CaveOfOrigin_B1F_MapScripts:: @ 82357A8 .byte 0 CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357A9:: @ 82357A9 lock faceplayer msgbox CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_23586E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 delay 60 playse SE_PIN applymovement 1, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 1, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 delay 30 applymovement 1, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 message CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235ACE waitmessage goto CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357F0 CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357F0:: @ 82357F0 multichoice 0, 0, 110, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_23582C case 1, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_235837 case 2, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_23584D case 3, CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_235842 goto CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_235842 end CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_23582C:: @ 823582C message CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235B23 waitmessage goto CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357F0 CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_235837:: @ 8235837 message CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235BBF waitmessage goto CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357F0 CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_235842:: @ 8235842 message CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235C99 waitmessage goto CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_2357F0 CaveOfOrigin_B1F_EventScript_23584D:: @ 823584D msgbox CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235CEE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage playse SE_KAIDAN fadescreenspeed 1, 4 setflag FLAG_0x137 setvar VAR_0x405E, 3 removeobject 1 clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SKY_PILLAR_WALLACE fadescreen 0 release end CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_23586E: @ 823586E .string "Ah, so you are {PLAYER}{KUN}?\n" .string "I’ve heard tales of your exploits.\p" .string "My name is WALLACE.\p" .string "I was once the GYM LEADER of\n" .string "SOOTOPOLIS, but something came up.\p" .string "So now, I’ve entrusted my mentor JUAN\n" .string "with the GYM’s operation.\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "GROUDON and KYOGRE, the two POKéMON\n" .string "wreaking havoc here, are considered\l" .string "to be super-ancient POKéMON.\p" .string "But there aren’t just two super-\n" .string "ancient POKéMON.\p" .string "There is one more somewhere.\p" .string "Somewhere, there is a super-\n" .string "ancient POKéMON named RAYQUAZA.\p" .string "It’s said that it was RAYQUAZA that\n" .string "becalmed the two combatants in\l" .string "the distant past.\p" .string "But even I have no clue as to\n" .string "RAYQUAZA’s whereabouts…$" CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235ACE: @ 8235ACE .string "WALLACE: {PLAYER}{KUN}, do you perhaps\n" .string "know where RAYQUAZA is now?\p" .string "If you do, please tell me.$" CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235B23: @ 8235B23 .string "WALLACE: The CAVE OF ORIGIN?\p" .string "But that’s right here!\n" .string "I need you to do better than that!\p" .string "Please, I need you to think about\n" .string "where RAYQUAZA might be right now.$" CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235BBF: @ 8235BBF .string "WALLACE: MT. PYRE?\p" .string "But when I met the old lady there\n" .string "earlier, she made no mention of it.\p" .string "I very much doubt that the old lady\n" .string "would try to hide something from me…\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, could you think about this\n" .string "more carefully for me?$" CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235C99: @ 8235C99 .string "WALLACE: Huh? You don’t remember?\n" .string "Hmm… That’s a problem…\p" .string "Can’t you remember somehow?$" CaveOfOrigin_B1F_Text_235CEE: @ 8235CEE .string "WALLACE: The SKY PILLAR?\p" .string "That’s it!\n" .string "It must be the SKY PILLAR!\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, there’s not a moment to lose!\n" .string "We’ll head to the SKY PILLAR right away!$"