MossdeepCity_House3_MapScripts:: @ 82225C2 .byte 0 MossdeepCity_House3_EventScript_2225C3:: @ 82225C3 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_0x098, MossdeepCity_House3_EventScript_222602 msgbox MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222616, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq MossdeepCity_House3_EventScript_22260C msgbox MossdeepCity_House3_Text_2226B6, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_SUPER_ROD setflag FLAG_0x098 msgbox MossdeepCity_House3_Text_2226F0, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_House3_EventScript_222602:: @ 8222602 msgbox MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222751, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_House3_EventScript_22260C:: @ 822260C msgbox MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222733, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222616: @ 8222616 .string "Hey there, TRAINER!\n" .string "A SUPER ROD really is super!\p" .string "Say all you want, but this baby can\n" .string "catch POKéMON off the seafloor!\p" .string "What do you think?\n" .string "You want it, don't you?$" MossdeepCity_House3_Text_2226B6: @ 82226B6 .string "You bet, you bet!\n" .string "After all, a SUPER ROD is really super!$" MossdeepCity_House3_Text_2226F0: @ 82226F0 .string "If there's any water, try dropping in\n" .string "your ROD and see what bites!$" MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222733: @ 8222733 .string "Hunh?\n" .string "Don't you like to fish?$" MossdeepCity_House3_Text_222751: @ 8222751 .string "Go after the seafloor POKéMON with\n" .string "your SUPER ROD.$"