SootopolisCity_House1_MapScripts:: @ 822694C .byte 0 SootopolisCity_House1_EventScript_22694D:: @ 822694D lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x079 goto_eq SootopolisCity_House1_EventScript_226984 msgbox SootopolisCity_House1_Text_2269A1, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_TM31 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SootopolisCity_House1_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x079 msgbox SootopolisCity_House1_Text_226A13, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end SootopolisCity_House1_EventScript_226984:: @ 8226984 msgbox SootopolisCity_House1_Text_226A13, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end SootopolisCity_House1_EventScript_22698E:: @ 822698E lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_KECLEON, 0 msgbox SootopolisCity_House1_Text_226A60, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end SootopolisCity_House1_Text_2269A1: @ 82269A1 .string "For thirty years I've remained in\n" .string "SOOTOPOLIS honing my skills.\p" .string "I developed a shattering TM.\n" .string "I bequeath it to you!$" SootopolisCity_House1_Text_226A13: @ 8226A13 .string "TM31 contains BRICK BREAK! It's a move\n" .string "so horrible that I can't describe it.$" SootopolisCity_House1_Text_226A60: @ 8226A60 .string "KECLEON: Puu puhyaah.$"