, Route111_Text_29880A msgbox Route111_Text_298853, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F121B:: @ 81F121B trainerbattle_single TRAINER_HEIDI, Route111_Text_2988A3, Route111_Text_298908 msgbox Route111_Text_29891B, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1232:: @ 81F1232 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BEAU, Route111_Text_29898E, Route111_Text_2989E6 msgbox Route111_Text_298A03, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1249:: @ 81F1249 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BECKY, Route111_Text_298A65, Route111_Text_298AAF msgbox Route111_Text_298AC0, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1260:: @ 81F1260 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DUSTY_1, Route111_Text_298B08, Route111_Text_298B53, Route111_EventScript_1F128C specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F12AB msgbox Route111_Text_298B9A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F128C:: @ 81F128C special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route111_Text_298C00, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_DUSTY_1 release end Route111_EventScript_1F12AB:: @ 81F12AB trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_DUSTY_1, Route111_Text_298C5F, Route111_Text_298CD2 msgbox Route111_Text_298D0C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F12C2:: @ 81F12C2 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_TRAVIS, Route111_Text_298DA9, Route111_Text_298DD8 msgbox Route111_Text_298DF1, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F12D9:: @ 81F12D9 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_IRENE, Route111_Text_298E2F, Route111_Text_298E6E msgbox Route111_Text_298E8C, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F12F0:: @ 81F12F0 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DAISUKE, Route111_Text_298EE6, Route111_Text_298F14 msgbox Route111_Text_298F26, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1307:: @ 81F1307 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_WILTON_1, Route111_Text_298F79, Route111_Text_298FA9, Route111_EventScript_1F1333 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F1352 msgbox Route111_Text_298FD4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F1333:: @ 81F1333 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route111_Text_29903D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_WILTON_1 release end Route111_EventScript_1F1352:: @ 81F1352 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_WILTON_1, Route111_Text_29909B, Route111_Text_2990EE msgbox Route111_Text_299102, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1369:: @ 81F1369 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BROOKE_1, Route111_Text_299143, Route111_Text_299193, Route111_EventScript_1F1395 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route111_EventScript_1F13B4 msgbox Route111_Text_2991C2, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_1F1395:: @ 81F1395 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route111_Text_29921D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT register_matchcall TRAINER_BROOKE_1 release end Route111_EventScript_1F13B4:: @ 81F13B4 trainerbattle_rematch TRAINER_BROOKE_1, Route111_Text_29925D, Route111_Text_2992D6 msgbox Route111_Text_2992F5, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F13CB:: @ 81F13CB trainerbattle_single TRAINER_HAYDEN, Route111_Text_299682, Route111_Text_2996BE msgbox Route111_Text_2996C5, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F13E2:: @ 81F13E2 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BIANCA, Route111_Text_2996FE, Route111_Text_29973D msgbox Route111_Text_29975D, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F13F9:: @ 81F13F9 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_TYRON, Route111_Text_299524, Route111_Text_299549 msgbox Route111_Text_299576, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1410:: @ 81F1410 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CELINA, Route111_Text_2995F0, Route111_Text_299625 msgbox Route111_Text_29964B, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1427:: @ 81F1427 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CELIA, Route111_Text_29934B, Route111_Text_299384 msgbox Route111_Text_2993A7, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F143E:: @ 81F143E trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRYAN, Route111_Text_299401, Route111_Text_299431 msgbox Route111_Text_29945F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F1455:: @ 81F1455 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRANDEN, Route111_Text_299493, Route111_Text_2994C5 msgbox Route111_Text_2994FB, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end Route111_EventScript_1F146C:: @ 81F146C msgbox Route111_Text_1F1D61, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route111_Text_1F1475: @ 81F1475 .string "Hello! I take it you’re a traveler.\p" .string "How’s this? What do you say to taking\n" .string "on our family of four in a series of\l" .string "POKéMON battles?$" Route111_Text_1F14F5: @ 81F14F5 .string "Is that so?\n" .string "Drop in, if you change your mind!$" Route111_Text_1F1523: @ 81F1523 .string "That’s the spirit! I like you!$" Route111_Text_1F1542: @ 81F1542 .string "Aiyah!\n" .string "You’re a lot tougher than I expected!$" Route111_Text_1F156F: @ 81F156F .string "Hey, all!\n" .string "I’ve found a pretty strong TRAINER!$" Route111_Text_1F159D: @ 81F159D .string "Oh, my goodness! Aren’t you young?\p" .string "You must be quite the TRAINER to beat\n" .string "my husband, though.\p" .string "It’s my turn to battle now!$" Route111_Text_1F1616: @ 81F1616 .string "Oh, gosh!\n" .string "I can’t get over how strong you are!$" Route111_Text_1F1645: @ 81F1645 .string "There’s a strong TRAINER here!\n" .string "This one’s really strong!$" Route111_Text_1F167E: @ 81F167E .string "You’re stronger than Mommy? Wow!\p" .string "But I’m strong, too!\n" .string "Really! Honestly!$" Route111_Text_1F16C6: @ 81F16C6 .string "Huh? Did I just lose?$" Route111_Text_1F16DC: @ 81F16DC .string "This stinks…\p" .string "…Snivel… Grandma!$" Route111_Text_1F16FB: @ 81F16FB .string "How dare you make my granddaughter\n" .string "cry!\p" .string "For that, I’m going to smack you!\n" .string "Prepare to lose!$" Route111_Text_1F1756: @ 81F1756 .string "Kwah! You are strong…\n" .string "My granddaughter was right…$" Route111_Text_1F1788: @ 81F1788 .string "If you’re not in any hurry,\n" .string "visit with us awhile.$" Route111_Text_1F17BA: @ 81F17BA .string "If you don’t raise your POKéMON some\n" .string "more, it could be tough to keep winning\l" .string "up through the ranks.\p" .string "I’ve heard the POKéMON LEAGUE’s\n" .string "ELITE FOUR are far stronger than\l" .string "any GYM LEADER.$" Route111_Text_1F186E: @ 81F186E .string "I challenged the WINSTRATE family,\n" .string "but four matches in a row is tough\l" .string "going… They destroyed me.$" Route111_Text_1F18CE: @ 81F18CE .string "ROUTE 111\n" .string "{DOWN_ARROW} MAUVILLE CITY$" Route111_Text_1F18E8: @ 81F18E8 .string "“Our family’s hearts beat as one!”\n" .string "THE WINSTRATE’S HOUSE$" Route111_Text_1F1921: @ 81F1921 .string "ROUTE 111\n" .string "{LEFT_ARROW} ROUTE 112$" Route111_Text_1F1937: @ 81F1937 .string "ROUTE 111\n" .string "{LEFT_ARROW} ROUTE 113$" Route111_Text_1F194D: @ 81F194D .string "OLD LADY’S REST STOP\n" .string "“Come in and rest your tired bones.”$" Route111_Text_1F1987: @ 81F1987 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "One of the indicators of a POKéMON’s\n" .string "powerfulness is SP. ATK. It stands for\l" .string "“SPECIAL ATTACK.”\p" .string "Likewise, SP. DEF stands for “SPECIAL\n" .string "DEFENSE.”$" Route111_Text_1F1A22: @ 81F1A22 .string "There should be a tower made of sand\n" .string "around here somewhere.\p" .string "But for some reason, it can be seen\n" .string "sometimes, and sometimes not.\p" .string "That’s why I call it the MIRAGE TOWER.$" Route111_Text_1F1AC7: @ 81F1AC7 .string "I see it!\n" .string "The tower of sand!\p" .string "The sand tower they called a mirage\n" .string "is clearly visible!\p" .string "But it looks so fragile…\n" .string "It could crumble away anytime…\p" .string "I want to go inside it, but I can’t\n" .string "get my courage up for it…$" Route111_Text_1F1B92: @ 81F1B92 .string "Whoa…\n" .string "That was shocking.\p" .string "Sand rained down in chunks all of\n" .string "a sudden.\p" .string "What was it like inside?\n" .string "Were there sandy ghosts and such?$" Route111_Text_1F1C12: @ 81F1C12 .string "Since I spoke to you, the tower of sand\n" .string "hasn’t been seen.\p" .string "Perhaps it really was\n" .string "the MIRAGE TOWER…$" Route111_Text_1F1C74: @ 81F1C74 .string "The CLAW FOSSIL disappeared into\n" .string "the sand…$" Route111_Text_1F1C9F: @ 81F1C9F .string "The ROOT FOSSIL disappeared into\n" .string "the sand…$" Route111_Text_1F1CCA: @ 81F1CCA .string "Oh, no!\p" .string "My uncle in MAUVILLE told me to take\n" .string "ROCK SMASH with me if I was going to\l" .string "ROUTE 111!\p" .string "My uncle? He lives across from\n" .string "the bike shop in MAUVILLE.$" Route111_Text_1F1D61: @ 81F1D61 .string "{RIGHT_ARROW} TRAINER HILL ENTRANCE\p" .string "“Scale the heights, you hot-blooded\n" .string "TRAINERS!”$"