Happy (Special): Specific map: {STR_VAR_1} greeted your mom. Landscape/map feature: {STR_VAR_1} greeted everyone! {STR_VAR_1} greeted the two. (when standing in front of 2 trainers). {STR_VAR_1} is very eager! ( gym ) must have type advantage. {STR_VAR_1} greeted Amphy! Neutral (Special): Specific map: Why is it doing warm-up exercises? (Cerulean Gym). {STR_VAR_1} is running along the side of the pool! (Cerulean Gym). Map feature: Your pokemon is smelling the scent of the flowers. (When next to flowers in Cherrygrove City). {STR_VAR_1} Greeted Slowbro (Cerulean city, in front of Slowbro). {STR_VAR_1} is playing on the sand. {STR_VAR_1} is staring fixedly at the sea. {STR_VAR_1} is stomping on the grass! {STR_VAR_1} is playing around, Picking bits of grass. {STR_VAR_1} seems highly interested in the tree. {STR_VAR_1} is looking outside and frolicking! Pokemon exclusive: (MAGIKARP) is leaping around more than usual (lake of rage, During team rockets broadcast) ( Pokemon Exclusive ). Pokemon feature: {STR_VAR_1} seems happy to have taken a shower! (Celadon gym) (Grass,Water type). Misc: {STR_VAR_1} seems dazzled after seeing the sky. {STR_VAR_1} is fidgeting in front of everyone (maybe baby pokemon). {STR_VAR_1} roared! {STR_VAR_1} spun around in a circle! Sad (Special): Pokemon feature: Upset (Special): Specific map(s): It seems to have eaten something strange. It's making an odd face... (Olivine Cafe). {STR_VAR_1} is staring at the crumbling floor (burnt tower). {STR_VAR_1} seems to think that (Player) has disappeared! ( Morty's Gym ). Map feature: {STR_VAR_1} is splashing around in the wet grass. Pokemon feature: Your pokemon doesn't like splashing around on the ground (must be fire type). Misc: {STR_VAR_1} seems to feel a little claustrophobic. {STR_VAR_1} is a bit nervous about the narrow space! {STR_VAR_1} seems uneasy and is poking (PLAYER). Angry (Special): Map feature: {STR_VAR_1} is staring at the Persian statue and glaring. {STR_VAR_1} is glaring at the PERSIAN statue! {STR_VAR_1} is glaring at your foe! {STR_VAR_1} is intimidating your foe! Pensive (Special): Specific map(s): {STR_VAR_1} seems to be listening to the sound of rustling leaves. {STR_VAR_1} is preoccupied by the ceiling, which seems like it may collapse (burnt tower). {STR_VAR_1} is concerned about the swaying pillar (sprout tower). Your pokemon is drooling a little (Olivine Cafe). {STR_VAR_1} is preoccupied by the floor, which seems like it may collapse (burnt tower). Map feature: {STR_VAR_1} is staring intently at the reflection of its face. {STR_VAR_1} seems interested in Amphy... {STR_VAR_1} has a sleepy look on its face... (Near Jigglypuff in Radio Tower.). Misc: Your pokemon turned to face the other way, showing a defiant expression. Music (Special): Map feature: {STR_VAR_1} is pulling out the grass. {STR_VAR_1} is happy to see what's out doors! {STR_VAR_1} is listening intently to the sound of the waves. Your pokemon is staring spellbound at the night sky! Your pokemon seems to be enjoying sliding around! {STR_VAR_1} is steadily observing the flow of the river. {STR_VAR_1} is noticing the scent of the grass. Misc: {STR_VAR_1} seems happy at the sight of water on the window! {STR_VAR_1} is looking up at the ceiling. {STR_VAR_1} seems to be enjoying this a little bit! {STR_VAR_1} is wandering around enjoying the forest scenery. {STR_VAR_1} is playing around in the fallen leaves. {STR_VAR_1} is playing around with a leaf. {STR_VAR_1} is playing around, touching the leaves. Your pokemon is happily gazing at the beautiful, starry sky! {STR_VAR_1} is rolling around in the grass. {STR_VAR_1} seems to want to return to the lab (after you receive the Mystery egg). Your pokemon is staring at the various items. {STR_VAR_1} is looking up the tall mountain... (Mt. Mortar). {STR_VAR_1} seems concerned about the waterfall. {STR_VAR_1} is sniffing around the room. (Inside Hero's Room). {STR_VAR_1} is dancing around the pillar! (Seems to occur more for Bellsprout)(sprout tower). {STR_VAR_1} swayed around, dancing in a strange manner.(Seems to occur more for Bellsprout)(sprout tower). {STR_VAR_1} swayed and danced around as it pleased (Seems to occur more for Bellsprout)(sprout tower). Your Pokemon is playing around and splashing in the water! (Water's edge). {STR_VAR_1} is looking up at the sky. {STR_VAR_1} is poking at garbage (Goldenrods underground path). Your pokemon is rolling a screw from a bicycle around. {STR_VAR_1} is looking up at the sky. {STR_VAR_1} is clawing the grass! {STR_VAR_1} is looking around restlessly at the Forest. {STR_VAR_1} is playfully nibbling at the ground. (CYNDAQUIL) blew out a fireball. ( Pokemon Exclusive ). (CYNDAQUIL) blew out a couple of fireballs. ( Pokemon Exclusive ). (CHIKORITA) is waving its leaf around ( Pokemon Exclusive ). (CHIKORITA) is making its leaf twitch ( Pokemon Exclusive ). (TODADILE) is moving its jaw ( Pokemon Exclusive ). (TODADILE) is opening and closing its mouth ( Pokemon Exclusive ). {STR_VAR_1} is playing in the puddle. {STR_VAR_1} is gazing restlessly at the building ( in goldenrod). Surprised (Special): {STR_VAR_1} seems to have gotten caught in the clumps of grass. {STR_VAR_1} slipped on the floor and seems likely to fall! Your pokemon is very concerned about the room below ( Burnt tower ). Careful! seems like the floor could collapse, and it might fall. {STR_VAR_1} seems to think that (Player) has disappeared! ( Morty's Gym ). {STR_VAR_1} gazed surprisingly at the rock! Huh? your pokemon found something in top of the mountain ( outside Mt. Mortar) (!). {STR_VAR_1} got tangled up in the branches and almost fell down! {STR_VAR_1} looked up at the sky and shouted loudly. {STR_VAR_1} seems to have found something! {STR_VAR_1} almost forgot it was holding that (Held item). {STR_VAR_1} is happy at the sight of the water on the window! {STR_VAR_1} was surprised by the sounds in the thicket! Seems the breeze is coming from here. Oh! its slipping and came over here for support (on ice). {STR_VAR_1} seems to have gotten a bit of zap! (Power plant). {STR_VAR_1} is dazzled by the shiny brightness of the bridge! (Standing on Nugget Bridge). {STR_VAR_1} is slipping on the water and almost fell over! Curious (Special): {STR_VAR_1} feels something... (burnt tower basement). {STR_VAR_1} seems to be hearing a strange sound. (Rocket hideout in Mahogany). {STR_VAR_1} seems to be hearing a strange sound. (Team rocket hide out). {STR_VAR_1} is concerned about the other side of the fence, it seems. {STR_VAR_1} is looking at the machine in a strange manner. (Power plant).