RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_MapScripts:: @ 8213EA8 .byte 0 RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EA9:: @ 8213EA9 lockall msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2140B2, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8:: @ 8213EB8 message RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2140F9 waitmessage multichoicegrid 8, 1, 13, 3, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F17 case 1, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F25 case 2, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F33 case 3, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F41 case 4, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F4F case 5, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F5D case 127, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F5D end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F17:: @ 8213F17 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21411A, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F25:: @ 8213F25 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2141D8, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F33:: @ 8213F33 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21427D, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F41:: @ 8213F41 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214336, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F4F:: @ 8213F4F msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2143B8, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213EB8 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F5D:: @ 8213F5D releaseall end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F5F:: @ 8213F5F msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21459F, 2 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F68:: @ 8213F68 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2145CD, 2 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F71:: @ 8213F71 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214604, 2 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F7A:: @ 8213F7A msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214669, 2 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F83:: @ 8213F83 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214719, 2 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F8C:: @ 8213F8C msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2147A2, 3 end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213F95:: @ 8213F95 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x113 goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FFB compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FE5 compare VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FF0 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214433, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_QUICK_CLAW compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_272054 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 setflag FLAG_0x113 release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FE5:: @ 8213FE5 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_214027 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FF0:: @ 8213FF0 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_214010 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_213FFB:: @ 8213FFB msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2144C8, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_214010: @ 8214010 step_left step_down step_down step_right step_25 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_down step_27 step_14 step_14 step_right step_14 step_14 step_13 step_up step_left step_left step_up step_up step_right step_end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Movement_214027: @ 8214027 step_right step_right step_down step_down step_left step_left step_25 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_down step_27 step_14 step_14 step_right step_14 step_14 step_13 step_up step_right step_up step_up step_left step_left step_end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_214040:: @ 8214040 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x1CB goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_2140A8 checkflag FLAG_0x136 goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_21406F checkflag FLAG_BADGE01_GET goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_214082 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2148C0, 4 addvar VAR_0x40D1, 1 setflag FLAG_0x136 release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_21406F:: @ 821406F checkflag FLAG_BADGE01_GET goto_eq RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_214090 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214A5F, 4 release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_214082:: @ 8214082 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214B8A, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_21409E end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_214090:: @ 8214090 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214AB6, 4 goto RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_21409E end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_21409E:: @ 821409E addvar VAR_0x40D1, 1 setflag FLAG_0x1CB release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_EventScript_2140A8:: @ 82140A8 msgbox RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214A5F, 4 release end RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2140B2: @ 82140B2 .string "The blackboard lists status changes\n" .string "that may affect POKéMON in battle.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2140F9: @ 82140F9 .string "Which topic do you want to read?$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21411A: @ 821411A .string "If a POKéMON is poisoned, it will\n" .string "steadily lose HP.\p" .string "The effects of poison remain after\n" .string "a battle.\p" .string "A poisoned POKéMON’s HP will drop\n" .string "while it is traveling.\p" .string "Heal a poisoning using an ANTIDOTE.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2141D8: @ 82141D8 .string "If a POKéMON becomes paralyzed,\n" .string "its SPEED drops.\p" .string "It may also not be able to move while\n" .string "it is in battle.\p" .string "Paralysis remains after battle.\n" .string "Cure it using a PARLYZ HEAL.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21427D: @ 821427D .string "If a POKéMON falls asleep, it will be\n" .string "unable to attack.\p" .string "A POKéMON may wake up on its own,\n" .string "but if a battle ends while it is\l" .string "sleeping, it will stay asleep.\p" .string "Wake it up using an AWAKENING.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214336: @ 8214336 .string "A burn reduces ATTACK power, and it\n" .string "steadily reduces the victim’s HP.\p" .string "A burn lingers after battle.\n" .string "Cure a burn using a BURN HEAL.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2143B8: @ 82143B8 .string "If a POKéMON is frozen, it becomes\n" .string "completely helpless.\p" .string "It will remain frozen after battle.\n" .string "Thaw it out using an ICE HEAL.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214433: @ 8214433 .string "Students who don’t study get a little\n" .string "taste of my QUICK CLAW.\p" .string "Whether or not you are a good student \n" .string "will be evident from the way you use\l" .string "this item.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2144C8: @ 82144C8 .string "A POKéMON holding the QUICK CLAW will\n" .string "occasionally speed up and get to move\l" .string "before its opponent.\p" .string "There are many other items that are\n" .string "meant to be held by POKéMON.\p" .string "Just those alone will give you many\n" .string "topics to study!$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_21459F: @ 821459F .string "I’m trading POKéMON with my friend\n" .string "right now.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2145CD: @ 82145CD .string "I always wanted a SEEDOT, and\n" .string "I’m finally getting one!$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214604: @ 8214604 .string "POKéMON can hold items, but they\n" .string "don’t know what to do with man-made\l" .string "items like POTION and ANTIDOTE.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214669: @ 8214669 .string "You know how some POKéMON moves can\n" .string "confuse a POKéMON?\p" .string "A confused POKéMON will sometimes\n" .string "attack itself without meaning to.\p" .string "But once it leaves battle, it will\n" .string "return to normal.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214719: @ 8214719 .string "A POKéMON holding a BERRY will heal\n" .string "itself…\p" .string "There are many kinds of items that\n" .string "POKéMON can hold…\p" .string "Boy, it sure is hard taking notes\n" .string "down…$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2147A2: @ 82147A2 .string "It’s this student’s notebook…\p" .string "POKéMON are to be caught using\n" .string "POKé BALLS.\p" .string "Up to six POKéMON can accompany\n" .string "a TRAINER.\p" .string "A TRAINER is someone who catches\n" .string "POKéMON, raises them, and battles\l" .string "with them.\p" .string "A TRAINER’s mission is to defeat\n" .string "the strong TRAINERS who await\l" .string "challengers in POKéMON GYMS.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_2148C0: @ 82148C0 .string "Hello? Didn’t we meet before?\n" .string "I think back in PETALBURG CITY.\p" .string "Let me introduce myself.\n" .string "My name’s SCOTT.\p" .string "I’ve been traveling everywhere in\n" .string "search of outstanding TRAINERS.\p" .string "More specifically, I’m looking for\n" .string "POKéMON battle experts.\p" .string "So, what brings you to this SCHOOL?\n" .string "Are you a TRAINER, too?\p" .string "The first thing you should do is to\n" .string "have a POKéMON learn the move CUT.\p" .string "If I remember correctly, someone in\n" .string "this town has CUT.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214A5F: @ 8214A5F .string "SCOTT: Hmm…\p" .string "The talent levels of the students here\n" .string "are unknown. The potential’s there.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214AB6: @ 8214AB6 .string "SCOTT: Oh, what’s that?\p" .string "It’s a STONE BADGE, isn’t it?\n" .string "That’s pretty impressive, I’d say.\p" .string "But, you know, I would’ve loved to see\n" .string "you in battle.\p" .string "It’s hard to tell what you’re like as\n" .string "a TRAINER from a LEAGUE BADGE.$" RustboroCity_PokemonSchool_Text_214B8A: @ 8214B8A .string "Hello? Didn’t we meet before?\n" .string "I think back in PETALBURG CITY.\p" .string "Let me introduce myself.\n" .string "My name’s SCOTT.\p" .string "I’ve been traveling everywhere in\n" .string "search of outstanding TRAINERS.\p" .string "More specifically, I’m looking for\n" .string "POKéMON battle experts.\p" .string "Oh, what’s that?\n" .string "It’s a STONE BADGE, isn’t it?\p" .string "That’s pretty impressive, I’d say, for\n" .string "a starting TRAINER like yourself.\p" .string "But, you know, I would’ve loved to see\n" .string "you in battle.\p" .string "It’s hard to tell what you’re like as\n" .string "a TRAINER from a LEAGUE BADGE.$"