FallarborTown_House2_MapScripts:: @ 8201382 .byte 0 FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201383:: @ 8201383 lockall applymovement 1, FallarborTown_House2_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 checkflag FLAG_0x001 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013A8 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_20145C, 4 setflag FLAG_0x001 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013A8 end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013A8:: @ 82013A8 checkitem ITEM_HEART_SCALE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201452 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_201541, 5 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201452 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013D6 end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013D6:: @ 82013D6 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015A5, 4 special sub_81B951C waitstate compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201452 special sub_81B98DC compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201444 compare VAR_0x8005, 0 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201436 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_20140C end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_20140C:: @ 820140C msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015C3, 4 special TeachMoveTutorMove waitstate compare VAR_0x8004, 0 goto_eq FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013D6 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_201627, 4 takeitem ITEM_HEART_SCALE, 1 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201452 end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201436:: @ 8201436 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015DE, 4 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013D6 end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201444:: @ 8201444 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_201697, 4 goto FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_2013D6 end FallarborTown_House2_EventScript_201452:: @ 8201452 msgbox FallarborTown_House2_Text_201653, 4 releaseall end FallarborTown_House2_Text_20145C: @ 820145C .string "I’m the MOVE TUTOR.\p" .string "I know all the moves that POKéMON\n" .string "learn--every one of them--and I can\l" .string "teach POKéMON those moves.\p" .string "I can teach a move to a POKéMON\n" .string "of yours if you’d like.\p" .string "I’ll do it for a HEART SCALE.\n" .string "I’m collecting those now.$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_201541: @ 8201541 .string "Oh! That’s it! That’s an honest to\n" .string "goodness HEART SCALE!\p" .string "Let me guess, you want me to teach\n" .string "a move?$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015A5: @ 82015A5 .string "Which POKéMON needs tutoring?$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015C3: @ 82015C3 .string "Which move should I teach?$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_2015DE: @ 82015DE .string "Sorry…\p" .string "It doesn’t appear as if I have any move\n" .string "I can teach that POKéMON.$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_201627: @ 8201627 .string "{PLAYER} handed over one HEART SCALE\n" .string "in exchange.$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_201653: @ 8201653 .string "If your POKéMON need to learn a move,\n" .string "come back with a HEART SCALE.$" FallarborTown_House2_Text_201697: @ 8201697 .string "Hunh? There isn’t a single move that\n" .string "I can teach an EGG.$"