FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_MapScripts:: @ 8200F12 .byte 0 FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F13:: @ 8200F13 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_TM27, FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FB2 checkitem ITEM_METEORITE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F38 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_200FEE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F38:: @ 8200F38 call_if_unset FLAG_TEMP_2, FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F8B call_if_set FLAG_TEMP_2, FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F9C compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FA5 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201159, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_TM27 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowBagIsFull setvar VAR_0x8004, ITEM_METEORITE call Common_EventScript_PlayerHandedOverTheItem setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM27 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2011A5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F8B:: @ 8200F8B msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_200FEE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2010A2, MSGBOX_YESNO return FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200F9C:: @ 8200F9C msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201249, MSGBOX_YESNO return FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FA5:: @ 8200FA5 setflag FLAG_TEMP_2 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201212, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FB2:: @ 8200FB2 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2011A5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FBC:: @ 8200FBC lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_TM27, FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FE4 goto_if_set FLAG_DEFEATED_EVIL_TEAM_MT_CHIMNEY, FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FDA msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2012BC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FDA:: @ 8200FDA msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201310, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_EventScript_200FE4:: @ 8200FE4 msgbox FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_20134B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_200FEE: @ 8200FEE .string "PROF. COZMO: Oh…\n" .string "I never should have let myself be\l" .string "conned into telling TEAM MAGMA where\l" .string "you can find METEORITES…\p" .string "That METEORITE from METEOR FALLS…\n" .string "It's never going to be mine now…$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2010A2: @ 82010A2 .string "Oh!\n" .string "Hah?\p" .string "That item…\p" .string "Could it be?\p" .string "Is it the METEORITE that TEAM MAGMA\n" .string "took from METEOR FALLS?\p" .string "Please, may I have it?\p" .string "I'm not asking for it for free.\n" .string "How about in exchange for this TM?$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201159: @ 8201159 .string "PROF. COZMO: This TM, it represents\n" .string "my feeling of gratitude.\l" .string "Please use it!$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2011A5: @ 82011A5 .string "PROF. COZMO: Oh, I can't believe it.\n" .string "This is really, really great!\p" .string "This is really going to help my research!$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201212: @ 8201212 .string "PROF. COZMO: Oh, but…\n" .string "I'm crushed with disappointment…$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201249: @ 8201249 .string "PROF. COZMO: Please, may I have that\n" .string "METEORITE?\p" .string "I'm not asking for it for free.\n" .string "How about in exchange for this TM?$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_2012BC: @ 82012BC .string "PROF. COZMO went off to METEOR FALLS\n" .string "on ROUTE 114 with some people from\l" .string "TEAM MAGMA.$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_201310: @ 8201310 .string "Poor PROF. COZMO…\n" .string "He's so depressed… I feel sorry for him.$" FallarborTown_CozmosHouse_Text_20134B: @ 820134B .string "Look at PROF. COZMO…\n" .string "He's so happy! I think it's cute.$"