#ifndef GUARD_POKEMON_H #define GUARD_POKEMON_H #include "sprite.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/region_map_sections.h" #include "constants/map_groups.h" #include "contest_effect.h" #define GET_BASE_SPECIES_ID(speciesId) (GetFormSpeciesId(speciesId, 0)) #define FORM_SPECIES_END (0xffff) // Property labels for Get(Box)MonData / Set(Box)MonData enum { MON_DATA_PERSONALITY, MON_DATA_STATUS, MON_DATA_OT_ID, MON_DATA_LANGUAGE, MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_BAD_EGG, MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES, MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG, MON_DATA_OT_NAME, MON_DATA_MARKINGS, MON_DATA_CHECKSUM, MON_DATA_HP, MON_DATA_IS_SHINY, MON_DATA_HIDDEN_NATURE, MON_DATA_HP_LOST, MON_DATA_DAYS_SINCE_FORM_CHANGE, MON_DATA_ENCRYPT_SEPARATOR, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, MON_DATA_NICKNAME10, MON_DATA_SPECIES, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, MON_DATA_MOVE1, MON_DATA_MOVE2, MON_DATA_MOVE3, MON_DATA_MOVE4, MON_DATA_PP1, MON_DATA_PP2, MON_DATA_PP3, MON_DATA_PP4, MON_DATA_PP_BONUSES, MON_DATA_COOL, MON_DATA_BEAUTY, MON_DATA_CUTE, MON_DATA_EXP, MON_DATA_HP_EV, MON_DATA_ATK_EV, MON_DATA_DEF_EV, MON_DATA_SPEED_EV, MON_DATA_SPATK_EV, MON_DATA_SPDEF_EV, MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, MON_DATA_SMART, MON_DATA_POKERUS, MON_DATA_MET_LOCATION, MON_DATA_MET_LEVEL, MON_DATA_MET_GAME, MON_DATA_POKEBALL, MON_DATA_HP_IV, MON_DATA_ATK_IV, MON_DATA_DEF_IV, MON_DATA_SPEED_IV, MON_DATA_SPATK_IV, MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV, MON_DATA_IS_EGG, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, MON_DATA_TOUGH, MON_DATA_SHEEN, MON_DATA_OT_GENDER, MON_DATA_COOL_RIBBON, MON_DATA_BEAUTY_RIBBON, MON_DATA_CUTE_RIBBON, MON_DATA_SMART_RIBBON, MON_DATA_TOUGH_RIBBON, MON_DATA_LEVEL, MON_DATA_MAX_HP, MON_DATA_ATK, MON_DATA_DEF, MON_DATA_SPEED, MON_DATA_SPATK, MON_DATA_SPDEF, MON_DATA_MAIL, MON_DATA_SPECIES_OR_EGG, MON_DATA_IVS, MON_DATA_CHAMPION_RIBBON, MON_DATA_WINNING_RIBBON, MON_DATA_VICTORY_RIBBON, MON_DATA_ARTIST_RIBBON, MON_DATA_EFFORT_RIBBON, MON_DATA_MARINE_RIBBON, MON_DATA_LAND_RIBBON, MON_DATA_SKY_RIBBON, MON_DATA_COUNTRY_RIBBON, MON_DATA_NATIONAL_RIBBON, MON_DATA_EARTH_RIBBON, MON_DATA_WORLD_RIBBON, MON_DATA_MODERN_FATEFUL_ENCOUNTER, MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES, MON_DATA_RIBBON_COUNT, MON_DATA_RIBBONS, MON_DATA_ATK2, MON_DATA_DEF2, MON_DATA_SPEED2, MON_DATA_SPATK2, MON_DATA_SPDEF2, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_HP, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_ATK, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_DEF, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_SPEED, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_SPATK, MON_DATA_HYPER_TRAINED_SPDEF, MON_DATA_IS_SHADOW, MON_DATA_DYNAMAX_LEVEL, MON_DATA_GIGANTAMAX_FACTOR, MON_DATA_TERA_TYPE, MON_DATA_EVOLUTION_TRACKER, }; struct PokemonSubstruct0 { u16 species:11; // 2047 species. u16 teraType:5; // 30 types. u16 heldItem:10; // 1023 items. u16 unused_02:6; u32 experience:21; u32 nickname11:8; // 11th character of nickname. u32 unused_04:3; u8 ppBonuses; u8 friendship; u16 pokeball:6; // 63 balls. u16 nickname12:8; // 12th character of nickname. u16 unused_0A:2; }; struct PokemonSubstruct1 { u16 move1:11; // 2047 moves. u16 evolutionTracker1:5; u16 move2:11; // 2047 moves. u16 evolutionTracker2:5; u16 move3:11; // 2047 moves. u16 unused_04:5; u16 move4:11; // 2047 moves. u16 unused_06:3; u16 hyperTrainedHP:1; u16 hyperTrainedAttack:1; u8 pp1:7; // 127 PP. u8 hyperTrainedDefense:1; u8 pp2:7; // 127 PP. u8 hyperTrainedSpeed:1; u8 pp3:7; // 127 PP. u8 hyperTrainedSpAttack:1; u8 pp4:7; // 127 PP. u8 hyperTrainedSpDefense:1; }; struct PokemonSubstruct2 { u8 hpEV; u8 attackEV; u8 defenseEV; u8 speedEV; u8 spAttackEV; u8 spDefenseEV; u8 cool; u8 beauty; u8 cute; u8 smart; u8 tough; u8 sheen; }; struct PokemonSubstruct3 { u8 pokerus; u8 metLocation; u16 metLevel:7; u16 metGame:4; u16 dynamaxLevel:4; u16 otGender:1; u32 hpIV:5; u32 attackIV:5; u32 defenseIV:5; u32 speedIV:5; u32 spAttackIV:5; u32 spDefenseIV:5; u32 isEgg:1; u32 gigantamaxFactor:1; u32 coolRibbon:3; // Stores the highest contest rank achieved in the Cool category. u32 beautyRibbon:3; // Stores the highest contest rank achieved in the Beauty category. u32 cuteRibbon:3; // Stores the highest contest rank achieved in the Cute category. u32 smartRibbon:3; // Stores the highest contest rank achieved in the Smart category. u32 toughRibbon:3; // Stores the highest contest rank achieved in the Tough category. u32 championRibbon:1; // Given when defeating the Champion. Because both RSE and FRLG use it, later generations don't specify from which region it comes from. u32 winningRibbon:1; // Given at the Battle Tower's Level 50 challenge by winning a set of seven battles that extends the current streak to 56 or more. u32 victoryRibbon:1; // Given at the Battle Tower's Level 100 challenge by winning a set of seven battles that extends the current streak to 56 or more. u32 artistRibbon:1; // Given at the Contest Hall by winning a Master Rank contest with at least 800 points, and agreeing to have the Pokémon's portrait placed in the museum after being offered. u32 effortRibbon:1; // Given at Slateport's market to Pokémon with maximum EVs. u32 marineRibbon:1; // Never distributed. u32 landRibbon:1; // Never distributed. u32 skyRibbon:1; // Never distributed. u32 countryRibbon:1; // Distributed during Pokémon Festa '04 and '05 to tournament winners. u32 nationalRibbon:1; // Given to purified Shadow Pokémon in Colosseum/XD. u32 earthRibbon:1; // Given to teams that have beaten Mt. Battle's 100-battle challenge in Colosseum/XD. u32 worldRibbon:1; // Distributed during Pokémon Festa '04 and '05 to tournament winners. u32 isShadow:1; u32 unused_0B:1; u32 abilityNum:2; // The functionality of this bit changed in FRLG: // In RS, this bit does nothing, is never set, & is accidentally unset when hatching Eggs. // In FRLG & Emerald, this controls Mew & Deoxys obedience and whether they can be traded. // If set, a Pokémon is a fateful encounter in FRLG's summary screen if hatched & for all Pokémon in Gen 4+ summary screens. // Set for in-game event island legendaries, events distributed after a certain date, & Pokémon from XD: Gale of Darkness. // Not to be confused with METLOC_FATEFUL_ENCOUNTER. u32 modernFatefulEncounter:1; }; // Number of bytes in the largest Pokémon substruct. // They are assumed to be the same size, and will be padded to // the largest size by the union. // By default they are all 12 bytes. #define NUM_SUBSTRUCT_BYTES (max(sizeof(struct PokemonSubstruct0), \ max(sizeof(struct PokemonSubstruct1), \ max(sizeof(struct PokemonSubstruct2), \ sizeof(struct PokemonSubstruct3))))) union PokemonSubstruct { struct PokemonSubstruct0 type0; struct PokemonSubstruct1 type1; struct PokemonSubstruct2 type2; struct PokemonSubstruct3 type3; u16 raw[NUM_SUBSTRUCT_BYTES / 2]; // /2 because it's u16, not u8 }; struct BoxPokemon { u32 personality; u32 otId; u8 nickname[min(10, POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH)]; u8 language:3; u8 hiddenNatureModifier:5; // 31 natures. u8 isBadEgg:1; u8 hasSpecies:1; u8 isEgg:1; u8 blockBoxRS:1; // Unused, but Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire will refuse to deposit a Pokémon with this flag set. u8 daysSinceFormChange:3; // 7 days. u8 unused_13:1; u8 otName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; u8 markings:4; u8 compressedStatus:4; u16 checksum; u16 hpLost:14; // 16383 HP. u16 shinyModifier:1; u16 unused_1E:1; union { u32 raw[(NUM_SUBSTRUCT_BYTES * 4) / 4]; // *4 because there are 4 substructs, /4 because it's u32, not u8 union PokemonSubstruct substructs[4]; } secure; }; struct Pokemon { struct BoxPokemon box; u32 status; u8 level; u8 mail; u16 hp; u16 maxHP; u16 attack; u16 defense; u16 speed; u16 spAttack; u16 spDefense; }; struct MonSpritesGfxManager { u32 numSprites:4; u32 numSprites2:4; // Never read u32 numFrames:8; u32 active:8; u32 dataSize:4; u32 mode:4; // MON_SPR_GFX_MODE_* void *spriteBuffer; u8 **spritePointers; struct SpriteTemplate *templates; struct SpriteFrameImage *frameImages; }; enum { MON_SPR_GFX_MODE_NORMAL, MON_SPR_GFX_MODE_BATTLE, MON_SPR_GFX_MODE_FULL_PARTY, }; enum { MON_SPR_GFX_MANAGER_A, MON_SPR_GFX_MANAGER_B, // Nothing ever sets up this manager. MON_SPR_GFX_MANAGERS_COUNT }; struct BattlePokemon { /*0x00*/ u16 species; /*0x02*/ u16 attack; /*0x04*/ u16 defense; /*0x06*/ u16 speed; /*0x08*/ u16 spAttack; /*0x0A*/ u16 spDefense; /*0x0C*/ u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES]; /*0x14*/ u32 hpIV:5; /*0x14*/ u32 attackIV:5; /*0x15*/ u32 defenseIV:5; /*0x15*/ u32 speedIV:5; /*0x16*/ u32 spAttackIV:5; /*0x17*/ u32 spDefenseIV:5; /*0x17*/ u32 abilityNum:2; /*0x18*/ s8 statStages[NUM_BATTLE_STATS]; /*0x20*/ u16 ability; /*0x22*/ u8 types[3]; /*0x25*/ u8 pp[MAX_MON_MOVES]; /*0x29*/ u16 hp; /*0x2B*/ u8 level; /*0x2C*/ u8 friendship; /*0x2D*/ u16 maxHP; /*0x2F*/ u16 item; /*0x31*/ u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; /*0x3C*/ u8 ppBonuses; /*0x3D*/ u8 otName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; /*0x45*/ u32 experience; /*0x49*/ u32 personality; /*0x4D*/ u32 status1; /*0x51*/ u32 status2; /*0x55*/ u32 otId; /*0x59*/ u8 metLevel; /*0x5A*/ bool8 isShiny; }; struct Evolution { u16 method; u16 param; u16 targetSpecies; }; struct SpeciesInfo /*0xC4*/ { u8 baseHP; u8 baseAttack; u8 baseDefense; u8 baseSpeed; u8 baseSpAttack; u8 baseSpDefense; u8 types[2]; u8 catchRate; u8 forceTeraType; u16 expYield; // expYield was changed from u8 to u16 for the new Exp System. u16 evYield_HP:2; u16 evYield_Attack:2; u16 evYield_Defense:2; u16 evYield_Speed:2; u16 evYield_SpAttack:2; u16 evYield_SpDefense:2; u16 padding2:4; u16 itemCommon; u16 itemRare; u8 genderRatio; u8 eggCycles; u8 friendship; u8 growthRate; u8 eggGroups[2]; u16 abilities[NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS]; // 3 abilities, no longer u8 because we have over 255 abilities now. u8 safariZoneFleeRate; // Pokédex data u8 categoryName[13]; u8 speciesName[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; u16 cryId; u16 natDexNum; u16 height; //in decimeters u16 weight; //in hectograms u16 pokemonScale; u16 pokemonOffset; u16 trainerScale; u16 trainerOffset; const u8 *description; u8 bodyColor:7; // Graphical Data u8 noFlip:1; u8 frontAnimDelay; u8 frontAnimId; u8 backAnimId; const union AnimCmd *const *frontAnimFrames; const u32 *frontPic; const u32 *backPic; const u32 *palette; const u32 *shinyPalette; const u8 *iconSprite; #if P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES const u32 *frontPicFemale; const u32 *backPicFemale; const u32 *paletteFemale; const u32 *shinyPaletteFemale; const u8 *iconSpriteFemale; #endif //P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES #if P_FOOTPRINTS const u8 *footprint; #endif // All Pokémon pics are 64x64, but this data table defines where in this 64x64 frame the sprite's non-transparent pixels actually are. u8 frontPicSize; // The dimensions of this drawn pixel area. u8 frontPicYOffset; // The number of pixels between the drawn pixel area and the bottom edge. u8 backPicSize; // The dimensions of this drawn pixel area. u8 backPicYOffset; // The number of pixels between the drawn pixel area and the bottom edge. #if P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES u8 frontPicSizeFemale; // The dimensions of this drawn pixel area. u8 backPicSizeFemale; // The dimensions of this drawn pixel area. #endif //P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES u8 iconPalIndex:3; #if P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES u8 iconPalIndexFemale:3; #else u8 paddingF:3; #endif //P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES u8 padding3:2; u8 enemyMonElevation; // This determines how much higher above the usual position the enemy Pokémon is during battle. Species that float or fly have nonzero values. // Flags u32 isLegendary:1; u32 isMythical:1; u32 isUltraBeast:1; u32 isParadox:1; u32 isTotem:1; u32 isMegaEvolution:1; u32 isPrimalReversion:1; u32 isUltraBurst:1; u32 isGigantamax:1; u32 isTeraForm:1; u32 isAlolanForm:1; u32 isGalarianForm:1; u32 isHisuianForm:1; u32 isPaldeanForm:1; u32 cannotBeTraded:1; u32 perfectIVCount:3; // This species will always generate with the specified amount of perfect IVs. u32 dexForceRequired:1; // This species will be taken into account for Pokédex ratings even if they have the "isMythical" flag set. u32 tmIlliterate:1; // This species will be unable to learn the universal moves. u32 isFrontierBanned:1; // This species is not allowed to participate in Battle Frontier facilities. u32 padding4:11; // Shadow settings s8 enemyShadowXOffset; // This determines the X-offset for an enemy Pokémon's shadow during battle; negative values point left, positive values point right. s8 enemyShadowYOffset; // This determines the Y-offset for an enemy Pokémon's shadow during battle; negative values point up, positive values point down. u16 enemyShadowSize:3; // This determines the size of the shadow sprite used for an enemy Pokémon's front sprite during battle. u16 suppressEnemyShadow:1; // If set to true, then a shadow will not be drawn beneath an enemy Pokémon's front sprite during battle. u16 padding5:12; // Move Data const struct LevelUpMove *levelUpLearnset; const u16 *teachableLearnset; const u16 *eggMoveLearnset; const struct Evolution *evolutions; const u16 *formSpeciesIdTable; const struct FormChange *formChangeTable; #if OW_POKEMON_OBJECT_EVENTS struct ObjectEventGraphicsInfo overworldData; #if P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES struct ObjectEventGraphicsInfo overworldDataFemale; #endif //P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES #if OW_PKMN_OBJECTS_SHARE_PALETTES == FALSE const void* overworldPalette; const void* overworldShinyPalette; #if P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES const void* overworldPaletteFemale; const void* overworldShinyPaletteFemale; #endif //P_GENDER_DIFFERENCES #endif //OW_PKMN_OBJECTS_SHARE_PALETTES #endif //OW_POKEMON_OBJECT_EVENTS }; struct Ability { u8 name[ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; const u8 *description; s8 aiRating; u8 cantBeCopied:1; // cannot be copied by Role Play or Doodle u8 cantBeSwapped:1; // cannot be swapped with Skill Swap or Wandering Spirit u8 cantBeTraced:1; // cannot be copied by Trace - same as cantBeCopied except for Wonder Guard u8 cantBeSuppressed:1; // cannot be negated by Gastro Acid or Neutralizing Gas u8 cantBeOverwritten:1; // cannot be overwritten by Entrainment, Worry Seed or Simple Beam (but can be by Mummy) - same as cantBeSuppressed except for Truant u8 breakable:1; // can be bypassed by Mold Breaker and clones u8 failsOnImposter:1; // doesn't work on an Imposter mon; when can we actually use this? }; enum { AFFINE_NONE, AFFINE_TURN_UP, AFFINE_TURN_UP_AND_DOWN, AFFINE_TURN_DOWN, AFFINE_TURN_DOWN_SLOW, AFFINE_TURN_DOWN_SLIGHT, AFFINE_TURN_UP_HIGH, AFFINE_UNUSED_1, AFFINE_UNUSED_2, AFFINE_UNUSED_3, NUM_MON_AFFINES, }; // The animation the Pokémon does during the feeding scene depends on their nature. // The below values are offsets into sMonPokeblockAnims of the animation data for that nature. #define ANIM_HARDY 0 #define ANIM_LONELY (ANIM_HARDY + 3) #define ANIM_BRAVE (ANIM_LONELY + 1) #define ANIM_ADAMANT (ANIM_BRAVE + 1) #define ANIM_NAUGHTY (ANIM_ADAMANT + 5) #define ANIM_BOLD (ANIM_NAUGHTY + 3) #define ANIM_DOCILE (ANIM_BOLD + 2) #define ANIM_RELAXED (ANIM_DOCILE + 1) #define ANIM_IMPISH (ANIM_RELAXED + 2) #define ANIM_LAX (ANIM_IMPISH + 1) #define ANIM_TIMID (ANIM_LAX + 1) #define ANIM_HASTY (ANIM_TIMID + 5) #define ANIM_SERIOUS (ANIM_HASTY + 2) #define ANIM_JOLLY (ANIM_SERIOUS + 1) #define ANIM_NAIVE (ANIM_JOLLY + 1) #define ANIM_MODEST (ANIM_NAIVE + 4) #define ANIM_MILD (ANIM_MODEST + 3) #define ANIM_QUIET (ANIM_MILD + 1) #define ANIM_BASHFUL (ANIM_QUIET + 2) #define ANIM_RASH (ANIM_BASHFUL + 3) #define ANIM_CALM (ANIM_RASH + 3) #define ANIM_GENTLE (ANIM_CALM + 1) #define ANIM_SASSY (ANIM_GENTLE + 1) #define ANIM_CAREFUL (ANIM_SASSY + 1) #define ANIM_QUIRKY (ANIM_CAREFUL + 5) // In palace double battles, Pokémon have a target preference depending on nature #define PALACE_TARGET_STRONGER 0 #define PALACE_TARGET_WEAKER 1 #define PALACE_TARGET_RANDOM 2 struct NatureInfo { const u8 *name; u8 statUp; u8 statDown; u8 backAnim; u8 pokeBlockAnim[2]; u8 battlePalacePercents[4]; u8 battlePalaceFlavorText; u8 battlePalaceSmokescreen; const u8 *natureGirlMessage; }; #define SPINDA_SPOT_WIDTH 16 #define SPINDA_SPOT_HEIGHT 16 struct SpindaSpot { u8 x, y; u16 image[SPINDA_SPOT_HEIGHT]; }; struct LevelUpMove { u16 move; u16 level; }; struct FormChange { u16 method; u16 targetSpecies; u16 param1; u16 param2; u16 param3; }; struct Fusion { u16 fusionStorageIndex; u16 itemId; u16 targetSpecies1; u16 targetSpecies2; u16 fusingIntoMon; u16 fusionMove; u16 unfuseForgetMove; }; extern const struct Fusion *const gFusionTablePointers[NUM_SPECIES]; #define NUM_UNOWN_FORMS 28 #define GET_UNOWN_LETTER(personality) (( \ (((personality) & 0x03000000) >> 18) \ | (((personality) & 0x00030000) >> 12) \ | (((personality) & 0x00000300) >> 6) \ | (((personality) & 0x00000003) >> 0) \ ) % NUM_UNOWN_FORMS) #define GET_SHINY_VALUE(otId, personality) (HIHALF(otId) ^ LOHALF(otId) ^ HIHALF(personality) ^ LOHALF(personality)) extern u8 gPlayerPartyCount; extern struct Pokemon gPlayerParty[PARTY_SIZE]; extern u8 gEnemyPartyCount; extern struct Pokemon gEnemyParty[PARTY_SIZE]; extern struct SpriteTemplate gMultiuseSpriteTemplate; extern u16 gFollowerSteps; extern const u8 gFacilityClassToPicIndex[]; extern const u8 gFacilityClassToTrainerClass[]; extern const struct SpeciesInfo gSpeciesInfo[]; extern const u32 gExperienceTables[][MAX_LEVEL + 1]; extern const u8 gPPUpGetMask[]; extern const u8 gPPUpClearMask[]; extern const u8 gPPUpAddValues[]; extern const u8 gStatStageRatios[MAX_STAT_STAGE + 1][2]; extern const u16 gUnionRoomFacilityClasses[]; extern const struct SpriteTemplate gBattlerSpriteTemplates[]; extern const u32 sExpCandyExperienceTable[]; extern const struct Ability gAbilitiesInfo[]; extern const struct NatureInfo gNaturesInfo[]; void ZeroBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); void ZeroMonData(struct Pokemon *mon); void ZeroPlayerPartyMons(void); void ZeroEnemyPartyMons(void); void CreateMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 fixedPersonality, u8 otIdType, u32 fixedOtId); void CreateBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 fixedPersonality, u8 otIdType, u32 fixedOtId); void CreateMonWithNature(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 nature); void CreateMonWithGenderNatureLetter(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 gender, u8 nature, u8 unownLetter); void CreateMaleMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level); void CreateMonWithIVsPersonality(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u32 ivs, u32 personality); void CreateMonWithIVsOTID(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 *ivs, u32 otId); void CreateMonWithEVSpread(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 evSpread); void CreateBattleTowerMon(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *src); void CreateBattleTowerMon_HandleLevel(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *src, bool8 lvl50); void CreateApprenticeMon(struct Pokemon *mon, const struct Apprentice *src, u8 monId); void CreateMonWithEVSpreadNatureOTID(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 nature, u8 fixedIV, u8 evSpread, u32 otId); void ConvertPokemonToBattleTowerPokemon(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *dest); bool8 ShouldIgnoreDeoxysForm(u8 caseId, u8 battlerId); u16 GetUnionRoomTrainerPic(void); u16 GetUnionRoomTrainerClass(void); void CreateEnemyEventMon(void); void CalculateMonStats(struct Pokemon *mon); void BoxMonToMon(const struct BoxPokemon *src, struct Pokemon *dest); u8 GetLevelFromMonExp(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u16 GiveMoveToMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move); u16 GiveMoveToBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 move); u16 GiveMoveToBattleMon(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move); void SetMonMoveSlot(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move, u8 slot); void SetBattleMonMoveSlot(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move, u8 slot); void GiveMonInitialMoveset(struct Pokemon *mon); void GiveBoxMonInitialMoveset(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u16 MonTryLearningNewMove(struct Pokemon *mon, bool8 firstMove); void DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move); void DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 move); u8 CountAliveMonsInBattle(u8 caseId, u32 battler); u8 GetDefaultMoveTarget(u8 battlerId); u8 GetMonGender(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetBoxMonGender(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u8 GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality(u16 species, u32 personality); bool32 IsPersonalityFemale(u16 species, u32 personality); u32 GetUnownSpeciesId(u32 personality); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToPokemon(u16 speciesTag, u8 battlerPosition); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToTrainerBack(u16 trainerSpriteId, u8 battlerPosition); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToTrainerFront(u16 trainerPicId, u8 battlerPosition); /* GameFreak called Get(Box)MonData with either 2 or 3 arguments, for * type safety we have a Get(Box)MonData macro which dispatches to * either Get(Box)MonData2 or Get(Box)MonData3 based on the number of * arguments. The two functions are aliases of each other, but they * differ for matching purposes in the caller's codegen. */ #define GetMonData(...) CAT(GetMonData, NARG_8(__VA_ARGS__))(__VA_ARGS__) #define GetBoxMonData(...) CAT(GetBoxMonData, NARG_8(__VA_ARGS__))(__VA_ARGS__) u32 GetMonData3(struct Pokemon *mon, s32 field, u8 *data); u32 GetMonData2(struct Pokemon *mon, s32 field); u32 GetBoxMonData3(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, s32 field, u8 *data); u32 GetBoxMonData2(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, s32 field); void SetMonData(struct Pokemon *mon, s32 field, const void *dataArg); void SetBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, s32 field, const void *dataArg); void CopyMon(void *dest, void *src, size_t size); u8 GiveMonToPlayer(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 CopyMonToPC(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 CalculatePlayerPartyCount(void); u8 CalculateEnemyPartyCount(void); u8 CalculateEnemyPartyCountInSide(u32 battler); u8 GetMonsStateToDoubles(void); u8 GetMonsStateToDoubles_2(void); u16 GetAbilityBySpecies(u16 species, u8 abilityNum); u16 GetMonAbility(struct Pokemon *mon); void CreateSecretBaseEnemyParty(struct SecretBase *secretBaseRecord); u8 GetSecretBaseTrainerPicIndex(void); u8 GetSecretBaseTrainerClass(void); bool8 IsPlayerPartyAndPokemonStorageFull(void); bool8 IsPokemonStorageFull(void); const u8 *GetSpeciesName(u16 species); const u8 *GetSpeciesCategory(u16 species); const u8 *GetSpeciesPokedexDescription(u16 species); u16 GetSpeciesHeight(u16 species); u16 GetSpeciesWeight(u16 species); const struct LevelUpMove *GetSpeciesLevelUpLearnset(u16 species); const u16 *GetSpeciesTeachableLearnset(u16 species); const u16 *GetSpeciesEggMoves(u16 species); const struct Evolution *GetSpeciesEvolutions(u16 species); const u16 *GetSpeciesFormTable(u16 species); const struct FormChange *GetSpeciesFormChanges(u16 species); u8 CalculatePPWithBonus(u16 move, u8 ppBonuses, u8 moveIndex); void RemoveMonPPBonus(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 moveIndex); void RemoveBattleMonPPBonus(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u8 moveIndex); void PokemonToBattleMon(struct Pokemon *src, struct BattlePokemon *dst); void CopyPartyMonToBattleData(u32 battlerId, u32 partyIndex); bool8 ExecuteTableBasedItemEffect(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 item, u8 partyIndex, u8 moveIndex); bool8 PokemonUseItemEffects(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 item, u8 partyIndex, u8 moveIndex, u8 e); bool8 HealStatusConditions(struct Pokemon *mon, u32 healMask, u8 battlerId); u8 GetItemEffectParamOffset(u32 battler, u16 itemId, u8 effectByte, u8 effectBit); u8 *UseStatIncreaseItem(u16 itemId); u8 GetNature(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetNatureFromPersonality(u32 personality); u16 GetEvolutionTargetSpecies(struct Pokemon *mon, enum EvolutionMode mode, u16 evolutionItem, struct Pokemon *tradePartner); bool8 IsMonPastEvolutionLevel(struct Pokemon *mon); u16 NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(u16 nationalNum); u16 NationalToHoennOrder(u16 nationalNum); u16 SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(u16 species); u16 SpeciesToHoennPokedexNum(u16 species); u16 HoennToNationalOrder(u16 hoennNum); void DrawSpindaSpots(u32 personality, u8 *dest, bool32 isSecondFrame); void EvolutionRenameMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 oldSpecies, u16 newSpecies); u8 GetPlayerFlankId(void); u16 GetLinkTrainerFlankId(u8 id); s32 GetBattlerMultiplayerId(u16 id); u8 GetTrainerEncounterMusicId(u16 trainerOpponentId); u16 ModifyStatByNature(u8 nature, u16 n, u8 statIndex); void AdjustFriendship(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 event); void MonGainEVs(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 defeatedSpecies); u16 GetMonEVCount(struct Pokemon *mon); void RandomlyGivePartyPokerus(struct Pokemon *party); u8 CheckPartyPokerus(struct Pokemon *party, u8 selection); u8 CheckPartyHasHadPokerus(struct Pokemon *party, u8 selection); void UpdatePartyPokerusTime(u16 days); void PartySpreadPokerus(struct Pokemon *party); bool8 TryIncrementMonLevel(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 CanLearnTeachableMove(u16 species, u16 move); u8 GetMoveRelearnerMoves(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 *moves); u8 GetLevelUpMovesBySpecies(u16 species, u16 *moves); u8 GetNumberOfRelearnableMoves(struct Pokemon *mon); u16 SpeciesToPokedexNum(u16 species); bool32 IsSpeciesInHoennDex(u16 species); u16 GetBattleBGM(void); void PlayBattleBGM(void); void PlayMapChosenOrBattleBGM(u16 songId); void CreateTask_PlayMapChosenOrBattleBGM(u16 songId); const u32 *GetMonFrontSpritePal(struct Pokemon *mon); const u32 *GetMonSpritePalFromSpeciesAndPersonality(u16 species, bool32 isShiny, u32 personality); const u32 *GetMonSpritePalFromSpecies(u16 species, bool32 isShiny, bool32 isFemale); bool8 IsMoveHM(u16 move); bool8 IsMonSpriteNotFlipped(u16 species); s8 GetMonFlavorRelation(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 flavor); s8 GetFlavorRelationByPersonality(u32 personality, u8 flavor); bool8 IsTradedMon(struct Pokemon *mon); bool8 IsOtherTrainer(u32 otId, u8 *otName); void MonRestorePP(struct Pokemon *mon); void BoxMonRestorePP(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); void SetMonPreventsSwitchingString(void); void SetWildMonHeldItem(void); bool8 IsMonShiny(struct Pokemon *mon); const u8 *GetTrainerPartnerName(void); void BattleAnimateFrontSprite(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u8 panMode); void DoMonFrontSpriteAnimation(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u8 panModeAnimFlag); void PokemonSummaryDoMonAnimation(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 species, bool8 oneFrame); void StopPokemonAnimationDelayTask(void); void BattleAnimateBackSprite(struct Sprite *sprite, u16 species); u8 GetOpposingLinkMultiBattlerId(bool8 rightSide, u8 multiplayerId); u16 FacilityClassToPicIndex(u16 facilityClass); u16 PlayerGenderToFrontTrainerPicId(u8 playerGender); void HandleSetPokedexFlag(u16 nationalNum, u8 caseId, u32 personality); bool8 HasTwoFramesAnimation(u16 species); struct MonSpritesGfxManager *CreateMonSpritesGfxManager(u8 managerId, u8 mode); void DestroyMonSpritesGfxManager(u8 managerId); u8 *MonSpritesGfxManager_GetSpritePtr(u8 managerId, u8 spriteNum); u16 GetFormSpeciesId(u16 speciesId, u8 formId); u8 GetFormIdFromFormSpeciesId(u16 formSpeciesId); u16 GetFormChangeTargetSpecies(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 method, u32 arg); u16 GetFormChangeTargetSpeciesBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 method, u32 arg); bool32 DoesSpeciesHaveFormChangeMethod(u16 species, u16 method); u16 MonTryLearningNewMoveEvolution(struct Pokemon *mon, bool8 firstMove); void RemoveIVIndexFromList(u8 *ivs, u8 selectedIv); bool32 SpeciesHasGenderDifferences(u16 species); bool32 TryFormChange(u32 monId, u32 side, u16 method); void TryToSetBattleFormChangeMoves(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 method); u32 GetMonFriendshipScore(struct Pokemon *pokemon); u32 GetMonAffectionHearts(struct Pokemon *pokemon); void UpdateMonPersonality(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u32 personality); u8 CalculatePartyCount(struct Pokemon *party); u16 SanitizeSpeciesId(u16 species); bool32 IsSpeciesEnabled(u16 species); u16 GetCryIdBySpecies(u16 species); u16 GetSpeciesPreEvolution(u16 species); void HealPokemon(struct Pokemon *mon); void HealBoxPokemon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); void UpdateDaysPassedSinceFormChange(u16 days); void TrySetDayLimitToFormChange(struct Pokemon *mon); u32 CheckDynamicMoveType(struct Pokemon *mon, u32 move, u32 battler); #endif // GUARD_POKEMON_H