SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_MapScripts:: @ 820AD95 .byte 0 SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AD96:: @ 820AD96 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B026, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AD9F:: @ 820AD9F lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceLeft waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADC1 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADB0:: @ 820ADB0 lockall applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceRight waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADC1 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADC1:: @ 820ADC1 showmoneybox 0, 0, 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20AFD5, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADE8 closemessage hidemoneybox nop nop applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AE4B waitmovement 0 releaseall end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20ADE8:: @ 820ADE8 checkmoney 50, 0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE18 playse SE_REGI takemoney 50, 0 updatemoneybox 0, 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B026, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_SLATEPORT_MUSEUM_1F_STATE, 1 hidemoneybox nop nop releaseall end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE18:: @ 820AE18 goto_if_unset FLAG_DELIVERED_DEVON_GOODS, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE39 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B03D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage hidemoneybox nop nop applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AE4B waitmovement 0 releaseall end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE39:: @ 820AE39 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B075, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_SLATEPORT_MUSEUM_1F_STATE, 1 hidemoneybox nop nop releaseall end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AE4B: @ 820AE4B walk_down step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE4D:: @ 820AE4D msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B0E8, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE56:: @ 820AE56 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B112, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE5F:: @ 820AE5F msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B165, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE68:: @ 820AE68 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B19C, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE71:: @ 820AE71 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B1D4, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE7A:: @ 820AE7A msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B218, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE83:: @ 820AE83 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B4CF, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE8C:: @ 820AE8C msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B547, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE95:: @ 820AE95 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B5CA, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AE9E:: @ 820AE9E msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B699, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEA7:: @ 820AEA7 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B74B, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEB0:: @ 820AEB0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B81F, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEB9:: @ 820AEB9 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B912, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEC2:: @ 820AEC2 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B9C0, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AECB:: @ 820AECB msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20BA9C, MSGBOX_SIGN end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AED4:: @ 820AED4 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B25F, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEDD:: @ 820AEDD msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B2A2, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEE6:: @ 820AEE6 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B302, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEEF:: @ 820AEEF msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B369, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AEF8:: @ 820AEF8 lock faceplayer delay 8 playse SE_PIN applymovement 13, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement 13, Common_Movement_Delay48 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B3AB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_TM46 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFB5 setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM46 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B449, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage compare VAR_FACING, 2 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF6C compare VAR_FACING, 1 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF83 compare VAR_FACING, 3 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF93 compare VAR_FACING, 4 goto_if_eq SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF93 end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF6C:: @ 820AF6C applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFBF applymovement 13, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFCE waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFAA end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF83:: @ 820AF83 applymovement 13, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFC7 waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFAA end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AF93:: @ 820AF93 applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFC4 applymovement 13, SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFC7 waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFAA end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFAA:: @ 820AFAA setflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_OCEANIC_MUSEUM_FAMILIAR_AQUA_GRUNT playse SE_KAIDAN removeobject 13 release end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_EventScript_20AFB5:: @ 820AFB5 msgbox SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B49B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFBF: @ 820AFBF delay_16 delay_8 delay_4 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFC4: @ 820AFC4 delay_16 walk_in_place_fastest_down step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFC7: @ 820AFC7 face_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down delay_8 step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Movement_20AFCE: @ 820AFCE walk_fast_right walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down walk_fast_down delay_8 step_end SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20AFD5: @ 820AFD5 .string "Welcome to the OCEANIC MUSEUM.\p" .string "The entrance fee is ¥50.\n" .string "Would you like to enter?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B026: @ 820B026 .string "Please enjoy yourself.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B03D: @ 820B03D .string "Oh? I'm sorry, but you don't seem to\n" .string "have enough money.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B075: @ 820B075 .string "Oh? You're with that group that\n" .string "went in earlier?\p" .string "You're the only one who's late.\n" .string "You'd better go catch up to them!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B0E8: @ 820B0E8 .string "We, TEAM AQUA, exist for the good\n" .string "of all!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B112: @ 820B112 .string "We were told to assemble here,\n" .string "so we did, but…\p" .string "Our BOSS, the linchpin, isn't here.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B165: @ 820B165 .string "If I ripped off the stuff here,\n" .string "would it make me rich?$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B19C: @ 820B19C .string "What I learn here, I can put to use on\n" .string "nefarious deeds…$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B1D4: @ 820B1D4 .string "If our goons didn't bungle things\n" .string "in RUSTBORO, we wouldn't be here!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B218: @ 820B218 .string "I didn't have ¥50, so it took a long\n" .string "time getting by the receptionist.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B25F: @ 820B25F .string "I want to learn about the sea and\n" .string "use that knowledge for battling.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B2A2: @ 820B2A2 .string "I get all giddy and gooey when\n" .string "I see the sea!\p" .string "For me, CAPT. STERN is the number\n" .string "one role model!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B302: @ 820B302 .string "The sea is vast without end, and\n" .string "infinitely deep…\p" .string "There must be many POKéMON that\n" .string "we don't know about.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B369: @ 820B369 .string "I want a sea POKéMON.\p" .string "I think it would feel cool and nice\n" .string "to hug.$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B3AB: @ 820B3AB .string "Aiyeeeh!\n" .string "What are you doing here?\p" .string "Me? I'm the TEAM AQUA member\n" .string "you thumped before, remember?\l" .string "Back in RUSTURF TUNNEL?\p" .string "Here, take this!\n" .string "You have to forgive me!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B449: @ 820B449 .string "That TM, it suits you more than it\n" .string "does me.\p" .string "Hope I never see you again!\n" .string "Wahahaha!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B49B: @ 820B49B .string "Awww, come on!\n" .string "You have to take this and let me go!$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B4CF: @ 820B4CF .string "A blue fluid is spiraling inside\n" .string "a glass vessel.\p" .string "“This is an experiment to create a\n" .string "WHIRLPOOL artificially using wind.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B547: @ 820B547 .string "A red ball is bobbing up and down\n" .string "inside a glass vessel.\p" .string "“This is an experiment simulating a\n" .string "WATERFALL using the ball's buoyancy.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B5CA: @ 820B5CA .string "It's a sample of soil from the ocean\n" .string "floor.\p" .string "“Over many years, the remains of\n" .string "life-forms settle at the bottom of\l" .string "the sea, making sedimentary layers.\p" .string "“By analyzing these layers, the\n" .string "ancient past is revealed.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B699: @ 820B699 .string "It's a sample of beach sand.\p" .string "“Stones from mountains are washed\n" .string "down by rivers where they are\l" .string "chipped and ground down.\p" .string "“They are reduced to grains and end\n" .string "up as sand on beaches.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B74B: @ 820B74B .string "“OCEANIC MINIFACT 1\n" .string "Why is seawater blue?\p" .string "“Light is composed of many colors.\p" .string "“When light passes through water,\n" .string "most kinds of light lose color.\p" .string "“However, blue light retains its\n" .string "color, making the sea appear blue.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B81F: @ 820B81F .string "“OCEANIC MINIFACT 2\n" .string "Why is the sea salty?\p" .string "“Seawater contains dissolved salt in\n" .string "the form of sodium and chlorine ions.\p" .string "“These ions leech out of rocks\n" .string "and are carried out to sea by rain.\p" .string "“The concentration of dissolved salt\n" .string "makes the sea salty.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B912: @ 820B912 .string "“OCEANIC MINIFACT 3\n" .string "Which is bigger? The sea or land?\p" .string "“The sea covers about 70% of\n" .string "the planet, and the rest is land.\p" .string "“The sea is therefore more than twice\n" .string "the size of land.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20B9C0: @ 820B9C0 .string "It's a fossil with wavy ridges on it.\p" .string "“Soil on the ocean floor gets scoured\n" .string "by the tide.\p" .string "“The flowing seawater marks the soil\n" .string "with small ridges and valleys.\p" .string "“If this soil becomes fossilized, it is\n" .string "called a ripple mark.”$" SlateportCity_OceanicMuseum_1F_Text_20BA9C: @ 820BA9C .string "A strange machine is rotating under\n" .string "a glass dome.\p" .string "Maybe it's for measuring the depth\n" .string "of something…$"