Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$Start, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$Offset, [Parameter()] [string[]]$DiffTool ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $offset_default_value = "0x100" $diff_tool_default_value = "diff" $help = " $($args[0]) [OPTIONS] Start [Offset] Performs a diff on the assembly of a function in a rom. 'Start' is the start location of the function, and 'Offset' is the number of bytes to disassemble. The assembly is saved to *.dump files. 'Offset' is optional, and defaults to $offset_default_value. If this value is very large (0x10000+), objdump may hang / freeze. Requirements: - A clean copy of the rom named 'baserom.gba'. - $$ENV:DEVKITARM to point to the installation of devkitpro. By default, it is installed to 'C:\devkitpro\devkitARM'. Options: -DiffTool The tool to use for diffing. Defaults to '$diff_tool_default_value'. For VSCode, you can use -DiffTool 'code --diff'. (Quotes are necessary around 'code --diff') " if ((-not (Test-Path variable:Start)) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Start)) { Write-Host $help exit } if (-not (Test-Path variable:DiffTool) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DiffTool)) { $DiffTool = $diff_tool_default_value } if (-not (Test-Path variable:Offset) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Offset)) { $Offset = $offset_default_value } if (-Not (Test-Path env:DEVKITARM)) { Write-Host "ENV:DEVKITARM variable not set." Write-Host $help exit } if (-Not (Test-Path $env:DEVKITARM)) { Write-Host "DEVKITARM path '$env:DEVKITARM' does not exist." Write-Host $help exit } if (-Not (Test-Path ".\pokeemerald.gba")) { Write-Host "File 'pokeemerald.gba' not found." Write-Host $help exit } if (-Not (Test-Path ".\baserom.gba")) { Write-Host "File 'baserom.gba' not found." } try { $start_num = [System.Convert]::ToUInt64($Start, 16) } catch { Write-Host "Error parsing '$start_num' as a hex number." Write-Host $help exit } try { $offset_num = [System.Convert]::ToUInt64($Offset, 16) } catch { Write-Host "Error parsing '$offset_num' as a hex number." Write-Host $help exit } if ($start_num -gt 0x1000000) { Write-Host "Warning: Start address is larger than the ROM file. Hint: ignore the leading number in the address." } $end_str = [System.Convert]::ToString($start_num + $offset_num, 16) $end_str = "0x$end_str" $start_str = "0x$Start" Write-Host "$start_str - $end_str" $objdump = Join-Path -Path $env:DEVKITARM -ChildPath "arm-none-eabi\bin\objdump.exe" Write-Host "Dumping [0/2]" &$objdump -D -bbinary -marmv4t -Mforce-thumb --start-address="$start_str" --stop-address="$end_str" .\baserom.gba > .\baserom.dump Write-Host "Dumping [1/2]" &$objdump -D -bbinary -marmv4t -Mforce-thumb --start-address="$start_str" --stop-address="$end_str" .\pokeemerald.gba > .\pokeemerald.dump Write-Host "Dumping [2/2]" Invoke-Expression "$DiffTool .\baserom.dump .\pokeemerald.dump"