DewfordTown_Gym_MapScripts:: @ 81FC63C map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, DewfordTown_Gym_MapScript1_OnTransition .byte 0 DewfordTown_Gym_MapScript1_OnTransition: @ 81FC642 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648:: @ 81FC648 checktrainerflag TRAINER_BRAWLY_1 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6A2 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC768 copyvar VAR_0x8001, VAR_0x8000 compare VAR_0x8000, 0 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6BE compare VAR_0x8000, 1 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6BA compare VAR_0x8000, 2 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6B6 compare VAR_0x8000, 3 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6B2 compare VAR_0x8000, 4 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6AE compare VAR_0x8000, 5 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6AA goto DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6A6 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6A2:: @ 81FC6A2 setflashradius 0 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6A6:: @ 81FC6A6 setflashradius 1 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6AA:: @ 81FC6AA setflashradius 2 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6AE:: @ 81FC6AE setflashradius 3 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6B2:: @ 81FC6B2 setflashradius 4 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6B6:: @ 81FC6B6 setflashradius 5 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6BA:: @ 81FC6BA setflashradius 6 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6BE:: @ 81FC6BE setflashradius 7 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2:: @ 81FC6C2 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC768 nop1 compare VAR_0x8000, VAR_0x8001 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC71A copyvar VAR_0x8001, VAR_0x8000 compare VAR_0x8000, 1 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC71B compare VAR_0x8000, 2 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC726 compare VAR_0x8000, 3 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC731 compare VAR_0x8000, 4 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC73C compare VAR_0x8000, 5 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC747 compare VAR_0x8000, 6 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC752 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC71A:: @ 81FC71A return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC71B:: @ 81FC71B playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 6 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC726:: @ 81FC726 playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 5 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC731:: @ 81FC731 playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 4 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC73C:: @ 81FC73C playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 3 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC747:: @ 81FC747 playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 2 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC752:: @ 81FC752 playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 1 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC75D:: @ 81FC75D playse SE_MU_PACHI animateflash 0 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC648 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC768:: @ 81FC768 setvar VAR_0x8000, 0 checktrainerflag TRAINER_TAKAO goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC77B addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC77B:: @ 81FC77B checktrainerflag TRAINER_JOCELYN goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC789 addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC789:: @ 81FC789 checktrainerflag TRAINER_LAURA goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC797 addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC797:: @ 81FC797 checktrainerflag TRAINER_BRENDEN goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7A5 addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7A5:: @ 81FC7A5 checktrainerflag TRAINER_CRISTIAN goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7B3 addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7B3:: @ 81FC7B3 checktrainerflag TRAINER_LILITH goto_if_lt DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7C1 addvar VAR_0x8000, 1 DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7C1:: @ 81FC7C1 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7C2:: @ 81FC7C2 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRAWLY_1, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF44, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD008, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7F7, NO_MUSIC specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC89C goto_if_unset FLAG_RECEIVED_TM08, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC878 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD20D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC7F7:: @ 81FC7F7 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC75D message DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD07D waitmessage call Common_EventScript_PlayGymBadgeFanfare msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD0A8, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_DEWFORD_GYM setflag FLAG_BADGE02_GET addvar VAR_PETALBURG_GYM_STATE, 1 compare VAR_PETALBURG_GYM_STATE, 6 call_if_eq DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_271E84 setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_271F43 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC855 closemessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD1E0, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_ENABLE_BRAWLY_MATCH_CALL setvar VAR_ROXANNE_CALL_STEP_COUNTER, 0 setflag FLAG_ENABLE_ROXANNE_FIRST_CALL release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC855:: @ 81FC855 giveitem_std ITEM_TM08 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_BagIsFull msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD181, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM08 return DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC878:: @ 81FC878 giveitem_std ITEM_TM08 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowBagIsFull msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD181, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM08 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC89C:: @ 81FC89C trainerbattle_rematch_double TRAINER_BRAWLY_1, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD2C4, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD367, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD3DE msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD37B, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8B7:: @ 81FC8B7 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_TAKAO, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCB9F, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCBB8, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8D2 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCBCA, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8D2:: @ 81FC8D2 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8D9:: @ 81FC8D9 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JOCELYN, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC0A, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC45, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8F4 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC6B, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8F4:: @ 81FC8F4 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC8FB:: @ 81FC8FB trainerbattle_single TRAINER_LAURA, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD01, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD3C, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC916 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD4F, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC916:: @ 81FC916 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC91D:: @ 81FC91D trainerbattle_single TRAINER_BRENDEN, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE48, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE75, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC938 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCEAB, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC938:: @ 81FC938 call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC93F:: @ 81FC93F trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CRISTIAN, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCEDC, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF0A, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC95A msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF26, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC95A:: @ 81FC95A call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC961:: @ 81FC961 trainerbattle_single TRAINER_LILITH, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCDB8, DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCDE5, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC97C msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE08, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC97C:: @ 81FC97C call DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC6C2 release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC983:: @ 81FC983 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_DEFEATED_DEWFORD_GYM, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC998 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FC9D6, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC998:: @ 81FC998 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCB5C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9A2:: @ 81FC9A2 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_BADGE02_GET, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9C2 goto DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9CC end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9B2:: @ 81FC9B2 lockall goto_if_set FLAG_BADGE02_GET, DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9C2 goto DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9CC end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9C2:: @ 81FC9C2 msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD28B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end DewfordTown_Gym_EventScript_1FC9CC:: @ 81FC9CC msgbox DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD272, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FC9D6: @ 81FC9D6 .string "Hey, how's it going, CHAMPION-\n" .string "bound {PLAYER}?\p" .string "DEWFORD's GYM LEADER BRAWLY commands\n" .string "FIGHTING-type POKéMON.\p" .string "Going against him with NORMAL-type\n" .string "POKéMON is asking for trouble.\p" .string "FIGHTING POKéMON will lay a serious\n" .string "smack down on NORMAL POKéMON,\l" .string "so be careful!\p" .string "What's worse, the GYM is as dark as\n" .string "the ocean floor.\p" .string "But it will get brighter after defeating\n" .string "the TRAINERS in your way.\p" .string "Hey, okay, go for it!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCB5C: @ 81FCB5C .string "Whoah! It's turned too bright in here!\p" .string "Your future is bright, too!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCB9F: @ 81FCB9F .string "Might is right!\n" .string "Come on!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCBB8: @ 81FCBB8 .string "Not enough power…$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCBCA: @ 81FCBCA .string "Your skill overcame my strength!\n" .string "Your technique is commendable!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC0A: @ 81FCC0A .string "There's no need for BRAWLY to be\n" .string "involved!\p" .string "I'll crush you!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC45: @ 81FCC45 .string "But… How?\n" .string "How could I lose so easily?$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCC6B: @ 81FCC6B .string "I'm not going to waste this loss.\n" .string "I'll use it to motivate me to train!\p" .string "One day I'll become a GYM LEADER…\p" .string "No, I'll become the POKéMON LEAGUE\n" .string "CHAMPION!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD01: @ 81FCD01 .string "Don't you dare brush me off!\n" .string "It's not my fault if you cry!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD3C: @ 81FCD3C .string "Waaaaaaah!\n" .string "I lost!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCD4F: @ 81FCD4F .string "I battle in the dark to make my heart\n" .string "stronger.\p" .string "But because it's so dark, I can never\n" .string "see BRAWLY's face…$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCDB8: @ 81FCDB8 .string "Ufufu…\n" .string "Are you stumbling around in the dark?$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCDE5: @ 81FCDE5 .string "Oh, you…\n" .string "I don't want to know you!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE08: @ 81FCE08 .string "You deserve to stay lost and end up\n" .string "back at the entrance again!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE48: @ 81FCE48 .string "I'll show you the gumption of\n" .string "a sailing man!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCE75: @ 81FCE75 .string "How'd this happen?\n" .string "It's not like me to lose this way!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCEAB: @ 81FCEAB .string "Oh, aye! You're worthy of seeing\n" .string "our GYM LEADER.$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCEDC: @ 81FCEDC .string "If you mean to pass, it has to be\n" .string "through me!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF0A: @ 81FCF0A .string "Grrrrr!\n" .string "Vastly overpowered!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF26: @ 81FCF26 .string "You win!\n" .string "Go after that BADGE!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FCF44: @ 81FCF44 .string "I'm BRAWLY!\n" .string "DEWFORD's GYM LEADER!\p" .string "I've been churned in the rough waves\n" .string "of these parts, and I've grown tough\l" .string "in the pitch-black cave!\p" .string "So you wanted to challenge me?\n" .string "Let me see what you're made of!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD008: @ 81FD008 .string "Whoah, wow! You made a much bigger\n" .string "splash than I expected!\p" .string "You swamped me!\p" .string "Okay, you've got me.\n" .string "Take this GYM BADGE!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD07D: @ 81FD07D .string "{PLAYER} received the KNUCKLE BADGE\n" .string "from BRAWLY.$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD0A8: @ 81FD0A8 .string "The KNUCKLE BADGE makes all POKéMON\n" .string "up to Level 30, even those you get in\l" .string "trades, obey without question.\p" .string "And, you'll be able to use the HM move\n" .string "FLASH outside of battle.\p" .string "If you'd like, use this TECHNICAL\n" .string "MACHINE, too.$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD181: @ 81FD181 .string "That TM08 contains BULK UP.\p" .string "It's a move that raises both ATTACK\n" .string "and DEFENSE stats.\p" .string "… … … … … …$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD1E0: @ 81FD1E0 .string "Registered GYM LEADER BRAWLY\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD20D: @ 81FD20D .string "I can see your talent becoming a giant\n" .string "wave to cause a storm of astonishment\l" .string "among TRAINERS one day!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD272: @ 81FD272 .string "DEWFORD TOWN POKéMON GYM$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD28B: @ 81FD28B .string "DEWFORD TOWN POKéMON GYM\p" .string "BRAWLY'S CERTIFIED TRAINERS:\n" .string "{PLAYER}$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD2C4: @ 81FD2C4 .string "BRAWLY: A wave may draw back, but it\n" .string "always returns to the shore.\p" .string "A giant wave of a talent like you…\n" .string "I knew you would return!\p" .string "Show me how much higher\n" .string "you've gone!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD367: @ 81FD367 .string "Wow!\n" .string "Swamped again!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD37B: @ 81FD37B .string "BRAWLY: Battling is vast and it's deep.\n" .string "You can't see the bottom.\l" .string "It's just like the sea of HOENN!$" DewfordTown_Gym_Text_1FD3DE: @ 81FD3DE .string "BRAWLY: A wave may draw back, but it\n" .string "always returns to the shore.\p" .string "A giant wave of a talent like you…\n" .string "I knew you would return!\p" .string "Oh? You only have one POKéMON\n" .string "that can battle.\p" .string "I'm sorry, but I'd like you to come back\n" .string "with at least two POKéMON.$"